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1092 IN D E X T O N A M E S O F P E R S O N S .
Camillus, M. Furius, Roman dictator, 301-3, 312.
Camoens, Portuguese poet, 897.
Campanus of Lombardy, astronomer, 71S.
Campanus of Novarro, astronomer, 675.
Campius, Balthas. and Mich., Italian botanists, 948.
Cananus, Joannes, modern G reek writer, 799.
Candace, queen o f the Ethiopians, 463, 477.
Candaules, kin g o f L yd ia , 214, 217.
Candidus, early Christian writer, 529.
Candidus, Greek historian, 56S.
Candish, Thomas, English navigator, 913.
Canishca, Ta r ta r kin g o f Cashmere, 408.
Cano, John Sebastian, Spanish navigator, 865.
Cantharus, G reek comic poet, 2S1.
Cantor, Petrus, reforming monk, 7 1 1.
Canute IL , king of England, Denmark, Norway, and
Sweden, 667, 669, 675.
Caon, D iogo, or James Cara, Portuguese navigator, S43.
Capa c Yupanqui, fifth Inca o f Peru, 709, 7 1 1, 717.
Capa c Yupan qui, Peruvian general, 795.
Capet, Hugh, king of F rance, 663.
Capo d ’ is tr ias , president of Greece, 1065.
Capreolus, Joannes, scho la s tic theologian, 799.
Cap3^s, father o f Anchises , 156.
Car, son o f Phoroneus, 113.
Caracalla, Roman emperor, 534-35.
Ca rac ci, Annibale, Italian painter, 921.
Caracci. Ludovico, Italian painter, 921.
C a ra c licu s , British chief, 481.
Caran, eleventh scyri of Quito, 765.
Caranas, Sanscrit poet, 711.
Caranus, founder of the Macedonian monarchy, 212.
Carausius, kin g o f South Britain, 543-44.
Caravaggio, Italian painter, 872.
Ca rcinus, Greek tragic poet, 2S1.
Cardanus, Hieron, o f Milan, physicist, 892.
Carinus, Roman emperor, 543.
Carloman, kin g o f France, 642.
Carmichael, English botanist, 1052.
Carneades, G re ek philosopher, 401.
Caro, Annib al, o f Istria, Italian poet, S72.
Caron, Françoys, Dutch superintendent in Japan, 952.
Ca rpocrates, Gnostic Christian, 534.
Carrera, Petrus, Sicilian botanist, 948
Carteret, British navigator, 1027.
Ca rtier, Jaques, French nav iga to r,8 72 ,875,881-82,884.
Ca rus , Roman emperor, 543.
C a rve r , John, Iffitish colonial governor, 939.
Ca rvilius , Spurius, divorced Roman, 389.
Casaubon, Isaac, critic, 921.
Cassander, Macedonian general, 340, 345-46.
Cassianus, bishop, 560.
Cassini, Henr., botanist, 1064.
Cassini o f Nice, astronomer, 960, 971, 981.
Cassiodorus, Roman consul and historian, 573.
Cassius, A ndreas, discoverer of gold-purple, 981.
Cassius, A v id iu s , Roman general, 531.
Cassius, Caius, Roman general, 456.
Cassius, ear ly bishop of T y re , 1533.
Caste llu s, Petr., Sicilian botanist, 948.
Ca ste lv e tro of Modena, cr itic, 897.
Castiglione, Ludw., botanist in No rth America, 1045.
Castor, Antonius, Roman botanist, 472.
Castor , Greek chronographer, 446.
Ca stor Durantes, Italian bctanist, 919.
Catacuzenus, scho la s tic G reek writer, 791.
Catesby, Mark., botanist in Carolina, 1003, 1005.
Catharine, empress of Russia, 1007.
Catharine II ., empress of Russia, 1024, 1049.
Cato, M. Porcius, Roman censor and writer, 297.
Cato, Valerius, Roman grammarian, 446.
Catullus, Roman poet, 446, 455.
Causica, Hindu king, 137.
Ca va llini, F . Phil., Italian botanist, 9S6.
Cavanilles, A nt. Jos., Spanish botanist, 1046.
Cavendish, a founder of Pneumatic Chemistry, 1027.
Cecrops, first king of Athens, 12S, 137.
Cecrop s IL , seventh king of Athens, 153.
Cedrenus, Georgius, Greek historian, 675.
Celestinus, forty-first bishop of Rome, 565.
Celestinus 11., ninth pope, 704-5.
Celestinus I I L , nineteentl? pope, 716, 718.
Celes tinus IV ., twenty-third pope, 734.
Celestinus V ., thirtj^-sixth pope, 762.
Cels ius , Olaus, Swedish botanist, lo io .
Celsus , Roman medical writer, 471.
