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1096 IN D E X TO N AM E S OF P E R SO N S .
D a b r e u , .-\nton io, S61.
Dabshelim, first balhara or kin g of Guzerat, 517.
Dacier, Andrew, critic, 997.
Dacier, madame, critic, 997.
Dacsha, Hindu king, 95.
Dado of Rouen, theologian, 601.
Daedalus, G reek sculptor , 164.
Dagara, king of Ka ragûé, 730.
Dagober t, kin g of the Franks, 599, 602.
Dagober t I I ., king o f the F ranks, 615-16.
Daguerre of Paris, discoverer o f photography, 106S.
D aher, Fatimite sultan of Eg j'p t, 667, 675.
Dahir, Hindu kin g o f Sind, 615.
Daigo, dairo o f Japan, 645, 650.
Daigo I I ., dairo o f Japan, 774, 7S1-82.
Daimachus, Greek traveller, 370.
Dai-sco-kouotei, dairo o f J.apan, 930.
D,alberg, C. G., botanist in Surinam, 1027.
Dale, Samuel, pharmacologist, 997.
Dale, Thomas, third governor of Virginia, 933.
Dalechamp, J., French botanist, 912.
Dalibard, F., French botanist, 1020, 1025.
D.almatiiis, F la viu s , Roman consul and viceroy, 54S.
Dalnaad, Abyssinian king, 680.
Damascius, G re ek philosopher, 576.
Damasias, A thenian archon, 234.
Damastes of Sigeum, Greek historian, 26S.
Damasus, thirty-fifth bishop of Rome, 552, 554,
Damasus I I ., eighty-si.xth Roman archbishop, 676.
Damianus, G re ek rhetor, 534.
Damiri, see El-Demiri.
Damis, companion of A pollonius o f Tyana, 483.
Damocrates, Servilius, G reek medical writer, 477.
Damodara, Sanscrit poet, 682.
Damogeron, Greek agricultural writer, 549.
Damon, Greek orator, 323.
Damo.\-enus, G reek comic poet, 231, 270.
Dampier, British navigator, 960, 981, 985, 994.
Danaus, or .-Armais, 136, 147.
Dandolo, Henri, doge o f Venice, 717.
Danforth, Samuel, missionary in N . England, 803, 994.
Daniel, Jewish prophet, 236.
Danielle da V o lter ra, Italian painter, 872.
Danilof, Kirsha , K o z a k poet, 997.
Dante, It.alian poet, 765.
Dami, Hindu king, 96.
Dara Wati, wife of a kmg of Java, 798.
Darda, or Dara, 179.
Dardanus, leader of a G re ek migration, 145.
D are, Virginia, first A nglo-American, 913.
Dar ius, Persian emperor, 251, 259.
D ar iu s II., Persian emperor, 285, 296.
Dar ius H I., Persian emperor, 323, 326.
Darlington, William, N. American botanist, 1061,1068.
D ’A rres t, astronomer, 1061.
D a s a Bahu, chief of the Hindu colony on Java, 554.
Dasaratha, Hindu king, 395, 399.
Datis, Persian general, 258.
Datta tissa, kin g of Ceylon, 547-48.
D aud Shah, kin g o f Guzerat, 825.
D av e lu y , French missionary in Corea, 1071.
Dav id, Jewish king, 178.
Dav id, king of Scotland, 690.
D a v id II., king of Scotland, 792.
Dav id, traditional W elsh saint, 573.
Dav id Comnenus, last G re ek ’ emperor, 825.
D avies, H u gh , W elsh botanist, 1059.
D avies, John, W e lsh botanist, 942.
Davila , Giles Gonzalez, Spanish navigator, 865.
Davila, Henrico Catharino, 921.
D av is , John, British navigator, 909.
Davonus, kin g of Babylon, 80.
Deane, Silas, American commissioner in France, 1036.
Deborah, Hebrew poetess, 155.
Decandolle, Alphonse, botanist, 1070.
Decandolle of Geneva, botanist, 1053, 105S, 1063-64.
Decebalus, kin g of the Dacians, 517.
Decius, twenty-ninth Roman emperor, 53S-39.
I5edn, French botanist, 965.
Deering, C a r o l , English botanist, 1012.
D ’Entrecasteaux, botanist, 1046.
De Grasse, French admiral,, 1037-38.
De Guignes, French orientalist, 1030.
De Guignes the younger, French orientalist, 1059.
Deimachus, Greek trav eller in India, 373.
Deioces, founder of the Median empire, 218, 221.
Deiochus of Pioconessus, Greek historian, 244.
D e la B a n e , Febure, g o v. of French Guayana, 963.
