Hermachus, G re ek philosopher, 3S2.
Hermagoras, Greek rhetor, 434.
Hermagoras the younger, G re ek rhetor, 456.
Hermann, Paullus, botanist, 970, 9B2, 991.
Hermannus comes Veringensis, orientalist, 680.
Hermannus Contractus, mathematician ancl chronographer,
Hermannus de Neuenare, botanist, 870.
Hermas, early Christian writer, 528.
Hermeias of Methymne, G reek historian, 312.
Hermes, or Ermes, see Ramses I I I .
Hermippus, Greek biographer, 389.
Hermippus, G re ek comic poet, 2S1.
Plermippus of Berytus, G reek grammarian, 519.
Hermocrates, G reek rhetor, 534.
Hermocrates, Syracusan general, 292.
Hermogenes, Greek rhetor, 529.
Plermolaus, G re ek grammarian, 576.
Hermolaus Barbarus of Venice, botanist, 846.
Plermon, thirty-ninth bishop o f Jerusalem, 544.
Hermotinus, G reek philosopher, 268.
Hernandez, Spanish naturalist in Mexico, 915.
Plerod, kin g o f Judæa , 456, 466.
Plerod A ntip as, tetrarch of G alilee, 466, 47S.
Herodes A tticu s , Greek rhetor, 528, 531.
Herodianus, Greek historian, 533.
Herodicus, Greek historian, 2S1.
H e rodicus o f Babylon, Greek grammarian, 407.
Herodorus of Heraclea, G re ek historian, 2S1.
Herodotus, G reek historian, 274, 277, 736.
Pleron o f A lexan dria, G re ek engineer, 390.
Plerophilus, G re ek anatomist, 346, 389.
H erschel, John F . W ., English astronomer, 1066.
Herschel, William, English astronomer, 960, 1037.
Plervæus Na talis , sch o la s tic theologian, 765.
Plescham, tenth Ommiad khalif, 61S-19.
Hes iod, G re ek poet, 1S6.
He sy ch ius , bishop of Jerusalem, 597.
Plesychius o f Miletus, Greek historian, 576.
Pletton, bishop and traveller, 624.
Pleucherus, Io. PI., German botanist, 1012.
Heydenberger, O r to lf de Bavaria, botanist, 814.
Plezekiah, kin g o f Judah, 214, 219.
Hezion of Damascus, 180.
Hezron, grandson o f Judah, 123.
Hiao-hiouan-ti, see Siouan-ti.
ïliao -hoa ï-ti, o f the T c in , Chinese emperor, 545.
Hiao-hoeï-ti, o f the T c in , Chinese emperor, 544.
Pliao-ping-ti, o f the Han, Chinese emperor, 468.
Hiao-tchao-ti, of the Han, Chinese emperor, 442.
Hiao-tsoung, o f the Soung, Chinese emperor, 710.
Hiao-wang, o f the T ch eou , Chinese emperor, 193.
Pliao-wen-vvang, of the Th s in , Chinese emperor, 383.
Hiao-wou-ti, o f the T c in , Chinese emperor, 552.
Hiao-wou-ti IP , o f the No rthern Soung, Chinese
emperor, 567.
H ice ta s o f Syracuse, G re ek astronomer, 320.
Hren-kang, prince o f T s in in China, 225.
Hien-ti, of the Plan, Chinese emperor, 532.
Plien-tsoung, o f the T h ang , Chinese emperor, 625.
Plien-tsoung I I ., o f the Ming, Chinese emperor, 830.
H ien -W an g , o f the Tch eou, Chinese emp., 312, 318.
Hiero , k in g o f Syracuse, 266.
H ie ro IP , kin g o f .Syracuse, 378.
Hierocles, G reek philosopher, 565.
Hieronymus, or Jerome, eccles. writer, 552, 555, 561.
Plieronymus o f Braunsweig, botanist, 843.
Plieronymu.s o f Cardia, Greek historian, 377.
Plieronymus of Rhodes, G reek philosopher, 382.
Pliggeson, Francis, clergyman in New England, 945.
Plilarion, early Christian writer, 547.
Hila rius, or Plilarus, forty-fourth bishop of Rome, 568.
Plilarius Pictaviensis, e ccles ia s tical writer, 550.
Hildeber tus Cenomanensis, theologian and poet, 6S4.
Hildebrand of T u s can y , founder of the papal hierarchy,
Hildegarde, abbess, 705.
Plildephonsus, see Ildefonsus.
Plilduinus, abbot o f St. Denis, theologian, 629.
Hilkiah, Jewish high-priest, 228.
Hill, John, English botanist, 1023, T025, 1035.
H ille l, Jewish patriarch, 565.
Plillel Hannasi, Jewish chronographer, 549.
Hillsb orough, Lord, British statesman, 1028.
Plimerius, G reek rhetor, 552.
Himilco, Carthaginian general, 279.
Himilco, Carthaginian prince, 265.
Himyar, fourth Cahtan ruler of Yemen, 226.
