f » F
217. 7, Forskolea tenacissima 275. 5, Cyclopia genistoides 413. 5, Podalyria inyrtillifolia 185. 2, Gri-
7naldia assurgens 314. 5, Guaiacum sanctum 94. 4, Zygophyllum morgsana 429. 4, Melastoma hirta,
discolor, and ncinodendron 159. i to 265. 4 ; Chiniaphila maculata 349. 5, Trianthema monogyna 95. 4,
Gypsophila prostrata 75. 2, Silene Virginica 203. i, Arenaria graminifolia 7. 3, Malpighia punici-
fo lia [57. 4, Erythroxylon sideroxyloides 442. 3, Suriana maritima 241. 5 ; Oxaiis violacea, versicolor,
hirta, and tomentosa 102. 4 to 450. 6; Crataeva gynandra 147. 6, Litsaea trinervia 3S1. 2,
Talinum triangulare 105. 6, Triumfetta Bartramia 41. 5 ; Euphorbia cereiformis, hystrix, coronata,
microphylla, and satureioides 113. 2 to 446. 3; Cactusphyllanthoides 247, 5, Prunus capulin 158. 4,
Crataegus cnisgalH 46. i, C. parvifolia too. I, Glinus dictamnoides 356. 6, Capparis sepiaria 338. i,
C. cyiiophallophora 172. 4, Cimicfuga racemosa 3S3. 3 ; Cistus laevipes, anàpolifolius 84. 6 and 23. 6 ;
Corchorus fascicularis 439. 6, Arungana mollusca 241. 3, Xylopia glabra 238. 4, Thalictrum anemo-
noides 106. 4, Clematis Virginiana 379. 4, C. ochroleuca 379. 4, Knowltonia vesicatoria 95. 2, Bi'asenia
peltata 349. 3, Clusia rosea 157, 2, Teucrium Japonicum 441. 2, Sideritis Canariensis 322. 4, Stachys
Aethiopica 315. 3, Marrubium Africanum 306. 2, Phryma leptostachya 380. 8, Rhinanthus Capensis
310. 2; Gerardia delphinifolia, tenuifolia, and quercifolia 12, 4 to 389. 3"; Scrophularia scorodonia
59- 5, Hemimeris montana 331. 3, Pi. diffusa 320. 5, Bignonia leucoxylon 200. 4, Citharexylon cinereum
162. I, Crescentia cucurbitina [71. 2, Lantana involucrata 114. 5, L. aculeata 233. 5, Manulea tomentosa
319. 2, Budinera Asiatica 305. 3, Schivatbea Americnna 348. 8, Barleria hystrix 119. 5, Bonlia
daphnoides zog. 3, Blepharis boerhaaviaefolia 99. 3, Cardamine Virginica lo i. 4, C. Africana lot-. 5,
Heliophila integrifolia 432. 2, Arabis Canadensis 86. 8, A . reptans 51. 5, A . runcinata 206. 3, Cleome
tenella 224. 3, Waltheria Americana 150. 6, W. angustifolia 150. 5, Melochia concatenata g, 5 ; Passiflora
laurifolia, minima, and hibiscifolia 210. 3 to 212. i ; Erodium maritimum 31. 4, Pelargoniiun
betulinum 415. 3; Sida Capensis, humilis, rotundifolia, anà periplocifolia 9. 3 to 356. I ; Malva
Gangetica, fragrans, parviflora, and Hispanica 44. 2 to 431. 5 ; I„avatera triloba 8. 3, Gossypium hirsutum
299. I ; Hibiscus hastatus, hirtus, Aethiopicus ; Pavonia Zeylanica 125. 3, Fumaria vesicaria
335. 3, Polygala Heisteria 229. 5, Piscidia Carihaginensis 214. 4, Borbonia trinervia 297. 4, B. lanceolata
297. 3 ; Aspalaihus capitata, as traites, thymifolia, ericaefolia, uniflora, araneosa. Indica, quin-
quejolia, and callosa 201. 2 to 414. 4; Crotalaria imbidcata 388. 3, C. laevigata 277. 2, Dolichos
scarabaeoides 52. 3, Orobus Pyrenaicus 210. 2, Lathyrus clymenum 114. 6, Vida sylvatica 71. I, V. cas-
subi'ca 72. 2, V. peregrina 233. 6, Cytisus foliolosus 277. 6, Hedysarum spinosissimum 50. 2, Desmodium
viridiflorum 308. 5, D. paniculatum 432. 6, Lespedeza capitata 433. 3, Zornia Zeylonensis 102.
