
X. phylicifolia 8. f. d, X. tenuifolia 8. f. e, X. hastata 8. f. g. m., X. Lapponum 8. f. t, X. obiusifolia
8. f. u, Cetraria nivalis I I . f. i, Parmelia cenb'ifuga i l . 2, Peliidea crocea i i . f. 3, Baeoniyces defor-
mis II. f. 5, al.so A ira Bot inica n. 49.
Stellaria cerastoides of the Arctic region and mountains farther South. Observed by Linnæus
in Lapland ; — by Haller, and Decandolle on the Swiss Alps ; by Sibthorp, on the Bithynian Olympus ;
by Pallas, in Verchoturia ; and known to grow in Ireland and on the Pyrenees (fl. Dan. pl. 92, Villars iii.
pl. 46, Hook., and Wats.). Westward, was observed by Sabine in Iceland and Greenland (Hook.).
“ The same y e a r ” (Anders., and Holmes), a charter granted by George II. for the territory
beyond the Savannah river, extending “ westward in direct lines to the South Seas.” In his honour,
the new territory received the name of “ Georgia.”
Salem in Massachusetts containing “ five hundred and twenty houses, five thousand inhabitants ; ”
and the neighbouring town of Marblehead employing “ in the codfishery about one hundred and twenty
schooners of about fifty tons burden, and about a thousand seamen” (Brit. emp. ii. 35, and Holmes).
In this year (Spreng.), Houstoun continuing his figures and descriptions of plants observed on
Cuba, Jamaica, and around Vera Cruz, Dicliptera scorpioides pl. i, Cordia gerascanthus 6, Ricliardia
scabra g, Peirea volubilis Lippia Americana 12, Jairopha herbácea 13, Melochia depressa ms,..
Inula satureioides 19, Clomenoclema aurantia 18, Melampodium Americanum 21, Croton argenteum
22, S a lix Houstoniana at Vera Cruz, Mitreola sessilifolia ms. pl. (Linn. sp. pl.), Schrankia aculeata
23, Desmanthusplenus 23, awA Acaciafilicina 26. — He died in Mexico “ in 1733,” and his Reliq.
was published “ in 1781.”
“ In this y e a r ” (Spreng,), Gerber following the banks of the Don and Volga. — He died “ in 1743.”
“ In this y e a r ” (Spreng.), Heinzelmann visiting the Ural, the country around Orenburg, and a
” ¡ 733, Feb. i s t ” (univ. hist. xl. 440, and Holmes), founding by James Oglethorpe of the city
portion of Tartary.
of Savannah; near the aboriginal village of Yamacraw. “ Before June 9th,” a treaty of peace was
concluded there with the powerful tribe of the Creeks.
“ The same y e a r ” (coll. hist. iii. 273, and Holmes), the first, lodge of Freemasons holden in
“ The same y e a r ” (Raynal v. 486, and Holmes), the uninhabited island of Santa Cruz in the
Wes t Indies, purchased of France by Frederick V. of Denmark. A fortress soon afterwards built
on the island by the Danes.
“ In or about this y e a r ” (Kobell iv.), the peculiar metal cobalt, obtained by Brandt.
One hundred and eighty-first generation. May 1st, 1734, mostly beyond youth : the Greek writers,
Vitzentzus Cornarus d. after 1737, Theophilus Corydaleus d. 1744: the Slavonic writers, Antiochus
Kantemir, Michael Lomonosof, J. Raitch, and Dositheï Obradovitch : other writers, Jonathan Swift ;
Edmund Hailey; Alexander Pope; Charles Rollin ; abbe du B os ; Bernard de Fontenelle ; Colin
Maclaurin; James Thomson; Henry Fielding ; Charles de Secondât; baron Montesquieu; G. Frederick
Handell ; James Bradley ; Conyers Middleton; Jacques Cassini; Benjamin Robins; Bernard
de Belidor ; N. Louis de la Caille; Edward Young; the zoologists J. A. Peyssonel, Joh. Steph, Guet-
tard, Petrus Artedi d. 1735; the botanists, Io. Philippus Breynius d. 1764, Anton. Jussieu d. 1758,
Claud. loseph Geoffroy d. 1752, Renat. Ant. Reaumur d. 1757, Iac. Logan, Io. Ern. Hebenstreit d.
1757, Io. Iac. Lerche d. 1780, Io. Blackstone d. 1753, Carol. Deeringd. 1749, lonas Ramus, Io. H.
Heucherus d. 1747, A. Vater d. 1751, Laur. Heisterus d. 1758, Io, Gul. Weinmann, Io. H. Kniphof d.