Plincmarus of Rheims, theologian, 639.
Pling-wang, Chinese emperor, 217-18.
Hiouan-ti, of the Han, Chinese emperor, 52S.
ITiouan-ti IP , of the Tchin, Chinese emperor, 586.
Pliouan-tsoung, of the T hang , Chin emp., 615, 618-19.
Pliouan-tsoung, of the Kin, ruler of N. China, 719.
Hiouan-tsoung I I ., of the Ming, Chinese emperor, 812.
Hiouen-thsang, Chinese trav eller in Plindustan, 601.
Plippalus, G re ek navigator, 481.
Hip pa rchus , G re ek astronomer, 400, 407.
Plipparchus, G reek comic poet, 299.
H ipparchus, son o f Pisistratus and ruler of A thens,
249, 252.
Hippo cra tes, G reek medical writer, 306.
Hippodromus, Greek rhetor, 534.
H ippolochus son o f Elaphus, G re ek physician, 281.
H ip po ly tu s, disciple of Irenasus and chronog., 536.
Hippomenes, A thenian archon, 215
H ipponax, G re ek poet, 242.
Hippotus, Herac lid chie f, 179.
Hip py s o f Rhegium, G re ek historian, 255.
Hiram, Phosnician king, 179.
Hi-tsoung, o f the Thang, Chinese emperor, Ó40.
Pli-tsoung of the K in , ruler o f Northern China, 703.
Pli-tsoung IP , o f the Ming, Chinese emperor, 939,942.
ITiu-chin, Chinese lexicographer , 535
Pliu-heng, Chinese philosopher and statesman, 751.
Ploai, o f the Plia, Chinese emperor, 91.
Ploai-nan-tseu, Chinese philosopher and physicist, 401.
Hoai-tsoung, of the Ming, Chinese emperor, 943.
Ploang-long, prince of T ch in g in China, 203.
Ploang-tchao, claimant of the Chinese empire, 640-42.
Ploang-tchi, Chinese pirate, 88K
Ploang-ti, or Hien-youang, ear ly Chin, emp,, 80, 1006.
Plobaisch, A rab medical writer, 639.
Hobbes, Thomas, 965.
Hobomack, aboriginal American, 939.
Hodgson, B. H., English orientalist in Nep al, 1062.
Ploei-chin, Buddhist missionary in the Lo o -C h oo
Islands, 570.
Ploeida, A lfonsó, 859.
Ploei-ti, o f the Plan, Chinese emperor, 396.
Hoei-tsoung, of the Soung, Chinese emperor, 684, 686.
Iloei-vvang, of the T ch eou , Chinese emperor, 222, 225.
IN D E X TO N AM E S OF P E R SO N S . I 107
Hoffmann, Geo. Fr., German botanist, 1052.
Hoffmannsegg, botanist, 1050.
Hofmannus, Maurit., German botanist, 965.
Hogarth, William, English painter, 1013.
Holbein, Hans, German painter, 872.
H olco t, Robertus, of Eng., scholastic theologian, 782,
Holm, Geo. T y ch o , Swedish botanist, 1027.
Ho-lo-mien, Hindu king, 603.
Homerus, G reek poet, 182.
Homerus, G reek tragic poet, 370.
Honain-ebn-Izhak, A rab physician, 631.
Honestis, Christoph, de, botanist, 799.
Honoria, sister of Valentinianus I IL , 565.
Honorius, fifth Roman archbishop, 6'oo, Ú02.
Honorius, Roman emperor o f the Wes t, 558, 564.
Honorius II., seventh pope, 688, 6go.
Honorius I IL , twenty-first pope, 720, 722.
Honorius IV ., thirty-fourth pope, 758-59.
Honorius A ugustudunensis, 718.
Hoo k, Robert, microscopic observer, 965.
H oo ke r , Wm. J., English botanist, 1058.
Hooper, bishop, originator of Puritanism, 887.
Hootman, Cornelius, D u tch navigator, 918.
t io p h ra , or A prie s , or Uaphres, k in g o f Eg ypt, 234,237.
Hoppe, D . I I ., German botanist, 1042.
Hop p e, T . K ,, German botanist, 1033.
Horap ollo , Eg yptian exponent o f hieroglyphics, 13.
Horatius, Roman poet, 461.
Hormisdas, fiftieth bishop of Rome, 572-73, 576.
Hormisdas, third Sasanid kin g o f Persia, 542.
Hormisdas II., Sasanid kin g o f Persia, 544.
tiorm isd a s H I ., or Hoormuz I IL , Sasanid kin g of
Persia, 5S9, 591.
Horsfield, American botanist on Java, 1053.
Hor tensius, Roman orator, 446.
Horus, kin g of Egypt, 122.
Hosea, Jewish prophet, 210.
Hosein Meerza, sultan o f Herat, 845.
Hoshea, kin g of Israel, 214.
Hosius, ear ly bishop in Spain, 547.
Host, N . Thom., German botanist, 1049.