De L a e t, Joan., Belgian geographer, 948, 950.
Delaiastartus, o f T y re , 191.
De la Loubere, naturalist in Siam, 1004.
D e la Pierria, Albert, French colonizer, 893.
D e la Roque, Jean-François, Lieut.-general o f Canada,
De la V ega , Garcilasso, Spanish writer on America,
871, SS7, 891-93.
D e l Barco, Martinus, Spanish writer on America, 900.
D e Leon, Cieza, 753.
Delessert, Benj., French botanist, 1052.
Delile, A . R., botanist, in Eg ypt, 1065.
D e lla Celia, P., 1062.
Delphidius, Roman rhetor, 548.
Demaratus, father o f T arquinius Priscus, 22S.
Demetrianus, fourteenth bishop of Antio ch, 540.
Demetrius, eleventh bishop of Alexandria, 532, 536.
Demetrius, Greek comic poet, 325.
Demetrius, kin g o f Dalmatia, 6S1.
Demetrius, Jewish historian, 395.
Demetrius of Adramyttium, Greek grammarian, 456.
Demetrius of Byzantium, Greek historian, 386.
Demetrius of Erythrae, G reek grammarian, 446.
Demetrius of Magnesia, G reek grammarian, 446.
Demetrius of Phalerus, G reek orator and statesman,
340. 348.
Demetrius of Scepsis, Greek grammarian, 396.
Demetrius Poliorcetes, Macedonian general, 345, 348,
Demetrius Soter, Greek king o f Syria, 400.
Demetrius I I . Nicator, G reek kin g of Syria, 402-3,
Demetrius the Cynic, Greek philosopher, 477.
Demidoff, botani.st, 1025.
Demochares, Greek orator, 370.
Democles, Greek historian, 244.
Democritus, G reek philosopher and traveller, 296.
Democritus, Platonic philosopher, 538.
Demodocu.s, Greek poet, 175.
Demophilus, Greek historian, 325.
Demophon, king of A thens, 174, 178.
Demosthenes, G re ek orator, 323.
Demostratus, G reek rhetor, 529.
Denis, king of Portugal, 774.
IN D E X TO N AM E S OF P E R SO N S . 1097
Denys, first colonist at Miramichi, 948.
Deodatus, third archbishop of Rome, 598-99.
Deppe, botanist in Mexico, 1065.
Dequen, Jean, Jesuit missionary, 958.
D ercylus , G reek writer, 337.
Dermot, king of Leinster in Ireland, 713.
Dershavin, Gabriel, Russian poet, 1052.
De Sacy, Silves tre, P'rench orientalist, 1052.
Descartes, author o f a new system o f philosophy, 948.
Descourtilz, botanist in the W e s t Indies, 1062.
Descurain, botanist, 1027.
Desfontaines, R. L., botanist in Barbarv, 1050.
Desiderius, thirtieth ancl last kin Ó23. g of the Lombards, Deslongchamps, Loiseleur , French botanist, 1065.
Desportes, J. B. R. P., botanist in Hayti, 1013, 1030.
De Soto, Spanish trav eller in Pfloricla, 877-78, 88t.
De Sousa, Jao, see Sousa.
Dessalines, first king o f Hayti, 1054.
D ’Estaing, French admiral, 1036.
Desvaux, N . A ., Fi-ench botanist, 1052.
Dette-tissa, king of Ceylon, 541-42.
Deucalion, 132.
D evaban, Hindu king, 537.
Devanampriya T ish ya , kin g o f Ceylon, 386.
Devanica , Hindu king, 440.
Deva sreshtha, Hindu king, 543.
D evayani, wife of the Hindu king Y a ya ti, 99.
D e ’Vico, astronomer, 10Ó1.
D ew a Kasuma, king of Java, 64S.
Dexippus, Greek historian, 541.
Dexter, Roman ecclesiastical writer, 560.
Dhafer, P'atimite sultan of Eg ypt, 707-8.
Dhanvantari, Hindu medical writer, 411, 690-91.
Dhatusena, or Dasen K e lliya , king of Cey lon , 568.
Dhruvasena, or Dhruvabatta, Hindu king o f Guzerat,
Dhou-Chenatir, tobba of Yemen, 570.
D h ou-Now as , last tobba of Yemen, 570, 573-74-
Dhou-Sadad, Cahtan ruler o f Yemen, 407.
Dhoyin, Sanscrit poet, 71 r.
Diagoras of Melos, Greek philosopher, 268.
Dias, Vic en te, Portuguese navigator, S23.
Diaz, Bartholomew, Portuguese navigator, 766, S44.
Dia z de Solis, John, Spanish navigator, 860.
