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I lO O I N D E X T O N A M E S O F P E R S O N S .
Esaias, theologian, 6oi.
Esarhaddon, king o£ Assyria, 21S-19, 222.
Esaii, 1(2, 115.
Esch-Sheybanee, A rab grammarian, 624.
Esper, E . J. C ., cryptogamic botanist, 1052.
E s te v e de Bezier, last of the Tronbadoiir,s, 753.
Esther, Jewish wife of a Persian emperor, 255.
Esthori, Parchi, Jewish writer, 765.
Etearchus, king of the Oasis of Ammon, 269.
Eteo cles, Cadmean kin g of Boeotia, 164.
Ethan the Ezrahite, 179.
Ethbaal, or Eithobalus, Phoenician king, 192, 194.
Ethelbald IP , A ng lo -S axon kin g of England, 633-34.
Ethelbert, A ng lo -S ax on kin g o f England, 634. 639.
E thelred, Ang lo -S axon kin g of England, 639-40.
E th e lied I I ., A ng lo -S ax on kin g of England, 65S, 667.
Ethelwerd, F ab ius, A ng lo -Saxon chronologer, 656.
Ethelwo ld, bishop of Winchester, 655.
Ethelwu lf, Ang lo -S axon kin g of England, 629, 633.
Euarestus, fourth bishop of Rome, 51S.
Euljulus, Greek comic poet, 306.
Eub ulus of A thens, Academic philosopher, 540.
Eucherius, ecclesiastical writer, 565.
Euclides, Athenian archon, 29S.
Eucratides, G reek kin g of Bactria, 39S, 402.
Eucratides I t ., G reek king of Bactria, 402.
Euctemon, G re ek astronomer, 2S1.
Eudemus, G reek kin g o f Bactria, 340. .
Eudemus, G reek writer, 325.
Eudemus of Paros, G reek historian, 244.
Eudo x ia, wife of Valentinian I I I ., 568.
Eudo xus o f Cnidus, G re ek astronomer, 312.
Eud o xu s of C y zicu s , Greek navigator, 424.
Eueclious, king of Babylon, 83.
Euetes, G reek comic poet, 255.
Eugamon o f Cyrene, Greek poet, 237.
Eugenius, claimant of the Roman empire, 558.
Eugenius o f Bulgaria, modern G re ek writer, 10:2.
Eugenius of Carthage, ecclesiastical writer, 570.
Eug enius, tenth Roman archbishop, 605, 607.
Eugenius IF , thirty-fifth Roman archbishop, 627-28.
Eugenius I I I., eleventh pope, 705, 708.
Eugenius IV ., fifty-third pope, 813, S15, 821.
Eugeon of Samos, Greek historian, 244.
Eugesippus, G reek writer, 675.
Euhemerus, G reek writer, 325.
Eulamius, G re ek philosopher, 576.
Eulh-chi-hoang-ti, o f the Th s in , Chinese emperor, 393
E ulog ius, bishop of Caesarea, 561.
Eulog ius of Alexandria, ecclesiastical writer, 5S6.
Eulog ius of T o led o , theologian, 629.
Eumachus of Corcyra, G reek historian, 417.
Eumelus, Greek poet, 210.
Eumenius, Roman panegyrist, 544.
Enmolpiis, 153.
Eunapius, Greek historian, 560.
Euneus, Aeolian chief, 162.
Eunicus, G reek comic poet, 299.
Eunomius, heretical Christian writer, 552.
Euphantus o f Olynthus, Greek writer, 382.
Euphemius, bishop of Constantinople, 570, 572.
Euphorion of Chalcis, G re ek grammarian, 382.
Euphranor, Greek painter, 312.
Euphrasius, e ccles ia s tical writer, 571.
Euphrates, bishop of Cologne, 549.
Euphrates, G re ek philosopher, 498.
Euphron, Greek comic poet, 325.
Eupolemus, Greek architect, 2S5.
Eup o lis, G reek comic poet, 282.
Eupompus, Greek painter, 299.
Euric, kin g of the Goths, 56S-69.
Euripides, Greek tragic poet, 278, 296.
Euripides the younger, G reek tragic poet, 299.
Europa, mother of Minos, 147.
Eiirops, second kin g of Sicyon, 113.
Eurylochus, leader of the Amphictyons, 234.
Euryphon, G reek medical writer, 288.
Eurypon, or Eurytion, third Proclid kin g o f Sparta, 192,
Eurysthenes and Procles, kings of Sparta, 186, 191.
Eurystheiis, king of A rgos, 165.
Eusebius, Arian bishop o f Emisa, 547.
Eusebius, bishop o f Laodicea, 543.
Eusebius, twenty-ninth bishop of Rome, 544.
Eusebius of Caesarea, Greek chronographer, 547-48.