Hos tilius , T u llu s , third king o f Rome, 225, 227.
Ho-tan-kia, o f the Chang, Chinese emperor. 113.
Ho-ti, of the Han, Chinese emperor, 5 17.-
Ho-ti I f., o f the T h s i, Chinese emperor, 571.
Hotomanus of Paris, jurist, S97.
Hottonus, Petr , D u tch botanist, 997.
Hoti-eul-ma, king of Cambodia, 792.
Houstoun, Gul., bot. in the W . Indies and Mexico, tora.
Plouttuyn, Martinus, Dutch botanist, 1036.
How, William, English botanist, 95S.
Hualcopo Duchicala, fourteenth scyri o f Quito, 813,
Hualpa , discoverer of Potosi s ilv e r mines, 885.
Hii.ascar, thirteenth'-inca o f Peru, 868, 871.
Huayna C apa c, twelfth inca of Peru, 667,827,834, S41,
845, 868.
Hue, trav e lle r in China and Thibet, 767.
Hudson, Henry, Pritish navigator, 927-29.
Hudson, William, English botanist, 1025.
Huematzin, Me.xican astronomer and writer, 614.
Huet, Daniel, critic, 997.
Huetzin, T o lte c king of Mexico, 623.
Hughes, Griffith, botanist in Barbados, 1021.
Hugius, Swiss theologian and hellenist, 1052.
H ugo de S. Caro, theologian, 723.
H ugo de S. V ic to re , Saxon sch o la s tic theologian, 703.
Hugo Etherianus, theologian, 7 1 1.
Huitz ilchuatl, second Mexican emperor, 797, 802.
Hula gu, T a rta r chief, 747, 750.
Huldericus, bishop o f A u g sbu rg , 639.
Hull, John, mint-master in N ew England, 958.
Humaioon, emperor of Northern Hindustan, 891.
Humbertus Cardinalis, theologian, 675.
Humboldt, traveller and physicist, 1049, 1051, 1054.
Humenus, Egyptian astronomer, 703.
Humphreys, secretary of Eng. missionary society, 997.
Hunahpu, third kin g of Guatemala, 657.
Hur, first-born o f Ephratah, 127, 140.
Husein, son o f A li, 612.
Husham, king of Edom, 125.
Huss, John, 802, 811.
Huygens, Christian, astronomer, 959-60.
Hyagnis, Greek flute-player, 152.
Hybreas, Greek orator, 446.
Hygynus, eighth bishop o f Rome, 464, 527.
Hy llus, Heraclid chief, 166, 178.
Hymenaeus, thirty-seventh bp. of Jerusalem, 540, 544.
Hypa tia , G reek mathematician, 562.
H yperechius , Greek grammarian, 565.
Hyperides o f A thens, G reek orator, 323, 326.
Hypermnestra, daughter of Danaus, 147.
lAMBLICHUS of Babylon, Greek writer, 526.
lamblichus o f Chalcis . Neo-Platonist, 544.
lambulus, Greek vo ya g e r to Ea s t Africa , 443.
lamias, or lanias, H yk so s kin g of Eg ypt, too.
la su s , or Inachus I I ., kin g o f Argos , 128.
la x a v a , Io., botanist, 872.
Ib ek, first Memluk sultan o f Eg ypt, 741, 747.
Iberv ille, F rench admiral, 994.
Ibn al-Gezzar, A rab writer, 655.
Iborea, Lombard chief, 553.
Ibrahim, A rab shipmaster, 77S.
Ibrahim, nineteenth Turk ish sultan, 951, 957.
Ibrahim, sultan of Ghazni, 678, 6S3.
Ibrahim, thirteenth Ommiad khalif, 6rg.
Ibrahim Meerza, governor o f Shiraz in Persia, 803.
Ibrahim Pasha, v ice ro y o f Eg ypt, 1066.
Ibycus, G reek poet, 241.
Icon Amlac , A bys sinian king, 747.
Idatius, historian and eccles. writer, 561, 565, 5S8.
Idatius, or Ithacius, bishop in Spain, 555.
Iddo, Jewish prophet, tS6.
Idomeneus, Dorian chief, 164.
Idomeneus of Lampsacus, G reek historian, 370.
lemitz, cubo and emperor of Japan, 957-5S.
Ignatius, early Christian writer, 520.
Ignatius, patriarch of Constantinople, 640.
Igumnof of Irkutzk, author o f Mongol-Russian dictionary,
Ijesaz, regent and emperor of Japan, 919, 930,934, 945.
Ikshid, governor o f Eg ypt, 651-52.
Ilasar, king o f the Rammanite A rab s , 461.
Ildefonsus, bishop o f To led o , 613.
Ildibad, six th Go thic kin g of Ita ly, 5S0.
Ilus, founder o f the city of T ro y , 152.
Immanuel, or Emmanuel, Hebrew poet, 782.
Imperatus, Ferrandus, 920.
Imra-el-Keys, A rab poet, 585.
Ina, Saxon kin g o f England, 613, 615, 618.
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