Dicaearchus, Greek physicist and historian, 2, 347.
Dicaeogenes, Greek tragic poet, 299.
Dickson, J., cryptogamic botanist, 1052.
Dicuil, Irish geographer, 624.
Didius Julianus, Roman emperor by purchase, 533.
D ido, or Elissa, founder of Carthage, 196.
Didymus, Greek grammarian, 456.
Didymus of Alexandria, early Christian writer, 547.
Diego d’ Azambuxa, governor of Mina, S42.
Diérev ille, botanist in N o v a Scotia, 994.
Dieuches, Greek medical writer, 325, 345.
Digby, Kenelm, English botanist, 94S.
Dillenius, J. Jac., botanist, lo io , 1017.
Dillwyn, L. W ., cryptogamic botanist, 1052.
Dinarchus, G reek orator, 325.
Dinis Dias, Portuguese navigator, S19.
Dinocrates, G re ek mathematician, 325.
Dinolochus, G reek comic poet, 255.
Dinon, G re ek historian, 322.
D io d e s , G re ek comic poet, 299.
D io d e s of Ca rystus, G reek medical writer, 337.
Diocletianus, Roman emperor, 543, 545.
Diodorus, bishop of 'Parsus, 554.
Diodorus, Valerius, G re ek philosopher, 526.
Diodorus of Erythrae, G reek poet, 213.
Diodorus Siculus, G reek historian, 448..
Diodorus of Sinope, Greek comic poet, 312.
Diodorus of T y re , Greek philosopher, 400.
Diogenes, Greek tragic poet, 299.
Diogenes of Apo llonia , Greek philosopher, 268.
Diogenes o f Babylon, Greek philosopher, 401.
Diogenes of Phoenicia, G reek philosopher, 576.
Diogenes the Cynic, G reek philosopher, 312.
Diomedes, son of T yd eu s , 167.
Dion, kin g o f Syracuse, 319.
Dion Cassius, Greek historian, 533.
Dion Chrysostomus, Greek rhetor, 517.
Dionysides, Greek tragic poet, 370.
Dionysius, bishop of Corinth, 529.
Dionysius, first bishop o f Paris, 539.
Dionysius, G reek botanist, 432.
Dionysius, G reek musician, 519.
Dionysius, Greek traveller in India, 378.
Dionysius, king of Syracuse, 296, 303, 312.
Dionysius II , kin g of Syracuse, 312, 319-21.
Dionysius, thirteenth bishop o f Alexandria, 538, 540.
Dionysius, twenty-third bishop o f Rome, 539-41.
Dionysius Carthusianus o f Belgium, scho la s tic theologian,
Dionysius Exiguus, ecclesiastical writer, 574.
Dionysius Iambus, Greek poet, 382.
Dionysius of Alexandria, G reek astronomer, 375.
Dionysius of Colophon, G reek painter, 281.
Dionysius of Halicarnassus, Greek historian, 456.
Dionysius of Herac lea , G reek philosopher, 370.
Dionysius of Magnesia, G reek rhetor, 434.
Dionysius of Miletus, G re ek historian, 255.
Dionysius of Miletus, G reek rhetor, 519.
Dionysius of Pergamus, G reek rhetor, 456.
Dionysius of Sinope, G reek comic poet, 325.
Dionysius o f Telmahre, author of a Syrian chronide,
624. %
Dionysius Periegetes, G re ek geographer, 529.
Dionysius Scytobrachion, G reek historian, 407.
Dionysius T h ra x , G reek grammarian, 434.
Diophanes, Greek rhetor, 537.
Diophantes, G re ek rhetor, 547.
Dioscorides, G reek poet, 389.
Dioscorides of Anazarba, G reek botanist, 4S3, 885.
Dioscorides Phacas, Greek medical writer, 446.
Dioscorides tbe younger, Greek editor, 519,
Diotimus, Greek orator, 323.
Diotimus the Stoic, Greek philosopher, 433.
Diotisalvi, 708.
Diotrephes, ear ly Christian, 517.
Diphilus o f Siphnus, Greek medical writer, 375.
Dipticetu, Hindu king, 186.
Diptiman, Hindu king, 146.
Diyllus , Greek historian, 370.
Dizaboul, or Ti-theou-pou-li, khan o f the T urk s , 5S6.
Djakmak, see Jakmak.
D jauh a r K a id. see Jauhar.
Djemaleddin Y u su f, see Jemaleddin.
D jenghiz-Khan, see Jenghiz-Khan.
D jewhari, A rab writer, 600.
Dmitrief, Ivan, Russian poet, 1052.
D ob ro vsky , Joseph, Slavonian scholar, 1052.
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