Cenobarba, John, medical writer, 7S2.
Censorinus, Roman writer on calendars, 537.
Cephalion, G reek historian, 519.
Cephalus, G re ek orator, 299.
Cephisodorus, G re ek painter, 2S1.
Ceiihisodorus, Greek comic poet, 298.
Cephisodorus, G reek historian, 312.
Cercop s of Miletus, Greek poet, 210.
Cerdic, Saxon king in England, 573.
Cerdo, heretical Christian, 527.
Cermisone, see Antonio.
Cerularius, Michael, patriarch o f Constantinople, 675.
Cervantes, botanist in Mexico, 1052.
C erv antez of Seville, author of Don Quixote, 921.
Cespedes, P. Gregorio de, jesuit v isiting Corea, 916.
Cestius of Smyrna, Roman rhetor, 457.
Chaalus, fifth kin g o f A ssy r ia, 92.
Chabré, French botanist, 964.
Chaeremon, G re ek tragic poet, 299.
Chaeremon, G reek writer, 15.
Chaires, king o f Eg ypt, 65.
Chaitra-pala, or Jeipal, Hindu king at Lahore, 658,
Chajjim, Beneviste, Jewish writer, 948.
Chak ra Nagara, Javan chie f on Borneo, 814.
Chalchiutlanetzin, first T o lte c kin g o f M ex ico, 609.
Chalco l, or C a lco l, 179.
Cha-li-yi-kin-na, king of Cambodia, 600.
Chameleon, Greek writer, 325.
Chamisso, botanist among the Pacific islands, 1061.
Chammir, six th Cahtan ruler of Yemen, 235.
Champlain, Samuel, French navigator, 919, 923, 927,
93O1 933. 939. 944-
Champollion, French archæologist, 1063.
Champ ollion-F igeac, French archæologist, 652.
Chanacca, bramin, 337.
Chanan, head o f a Jewish school, 591.
Chancellor, Richard, British navigator, 888.
Chand, Hindustanee poet and historian, yi6.
Chandra-deva, Hindu king, 546.
Changkian, Chinese trav eller in Bactriana, 411.
Chang-liang, Chinese general and engineer, 395.
Chang-ti, of the Han, Chinese emperor, 519.
Chao-hao, early Chinese emperor, 81.
Chao-kang, of the I lia , Chinese emperor, 87.
Chapman, A . W ., N . American botanist, 1070.
IN D E X TO N AM E S O F P E R S O N S . 1093
Charaka, Hindu medical writer, 408.
Chares, G reek historian, 3S9.
Chariberht, kin g o f the F ranks, 592.
Charilaus, sixth Proclid king o f Sparta, 19S, 202, 204.
Charisi, Jewish writer, 718.
Chariton, medical writer, see Charaka.
Charlemagne, emperor o f the Wes t, 621-26, 644.
Charles, British king, 933, 942-43, 947, 950, 952, 957.
Charles IL , British king, 958, 960, 963, 973, 975-76,
978, 981.
Char les d ’Anjou, appointed kin g of Sicily , 751.
Charles le Gros, emperor o f France and Germany, 643.
Char les Martel, 619.
Char les the Bold, duke of Burgundy, 834.
Char les I I . le Chauve, kin g of France, 630, 641.
Charles I I I . le Simple, kin g of France, 643, 645.
C h ar le s V . le Sage, kin g o f France, 791, 797, Sol.
Charles V I I ., king o f France, 813.
Char les V H L , kin g of France, 843.
Char les IX ., kin g o f F rance, 896, 898, 900.
Char les X., kin g of F rance, 1065.
Charles IV ., king o f Spain, 1057.
Char les IV ., twenty-second emperor o f Germany and
Ita ly, 789, 795.
Char les V ., king o f Spain and thirtieth emperor of
Germany and Italy, 863-65, S6S-71, 876, 885-S6,
889, 891-92.
Char les V I ., thirty-eighth emperor o f Germany and
Ita ly , 1019.
Char les V I I . , thirty-ninth emperor of Germany and
Ita ly, 1019.
Char les X IL , kin g o f Sweden, 994.
Char levoix , P. F. X., historian in N. America, 1018.
Charmidas, G reek philosopher, 424.
Charon o f Lampsacus, Greek historian, 255.
Charops, Athenian archon, 212.
Charuman Perumal, king in Southern Hindustan 6„7
Chaucer, English poet, 716, 796.
Chauvin, French navigator, 920.
Chédotel, French colonizer, 914.
C heires , kin g of Eg ypt, 71.
Chemnitz, Io., German botanist, 94S.
Cheneres, king of E g ypt, 65.
Cheops, see Suphis.
Cheou-sin, of the Chang, Chinese emperor, 154-55,159.
Chephren, see Shafra.
