I 2 I 4 IN D E X TO N AM E S OF P L A N T S , E T C .
Slilbe pi nastra, 993.
Stiliingia iigiistrina, 1041.
sebifera, see Sapiiwi.
sylvatica, 830.
Sting-ray, 51.
Stipa twenacca, 1016.
capillata, 793.
juncea, 973.
pennata, 7S5.
Siberica, 1013.
stricta, 1039.
tcnacissinia, 465.
Virginica, 1040.
ychu, 799.
Stipnlicida setacea, 1041.
Stitchwort, 4SÓ.
Stock, 375.
Stocks for the feet, 29.
Stoebe cinerea, &c., 997.
ericoides, 975.
gnaphalodes, 1016.
plumosa, 997.
Stokesia cyanea, 1035.
Stomoxys, 25.
Stone age of nations, 12, 135, 1069.
art of squaring, 66, 373, 569.
column at Tugn, in Java, 775.
implements, 12, 862, 1069.
Stone-crop, 341, 633.
Stonehenge, in Britain, 569, 5S0.
Stoneware, 721.
Stonor, or Stonehore, S48.
Storax, 1 17, 884.
liquid, 639.
Stork, 44.
Stork's bill, 51S, 706,
Stramonium, 8S0.
Strangle-tare, 355.
Strap-wort, 734.
Strasburg, ciiy on the Rhine, 716.
Stratiotes acoroides, 966.
aloides, 55S.
Strawberry, 37S, 771, 892.
spinage, 940.
tree, loi.
Streblus aspera, see Epicarpui'us.
Strelitzia sp., 229.
Strepsiceros kudu, 818.
Streptopus amplexifolius, 495.
[Prosartes] lanuginosus, 1041.
1‘oseus, 1041.
Strix aluco, 453.
flammea, 60, 1032.
Strohilanihus ciliatus, 703.
strobus, 940.
vulgaris, 935.
Strobus Amer., S09, 87 5, 924, 942.
Strombus lentiginosus, 144.
Strumpfia maritima, 9S6.
Struthiola angustifolia, 1015.
longifiora, 1015.
Struthiopteris Germanica, 911.
Strychnos colubrina, S13.
ignatia, Ó71.
ligustrina, 20S.
nux-vomica, 63S.
Strychnos potatorum, 422.
spinosa, 707.
ticute, 445.
toxifera, 715.
Sturgeon, 274.
Sturnella Ludoviciana, S75.
Sturnus vulgaris, starling, 453.
Stylisma alvolvuloides, 992.
Stylocoryne racemosa, 990.
¡Veliera, 333.
Stylophorum diphyllum, 1044.
Stylosanthes elatior, 1004.
mucronata, 970.
procumbens, 983.
viscosa, 983-
Sty 7-ax benzoin, 551.
gi-andifolium, 1039.
laeve, 1039.
officinalis, 117.
pulverulentum, 1043.
Suoeda baccata, 236.
depressa, 1057.
Monica, 645.
vera, 648.
Subularia aquatica, 988, 1064.
Succory, ov chicory, 256, 507, 929.
Suevi, of Germany, 448.
Suez canals, 127, 255, 1072.
Suffirenia filiformis, 898.
Sugar, 267, 330.
cane, 266, 441, 623, 909.
Sukuh, city in Java, 816.
Sula bird, the booby, 573.
Sulphur, 182.
Sulphur-wort, 294.
Sultan, the title first used, 664.
Sultanieh, city in Persia, 765.
Sulu Island, 918, 1021.
Sumach, 232, 289, 741, S04, 992.
Sumatra, 860, 91S.
Sumbawa, 861.
Sumpit, tube for blowing poisoned
darts, 776.
Sun, Ó26, 675, 680,815,880,928,971.
worship of, 599, 659, 834, 926.
Sun-dials, 372.
Sunday, 813.
Sundew, 529, 634, 737.
Sunjicnver, 296, 749, 914.
Sunn-hemp, 422.
Siiriana maritima, 1000.
Surinam, 965, 1045.
Surya Siddhanta, Hindu writ , 6S1.
Sus scrofa, swine, 104, 136.
Susa, city in Persia, 562.
Suspension bridges, 705, 949.
Susquehanna River, 927.
Sutras, Buddhist scriptures, 552.
Sutta sagitti, Buddhist writing, 555.
Swalloia-wort, 476.
vSwallows, 17..
Swan, 31, 154.
Swartzia marginata, 731.
Sweating-houses, 956.
Sweden, Swedes, 797, 951, 1038.
