' >
Titus, Rmnsn emperor, 499, 515-16.
Ti-y, ot the Chang, Chinese emperor, 150.
Ti-y II , of the Tcin, Chinese emperor, 552.
Ti-yonan, of the llan, Chinese emperor, 476.
Tizoc, seventh Mexican emperor, 842.
Tlas, king of Egypt, 65
To-ba, dairo of japan, 6S4, 688.
Toba II., or Go-Toba, dairo of Japan, 715-16, 718.
Toghlak, Abubekr, eighteenth sultan of Delhi, 797.
Toghlak, Firuz, sixteenth sultan of Delhi, 789, 796.
Toghlak, Gheias-u-din, fourteenth sultan of Delhi,
7 7 5 . 77S -
Toghlak, II., Gheias-u-din seventeenth suit, of Delhi,
Toghlak, Mahmud, twenty-first and last sultan of
Delhi, 79S.
Toghlak, Mohammed, fifteenth sultan of Delhi, 77S,
Toghlak, Nasir-u-din, nineteenth suit, of Delhi, 797-9S.
Toghral Beg, chief of the Seljuk Tartars, 676.
Toledo, Francisco de, viceroy in Peru, 900,
Toman-Bay, Memluk sultan of Egypt, 858.
Toman-Bay It., last sultan of Egypt, 862.
Tonapa, apostle ot the Peruvians, 580.
Tooloon, governor of Egypt, 640-41, 646.
Toorandokht, Sassanid queen of Persia, 600.
Topiltzin, eighth Toltec king of Mexico, 672.
Toren, Olaus, traveller in Hindustan, 1021, 1025.
Torismond, or Thorismus, king of the Goths, 566-67.
Torres, Bernado de, navigator, 884. 925.
Tosertasis, king of Egypt, 65.
Totepeub, fourth Toltec king of Mexico, 627.
Totilas, eighth Gothic king ot Italy, 5S0, 583, 584.
Touan-tsoung, of tlie Soung, Chinese emperor, 755.
Tournefort, J. P., botanist and traveller in Greece,
995-96, 99S, tool.
Ton-tsoung, of the Soung, Chinese emperor, 751.
Townsend, American botanist, 1067.
Tozetti, see Targioni.
Tradescant, botanist in N. America, 959.
Tragus, Hieronymus, botanist, 870, 878.
Trajamis, thirteenth Roman emperor, 518-20, 525.
Tranggana, sultan of Java, 855.
Trattenik, Leop. von, botanist, 1049, 1055.
Trelawney, Edward, British colonial governor, 1015.
Treveris, English botanist. 858.-
Treviranus, E. C., botanist, ÍO52.
Trevise. Bernard de, 831.
Trew, C. J., botanist, 1020.
Triboles, lacobus, modern Greek versifier, 85S.
Tribonianus, jurist, 576.
Trinius, C. Bernhard, botanist, 1063.
Triopas, seventh king of Argos, 127.
Triphyllius, bishop in Cyprus, 547.
Triptolemus, 148,
Trissino of Vicenza, poet, 872.
Tristan da Cunha, Portuguese navigator, 860.
Trithemius, Joannes, biographer, 85S.
Tritresta, see Aji Saka.
Triiimfettus, Io. Bapt, Italian botanist, 981.
Troilus, Greek rhetor, 560.
Trondad, French navigator, 1002.
Trophimus, first bishop of Aretalensibus in Gaul, 539.
Tros, father of Ilus, 150.
Truber, Vinclish writer, S97.
Truxton, Thomas, American admiral, 1051.
Tryon, British colonial governor, 1029.
Tryphon, disciple of Origen, 537.
Tsao-fang, king of Wei in China, 538.
Tsatsi-mikaddo, dairo of Japan, 718-ig.
Tsinajos, cubo and emperor of Japan, 976.
Tsiou, P. Jacques, first Christian priest in Corea, 104S.
Tsou-keng, of the Chang, Chinese emperor, 137.
Tsou-kia, of the Chang, Chinese emperor, 137, 146.
Tsonng-te, of the Tai-thsing, Chinese emp., 949, 956.
Tsou-pa-wang, usurping Chinese emperor, 394.
Tsou-sin, of the Chang, Chinese emperor, 116.
Tson-ting, of the Chang, Chinese emperor, 119.
Tsou-y, of the Chang, Chinese emperor, 114.
Tuaa, grandmother of Amunhotep IV., 119.
Tubal-cain, son of Lamech, 3.
Tubero Aelius, Roman historian, 446.
Tucca, Plotius, Roman editor, 457.
Tuckerman, Edward, American botanist, 970.
Tudor, Frederic, founder o£ the ice traffic, 1066.