I, Z . pulchella 433. 7, Indigofera pioraleoides 320. 3, I. cytisoides 185. 3 ; Tephrosia villosa, colutea,
and argentea 52. i to 166. 3 ; Trifolium glotneratum 113. 5, Lotus Creticus 43. i, Hypericum ericoides
93. 5, H. simplex amalth. 421. 3 (Nutt.), Ethulia divaricata 21. 9, Ageratum ciliare 81. 4, Pteronia
camphorata 345. 5, Artemisia Chinensis 353. 5 ; Gnaphalium cephalotes, tlivergens, teretifolium, cytin-
dricum, felimim, cvmosum, odoratissimum, squarrosum, nodiflorum, and Indicum 173. 6 to 410. 2;
Conyza bifoliata 177. I, Tussilago Japónica 390. 6, Senecio grandiflorus 422. 5, S. uniflorns 39. 7,
Aster tenellus, Solidago odora 116. 6, S. bicolor 114. 8, Inula squarrosa 16. I, I. aroma'ica 326. I,
Arnica crocea 343. 7, Leysera calHcornia 350. i, Chrysanthemum procumbens 430. 3, C. frutescens
272. 6, Cotula antheinoides 274. 6, C. tanaceiifolia 430. 7, Anthemis cola 17. 5, Phaelhusa Americana
342. 6, Buphthalmum durum 21. 3, Helianthus giganteus 159. 5, Pudbedda triloba 22. 2, Coreopsis
tenuifolia 344. 3, Gorteria personata 273. 6, Berckheya incana 273. 5, B . ciliaris 354. 3, Arctotis paradoxa
312. 5, A . p ilifera 276. 2, Osteospermum polygatoides 382. 2, Sphaeranthus Africanus 108. 7,
Arethusa bulbosa 348. 6, Pogonia parviflora 348. i, P. verticillata 348. 3, P. ophioglossoides 93. 2,
Malaxis paludosa 247. 2, Corallorhiza odontorrhiza 2 1 1. i. 2, Podostemon ceratophyllum 138. T, Carex
folliculaia 419. I, Tragia urens 107. 6, Ambrosia paniculata 10. 5, Ostrya Virginica 156. i, Arum
dracontium 271. 2, Bells jaciilifolia 351. i, Croton sidaefolium 220. 5, C. spinosum 108. 3, Sapium aucu-
pariuni 229. 8, Phyllatithus dumosus 183. 4. P . falcatus 247. 4, Bradleia Sinica 368. i, Anthospermum
Aethiopicum 183. i, A . ciliare 344. 7, Montinia acris 333. 3, Myrica Aethiopica 48. 8, M. serrata
424. 3 ; Xanthoxylon clava-Herculis 239. 4, X . juglandifoliuin, rhoifoUum, and aromaiicum 239. 4 to
392. 2 ; Margaritaria nobilis 176. 4. Menispermum Canadense 36. 2, Cocculus Plukeneti 345. 2 ; Ciif-
for tia ruscifolia, slrobilifera, and trifoliata 275. 2 to 319. 4 ; Juniperus Barbadensis igj. 4, Inga
microphylla I. 6, /. marginata 141. 2, I . nodosa 211. 5, Acacia cineraria 2. r, A . reticulata 123. 2,
A . tamariscina 329 3 ; Acrostichum soi'bifolium, bifiircatum, alcicorne, and velleum 281. 4 to 429. 2 ;
Polypodiuin hexaqonopterum 284. 2, P. scolopendroides, reptans, dissimile, phymatodes, griseum,
arvoniciim, sanctum, effusum, and speluncae -89. 5 to 404. I. 5 ; Aspidium trifoliatum, nnitum, cori-
andrifolium, cicutarium, montanum, lobatum, and falcatum 89, 3 to 405. t ; Aisplenium fnrcatum
123. 5 ; Pteris arguta, biaurita, and pedata 286. 5 to 407. 2; Blechnum Australe 89. 7, Adiantum
reniforme, pumilum, denticulatum, radiatum, Aethiopicum, ten rum, and pallens 124. 2 to 403. 2;
Davallia tenuifolia 4. i, Dicksonia apiifolia 282. I, Hymenophyllum Tunbrigense 3. 5, Sdiizaca pec-
tinata 95. 7, Osmunda spectabilis 181. 4, Botrychium dissectum 427. 5, Todea Africana 427. 5, Mohria
thurifraga 350. 10; Lycopodium curvatinn, cernuum, bryopteris, and canaliculatum 47. 9 to 453. 8,
Eriocaulon decangulare amalth. pl. 409. f. 5, Ribes oxyacanthoides amalth. 212. — He died “ in 1706.”
Elsholtzia cristata of the mountains of Siberia and Central Asia as far as Hindustan and Lake
Baical. A Labiate plant described by Plukenet amalth. 430. i * — (Spreng.); termed “ mentha patrina”
by Pallas (Steud.), and apparently from the commencement of the present century occurring in Russia,
mentioned by Hoeft as “ spontaneous,” by Ledebour as “ subspontaneous ” (A. Dec.) : of late
Angers (Leroy),
duced into the environs of Bombay (Gibs,, ancl Graham).