Sweet alison, 894.
Sweet briar, 506.
cicely, 945.
Jlag, 142.
gum, 741.
marjoram, 935.
potato, 753-54, 862, 917, 1017.
scabious, 935.
william, 825.
Swertia dichotojna, 1013.
fastigiata, 1054.
perennis, 897.
pusilla, 1056.
Swieteiiia znahagoni, 673.
Swine, 154, 957.
Swiss cantons, 7Ó7.
Switzerland, 133, 450, 834.
Sword-beazi, 300, 686.
Swords, 147, 237, 266,,436, 500.
Sybaris, city in S. Italy, 215, 277.
Sybilline Oracles, 464.
Sycaznore, 106, 961.
Syzziphoricarpus racemosus, 604.
vulgaris, i o n .
Symphytuzn asperrimuzn, 99S.
brochum, 347.
officinale, 346, 958, 969.
Orientale, 1007.
Tauricum, 998.
tuberosuzn, 903.
Symplocarpus foetidus, S08, 968.
Symplocos ferruginea, &c., 594.
tinctoria, 1005.
Syncarpha gnaphaloides, 1014.
Syndesmis Tavoyana, 588.
Synedrella nodifiora, 983
Synods, 53S-39, 542, 545, 54S-49,
5/0-73. 583. S9L 597. 609,612-13,
615, 619-21,628-29, 631-32, 640-
I , 663, 666, 668, 676, 678, 680-87,
6S9-90, 703-5. 70S-15, 718-20,
722-25. 730,734-35. 740. 743. 74".
751.753. 755-60. 762, 764-65, 767.
772-73. 776. 779-80, 783. 780,
793. 795-96. 798. 801, 812-13,
815-16, 822, 861, 896.
Syphilis, 829.
Syracuse, city in Sicily, 296, 393.
Syria, 598, 602.
Syriac, inscr’ns and mss., 531, 543.
' Syringa Persica, 930.
vnlgaz-is, 362.
Syzygium Guineense, 425.
jaznbolanuzn, 238.
sp., 278.
T a b a k a t i N a s i r i , a history of
Persia and India, 737.
Tabez-ziccmontana altez-nifolia, 974.
citrifolia, 986.
coronaria, 387.
dichotozzia, 613.
lauz'ifolia, 982.
Norozihiana, 384.
Tacaiziahaca resin, 673, 706, 1021.
Tacca Madagascariensis, 3S6.
pinnatifida, 416.
Tacsonia sp., 754.
Tadousac, at the mouth of the
Saguenay, 920, 923.
Tagalo language, 689.
7\igctes miziuta, lo ii.
patula and erecta, 820.
Taheitian Islands, in the Pacific,
338, 680, 705.
Tai-thsing, twenty-fourth Chinese
dynasty, 934. 956.
Ta-ka-seki, Japanese city, 618, 621,
Talauzzia Pluzztieri, 986.
Sieboldil, 632.
Taliera Bengalezisis, see Coi’ypha.
Taliziiizn anacazzipseros, 993.
fruticosuzn, 993.
tereiifoliuzzi, 1053.
triazigulaz'C, 1000.
Talipot palm, 347.
Tallow tree, 90S.
Talmis, city in Nubia, 441.
Talmud, 723; Yerushlami, 553,
568 ; Babeli, 56S.
Tazziarizidus Indica, 516, 917.
Twiarix dioica, 318.
Gallica, or Africana, 74.
Gerznaziica, 447, 753.
Tamboura, musical instrument, 199.
Tambourine, 199.
Tame-tomo dynasty, Loo Choo
Islands, 71Ó, 741, 788.
Tamias Striatus, 948.
Tamil language, 143, iSo.
Ta-ming-lin, Chin, code of laws, 798.
Tazzioziea spinosa, 999.
Tazzius comzziuziis, 162.
Cz-etica, 1Ó2.
' Tanacetuzzi annuuzn, 889.
izicaziinzi, 998.
Sibez'icuzzi, 1013.
suffruticosum, 993.
vulgare, 448, 969.
TazKEciuin jaroba, 950.
piziziatuni, 3S0.
Taziarius znajor, 860.
Taziier, 714.
Tanks, or artificial ponds, 70S.
Tanna, volcano of, 925.
Tazisy, 448.
Taomaco, an island, 924-25.
Tapa, or paper-cloth, 378, 925.
Tape-worm, 490.
Tapioca plazit, 575.
Taprobane, isiand of, 481.
7 'ar, 981.
Tarawan coral-islands, 752, 884.
