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m w
i l l
A po llodo rus the Epicurean, 400, 407.
Apo llo d o tu s Soter, G reek king of Bactria, 396.
A po llon ide s o f Nicaea , G reek writer, 467.
A pollonius, son of Sotades, Greek writer, 382.
Apo llonius Molon, Greek rhetor, 434.
Apo llonius Mus, G reek medical writer, 464.
Apo llon iu s o f Alab anda, G re ek rhetor, 434.
A po llon iu s o f Athens, G reek rhetor, 529.
Apo llonius of Chalcis, G re ek philosopher, 526.
A po llonius of Myndus, G reek astronomer, 325.
A po llonius of Perga, G reek geometer, 3S9.
A po llonius o f Rhodes, G reek poet, 396.
A p o llon iu s of Tyan ea, Greek trav eller in Hindustan,
A po llon iu s the martyr, ear ly Christian writer-, 534-35.
Apo llop hanes, G reek comic poet, 299.
A pon o, Petrus, medical writer, 765.
Apophis , H ykso s king of Eg ypt, 98.
A po spo lon, chief o f A culan in Central America, 867.
A pp ian us , G re ek historian, 526.
A p p iu s Claudius , adopted Roman patrician, 254, 270.
A p p iu s C laudius Caecus, Roman censor and w riter, 345.
A prie s , see Hophra.
A p rigius , ecclesiastical writer, 576.
Apronadius, king of Babylon, 219.
Apsander, A thenian archon, 219.
A pseudes, Athenian archon, 281.
A ps ines of Gadara, Greek rhetor, 534.
Apsy rtus, G reek veterinary physician, 546.
Aptho rp , George Henry, American voyager to Su r inam,
A p u le iu s Barbarus, Carthaginian botanist, 563.
A p u le iu s Celsus , medical writer, 476.
A rabianus, early Christian writer, 529, 534.
A rah ate c, aboriginal American chief, 926.
A ra liu s , or Amyrus, A ssyrian emperor, 99.
Aram, second sultan o f Delh i, 719.
A ra ro s , G reek comic poet, 312.
A ra tu s, Greek astronomical poet, 370, 378.
-Aratus o f Sicyon, G reek statesman and historian, 388.
A rb a c e s , or Varbaces, Median general, 203.
A rb elus , fourth As.syrian king, 92.
A rb e lu s II-, sixth A ssyrian king, 92.
Arbuthno t, John, English humorist and critic, 997.
A rcadius , first Byzantine emperor, 558-561.
A reas , fourth kin g of A rcadia, 137.
A rce s ilau s , Greek A cadem ic philosopher, 377.
A rce s ilau s , G re ek comic poet, 299.
A rc e s ilau s I I I ., G reek kin g of Cyrene, 250.
A rch ed icu s, G re ek comic poet, 325.
A rch e lau s , G re ek philosopher, 268.
A rch e lau s , king at Jerusalem, 466, 468.
Archelaus , or Echelaus, leader of Aeolian colonists,
A rch e lau s , seventh A g id kin g of Sparta, 204.
A rch e laus , Sy r iac Christian writer, 543.
A rch e lau s , twelfth kin g of Macedonia, 291.
A rches tra tus . G re ek culinary writer, 325.
Archianus, king of Babylon, 218.
A r ch ia s, leader of a G reek colony, 213.
A rch ia s, Licinius, poet, 433.
A rch ia s of Megara, leader of a Greek colony, 222.
Archigenes, Greek medical writer, 518.
A rchilo chus, Greek iambic poet, 218.
Archimedes, Greek physicist, 391, 393.
A rchimelus, G reek poet, 389.
Archinus , Greek orator, 299.
A rch ip pus , G reek comic poet, 2S1.
A rctin us , G reek epic poet, 209.
A r cu lf o f France, bishop and traveller, 613.
A rdern, John, English botanist, 791.
A rduinus, Petr , Italian botanist, 1023.
A rdy s, G reek rhetor, 49S.
A rdy s, king o f Lydia, 222, 227.
Aredius , Burgundian jurist, 571.
A re llius, Roman painter, 457.
Areta eus, G reek medical writer, 541.
A re ta s, king o f Petra and the Nabathæan Arabs, 461.
A re ta s I IL , kin g of Petra, 478.
A rethas of Cæsarea, ecclesiastical writer, 645.
A retin, Leonard, historian, 814.
A retin, Peter, S72.
A retinus, inventor o f musical notes, 668.
A retius , Benedictus, botanist, 888.
Argaeus, fifth kin g of Macedonia, 221, 226.
A rg ia, wife of Aristodemus, 186.
A rg o ll, Samuel, British colonial admiral, 929, 932,
9 3 5 -3 6 -
Argus , fourth k in g o f A rgo s , 117.