Eusebius V ercellens is , ecclesiastical writer, 550.
Eustathius, G reek chronographer, 568.
Eustathius of Antioch, early Christian writer, 544.
Eustathius of Thessalonica, 7 1 1.
Eusthenius, Claudius, Roman panegyrist, 544.
Eustochius, G re ek historian, 547.
Euthalius, Greek ecclesiastical writer, 565.
Euthydemus, third G re ek king of Bactria, 391, 396.
Euthymius Zigabenus, schola.stic Greek writer, 6S4.
Eutropius, Roman historian, 547.
Eutyches , founder of the Eutychian sect, 566.
Eutychianus, twenty-fifth bishop of Rome, 542, 543.
Eutychius of Amasia, ecclesiastical writer, 576.
Eu.xenidas, Greek painter, 312.
Euxenides, Greek comic poet, 255.
Euzous, bishop of Caesarea in Palestine, 552.
Evagoras, kin g of C yp ru s , 302-3, 306, 311.
Evag rius, ecclesiastical historian, 586.
E vag rius of Antioch, ecclesiastical writer, 560.
Evander, Greek philosopher, 389.
Evander, leader of a Greek colony, 157.
Evanthius, Roman grammarian, 547.
Evenor, G reek painter, 2S1.
Eversmann, Russian naturalist at Boukhara, 1062.
Evil-merodach, or Ilvarodamus, king of Babylon, 239.
Ev ra rd o f Nevers, theologian, 718.
Evremond of Normandy, humorist and critic, 965.
Exmouth, English admiral, 1060.
Exsuper ius, Roman rhetor, 547.
Eyre, traveller, 933.
E z ekie l, Jewish prophet, 236.
Ezra, Abraham ebn, 703.
Ezra, Moses ebn, Jewish writer o f A rabic, 703.
Ez ra the scribe, 268.
F a, of the ITia, Chinese emperor, 96,
Fabianus, eighteenth bishop of Rome, 537-39.
Faljius, thirteenflr bishop of Antioch, 539.
F ab ius Maximus, Q., Roman general, 330, 346.
Fabius Pictor, Roman historian, 392.
F abregou, M., French botanist, 1013.
Fabricius, Io., botanist, 892.
F ab ricius, J. Albertus, classical scholar, 997.
F abricius, John, astronomer, 928.
Fab ricius, Phil. Conr., botanist, 1023.
Fac ilida s , Abyssinian king, 947.
I Facundus, ecclesiastical writer, 576.
I N D E X T O N A M E S O F P E R S O N S . I l O I
Fagius, Paul, of Germany, translator o f ITebrew, 885.
Fagon, Guid. Crescent., French botanist, 997.
Fa-ITian, Chinese trav eller in Hindustan, 560.
Fai-tai, dairo of Japan, 621.
F a lk , I. P., botanist in East Siberia, 1031-33.
Fallopius, Gabriel, 872.
F'aueuil, Peter, of Boston, builder and donor of Faneuil
Hall, 1017.
Fannasono, dairo o f Japan, 767, 774.
Fannius, C., Roman historian, 400.
Fan-sio, nineteenth dairo of Japan, 561-62.
I'araday, scientific experimenter and discoverer, 1066.
Faradj, Memluk sultan of Eg ypt, 79S, 802.
Faresi, A rab grammarian, 650.
F arokb zad, sultan o f Ghazni, 677-78.
Faunus, king o f the A b or ig in e s in Ita ly , 157.
Faust, John, early European printer, 815.
Faustinus, bishop of Iconium, 553.
Favorinus, philosopher, 519.
Faye, astronomer, 1061.
Fayez , F'atimite sultan of Eg ypt, 708-g.
Faymiyoun, Syrian missionary in Yemen, 571.
Fei-dsio, fifty-first dairo o f Japan, 625-26.
F e lix , Arian bishop o f Rome, 550.
F e lix , fifty-second bishop of Rome, 574, 576.
Fe lix , forty-sixth bishop o f Rome, 569-70.
F e lix , opposition pope, 815, 821.
Fe lix , jirocurator of Judea, 482.
F e lix , twenty-fourth bishop of Rome, 541.
Fénélon, author of Maximes des Saints, 997.
Fenestelia, Roman historian, 467.
Ferdinand, first king of Castile in Spain, 675.
Ferdinand, king o f Hungary, S77.
Ferdinand, kin g of Spain, 850.
Ferdinand V I I . , king of Spain, 1060.
Ferdinand, thirty-first emperor o f Germany and Italy,
Ferdinand I I , thirty-fourth emperor of Germany and
Italy. 935-36, 939-40, 943-
Ferdusi, Persian poet, 664.
Fereira, Peter, 860.
F ergus, kin g o f Scotland, 560.
