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“ In this y e a r ” (Pritzel), George Don publishing his Hist, plant, or Gardener’s Dictionary: —
the Fourth and last volume “ in 183S.”
“ In this y e a r ” (Humb. cosm, v.), Faraday’s induction-currents. “ The great discovery of the
development o f light by magnets.”
“ In this y e a r ” (Winckl.), Bunge publishing the plants observed in Northern China.
“ In this year ” (Mann), Meyen accompanying Wendt to the Hawaiian Islands. — After his death,
descriptions of plants observed by him were published in Act. Acad. Caes, in “ 1843.”
“ 1S32 A. D .” (Gliddon), first voyage of a British steamer on the Red Sea : initiating ocean steam-
navigation. A change in international relations — tending to restore Egypt to her ancient position as
the World’s thoroughfare; the natural centre of the routes of intercourse by land and sea.
About this time also (Ciot-Bey), by Ibrahim-Pacha, a bo tan ic gardezi under European superintendence
established on Rhoda Islet near Cairo: in effect, extending to-Egypt the European system
of procuring and introducing newly discovered plants. The history of plants known to the Egyptians
properly closes here: — the botanic garden already at the time of my visit, containing many species
not mentioned in these pages.
“ In this y e a r ” (Winckl ), publication of the Plant, rar. collected by Bertero in Chili ; — and “ in
1S35,” of those found on Juan Fernandez.
“ Aug. 30th ” (Maunder), Otho. a younger son of the king of Bavaria, having signified his acceptance,
proclaimed in Nauplia king of Greece
“ In this y e a r ” (biogr. mem. Nutt.). N. Wyeth returning from his expedition to and beyond the
Rocky mountains, and his plants placed in the hands of Nuttall for publication.
“ 1S33 A. D .” (Maunder), an English “ sub-governor ” sent from Australia to reside in New Zealand
:— this continued until “ 1840,” when New Zealand was “ constituted a colony dependent o n ”
Australia, a governor appointed, also a commission “ to inquire into the validity of all claims to land”
purcliased by adventurers from the natives.
“ The same y ear” ( . . . . ) , arrival at Calcutta of a ship laden with ice, sent by Frederic Tudor
from Boston in New England. The commencement of the ice tra d e of traffic by sea in ice.
“ In this y e a r ” (Wlnckl.), F. E . L. von Fischer and C. A. Meyer publishing Pars prodr. flor.
“ The same y e a r ” (Mann), Douglas in Northwest America, and in “ the last w e ek ” arriving at
the Hawaiian Islands, — where he met a violent death on the following “ 12th of May.”
“ In this y e a r ” (Pritzel), H. B. Croom and H. Loomis publishing their Catalogue of plants observed
in thé neighbourhood o f Newbern. — Removing to Florida, Croom met with . . . . : and
after his death, a Second edition of the Catalogue was published by Torrey “ in 1837.”
C o llom ia g ra n d if lo r a of Northwest America. Discovered there by Douglas. — Transported to
Europe, escaped from cultivation several years prior to 1850 near Erfurt, as well as near Schleiden on
the Roer (A, Dec.).
N a v a r r e t ia h e te r o p h y lla of California. An annual, transported to Europe, described by Bentham,
and observed by A. Decandolle g. b. 79S for ten or fifteen years a weed in the botanic garden at
Geneva, but had not extended beyond its walls.
“ 1834 A. D. = 31st year of the Seventy-fifth Chinese c y c le ” (Pauth. 27 and 488), Tao-kouang
One hundred and eighty-fourth generation. May ist. 1834, mostly beyond youth: the Jewish
writer Steinschneider: the Greek writer A. G. Paspati : the Italian writer Ant. Targioni : the French
writers, S. Munk, the archæologist Mariette : the German writers, Carolus Mueller, F. Von Kobell,
Bernays, Zunz, Boeckh : the English writers, George Williams, W. S. W. Vaux, Henry Fynes Clinton,
John F. W, Herschel the astronomer, Marlin Joseph Routh, Edward Robinson, Talvi, Thomas
Wright, J. Gardner Wilkinson, Samuel Birch, Perring, R. S. Poole: the Slavonic writers, Alexander
Pushkin, Ivan Krylof, Sreznefski, Grigoryef, Khanikof, and Kasembeg: the botanists, Moritzi,
Schouw, C. S. Rafinesque Schmaltz: the painter Horace Vernet b. 1789.
“ In this year ” (Humb. cosm. v., and Winckl.), after publishing his researches in the Crimea and
Caucasus “ in 1815,” Parrot visiting mount Ararat, and the summit for the first time reached.
* A m s in c k ia in te rm ed ia of Chili. Annual and Boragineous, de.scribed by Fischer and Meyer,—
and known to grow wild in Chili (A. Dec.). About 1841, transported apparently with seeds of Madia,
made its appearance along a canal leading into the Garonne, continued there until “ 1847,” and transferred
into a garden at Cepet has become a weed (Lagifoze-Fossat).
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OF A C C OM P A N Y IN G A N IM A L S AffiiD P L A N T S . 1 0 6 7
“ In this y e a r ” (Winckl.), Friedrich Link publishing his Symbol. Flor. Graec. (Linnaea ix.).
#ep t. 3 d ” (biogr. mem., and am, sylv.), after leaving Independence on the Missouri “ Apr.
28th,” Nuttall and Townsend coming in sight of the Columbia, and at the “ close of September”
reaching Fort Vancouver.
