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Mitl, sixth Toltec king of Mexico, 649.
Miyoye, introduced tea jdant into Japan, 71S.
Mizraim, see Ramses III.
Mnaseas of Patara, Greek writer, 396.
Mnesiptolemus, Greek historian, 389.
Mnesitheus, Greek medical writer, 320.
Mnestheus, twelfth Attic king, 166.
Moawiyah, Syrian general, 602.
Mobarik Khilji, thirteenth sultan of Delhi, 774-75.
Mocino, botanist, 1052.
Modestus, early Christian writer, 529.
Modud, sultan of Ghazni, 676.
Moench, Conr., German botanist, 1036, 1039.
Moeris, see Amenemha III,
Moerocles of Athens, Greek orator, 323.
Moez, first Fatimite sultan of Egypt, 656.
Mohalib, Muslim general, 609.'
Mohammed, founder of the Muslim relig., 59S-99, 601.
Mohammed, seventh Turkish sultan, S02, 811.
Mohammed II., ninth Turkish sultan, S22-23, S25,831,
Moh.-immed III., fifteenth Turkish sultan, 91S, 923.
Mohammed IV., twentieth Turkish sultan, 957, 982.
Mohammed .A.bu-1-Saadat, Mem.suit, of Egypt, 856-57.
Mohammed Ali, pasha of Egypt, 1058.
Mohammed ben Abdallah, Arab chieftain, 621.
Mohammed Casim, Muslim general, 615.
Mohammed el-Mansur, Memluksult.of Egypt, 790-91.
Mohammed Ghori, sultan of Ghor and Ghazni, 718.
Mohammed Kaisi, 703;
Mohammed Khodah Bundah, first Persian ruler of the
sect of Ali, 765.
Mohammed- Saleh, Memluk sultan of Egypt, Sri.
Mohammed Shah, third Mus. kingof Guzerat, 817,822.
Mohring, P. H. G., botanist, 1027.
Mohtadi, fourteenth Abbassid khalif, 639-40.
Moizz-u-din Behram, sultan of Delhi, 725.
Moktader, eighteenth Abbassid khalif, 647, 650.
Moktafi, seventeentli Abbassid khalif, 645-47.
Molay, last chief of the mon. Order of Templars, 773.
Molière, French comic dramatist, 965.
Molina, C. de, on the ancient Peruvians, 898.
Molina, Giov. Ign., botanist in Chili, 1038.
Monaldus Dalmata, scholastic theologian, 7S2.
Monardes, Nicoh, Spanish botanist, 900.
Monmu, forty-second dairo of Japan, 613-14.
Montagnana, Bartholom., Italian medical writer, 818.
Montaigne, French essayist, S97,
Montalbanus, Ovid., Italian botanist, 948.
Montanus, founder of fhtsect of Montanists, 531, 535.
Montanus Votienus, Roman rhetor, 467.
Montaser, eleventh Abbassid khalif, 638-39.
Montcalm, French general in Canada, 1023.
Montesquieu, 1012.
Montezuma, or Montezuma-Ilhuicamina, fifth Mexican
emperor, 815, S20, 829.
Montezuma I I , or Montezuma-Xocojotzin, ninth Mexican
emperor, 859, S64.
Montfaucon, archæologist and critic, 997.
Montfort, minister of Henry III. of England, 751.
Montigiano, Italian botanist, 885,
Monti, Joseph, Italian botanist, 1005, 1025.
Montin, Larsius, botanist, 1020, 1025.
Montoku, or Bontoku, dairo of Japan, 631, 634.
Monts, M. de, leader of a French colony, 923, 925.
Moorhouse, traveller, 934.
Moquin Tandon, Alfred, botanist, 106S.
Moramir, inventor of Arabic writing, 5S3.
More, Richard, leader of an English colony, 930.
Morga, Antonio de, historian of the Philippines, 9(6.
Morhoff of Mecklenburgh, critic, 965.
Moris, G. II., Italian botanist, 1065.
Morison, Robert, English botanist, 965, 975, 977-78.
Moritzi of Geneva, philological botanist, 1066.
Morlaeus, Daniel, English orientalist, 680,
Morlandus, Sam., botanist, 997.
Morsimus, Greek tragic poet, 281,
Morton, Thomas,early colonist in New Engl.,943, 947.
Morton, W.T. G., dental experimenter with ether, 1069.
Morychus, Greek tragic poet, 2S1.
Moschus, Greek bucolic poet, 393.
Moses, Jewish lawgiver ancl prophet, 130, 149.
Moses Barkepha, Syrian bishop, 650.
Moses ben Elia Pobian, translator of Hebrew, 901.
Moses Narboni, or Maestro Vidal, Jewish writer, 782.