A rg y ro pu lu s, Joannes, of Constantinople, 831.
A r ia Damar, Javan chief on Sumatra, 814-15.
Ariaeus , A rab cliief, 93.
Ariara thes V I , kin g of Cappadocia, 439.
A riobarzanes, king of Cappadocia , 439.
Ariobarzanes I I ., kin g o f Pontus, 318.
A r ion, Greek poet, 228.
A r io sto , Italian poet, 858.
A r io v is tu s, leader of the Germans, 453.
Ariphron, Athenian archon, 202, 204.
A ristarchus, G reek grammarian, 393.
A ris ta rchus , G re ek tragic poet, 26S.
A ris ta rchus o f Samos, G re ek astronomer, 377.
Aris tea s, G reek trav eller and poet, 202.
Aris tea s, G reek tragic poet, 268.
Aristenus, scho la s tic G reek writer, 703.
A r is tid e s , A e liu s , G reek rhetor, 526.
A ris tide s of A th en s , statesman, 261.
A ris tide s o f A thens, philosopher and early Christian,
A ris tion , ruler o f A thens , 442.
A r is tip p u s , G re ek philosopher, 301.
A ris tobulus , companion o f x\lexander, 328.
A ris to cle s of Pergamus, G re ek rhetor, 526.
Aristodemus, eighth kin g o f Corinth, 204.
Aristodemus, Heraclid chief, 180.
A ristodemus, king of Messenia in Greece, 214.
Aristodemus of Elis , G re ek grammarian, 400.
A ristodemus of N y sa, G reek grammarian, 446.
A ris to lau s, Greek painter, 370.
Aristomachus, Herac lid chief, 179.
Aristomenes, Greek comic poet, 281, 285.
Aristón, Greek trav eller in Arabia, 410.
A ris tón of Ceo s . G reek philosopher, 389.
Aristophanes, Greek comic poet, 285, 287, 292.
Aristophanes of Byzantium, Greek grammarian, 389.
A ris tophon, Greek comic poet, 312.
A ristophon of Azenia, G re ek orator, 312.
A ristophon o f C o ly ttu s , G re ek orator, 312.
A ris tó te le s, G reek philosopher and naturalist, 323,
719. 722.
Aris to xenus , Greek musician, 325.
Aristoxenus of Selinus, Greek poet, 227.
A r is ty llu s o f Alexandria, Greek astronomer, 372.
A riu s , founder o f the Arian se ct of Christians, 546.
A riu s , or Areius, Assyrian emperor, 98.
Armenopulus, sch o la s tic Greek writer, 782.
A rminius, German chieftain, 469.
Armoin, historian, 655.
Arnobius, early Christian writer, 541.
Arnold, bishop o f Greenland, 6S9.
A rnoldu s Brixiensis, theologian, 703.
Arnoldus Carnotensis, 711.
Arnoldu s de Villano va , astrologer and medical writer,
A rn u lph , patriarch of Jerusalem, 686.
A rrian us o f Nicomedia, Greek geographer, 527.
A rsa ce s , Parthian king, 3S3, 391, 439.
A rsacius , Greek ecclesiastical writer, 560.
A rsenius o f Corinth, scho la s tic G re ek writer, 723.
Arsenius o f Monembasia, scho la s tic G re e k writer, 872.
Arses, Persian emperor, 322-23.
A rs lan , sultan of Ghazni, 6S6-87.
Artabanus, last Parthian king, 535.
Artabanus, Persian emperor, 268.
A r ta v a sd e s , king of Armenia, 456.
A r ta x e rx e s , Persian emperor, 268, 285.
A r ta x e rx e s I I ., Persian emperor, 298, 311, 318.
A r ta x e rx e s H I . Ochus, Persian emperor, 31S, 320, 322.
A r ta x e rx e s IV ., or A rdisheer , first Sasanid kin g of
Persia, 536, 538.
A r ta x e rx e s V., Sasanid k in g of Persia, 553-54.
A r ted i, Petrus, Swedish naturalist, 1012.
A rte fiu s , A rab alchemist, 703.
A rtemidoi us Capito, G reek editor, 519.
Artemidorus, G re ek geographer, 431.
A rtemisia, queen o f Ca ria, 319.
Artemisia, queen of Halicarnassus, 263.
A rtemon, Greek painter, 382.
A rtemones, inventor of engines of war, 278.
Arthmail, king of W a le s , 663.
Arthur, British warrior-king, 573, 5S0.
A r tau n, Sebastian de, bishop o f Cuzco , 898.
A ru Bandan, Javan prince, 597.
A rva la yan a, Hindu writer, 401.
A rv ie l, Henri, botanist, 753.
A ry a t, first Abyssinian governor of Yemen, 574, 577.