Fermin, Phil., botanist at Surinam, 1027,
Fernandes, A lva ro , Portuguese navigator, S19-20.
Fernandes, Joao, traveller in the W es tern Sah.tra, S19.
Fernandez, Duarte, 861.
Ferrari, Io. Bapt., Italian botanist, 94S.
F errer, Don Jayme, Catalan navigator, 787.
F errerius Vincentius. theologian, 799.
F e s tus , Porcius, Roman procurator in Judea, 482.
Festus, Sext. Pompeius, Roman lexicographer, 547.
Fes tus Rufus, Roman historian, 547.
Feuillee, botanist, 1002.
F ide-jori, cubo and emperor of Japan, 919, 934.
Fide-josi, cubo and emperor of Japan, 905, 908, 909,
915-1Ó, 91S-19.
F idelis, trav eller in Eg ypt and Palestine, 621.
Fide-tada, cubo and emperor o f Japan, 945, 957.
Field, Darby, first European visitor o f the White
Mountains, 952.
Fielding, Henry, English romance writer, 1012.
Fihr-Co raysh, progenitor of the Coraysh tribe, 536.
F ik a ku sa H , or G o -Fikak u sa, dairo of Japan, 740, 750.
F ilica ia of Florence, Italian poet, 997.
Finan, bishop of the Scots, 605.
Finiguerra, Maso, earliest Italian engraver, 858.
Firens, Petrus, botanist, 948.
Firmicus Maternus, Latin ecclesiastical writer, 549.
Firmilianus, bishop of Caesarea in Cappadocia, 536.
Firoze, Sasanid king o f Persia, 568-69.
Firuz, eighth kin g of the Deccan, 811.
F ischartus, Io., German botanist, 921.
Fischer, F . E. L., German botanist, 1052, 1066.
Fischer, Levinus, German botanist, 948.
Fi-ti, of the Thsi, Chinese emperor, 570.
Fla ccus , Publius A v iliu s , Roman prefect over Eg ypt,
F la court, Stephan, French g o v. o f Madagascar, 957.
Flaccus, Verrius , Roman archæologist and grammarian,
Flamel, Nicholas, alchemist, 791.
Flamstead, John, English astronomer, 989, 997, 1037.
Flavianus, bishop of Antio ch, 554.
Flavianus, bishop of Constantinople, 552, 566.
Flavianus the younger of Antioch, eccles. writer, 571.
Fla vius Blondus, historian, S14.
Fletcher, British colonial governor, 990.
F lo erke, H. Gust., German botanist, 1056.
Florentinus, Roman jurist, 536.
Florianus, thirty-seventh Roman emperor, 542.
Fontaine, Jean de la, French poet, 965.
Fontenelle, Bernard de, 1012.
Forbisher, Martin, British navigator, 901.
Foricawa, dairo of Japan, 6S2, 684.
Foricawa IL , dairo of Japan, 721, 723.
Formosus, forty-seventh Roman archbishop, 644-45.
Forrest, Thomas, voyager to New Guinea, 1037.
Forskal, Petrus, Danish botanist in E g yp t and A rabia,
Forster, George, accomp. his father on C o o k ’s second
voyage, 1034.
Forster, Io. Rein., voyager and botanist, 1031-32,1034,
Fortiqjatianus of Carthage, bishop of Aquileia , 550.
Fotherby, Robert, A r c t ic voyager, 932.
Fou-chan, preserver of the Chou-king, 399.
Foucquembourg, French commissioner to the Ea s t
Indies, 953.
Foudo-no Y a so u , Japanese historian, 615.
Fou-hi, founder of the Chinese empire, 76.
Fousi-wara-no Naka-fira, 652.
Fousi-wara-no Ye-mi-no, Japanese general, 621.
Fou-y-tchang, Chinese historian, 948.
Fra. Giovanni, called Ang e lico, Italian painter, 814.
Fracastor, Hieronymus, poet and medical writer, 872.
Fragosus, loan., Spanish botanist, 900.
Francis, kin g o f F rance, S66-67, 869-70, 874-75.
Francis IL , forty-third emperor o f Germany and
Ita ly , and first Austrian emperor, 1047, 1056.
Franciscus Pedemontium, 773.
Franco, Joan., German botanist, 936.
F ranco , mathematician, 675.
Frankenius, Johannes, Swedish botanist, 951. •
Franklin, Benjamin, American physicist, 1021-22,
Fraser, John, English botanist, 1039, 1052, 1059.
Frecnlphus of Lisieux, theologian, 629.
Fredegaire, French historian, 619.
Frederic, elector of Saxony, 863-65.
Frederic, first kin g o f Prussia, 994.
F'rederic IT. the Great, kin g of Prussia, 1017, 1042.
Frederic V ., king of Denmark, 1012.
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