Moses of Chorene, Armenian historian, 561, 565.
Mosih ben Elhakam, 612.
Mostaali, Fatimite sultan of Egypt, 683-84.
Mostain, twelfth Abbassid khalif, 639.
Mostakfi, twenty-second Abbassid khalif, 652.
Mostanser, Fatimite sultan of Egypt, 675-76, 6S3.
Mota, Antony de, Portuguese navigator, 8S2.
Motadhed, sixteenth Abbassid khalif, 644-45.
Motaki, twenty-first Abba.ssid khalif, 651-52.
Motamed, fifteenth Abbassid khalif, 640, 644.
Motassem, eighth Abbassid khalif, 629-30.
Motawakkel, tenth Abbassid khalif, 631, 638.
Motaz, thirteenth Abbassid khalif, 639.
Mothi, twenty-third Abbassid khalif. 652, 656.
Mou-koung, Chinese prince, 22S.
Mou-ti, of the Tcin, Chinese emperor, 54g.
Mou-tsoung, of the Ming, Chinese emperor, S97.
Mou-wang. of the Tcheou, Chinese emperor, iSo, 191.
Mozaffer Shah, first Muslim king of Guzerat, 802.
Mn’awiyah, first Ommiad khalif, 604, 607, 611-12.
Mu’awiyah II., third Ommiad khalif, 612.
Muda Sari, king of Java, 709.
Muhammad Taki, dep.-gov. of Orissa, 1007, 1013.
Muhlenberg, Henry, N. Am. botanist, 1033, 1059-60.
Mukka, king of Pegu, 812.
Mukund Deva, last king of Orissa, 897.
Mulana Ibrahim, Arab missionary on Java, 796, 801.
Mulana Ishak, or M. Alul Islam, Arab missionary in
Sumatra and Malacca, 813.
Mula-tissa, king of Ceylon, 529, 532.
Muller, Otto Frid., Danish botanist, 1031.
Müller, C. German, hellenist, 1066.
Mummius, Lucius, Roman general, 402.
Munchhausen, O. de, botanist, 1025.
Munck, Danish navigator, 936.
Munda, or Mudda, Hindu king, 260.
Mundella, Aloysius, botanist, 872.
Munding Sari, king of Java, 741, 743.
Munding Wangi, king of Java, 743, 763.
Munja, Hindu king, 6S1.
Munk, S., orientalist, 1066.
Munster, Sebastian, 872.
Munsur Mohammed, Persian medical writer, 765.
Muntingius, Abr., Dutch botanist, 965.
Muntingius, Henr., Dutch botanist, 957.
Murad, or Amurath, third Turkish suit., 790, 793,796.
Murad II., eighth Turkish sultan, 811, 822.
IN D E X TO N AM E S OF P E R SO N S . 11 19
Murad III., fourteenth Turkish sultan, 900, 918.
Murad IV., ei#iteenth Turkish sultan, 942, 951.
Murakami, dairo of Japan, 652, 656.
Murdoch, who first successfully employed gas-lighting,
Murillo, B. Estevan, Spanish painter, 965.
Murray, Io. And., botanist, 1031, 1034, 1036.
Miirshid Kuli Khan, governor of Orissa, 1013.
Mus, P. Decius, Roman consul, 322.
Musaeus, ecclesi.astical writer, 565
Mu-saeus, Greek poet, 169.
Musanus, early Christian writer, 529.
Muse Gilibi, sixth Turkish sultan, 801-2.
Musianus. early Christian writer, 534.
Musir ben Muhalhil, Arab traveller in Hindustan, 651.
Musonius Rufus, Greek philosopher, 498.
Mustafa, seventeenth Turkish sultart, 935, 942.
Mustafa II., twenty-third Turkish sultan, ggi, 997.
Mustafa III , twenty-seventh Turkish suit., 1023, 1034.
Mustafa IV., thirtieth Turkish sultan, 1056-57.
Mutis, los. Celest., bot. on the Bogotan Andes, 1032.
Mycerinus, see Menkera,
Mycon, Greek painter, 281.
Mylus, Greek comic poet, 255,
Myrdhyn, or Merlin, Welsh bard, 609.
Myrepsus, see Nicolaus.
Myro of Byzantium, Greek poetess, 325.
Myrtilus, Greek comic poet, 281.
Myson, one of the “ seven sages ” of Greece, 233.
N a a m a h , daughter of Lamech, 3,
Nabonassar, king of Babylon, 212-13.
Nabonnedus, last king of Babylon, 240.
Nabopolassar, or Sardanapallus, Assyrian emp., 19S,
203, 228.
Nabuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, 231-32.
Nacaxoc, fifth Toltec king of Mexico, 640.
Nachmanides, Jewish kabalistic writer, 752.