A rza ch e l, Spanisli mathematician, 6S0.
A sa , kin g of Judah, 191.
A saph , Hebrew poet, 179
A sa ridinus, kin g of Babylon, see Esarhaddon.
Ascatade s , Assyrian emperor, 122.
Ascatade s , king of .Sicyon, 116.
Asch.a, A rab poet, 597, 600. ■ *
A sc lep iad e s , ninth bishop o f Antio ch , 534.
A sc lep iades o f Myrlea, Greek grammarian, 398.
A sc lep iades of Prusa, G re ek medical wr iter, 446.
A sc lep iad e s of Samos, Greek poet, 370.
Asc lep iade s Pharmacion, Greek medical writer, 518.
Asc lep iade s the younger, G re ek grammarian, 446.
A sconius Pedianus, Roman commentator, 477.
A se llio , P. Sempronius, Roman historian, 407.
A serymus , Phoenician king, 191.
A se sa , see Tancheres.
A sius, Greek poet, 217.
Asmai, A rab writer, 624.
A so k a , Hindu king, 3S3, 3S6, 391.
A sp as ius of R a v en n a , G reek rhetor, 534,
Assa racus, son o f T ro s , 1 52.
A sse r, W e lsh monk, 643.
Ass ir , son o f Ko rah, 146,
A ss is , or A sseth, H ykso s kin g o f Eg ypt, 102.
A startus , Phoenician king, 191.
Asterion, father of Minos, 146-47.
A ste r iu s o f Amasia, e ccles ia s tical writer, 559.
A ste r iu s o f Cappadocia, early Chris tian writer, 547.
Astesanes Astensis, 782.
A styag e s , fourth Median emperor, 233, 239.
Astydamas , G reek tragic poet, 299.
Astydamas the younger, Greek tragic poet, 299.
Atahua lp a, king of Quito and son of the twelfth Inca,
868, 871.
Atauchi Duch icala, thirteenth scj'ri o f Quito, 791, 813
Ataulfus , or A th aulfus , king o f the Goths, 561-62.
Ateius, G reek grammarian, 446.
A th a i, or Othoes, kin g of Egypt, 73.
A thalaric, third Go thic king of Italy, 574,
Ath aliah , Jewish queen, 195.
Athana gild, Go thic k in g o f Spain, 586.
Athana ric, kin g o f the Goths, 554.
A thanasius, nineteenth bishop o f A lexan dria, 547,
550 . 552-
A thanasius, patriarch o f Constantinople, 764.
A than is , G reek historian, 370.
Athels tan, A ng lo -S ax on kin g of England, 649, 651.
Athenaeus, Greek archaeologist, 533.
Athenaeus, G re e k rhetor, 434,
Athenaeus o f Seleucus, G ie e k philosopher, 456.
Athenago ra s, ear ly Christian writer, 529.
Athenion, G reek painter, 396.
Athenodorus Cordylio, G reek writer, 434.
Athenodo rus, G re ek rhetor, 529.
-Athenodorus, G re ek sculptor, 325.
Athenodo rus o f T a rsu s , G re ek physicist, 456.
A th o th is , kin g o f Eg ypt, 63.
A tk in s , Henry, American voya ger to Labrador, 1009.
A tla s , king o f A rcadia, 127. (See also T la s ) .
A to s sa , aunt of Cyrns, 236.
Atra tinus , Roman orator, 457.
A treu s , A rg iv e king, 165.
A tr i, early Hindu chief, 84.
A tta , Quinctius, Roman comic poet, 434.
A tta in s , G reek physician, 525.
A tta lu s , third king o f Pergamus, 389.
A tta lu s I I ., fifth kin g of Pergamus, 401, 403.
A tta lu s I I I., si.xth and last kin g of Pergamus, 403, 407.
A tticu s , A cadem ic philosopher, 529.
A tticu s , bishop, 560.
A tticu s , Pomponius, Roman writer, 446.
A ttila , king of the Huns, 565-6-7.
Attiliu s Titiamis , claimant o f the Roman empire, 529.
A ttiu s, L., Roman tragic poet, 407.
A u b e r t, Captain Thomas, S60.
A ub le t, Fus., botanist in Guiana, 1025.
A ub ry , first explorer o f the St. Lawrence river, 860.
A uda eus of Syria, founder o f the sect o f Anthropo-
morphites, 547.
Au g eas , G re ek comic poet, 312.
Ang elas , or A u g eas , kin g o f the Epeians at E lis , 157.
A u g ia s of Troezen, G reek poet, 213.
A u gu re llu s, 858.
Augustinus, Carthaginian ecclesiastical writer, 562-63.
Augustinus de Ancona, scho la s tic theologian, 765.
Augustinus the monk, 592.
A ugus tin us de Roma, scho la s tic theologian, 799.
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