1762, Isaac Rand, Stephen Fíales d. 1761, Io. Wolfg. Wedel d. 1757, Ev. Iac. Wachendorf d. 1758,
pl. 2. f. 4 in Lapland, — by Soujef at 67° on the Oby (Pall.), and known to grow as far as Daouria
and Kamtchatka (Ledeb.) ; also on the Breadalbane mountains in Scotland (Bab., and Wats.), at
some isolated points on the Swiss and Styrian Alps (Koch), and on mountain-summits in Transylvania
(Baumg., and A. Dec.). Westward, was observed by Sabine in Greenland, and received by
Hooker from Spitzbergen, Melville Island and the Arctic shore of North America, the Rocky mountains
and Kotzebue Sound.
Juncus arcticus of Arctic Europe and Asia, and alpine summits farther South. Observed by
Linnæus n. 116 in Lapland — (Spreng.); distinguished by Wilclenow, and known to growin Scandinavia
(Fries), Northern Russia and Siberia to the vicinity of Lake Baikal (Ledeb.) ; also on the
Pyrenees (Benth.), and Swiss Alps (Koch, and A. Dec.). Regarded by Ledebour as perhaps growing
at Sitka, but not certainly found on Iceland,
Alsine biflora of Arctic Europe and Asia and alpine summits farther South. Observed by Linnæus
158 in Lapland — (Oeder fl. Dan. pl. 12, and Swartz) ; known to grow also on tlie mountains
of Norway and Sweden (Fries), the Northern portion of the Ural mountains and of Siberia and on
the Altaian mountains (Ledeb.). F'arther South, has been found in a single district in Switzerland,
near the perpetual snow at Bex and Fouly (Koch, and A. Dec.).
I O I 3
Io. Th. Gleditsh d. 1786, Jos. Ginnani d. 1753, Car. Alston d. 1760, J. B. R. P. Desportes d. 1748, C, F.
Ktihn d. 1761, M. Fabregou, F. Valle, Io. Browal d. 1755; Joh. Mar. Schiera; the painter William
Flogarth d. 1764.
_ ‘Mn this y e a r ” (Stirling, and W. W. Hunter), death of Muhammad Taki, deputy-governor of
Orissa. Fle was succeeded by Murshid Kuli Khan, who induced the priests of Jagannath lo return
with the image, its absence seriously affecting the revenue.
The following plants observed by Messerschmid and Heinzelmann, Veronica Siberica pl. 4, Patri-
nia Siberica 3, Hypecoum erectum 9, Rhamnus Davuricus 33, Gentiana aquatica i. f. 2, Statice aurea
18. f 2, Sibbaldia erecta 15, Stellerà chamaejasme 2, Sedum aizoon 11, Potentilla verticillaris 16,
Ranunculus salsuginosus 13. 2, Isopyrum fumarioides 12, Cymbaria Davurica I, Corydalis Siberica
20, Orobus lathyroides 7, f. 2, Oxytropis lanata 19. f. i, O. myriophylla 19. f, 2, Cineraria Siberica
24, Artemisia anmca 23, Cypripedium guttatum 22, C. macranthos 21, Urtica cannabina 23, and
Ephedra nwnoslachya 26 — (or some perhaps by Gmelin), published b y j . Amman stirp. rar. “ in 1739.”
Messerschmidia arguzia of the Uralian and Mongolian plains. Among the plants described by
J. Amman p. 19 — (Spreng.) ; observed by Gmelin trav. ii pl. 27 in Daouria (Pers.) ; by Pallas trav.
i. 576, as far West as the Yaik.
Leonnrus Sibériens of the Uralian and Tartarian plains. Described by J. Amman pi. 8; —
observed by Pallas trav. i. on the Lower Volga; and known to grow in Siberia and China. By European
colonists, was carried to Brazil, “ seeds accidentally brought from China” (Ilclef. Gomez) ; and
“ thirty years ” afterwards was found by Gardner naturalized throughout, as far as his journeys extended
(Hook, journ. bot. i. 183).
Caragana frutescens of the Uralian plains. A yellow-floAvered leguminous shrub or small tree,
described by Amman ruthen. 283, - a n d Linnæus ; observed by PallaS i. 154 at 55° on the Vol»a;
known to grow also in Siberia and Tartary (Pers.). ° ’
“ In this y e a r ” (Spreng.), Gmelin on his way to East Siberia, meeting with (or seen by his predecessors,
Schober, Messerschmid, Gerber, Heinzelmann) Polyenemum Sibericum iii. pl. 23. f. i , Patri-
nia rupestris iii. 24, Iris humilis i. 5. i, Stipa Siberica i. 22, Elymus Sibériens i. 28, A g lp y r um
imbricatum i. 23, Scabiosa Ucranica ii. 87, X. Isefe,isis ii. 88, Pulmonaria Siberica iv. 39, Androsace
Gmelini iv. 43. i, Phlox Siberica iv, 46. 2, Campanula graiidiflora iii. 28, C. Siberica iii. 29, C. punctata
hi. 30, C. Gtnelini iv. 33, Viola uniflora iv. 48. 5, V. Gmeliniana iv. 49. 2, Chenopodium arista-
ium iii. 15. I, A tr ip lex Tatarica iii. 14. i, Salsola ericoides iii. 21. i. 19. i , X. verrucosa iii. 21. 2,
Swertia dichotoma iv. 53. i, Halenia corniculata iv. 53. 3, Gentiana dicholoma iv. 51. b., G. adscendens
IV. 51. f. a., G. macrophylla iv. 52, Ligusticum Sibericum i. 40, 2, L. vaginatum iv. 44, Heracleum
Sibericum i. 50, Anthriscus nemorosa i. 49. a., Peucedanum Isetense i. 42, P . album i. 41, Viburnum
Davnricum iii. 25, Statice suffruticosa ii. 88. 2. 3, X. Gmelini ii. 90, X. speciosa ii. 91. i’, X. spicata
ii. 91. 2, A llium ramosum i. 11. i, A . linearex. 13. 14, A . tenuissimum x. 15. 3, A . Stellerianum i. 16.
