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Inachus, first kin g o f A rgos , 102, 107.
Inarus, Egyptian cliief, 268
Ingersoll, Capt. Jonathan, American navigator, 1039.
Ingolf, leader of a Scandinavian colony, 640.
Ingor, Russian prince, 651.
Ingraham, Joseph, American navigator, 1046.
Ingulphus of England, theologian, 6S0.
In-kio, twentieth dairo of Japan, 562, 567.
Innocentius, thirty-eighth bishop o f Rome, 560, 562.
Innocentius II., eighth pope, 690, 704.
Innocentius I I I ., twentieth pope, 71S, 720.
Innocentius IV ., twenty-fourth pope, 735-36, 743.
Innocentius V ., twenty-ninth pope, 755.
Innocentius V I ., forty-third pope, 789, 791.
Innocentius V I L , forty-eighth pope, Soi.
Innocentius V I I I . , fifty-ninth pope, 843, S47.
Io, daughter o f la sus , 128.
lo la s o f Bithynia, G reek pharmacologist, 390.
Ion, A t t ic lawgiver, or king, 153.
Ion o f Chios, Greek tragic poet, 268.
lop hon, G reek tragic poet, 2Sr.
louIun-Tieghin, chief o f the Ouigour T a rta rs , 610.
Iphicrates, G reek trav e lle r in W e s t A fr ica , 442.
Iphigeneia, 162.
Iphitus of Elis, restorer of the Olympic Games, 200.
Irad, son o f Enoch, 3.
Irenaeus, bishop o f Lugdunum in Gaul, 531.
Irene, Byzantine empress, 623-24.
Isaa c, Abyssinian king, Soo.
Isaac, son o f Abraham, 107.
Isaa c Ibn Gajjat, Hebrew poet, 6S0.
Isaa c Israeli ben Joseph, Jewish astronomer, 765.
Isaa c La tta s ben Jehudah of Provence, Jewish medical
writer, 765.
Isa a c o f A ntio ch, Syr iac Christian writer, 565.
Isaa c o f F rance, of Char lemagne’s embassy to B a g dad,
Isaa cius Theophanes, Greek writer, 624.
Isaacus Comnena, forty-seventh Byzant. emperor, 678.
Isaacus II., A . Comnena, fifty-sixth Byzant. emperor,
7 1 5 - 7 1 7 -
I sabella, queen o f Spain, 852.
Isabella, wife o f Edward I I . of England, 779.
Isaeus, G re ek orator, 312.
Isaeus, G re ek rhetor, 498.
Isaiah, Jewish prophet, 211.
Isakh, second ruler of Ghazni, 657-58.
Iscander, or Alexander, Abyssinian king, 845.
Isert, Paul Erdm., botanist, 1049.
Ishak ben Amran, 612.
Ishak ben J a akub el Isfahani, Ka ra ite Jew. writer, 621.
Isha k Ebn Honain, A rab medical writer, 645.
Ishmael, son of Abraham, n o .
Isidorus, Greek architect, 584.
Isidorus Hispalensis, ecclesiastical and encyclopedic
writer, 599.
Isidorus Pacencis, 619.
Isidorus o f Gaza, Greek philosopher, 576.
Ismael, founder of the sect of Hassassins, 688, 690.
Ismael-Bey, lo o i.
Ismael el Okbari, in Irak, Ka raite Jewish writer, 629.
Ismael Pasha, khedive o f Eg ypt, 1062, 1071.
Isnard, A . Dant. d ’, French botanist, 1004.
Isocrates, G reek orator, 303.
Israeli, Ishak, see Isaa c el Israeli.
Isse, Japanese authoress, 644.
Ister, G reek historian, 382.
Isthakhri, A rab geographer, 647.
Ithacius, bishop in Spain, 555.
Itsi-dsio, dairo of Japan, 663, 667.
Itsi-dsio IL , or Go-itsi-dsio, dairo of Japan, 667, 675.
Itzcoatl, fourth Mexican emperor, 8 r t, 815.
Ivan, king of Russia, 827.
Ivan II., king o f Russia, 896.
Iva r, Danish chief, 639.
Iv a r Bardsen, Greenland writer, 788.
Ivo of Chartres, theologian, 6S0.
I-wang, o f the Tch eou, Chinese emperor, 194.
Ixtlicuechahua c, T o lte c king of Mexico, 614.
J a b a l , son of Lamech, 3.
Jabin the Canaanite, king of Hazor, 155.
Jackson, A ndrew, N. American general and p resident,
Jackson, Char les T ., discoverer o f the anaesthetic qua lities
of ether, 1069, 1071.
Jacob, or Israel, [12, 119.
Jacob ben Chajjim, Hebrew editor, 867.
Jacob ben Machir, or Prophatius, Jewish astronomei",
Jacob ben Reuben, Ka raite Jewish writer, 6S0.