Tulakutchi, see Calasoka.
Tupac, Sayri, inca of Pern, S71.
Tupac Amaru, last inca of Peru, 894.
Tupac Vupauqui, eleventh inca of Peru, 327, 668, 815,
824-25, 834-
Turan Schah, Ayoubite sultan of Egypt, 741.
Turis, king of Egypt, 66.
Turlough, Irish chief, 631.
Ttirnebus, Adrian critic, 872.
Turner, Dawson, cryptogamic botanist, 1053.
Turner, William, English botani.st, 886.
Turpilius, Roman painter, 477.
Turpilius, Sextus, Roman dramatic poet, 407.
Turpin, J., French artist and botanist, 1056-57.
Turra, Anton., Italian botanist, 1037.
Turre, Georg a, Italian botanist, 961.
Turvasa, Hindu king, 99.
Tuscianus, Greek rhetor, 547.
Tussac, F. R. de, botanist in the West Indies, 1057.
Tuticanus, Roman writer, 467.
Tycho Brahe, astronomer, 905.
Tydeus, Greek warrior, 164.
Tyler, Watt, 795.
Tynnichus, Greek poet, 150.
Tyrannion, Greek grammarian, 446.
Tyrannion the younger, Greek grammarian, 456.
Tyrannus, nineteenth bishop of Antioch, 545.
Tyro, daughter of Salmoneus, 150.
Tyrtaeus, Greek elegiac poet, 219.
Tzathus, king of the Lazi in Persia, 573.
Tzetzes, John, scholastic Greek writer, 703.
U a p u r e s , s e e H o p h r a ,
Ubhatta ot Cashmere, medical writer, 6gt.
Uda, dairo of Japan, 644-45.
Udalric, earliest canonized saint, 663.
Udalricus Argentinensis, scholastic theologian, 752.
Udayibhadra, Hindu king, 251, 254.
Uggasenah-Nandeya', Hindu king, 298.
Uguitio, or ITugo of Pisa, lexicographer, 718.
Ukemochi-no-kami, introduced agriculture into Japan,
Ulfilas, bishop among the Goths, 553.
Ulloa, Francisco de, Spanish navigator, 880.
Ulloa, Georg. J. and Anton., naturalists in Pern and
Chili, 1020.
IN D E X T O N A M E S O F P E R S O N S . ” 37
Ulpianus, Domitius, Roman jurist, 536.
Ulstan, bishop of Worcester, 681.
Ulugh Beg, astronomer and suit, of Samarcand, 815.
Ulysses, sou of Laertes, 174, 176.
Umapatidharas, Sanscrit poet, 711.
Una, Egyptian priest, 75.
Unger, German botanist, 88.
Ung-kan, or Prestor Johan, Tartar chief, 716.
Upadeva, Hindu king, 539.
Upatissa, king of Ceylon, 552, 561.
Urbanus, fifteenth bishop of Rome, 536.
Urbanus II., third pope, 682-84.
Urbanus III., sixteenth pope, 715-16.
Urbanus IV., twenty-sixth pope, 751.
Urbanus V., forty-fourth pope, 791.
Urbanus VI., forty-sixth pope, 795, 797.
Urbevetanus, Bartholem., botanist, 885.
Uri, son of Hur, 131.
Ursacius, bishop in Spain, 555.
Ursinus, opposing bishop of Rome, 552.
Uru, Hindu king, 623.
Urzedowa, Marcus, Polish botanist, 918.
Usaiia, or Ushana, Sanscrit poet, 420.
Userkan, see Osorkon.
Useserkef, or Usercheres, king of Egypt, 70.
Usher, James, chronographer and critic, 948.
Usteri, Paul, German botanist, 1047, 1049.
Usuardus the monk, author of a Martyrology, 624.
Utkarsha, king ot Cashmere, 686.
Uttungadewa, king of Java, 762.
Uzzi, Jewish high-priest, 164,
Uzziah, or Azariah, king of Judah, 203, 212.
V a b a l a t h u s . colleague of Queen Zenobia, 541.
Vahl, Martin, botanist, 1036, 1042, 1046, 1049, ^°55-
Vahram, Armenian historian, 752.
Vaillant, Sebast., French botanist, 1003, 1006.
Valarsace, king of Armenia, 401.
Valens, colIe.ague of Valentinianus, 552-53.
Valentinianus, forty-seventh Roman emperor, 552-53.
Valentinianus IL, forty-ninth Roman emperor, 554-55.
Valentinianus III., Roman emp. of the West, 564, 567.
Valentinus, gnostic Christian, 527.
Valentinus, thirty-sixth Roman archbishop, 62S.
Valentyn, Franz, naturalist in the East Indies, 1007.