Nachshon the gaon, Jewish astronomer, 63g.
Nacht-en-ra, king of Egypt, 82.
Nadab, king of Israel, igr.
Nadius, king of -Babylon, 213.
Naevius, Roman poet, 394.
Nagadaseka, Hindu king, 260, 267.
Nagarisingna, king of Burmah, 517.
Nahor, too.
Nahor, the younger, 103.
Nahshon, 136.
Nahum, Jewish prophet, 222.
Nahusha, Hindu king, 93.
Nanak Schah, founder of the sect of the Sikhs, 877.
Nanda, Hindu king, 321, 328, 337.
Nandar.aza, king of Pugan in Burmah, 753.
Naii-keng, of the Chang, Chinese emperor, 120.
Nan-wang, of the Tcheou, Chinese emperor, 341,371.
Napier, John, mathematician, 933.
Narapadisæthu, king of Pugan iu Burmah, 719, 753.
Narcissus, thirtieth bishop of Jerusalem, 533, 535.
Narses, seventh Sasanid king of Persia, 544.
Narses the eunuch, Byzantine general, 584, 5S6.
Narvaez, Pamphilo de, early traveller along the shore
, of Texas, S69, 877.
£ s e r , Memluk sultan of Egypt, 760, 772,774, 779,785.
iN asir-edchn I ousi, Persian geographer and a s tro n 723.
Nasir-u-din Mahmud, eighth sultan of Delhi, 736, 751.
Nathan, Jewish prophet, 179.
Nauclerus, Joannes, chronographer, 858.
Naudé, Gabriel, physician and critic, 948.
Nausicrates, Greek comic poet, 312.
Navarrete, Fernandez, missionary in the Malayan archipelago,
959-60, 963.
Nayen, Tartar prince, 75g.
Nazarius, Roman rhetor, 544.
Nazir Jung, ruler of the Deccan, 1020.
Neacles, Greek painter, 389.
Neander, Michael, 897.
Neanthes of Cyzicum, Greek historian, 382.
Nearchus, Greek navigator through the Persian Gulf,
33°. 335. 337-
Nebuchadnezzar, see Nabuchadnezzar.
Neccham, Alexander, old English writer, 720.
Nechao, or Nechoh, see Neku.
Nechepsos, king of Egypt, 221.
Necherophis, king of Egypt, 65.
Necker, French minister of Finance, 1043.
Necker, N. Jos., botanist, 1027.
Nectanebus, king of Egypt, 303, 311-12.
Nectanebus IL, last native king of Egypt, 312.
Nectarius, bishop of Constantinople, 554.
Née, Luis, botanist in Mexico, 1045.
Needham, Turb., zoologist, 1027.
Nees von Esenbeck, C. G., botanist, 1067.
Nees von Esenbeck, T. F. L., botanist, 1062.
Nefirikera, king of Egypt, 70.
Nefruatep, king of Egypt, 92. -
Nefruke, king of Egypt, 76.
Nefrukera, king of Egypt, 65.
Nefrukera II., king of Egypt, 76.
Nefrukera-chemu, king of Egypt, 76.
Nefrukera-iiebi, king of Egypt, 76.
Nefrukera-pepi-seneb, king of Egypt, 76.
Nefrukera-rerele, king of Egypt, 76.
Nehemiah, governor of Jerusalem, 276, 2S1.
Neku, or Nechoh, or Nechao, king of Egypt, 222.
Neku II., king of Egypt, 22S.
Neledinsky-Meletzky, Russian poet, 1027.
Neleus, king of Pylos in Greece, 154, 157.
Neleus, leader of a Greek colony, 192.
Nelson, botanist in Northwest America, 1058.
Nelson, British admiral, 1050, 1055.
Nemesianus, Roman poet, 541.
Nentef, king of Egypt, 78.
Nentef II., king of Egypt, 78.
Nentef III., king of Egypt, So.
Nentef IV., king of Egypt, 82.
Neophron, Greek tragic poet, 268.
Neophytus, scholastic Greek writer, 711.
Neoptolemus, Greek general, 434.
Nepherheres, a later king of Egypt, 179.
Nepherites, king of Egypt, 292, 298.
Nepherites II., king of Egypt, 303.
Nepos, Cornelius, Roman historian, 446.
Nepos, Julius, Roman emperor of the West, 56g.
Neriglissoor, king of Babylon, 239.
Nero, fifth Roman emperor, 482, 498.
Nerses Clajensis, Armenian poet, 705.
Nerva, Roman emperor, 518.
Nestor, son of Neleus, 157, 176.
Nestor of Tarsus, Greek philosopher, 456.
Nestor the Russian monk, earliest Slavonic hist., 680.
Nestorianus, Greek chronographer, 569.