Jacob of France, Jewish traveller, 723.
Jacobi, inventor of electrotyping, io 5S.
Jacobus, Greek physician, 565.
Jacobus a V itriaco, theologian, 723.
Jacobus de Vo ragine, 752.
Jacobus of Edessa, founder o f the sect o f Jacobites,
or C o pts , 567, 586.
Jacobus of Nisibis, Syrian bishop, 548.
ja cq u in , Jos. F ranc, von, German botanist, 105S.
ja cq u in , N ico l. Jos., botanist in the W e s t indies,
1022, 1025, 1030, 1033, 1037, 1042, 1049, 1051.
Jael, wife of Heber the Kenite, 155.
Jahangir, emperor of Hinclustan, 924, 939, 943.
jahia-E bn -S e rap ion , Arab medical writer, 624.
Jahja Ibn Ba tr ik, see Ebn Batrik.
Jakmak, or Djakmak, Memluk suit, of Eg ypt, 815, 823.
jamadagn i, t liiid u king, 116.
James, Edwin, American botanist, 1062.
James II., British king, gSi, 985.
James, king o f A rragon, 740.
James, king of Scotland, 801.
James I I ., kin g of Scotland, 821.
James I I I., kin g o f Scotland, 829.
James IV ., kin g of Scotland, 847, 859, 86l.
James V ., kin g o f Scotland, 861.
jam e s V I ., k in g of Scotland and England, or first king
of United Britain, 897, 903, 923, 926, 939, 942.
James, son of Alpha eus , 483.
James, son of Z eb ed e e ,48 i.
James, Thomas, British navigator, 947.
Jami, Persian poet, 845.
jana -bin-Ab bada , governor of Oman, 620.
Jana K e sa r i, kin g of Orissa, 651.
jansen , II. & Z., inventors of the compound microscope,
914, 939.
Janus Damascenus, or Mesue the elder, see Ebn
Japhet (.\bu A li Hassan el Basri) ITalevi, K a ra ite
Jewish writer, 650.
Jared, 62.
IN D E X TO N AM E S OF P E R SO N S . I 1 0 9
Jason, leader o f the A rgon au tic expedition, 162.
Jason o f Cyrene, G reek writer, 400.
Jason the Stoic, G re ek philosopher, 446.
Jaubert, Amedée, French orientalist, 1052.
Jauhar Kaid, Muslim general, 656.
Jay, John, American statesman, 1048.
J ayadevas, Sanscrit poet, 7 1 1 .
Ja ya Misaya, Javan prince, 597.
Jefferson, Thomas, American statesman and pres ident,
1039, 1054.
Jehan Shah, or Giausa, kin g of Persia, S22.
Jehoahaz, kin g of Israel, igS.
Jehoahaz, last k in g of Judah, 329.
Jehoash, or Joash, king of Judah, 195.
Jehoash, or Joash, twelfth kin g of Israel, 199.
Jehoiachin, governor o f Jerusalem, 232, 239.
Jehoiakim, or Eliakim, governor of Jerusalem, 229, 232.
Jehoram, kin g of Judah, 194.
Jehoram, or Joram, son of A hab and k in g o f Israel, 194.
Jehoshaphat, kin g of Judah, 193.
Jehu, Jewish prophet, 192.
Jehu, tenth kin g of Israel, 195.
Jehuda ben Moses, Jewish translator, 765.
Jehuda ben Moses Naphta li, or Lob Brzsc, translator
of ITebrew, 885.
Jehuda Halevi of Spain, Jewish writer, 703
Jehuda Ibn Balam, Jewish commentator, 6S0.
Jehuda Ibn Ko re ish , of T ah a r t in A fr ic a , Jewish
p hilologist, 645.
Jeia Chandra, last Hindu kin g o f Cano iij, 716.
Jeiel, the scribe, 210.
Jeipal, see Chaitra-pala,
Jeipal I I ., la s t Flindu k in g o f Lahore, 668.
Jelal-u-din K h ilji, eleventh s.ult. of Delhi, 721, 760, 762.
Jemaleddin Y u su f, Memluk sultan o f Eg ypt, 815.
Jenghiz-Khan, Ta r ta r chief, 71Ó, 719, 721-22.
Jenkinson, A nth on y , trav eller to Bokhara, 893.
Jenkinson, Iac., English botanist, 1022.
Jensu I I ., dairo of Japan, 792, 796.
jen -w o , or Jin-jo, dairo of Japan, 656, 662.
Jephthah, Jewish warrior, 162.
Jephunneh, 136.
Jeremiah, Jewish prophet, 230.
Jeroboam, first kin g of Israel, 185.
Jeroboam I I ., thirteenth kin g of Israel, 202, 210.
Jerome, see Hieronymus.
Jerome of Prague, 803.
Jesse, 175.