Carex pilulifera of Europe and the adjoining portion of Asia. Described by Plukenet amalth.
91. 8 — (Spreng.), termed “ cyperoides alpinum saxatile capillaceo folio caule rotundo triquetro spica
seminali nigricante plerumque unica” by Micheli pi. 32 (Linn.), and known to grow from Sweden
throughout micldle Europe (fi. Dan. pl. 1048, Engl. bot. pi. 885, and Pers.) : observed by Li nriasus as
far as Upsal ; by Sibthorp, in the environs of Constantinople.
“ In 1705-6 ” (Pers., ancl Spreng.), Tournefort in Mem. acad, par. distinguishing by well-defined
characters several genera of plants, including Diervilla. — Hn died “ Dec. 28th, 1708” (Fonten.).
“ 1706 A. D .” (Humphreys, and Holmes), in South Carolina, an Act of assembly, establishing
religious worship according to the Church of England. The province was divided into ten parishes,
in each of which a church was built ; and the clergymen were all supplied by the British Society for
propagating the Gospel.
“ July 22cl” (Blair), signing of the Union between England and Scotland.
“ In this y e a r ” (Spreng.), C. Commelyn publishing his Hort. rar. Amst., enumeratingf Chironia
baccifera rar. g, C. frutescens 8, Mahernia pinnata 7, Crinum erubescens 15 ; Aloe echinata, and
variegata, Apicra albicans 46-8 ; Zygophyllum sessilifolium 10, Cotyledon spui-ia ro, Spielmannia
Africana 6, Melianthus comosus 6, Cacalia ficoides 40, Athanasia dentata 41, Senecio ilicifolius 42,
Centaurea glastifolia 39; Arctotis acaulis, and calendulacea 35-6, and Momordica operculata 22.—
Completed in 1 7 1 5 ; ” he died “ in 1731.”
Lamium multifidum of the Uralian plains. From transported specimens described by C. Commelyn
rar. pl. 26— (Pers.) : observed by Pallas trav. i. 257 wild on the Lower Volga.
“ 1707 A. U.” (Marcel p. 221), in Egypt, a change in internal affairs : the authority of the pasha
from Constantinople becoming chiefiy nominal, giving place to that of the schekh-el-beled, Ismael-
Bey. — Who from this time really conducted the administration; and transmitted the charge to his
successors in the office.
“ The same y e a r ” (Maunder), death of Aurungzebe. War ensued, for the succession, between
liis sons ; and Mausum gaining the ascendancy, became emperor of Northern Hindustan under the
name of Bahader Shah.
“ 1708, Aug. 29th, about break of d a y ” (Charlev., Hutch., and Holmes), Haverhill on the Merrimack
river surprised by “ about two hundred ” aboriginals under French officers. The town was
plundered and several of the houses burned ; the clergyman, “ captain of the town,” and “ thirty or
forty other persons were killed ; and many ” were taken prisoners.
“ The same y e a r ” (Steinschneid. iii. 30), the peculiar disease of the hair termed “ plica Polon-
ica," described by Tobias Cohen.
*■ Hyptis .wiaveolens of Tropical America. Known to grow wild there (Pers., and A. Dec.).
Transported to Europe is described by Plukenet amalth. 306. 3 — (Spreng.). Aiton, and L ’Heritier: by
European colonist.s also, was carried across the Pacific to the Philippines, Moluccas, Hindustan
(Benth.), and Java (Zoll.).
Uiricularia minor of Northern Europe and America. Described by Plukenet amalth. pl. 99.
f. 9 — (Spreng.) ; observed by Hayne pi. 6 in Germany (Pers.), by Decandolle in France, and known
to grow from Sweden to Ireland and Switzerland (Wats., and A. Dec.). Westward, growing according
to Pursh in New Jersey; and according to A. Gray, from Watertown in “ N. New York to Wisconsin,
and northward.”
t Quamoclit coccinea of the West Indies and neiglibouring portion of North .America. A
scarlet-flowered Coiivolvulaceous twiner, transported to Europe, described by C. Commelyn rar. pl.
II, — Linnæus, and Jacqnin rar. pl. 35 : by European colonists also, carried to Java and Bombay
(Choisy, and A. Dec.) ; observed at Bombay by Graham “ in gardens prettv common,’' by Roxburgh,
in Eastern Hindustan. Westward, is known to grow in the West Indies (Pers.) ; was o b s e rv e d ly
Nuttall on the Arkansas : according to A. Gray, is naturalized on “ river-banks, etc., Ohio, Virginia,
and southward ; ” and according to Chapman, occurs in “ cultivated ground, in the middle and upper
distr icts” (of Georgia and Carolina), the flowers “ sometimes yellowish."
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