I. 2, A . Caucasicumx. 10, Smilacina trifolia i. 6, Juncus Boltniciisx. 17. 2, Melanthium Sibericum
i, 8, Erica bryantha iv. 57. 3, E . Stelleriana iv. 57. 2, Polygonum ocreatum iii. 8, P. sericeum iii. 9. »
Saxifraga bronchialis iv. 65. 2, Miiella nuda iv, 68, 2, Sedum hybridum iv. 67. i, Cerastium in a l l
mum iv. 62. 2, Peganum Dauricum iv. 68. I, Euphorbia procera ii. 94, Potentilla grandiflora iii. 35. i,
P. stipularis iii. 37. 2, P . agrimonoides hi. 38, Paeonia tenuifolia iv. 73. Delphinium grandifloruin
iv. 78, D . exaltatum iv. 79, D. hybridum iv. 76, D. crassifolium iv. 79, D. urceolatum iv. 80, Cimici-
fu g a foetida iv. 70, Ranunculus Hyferborens iv. 83, Kefeta multifida iii. 55, Dracocephalu'm p innatum
iii. 52, D. nutans iii. 49, D. thymiflorum iii. 50, Scutellaria pallida iii. 58. Bartsia pallida iii. 42,
Pedicularis euphrasioides iii. 43, P. resupinata iii. 44, P . uncinata iii. 45, P . data iii. p. 211, Draba
repens iii. 36. 2, Cardamine macrophylla iii. 62, Sisymbrium integrifolium iii, 63, Arabis p d d u la iii.
60, Geranium Sibericum iii. 67, Corydalis paeoniaefolia iv. 34, Polygala Siberica iv. 32, Orobus angustifolius
iv. 5, Lathy> us pisiformis iv. i. Vicia biennis iv. 2, Hedysarum alpinum iv. 10, H . argenteum
iv. 13, II. sericeum iv. 31, Astragalus adsurgens iv. 15, A . uliginosus iv. 17. 18, A . Laxmanni\\-. 19,
A . pauciflorus XV. 26. i, A . Baicalensis iv. 26. 2, A. longiflorus iv. 27, 0.rytropis ambigua iv. 30’,
(9. leptophylla iv. 24. b., Trigonella Ruthenica iv. 8, Scorzonera angustifolia l i . i, Sonclms Sibcricu's
ii. 3, Hieracium croceum ii. 8. i, H. Gmelini ii. 8. 2, H. lyratum ii. 9, Saussurea salicifolia ii. 27,
X. multiflora ii. 28, Serratula centauroides ii. 17, S. polyclonos ii. 16, Cirsium cernuum ii. 19, C. Gmelin
i ii. 25, Rhaponticum uniflorum ii. 38, Cacalia hastata ii. 66, Tanacetum Sibericum ii. 65.’ 2, Arte-
misia integrifolia ii. 0 . i. 2, A . nitrosa ii. 50. I, A . Lercheana ii. 2. 3, A . anethi/olia ii. 34, A . p tlu s tr is
ii. 55, A . laciniata ii. 57, A . inodora ii. 63. I , Erigeron gramineum ii, 76. 2, Tussilago anandria ii.
67. I. 68. I , T. lyrata ii. 67. 2, T. laevigata ii. 69, Cineraria glauca ii. 74, Chrysanthemum bipinna-
ium ii. 85. I , C millefoliatum ii. 86. i, C. achilleaefolium ii. 86. 2, C. Arcticum ii. 84, Achillea impatiens
ii. 83. I , A . Cerberi ii. 83. 2, A .filic ifo lia ii. 19, Centaurea radiata ii. 47. i, C. Ruthenica ii.
41, C. ovina ii. 43, C. maculata ii. 44. i. 2, C. trichocepliala ii. 45. i. 2, Orchis cucullata i. 3. 2, O.
fuscescens i. 4 2, Limodorum epigonium i. 2. 2, A xyris amarantoides iii. 2. 3, A . hybrida iii. 4. i",
k iL!