Jetznako, cubo and emperor o f Japan, 95S, 976.
Jeune, Paul le, Jesuit missionary in Canada, 948.
Jezebel, 193.
Jidahana, kin g o f Delhi, 686.
Jin go -Ko gu , dairo of Japan, 53S.
Jin-tsoung, of the Soung, Chinese emperor, 668.
Jin-tsoung I I .,'o f the Y o u an , Chinese emperor, 773.
Jin-tsoung TIL, of the Ming, Chinese emperor, 811.
Jisch Ben lla s a n , 612.
[oachimiis, theologian, 71 1.
Joan d ’A rc , female warrior, 812.
Joannes, author o f the Climax, G reek writer, 597.
Joannes, bishop of Jerusalem, 561.
Joannes, fifty-first bishop o f Rome, 573-74.
Joannes, fifty-ninth bishop of Rome, 5S5, 589.
Joannes, patriarch of Jerusalem, theologian, 619.
Joannes, Roman emperor of the West, 564.
Joannes Antiochenus, scho la s tic G re ek writer, 703.
Joannes Biclariensis, e ccles ia s tical writer, 586, 591.
Joannes Cameniates, Greek writer, 645.
Joannes Cinnamus, scho la s tic G re ek writer, 684.
Joannes Damascenus, Greek historian, 619.
Joannes de Capistrano, scho la s tic theologian, 814.
Joannes de Turrecrcmata, scho la s tic theologian, 814.
Joannes Diaconus and Rhetor, 639.
Joannes Epiphaniensis, Greek historian, 586.
Joannes Januensis, of Genoa, lexicographer, 759..
Joannes L ydus , G reek historian, 576.
Joannes Mailrosius o f Scotland, theologian, 619.
Joannes Malalas, G re ek historian, 5S6.
Joannes Mercurius, fifty-fourth bishop of Rome, 576.
Joannes Micrologus, Greek writer, 680.
Joannes Moschus, G reek writer, 597.
Joannes Nauclerus, 831.
Joannes o f Antioch, ecclesiastical writeV, 570.
Joannes o f Apri, patriarch o f Constantinople, 787.
Joannes o f Sic ily , Greek writer, 629.
Joannes of Tornamira, medical writer, 799.
Joannes Parisiensis, sch o la s tic theologian, 753.
Joannes Philoponus of A lexan dria, Greek grammarian,
Joannes Rhetor, G re ek historian, 576.
Joannes Scylitzes , G re ek writer, 680.
Joannes Zemisces, thirty-ninth Byzantine emperor, 656.
Joannes II. or Calo-Joannes, fifty-second Proyzantine
emperor, 687, 704,
Joannes III. Ducas, fifty-ninth Byzantine emperor,
■ 721, 733. 743-
Joannes IV. Theodorus, s ixtieth Byzantine emperor,
743- 75i-
Joannes V. Palaeologus, sixty-fourth Byzantine empe-
- ror, 784, 791, 796.
Joannes VIL, sixty-seventh Byzant. emperor, 803, 810.
Joannes V III., sixty-eighth Byzant. emperor, 810, 81S.
Joannes IV., seventh Roman archbishop, 602-3.
Joannes V., seventeenth Roman archbishop, 6 12 -13.
Joannes V I., twentieth Roman archbishop, 613-14.
Joannes V IL , twenty-first Roman archbishop, 614-15.
Joannes V III. Joanna, 632.
Joannes IX., forty-third Roman archbishop, 640, 643.
Joannes X., fifty-first Roman archbishop, 645, 647.
Joannes XL, fifty-eighth Roman archbishop, 647, 650.
Joannes X IL , sixty-first Roman archbishop, 650.
Joannes X IIL , sixty-sixth Roman archbishop, 655.
Joannes XIV., sixty-ninth Roman archbishop, 655-56.
Joannes XV., seventy-third Roman archbishop, 662
Joannes X VL , seventy-fourth Roman archb., 662-63.
Joannes X VII., seventy-fifth Roman archbishop, 663.
Joannes X V III., seventy-eighth Roman archb., 665.
Joannes XIX., seventy-ninth Roman archb., 665, 667.
Joannes XX., eighty-second Roman archb., 669, 675.
Joannes X X L , thirty-first pope, 755.
Joannes X X I I , fortieth pope, 774, 782.
Joannes X X I I I., fifty-first pope, 801-3.
Job, 236.
Jobab, second kin g of Edom, 124.
Jochebed, mother of Moses, 129.
Joel, Jewish prophet, 213.
Joel, scho la s tic G re ek writer, 7 1 1.
Johannitius, see Plonain.
John, k in g o f Portug al, 796, 803, S i r , 814.
Jobn II , kin g of Portugal, S42-43, S45, S47, 856.
John IV., king of Portugal, 95c.
John II., kin g of France, 789, 79,1.
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