“ In this year ” (Winckl.), Charles C. Babington publishing his Flor. Balhon. ; — -‘ in 1839,” Primit.
Flor. Sarn. ; “ in 1841,” veg. Flebrid.
0 3 5 ) J-tfl' 56' ’ (biogr. mem. and am. sylv.), Nuttall from Oregon arriving at Oahu, one of the
Hawaiian Islands. Leaving Townsend, he proceeded to California, and reached Monterey in
“ March,” continued his researches as far as Santa Barbara in “ about 34,” — and returned by sea,
arriving at Boston in the “ beginning of October, 1835.” He died “ Sept. loth, 1859.”
^ A t this time ( . . . . ) Pitcher examining the plants growing around Lake Huron and on the
Arkansas, meeting witli Cirsium Pitcheri.
“ In this year ” (Pritzel), E. H. F. Meyer publishing Botanical observations of J. F. Drège, who
had spent “ eight years ” in Austral Africa. — Drège published his Catalogue of the dried plants “ in
1837-40.” ‘
“ 1836, Jan. I2th, towards midnight” (Dallet ii. 92), Pierre-Philibert Maubant passing the Chinese
custom-house at Pien-men. Continuing Eastward, he succeeded in entering Corea. The pio-
neer of the French missionaries.
In this year (A . Dec. g. b. 761), Bojer at the Mauritius Islands writing his Hort. Maurit.,—
published in “ 1837.”
The following plants enumerated by Bojer as growing on the lofty mountains of the Comoro
Islands : Waltheria debi is, biennial; Plectranthus ternatus., perennial.
And on the lofty mountains of the Mauritius Islands : Doznbeyaferz-uginea, a shrub; D. puzic-
tata, also a shrub ; Trochelia Cazidolleazia, a shrub ; Toddalia azigustijolia, suffruticose ; Diste-
phazius populijohus, a Conyzoid shrub; Psiadia imearzfolia; Moziarrhezius rtcfescens, a shrub;
Cyhzidrochzie Cozzizziersoziii, a shrub ; Gziaphaliuzzt coespitosuzzi, G. multicaule, and G. yuccæfolium,
all suffruticose ; G. arzticoides, annual, growing also on Madagascar ; Seztecio cerzmus, and W cacali-
oides ? annuals ; Y. pezncillatus, suffruticose ; Y. pollicaris, perennial ; Caznpaziula ezisifolia, perennial;
Azidrozzieda salicifolia, and A . buxifolia, shrubs ; Salaxis az-boz-escezis, and V. abietina, shrubs;
N. zziontazia, suffruticose ; Rochelia Borbónica, annual ; Nu x ia verticillata, a shrub ; Plectranthus
A/««/-//'/«;//«-, perennial ; Justicia (Hypoestis) sezpens, perennial ; Sapmzzt obtusifoliuzzi, a bush ; Mozii-
zziia ovalifoba, a shrub ; Boehzziez ia uz-ticcefolia, a shrub ; Bulbophylluzn pusilluzn, an epidendric
Oiclfideous plant ; hypoxis angustifoha, perennial; Piperportulacoides, perennial, epidendric.
“ In this y e a r ” (Brend.), Hartweg arriving in Mexico, meeting with Quercus barbiztervis, gla-
brescens, Gzahazzu, Skiziziez-i, Soztoznezisis, dysojhylla, Benthazzii, Tlapuxahuezisis, laeta (publ. by
Bentham).— He remained until “ 1840.”
“ At the same time ” (Brendel), Galeotti and Ghiesbreght in Mexico, meeting with Quercus
laziigera, lulescezis, GhieAzz-eghtii, ziitezis, izisigziis, rugutosa, glaucoides, callosa (publ. bull, acad Brux
for 1843).
In this year ( ------), Short in Kentucky,* meeting with Bz-achychaeia coz’data, Vesicaria Skortii,
Ludzvigia polycai'pa, Thaspium piimatifiduai.
“ In this y e a r ” (Pritzel), after his Synops. Asterum “ in i8r8,” Agrostolog. brasil. “ in 1829,”
Gen. and sp. Asterearum “ in 1832,” C. G. Nees von Esenbeck publishing his Systema Laurinarum.
“ In this year ” (I’ ritzel), after his Gram, sicul. “ in 1818,” Symbol, botan. “ in 1832-3 ” Presl
publishing his Prodr. monog. Lobeliac. : — his Suppl. pteridograph, “ in 1845.”
“ '837, in the beginning of the y e a r ” (Pauth. 472), publication in European gazettes of the proclamation
of Tao-kouaiig : Forbidding the preaching of Christianity in China. The concluding event
in Pauthier's historical description of China : — though the work itself was issued two years îater at
“ July ” (Jap. mann. 271), sailing from Macao of Ur. Parker and Rev. Charles Gutzlaff in a missionary
vessel, carrying home “ some shipwrecked Japanese : ” but approaching forbidden ports, were
fired upon, and returned to iMacao.
“ The same y e a r ” (Inman), the territory of Michigan admitted into the Union as the “ twentv-
sixth ” State.J
* Zygadenus leizziaziihoides of the alluvial border of Northeast America. In or about this year,
specimens brought “ from New Jersey ” found by Durand in the Philadelphia market and shown
ttie : aftenvards, the plant was found by Knieskern growing in New Jersey, and was received by A.
Gray from “ Virginia, and southward.”
t Quercus corrzzgata of Guatemala. Transported to Europe is described by Hooker ic o n ._
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