Valerianus, thirty-second Roman emperor, 539-40.
Valerius Maximus, Roman historian, 472.
Valla, Laurentius, 814.
Valla Placentinus, Georgius, botanist, S31.
Valle, F., Italian botanist, 1013.
Valle, Robertus de, botanist, 85S.
Vallet, Pet., French botanist, 92S.
Vallot, Antonius, botanist, 948.
Vaimiki, Sanscrit poet, 592, 616.
Vana-raja, king of Guzerat, 619.
Van Braam, traveller iu China, 1048.
Vancouver, British navigator, 1046, 104S.
Vandelli, Dom., botanist in Brazil, 1031.
Vanderdonck, Adrian, writer on New Netherland, 957.
Vandyck, Anthony, portrait painter, 948.
Van Eyck, Hubert and John, Flemish painters, 799.
Van Gliisteie, Josse, traveller, 688, S43.
Van Noort, Oliver, Dutch navigator, 921.
Van Vleck, American botanist, 1060.
Varaha Mihira, Hindu astronomer, 571, 6S1, 6S4.
Vararam, fourth Sasanid king of Persia, 542.
Vararam II., Sasanid king of Persia, 542, 544.
Vararam IIL, Sasanid king of Persia, 544.
Vararam IV.,eleventh Sasanidkingof Persia, 555, 559.
Vararam V., Sasanid king of Persia, 564, 566.
Varela, Andia y, Spanish navigator, 1034.,
Vargaraya, Hindustanee poet and historian, 717.
Vargas, Alphonsus, scholastic theologian, 782.
Varin, scientific experimenter, 972.
Varius Rufus, Roman poet, 457.
Varrò, Roman historian and agricultural writer, 456.
Varrò Atacinus, Roman poet, 446.
Vartan, Armenian historian, 753.
Varthema, Ludovico, Italian voyager to the Malayan
archipelago, 860-1.
Varus, Quintilius, Roman governor, 469-70.
Varus of Perga, Greek rhetor, 526.
Vasishtha, and other Sanscrit poets, 592, 616.
Vatablus, Franciscus, professor of Hebrew, 870.
Vater, A., German botanist, 1012.
Vattagamani, king of Ceylon, 441.
Vauquelin, French chemist, 1050.
Vaux, W. S. W., historian, 1066.
Vayer, Mothe le, of Paris, critic, 965.
Vaz, Tristan, Portuguese navigator, 803.
Veccus, Joannes, patriarch ot Constantinople, 755, 757.
Vega, Lopez de, Spanish dramatist, 921.
Velasquez, Diego, Spanish colonizer on Cuba, 861.
Velasquez, Diego, Spanish painter, 948.
Velez, botanist, 1025.
Vellia, P. Dionys., Italian botanist, 948.
Velloso de Miranda, Brazilian botanist, 1065.
Venantius Fortunatus, ecclesiastical writer, 586.
Venegas, Miguel, traveller in California, 1023.
Ventenat, E. P., French botanist, 1052-54.
Verbiest, Jesuit missionary in China, 964.
Vernet, Horace, French painter, io66.
Vernon, British admiral, 1017.
Vernon, William, English botanist, 961.
Veronese, Paul, Italian painter, 897.
Verrazanus, Janus, Italian navigator, 866.
Verrier, Jean le, traveller in the Canary Islands, Soo.
Vertot of Normandy, historian, 997.
Verus, Lucius, colleague of Aurelius Antoninus, 529.
Vesalius of Brussels, anatomist, 872.
Vesling, botanist in Egypt, 936.
Vespasianus, Roman emperor, 479, 498, 515.
Vichilra, Hindu king, 567.
Vichitrasena, Hindu king, 565.
Vicrama, Hindu king, see Raja Boja.
Vicramaditya, Hindu king, 453.
Victor, Aurelius, Roman historian, 549.
Victor, thirteenth bishop of Rome, 532, 534.
Victor IL, eighty-eighth Roman archbishop, 677-7S.
Victor III,, second pc»iDe, 682.
Victor Emmanuel, first king of United Italy, 1072.
Victor Vitensis, ecclesiastical writer, 56S.
Victor Tununensis, chronog. and eccles. writer, 586.
Victoria, Franciscus, scholastic theologian, 858.
Victorinus, Roman rhetor, 548.
Victorinus, second king of the Gauls, 541.
Victorius Aquitanus, inventor of the Paschal cycle, 56S.
Vida of Cremona, poet, 872.
Vigilantius of Barcelona, early Christian reformer, 561.
Vigilius, fifty-seventh bishop of Rome, 577, 5S3-84.
Vigraha, Hindu king of Delhi, 711.
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