Taraxacuzzi dezis-lcoziis, 419, 969.
Tarchonazilhus camphoz-aius, 982.
Tare, 355, 557- . ^
Tarentum, Greek city in Southern
Italy, 2i8, 325, 378. 393, 5S3. 639-
Taro, 3 7 3 - 7 4 . 4 ' 4-
Tarragon, 2S3.
Tarragon, or Tarraco, seaport in
Spain, 525, 540.
Tarsus, or Tarshish, cityin Cilicia,
148, 714-
Tartar empire, 751.
Tartar lamb, 647.
Tartars, 209, 663, 716, 719,721, 7°5.
733. 736, 747. 9' 5. 934-
Tattooing, 191, 499, 781, 869, 944.
Taiig, 703.
Tauris, in Persia, 843.
Taxation of the English colonies
by the Mother country, resisted,
Taxes, 70, 618, 630, 764, 1027.
Taxodium distichum, 842, 866, S69,
893, 908.
Taxus baccata, 129, 134, 451.
brevifolia, 5S3.
Canadensis, 1025.
cuspidata, 607.
macrophylla, 989.
verticillata, 812.
Tcheou,fifth Chinese dyn., 159,3S3.
the later, twentieth Chinese
dynasty, 653
Tchin, thirteenth Chinese dynast)-,
5S4,’586, 589.
Tchin-la, see Cambodia, 599.
Tchouds, ancient miners of Siberia,
5S1, 779.
Tcin, ninth Chinese dynasty, 540,
or Tsin, the later, eighteenth
Chinese dynasty, 650-51.
Tea, 540, 718, 753, 81S.
destruction of, in Boston harbor,
Tea-tax, the, imposed by England
on the Massachusetts and other
colonies, 1030, 1033.
Teak, 244.
Teasel, 237.
Tecoma pentaphylla, 1005.
Tectona grandis, 244.
tenufolia, 245.
Teesdalia nudicaulis, 906.
regularis, 973
Telanthera f rutescens, 1022.
maritima, 1051.
Telephium Imperati, 920.
oppositifolium, 1015.
Telescopes invented, 92S.
Telfaria pedata, 3S0.
Telingan race, 444, 7S3.
Temoe, coral islet in the Pacific,
Temples, 611, 615, 619, 626, 659,
725, 743, 752, 7S2, S16, S59, 942.
formal deslruqtion of Heathen,
540, 549. 554. 559. 630-
Teznus zzioschata, 66r.
Tenasserim, province of Burmah,
S60, 1063.
Teneriffe. one of the Canary Islands,
467, 821.
Tennessee, one of the United
States, 104S.
Teo-amoxtli, Mexican book of history
and laws, 614.
Teocallis, or pyramids of Mexico,
604, 845.
Teotihuacan, in Mexico, 604.
Tephrosia argezitea, 1000.
chrysophylla, 105Ó.
colutea, 1000.
hirta, 3S0.
hispidula, 1041.
zziaxizna, 970.
fioclijloz'a, 380.
piscatoz'ia, 1034.
purpurea, 578.
spicata, 995.
toxicarla, 987.
villosa, 1000.
Virgiziiazia, 992.
Vogelii, 730.
Teramzius volubilis, 987.
Terebinth tree, 93.
Teredon, city on the Persian Gulf,
Terzninalia azigustifolia, 102S.
badaznia, 707.
belerica, 408.
catappa, 304, 5S0, 917.
chebula, 40Z.
citrina, 411.
coricuea, 744.
fairoea, 707.
latifolia, S55.
Moluccana, 304.
sp., 425.
violata, 245.
Ternate Island, 741, 747, 765, 776,
788, S55, S76.
Terzistroezziia Japoziica, 632.
'ferra del Fuego, 933.
Testudo, military engine, 278.
Galapagos sp., 775.
Tetragonia decumbens, 1021.
expansa, 437.
fruticosa, 993.
hez'bacea, 993.
Tetragonotheea helianthoides, lo ii.
Tetranthera geniculata, 1003.
znoziopetala, 739.
Roxburghii, 696.
Tetrao, 154, 875.
bonasia, 453.
Tctraptez'is citrifolia, 986.
Teiicz'ium Achaemenis, 894-
angustissimum, 971.
betonicum, 9S2.
botrys, 883.
campanulatum, 9S9.
Canadense, 95S.
capitatuzn, 169.
chaznoedz'ys, 364.
coeleste, 971.
Cz'cticum, 905.
jlavescens, 971.
fiavuzH, 364.
fruticazis, 902.
gnaphalodes, 906.