Chersias o f Orchomenus, G reek poet, 231.
Chersicrates, 213.
Chesne, A ndrew du, archæologist and historian, 921.
Chico, first kolano o f Ternate, 747.
Chi-hoang-ti, of the Thsin, Chinese emperor, 3S6, 393.
Childeb ert IL , kin g of the French, 589, 592.
Ch ilde ric, kin g of F rance, 569.
Childeric HI., last Merovingian king o f France, 620.
Chilliiigworth, English controversial theologian, 94S.
Chilon, one o f the “ seven sages ” of Greece, 233, 240.
Chimalpopoka, third Mexican emperor, 802, S i r .
Chimn-chanchu, Y iin c a chie f in W e s te rn Peru, 796.
Chinaladanus, king of Babylon, 226.
Chinchiruca, Peruvian general, S i i .
Chinghiz Khan, see Jenghiz.
Chin-kio, persecutor o f Christians iu China, 933.
Chin-noung, second Chinese emperor, 78.
Chin-tho-lo-pi-li, 615.
Chin-tseng-wang, o f the Tch eou, Chinese emperor, 33S.
Chin tsoung, o f the Soung, Chinese emperor, 680, 682.
Chin-tsoung I I ., of the Ming, Chinese emperor, 900,
916, 918.
Chinzirus and Porus, kin g o f Babylon, 213.
Chiong Wanara, usurping kin g o f Java, 762, 775.
Chionides, Greek comic poet, 259
Chiron, called the centaur, 162.
Chi-tsoung, of the la te rT clieou ,C h in e se em p e ro r ,6 5 3 .
Chi-tsoung o f the Kin, ruler of Northern China, 710.
Chi-tsoung II., of the Ming, Chinese emperor, 865.
Chiwi al Balki, or Belki, Ka raite Jewish writer, 645.
Chlothaire, king of the French, 584, 585.
Chlothaire IL , or Chlotaire IL , king of the French, 598.
Choerilus Greek tragic poet, 244.
Choerilus o f Samos, G reek poet, 281.
Chomasbelus, king o f Babylon, 84.
Chonuphis of Egypt, preceptor of Eudoxus, 312.
Chorganga, king o f Cris sa , 702, 708.
Chortatzes, Georgius, modern Greek dramatist, 965.
Chosroes, Sasanid king of Persia, 576, 589.
Chosroes I I ., Sasanid kin g o f Persia, 591, 599, 600.
Chrestus o f Byzantium, Greek rhetor, 529.
Christian, king of Denmark, 821.
Christian I I . kin g of Denmark, 834.
Christian I IL , first protestant kin g o f Denmark, 877.
Christian IV ., king of Denmark, 924, 936.
Christianus Druthmarus o f France, theologian, 629.
Christodorus, G reek poet, 571.
Christophorus, fifty-fourth Roman archbishop, 647.
Chrysanthus, No va tian bishop, 560.
Chryseros, G reek historian, 529.
Chryses, priest o f A p o llo at Chryse, 171.
Chrysippus, Greek philosopher, 3S9.
Chrysoloras, Manuel, scho la s tic G reek writer, 799.
Chrysostomus, Joannes, ecclesiastical o rator and
writer, 555.
Chufu I I ., or Cheops, see Suphis.
Chun, ear ly Chinese emperor, 82.
Chun-tchi, o f the Tai-thsing, Chinese emperor q c 6
95S, 961. ’
Chun-ti, of the Han, Chinese emperor, 525.
Chun-ti IL , o f the No rthern Soung, Chinese emperor,
Chun-ti H I ., of the Y o u an , Chinese emperor, 782, 789.
Chun-tsoung, o f the Thang, Chinese emperor, 625.
Churchill, Awnsham aud John, publishers o f co ll.
Vo yages , 997.
Chusan-rishathaim, or Chusarthus, kin g of Mesopotamia,
Chuz, see A lkanz i.
Ciaconius, Peter, assistant in arranging the Gregorian
“ New S ty le ,” 897.
Cicero, Roman orator, 447, 453.
Cieza, Petrus, Spanish trav eller in Peru, 668.
Cignani, Ca rlo , Italian painter, 997.
Cimabue o f Florence, painter, 753.
Cinaedh, Scandinavian chief, 631.
Cinaethon, Greek poet, 210.
Cinaethus, Greek rhapsodist aud poet, 254.
Cincinnatus, L. Quinctius, Roman dictator, 26S, 279.
Cincius Alimentus, Roman historian, 391.
Cineas, Greek orator, 370.
Cla rke, Samuel, cr itic and metaphysician, 997.
Clarus, bishop o f Ptolemais, 533.
Claude of Lorraine, landscape painter, 965.
Claudianus, Roman poet, 560.
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