Wiscon.sin.N. American S ta te ,1069
Wistaria Chinensis, 561.
frntescens, 1015.
Japonica, 607.
W itch e s and Witchcraft, 957, 990.
Witch hazel, 805.
Withania coagulans, 736.
somnifera, 176.
Withcringia montana, 1002.
Woad, 86, 313.
W o lf, 25, 947-
Wolfsbane, 4S4.
Wollastonia bijlora, 974.
W o ls te n h o lm e S o u n d , 933.
W om e n ’ s I s la n d s , 933.
W o o d - e n g r a v in g , 597.
Woodrujfl', 654.
Wood sage, 759-
Woodsia Ilvensis, 912.
obtusa, 1056.
Woodsorrel, 625, 668.
Woodwardia onocleoides, 979.
radicans ? 1007.
thelypteroides, 1055.
Virginica, 992.
IVoodzaax, 86.
Wo olen manufacture, 713, 994-
Wormskioldia grmiaiea, 496.
W o rm s, city of, 681, 865.
Wormwood, i , 99, 280, 935.
Woundwort, 173, 530, 883.
' Wreaths, 2 14.
Wrightia anti-dysenterica, 593.
coccinea, 590.
mollissima, 735.
sp., 322.
tinctoria, 694.
tomesitosa, S32.
Zeylanica, 970.
W r itin g , art of, 13, 30, 66, 77,
154. 369* 396, 543. 821, 920.
W r i t in g s tr a n sm it te d , or b o o k s , 114
Wulfinia Carinthiaca, 1037.
X a c o , Japanese idol, 615.
Xanthimn macrocai'pnm, loóo.
spinosum, 976.
strumarium, 147, 969.
Xanthochynius pictorius, 593.
XanthorrkcBa hastilis, 564.
Xanthoxylon alatum, 497.
aromaiicum, ft)00.
budrunga, 590.
Carolinianum, 1003.
clava-Herculis, 1000.
emarginatum, 9S3.
fra x in eum , 1024.
hastile, 735.
juglandtfoHum, 1000.
piperitum, 146.
rhetsa, 522.
z'hoifolinni, 1000.
sikerebe, 417.
Xanthoxylon tricarpum, 1043.
(r iffy llum , 72Ó.
Xeranthemum annuum, 475.
cylindricum, 978.
Orientale, 895.
Xerophyllum setifolium, 999.
tenax, 582.
Ximenia spinosa, S5Ó.
Xuaresia bifora, 1002.
Xylocarpus granatum, 411.
keannan, 113.
obovatus, 445.
Xylopia glabra, 1000
Xylosteum alpigennm, S92.
caeruleum, 894.
ciliatum, 1044.
nigrum, 894-
oblongifolium, 1059-
Tartaricum, 1017.
villosum, 1044.
vulgare, 879.
X y r is Americana, 950.
Baldwini, 1059.
brevifolia, 1041.
bulbosa, 961.
Caroliniana, 1039.
fimbriata, 1061.
Indica, 498.
torta, 1059.
Y a k , bullo ck of T h ib e t, 527.
Yam, 301, 416, 49S, 5S9, 593, 733 862, 925. 976.
kidney-shaped, 416.
Yamassees, abo. tribe N. A , 1004.
Yarrovj,ox milfoil, 170.
Yaupon, 777.
Y a v an o , in Hindustan, 569.
Y ed o , city in Japan, 825, 916.
Y ed su , or Y e so , Japan island, 607,
621, 716, S17, 936, 952-53-
Y e llow fever, 1009.
Yemen, 212, 226, 259, 439* 583-
Ye te ro p , isl- near Y e so , 953, 1070.
Yevering, or Yethering bells, 849.
Yew, 129, 134, 583, Ó07.
Y 'k in g , earliest Chin, writing, 155.
Y o k tan Arabs, 212.
Y o rk , city in England, S34>
Y o rktow n, V a ., siege of, 1037.
Y o u an , twenty-second or la r ta r
dynasty in China, 753, 707.
Y u ca tan , 862.
Yucca aloifolia, 761.
angustifolia, 1057.
Draconis, 924.
filamentosa, 977.
gloriosa, 899.
recui'vifolia, 1048.
Y u n ca s , of Peru, 668, 796.
Z.ACINTHA v e r r u c o s a , 685.
Zaffee-Ramini, A rab tribe, 706.
Zalacca edulis, 233.
Zamia cycadifolia, 229.
debilis, 993-
f u r f uvacea, 891.
pumila, 7Ó1.
pungens, 1007.
Zanig, island in the China Sea, 743.
Zannichellia palustris, 938.
Zanonia Indica, 745*
Zanthorhiza apiifolia, 1039.
Zanzibar, in Ea s t A fr ica , 2Ó0, 503, 527>994-
Zapania nodifiora, see Lippta.
Zauiet-el-Meitin, see Sauiet-el-
Zea-mays, 610, 874-75, 926.
Zebra, 775.
Zebu, or Indian bu llo ck, 424.
Zedoaria, 415* S^9-
Zend A v e s ta , sacred book of the
Parsees, 252.
Zephyranthes tubispatha, 1043.
Zhafar, city in Y em en, 549.
Zingiber cassnmunar, 833.
mioga, 976.
officinale, 260.
Zerumbet, 832, 917.
Z in nia multifiora, 1026.
Zizania aquatica, 771, 929.
{Hydrochloa) Jluitans, 1041.
miliacea, 77S.
Zizia integerrima, i o i5.
Ziziphora capitata, 343-
serpyllacea, 1007.
thyinoides, 978.
Zizyphus glabrata, 744.
iguanea, 993.
jujuba , 222.
lineatus, 999.
lotus, see Z . vulgaris,
melanogona, 426.
napeca, 999.
oenoplia, 669.
spina Christi, 426.
xylopyra, 727.
Zoan, or San, city in Eg ypt, 105.
Zodiacal projections, 306.
Zoega leptaurea, 894.
Zonaria pavonia, a seaweed, 496.
Zoological science, 87.
Zornia diphylla, 973.
pulchella, looo.
■ tetraphylla, 1040.
Zeylonensis, 1000.
Zostera marina, 173, 949-
Zygadenus elegans, 1055.
glaberrimus, 1041.
leimanthoides, 1067.
Zygia sp., 349-
Zygophyllum coccineum, 669.
fabago, 648.
7norgsaiia, 1000.
sessilifolium, 1001.
spinosum,' lo ió .