
Ouen-kong, Chinese prince, 225.
Ou-hien, Chinese astronomer, 103.
Ou-kong, king of Ouei in China, 211-12.
Ousaph.aithos, king of Egypt, 64.
Ovalle, Francis de, Spanish navigator, 905.
Ovidius, Roman poet, 470.
Oviedo, early resident in the West Indies, S61, 867.
Owen, O., capt. of a British barque, 1072.
Owen Gwynedd, prince of North Wales, 712.
O.xa, Anglo-Saxon physician, 633.
Oxyartes, king of Bactria, 95.
O.xyntes, king of Athens, 178.
O-zin, sixteenth dairo of Japan, 543.
P a a p io s , father of Amenophis, 127.
P.aawius, Petrus, Dutch botanist, 921.
Pacatus, Drepanius, Roman rhetor, 552.
Pachacutec, nintli inca of Peru, 662, 783, 788, 79S.
Pacho, Juan, Spanish captain, 91S.
Pachymeres, scholastic Greek writer, 765.
Pacianus, bishop of Barcelona in the Pyrenees, 552.
Pacificus, clockmaker, 629.
Pacificus, theologian, S31.
Pacuvius, Roman tragic poet, 400.
Paddock, Ichabod, founder of the Nantucket whale-
fi.shery, 986.
Paez, Peter, jesuit in .Abi'ssinia, 923.
Paine, Thomas, English political writer, 1035.
Pahaemon Vicentinus, Roman grammarian, 477.
P.alaephatus, Greek historian, 325.
Palladio, Italian architect, 897.
Palladius, first bishop of the Scots, 565.
Palladius, Roman agricultural writer, 550.
Pallas, Russian naturalist in Siberia, 582,759, 102S-34,
1039. 1054. 1058-
Palma, Cornelius, Roman prefect in .Syria, 519.
Palma, J.acopo, 11 Vecchio, Italian painter, 872.
Palmas, bishop of Pontus, 533.
Palmerius, Matthæus, chronographer, 822, 846.
Paludanus, Petrus, scholastic theologian, 782.
P.amphila, Greek historian, 477.
Pamphila, inventor of weaving gauze, 129.
Pamphilus, early Christian writer, 544.
Pamphilus, Greek grammarian, 477.
Pamphilus, Greek painter, 312.
Pamphos, Greek poet, i65.
Pamprepius, Greek philosopher, 56S.
Panaceia, called daughter of Aesculapius, 156.
Panaenus, Greek painter, 281.
Panaetius, Greek philosopher, 402.
Pancirolus, professor of law at Padua, 897.
Pancovius, Thomas, Swedish botanist, 902, 948.
Pancrates, Greek poet, 517.
Pander, naturalist, 1062.
Pandien, king in Southern Hindustan, 632.
Pandion, fifth king of Athens, 150, 152.
Pandion II., eighth king of Athens, 159.
Pandion, king in Southern Plindustan, 462.
Pandita-wijeya-Chako, king of Ceylon, 669.
Pandu Dewa Nata, chief of the Hindu colony on Java,
571-72, 586.
Pangeran Sabrang Lor., second suit, of Java, 843, 845.
Pangeran Tranggana, third sultan of Java, 845.
Pan-hoei-pan, Chinese poetess and historian, 498.
Pani, Samoan voyager, 1017.
Panina, ITindu grammarian, 320.
Panjar Masin, S14.
Panji, Javan hero, 664.
Pan-keng, of the Chang, Chinese emperor, 123.
Pan-kou, Chinese historian, 49S.
Panodoriis, Egyptian chronographer, 560.
Pantaenus, Stoic philosopher and early Christian, 532.
Panvinius, Onuphrius, scholar and chronographer, S98.
Panyas, Assyrian emperor, 151.
Panyasis, Greek poet, 268.
Pan young, Chinese general, 525.
Panzer, G. W. F., botanist, 1049.
Papeyan, Burmese king, 44S, 469.
Papias, early Christian writer, 526, 531.
Papias, le.xicographer, 677.
Papinianus, Roman jurist, 535. .
Pappus, Greek mathematician, 552.
Paracelsus, Theophrastus, 872.
Parackramabahoo, king of Ceylon, 664, 667, 669.
Parasara, Hindu astronomer, 154.
Parasurama, Plindu king, iiS, 616.
Paris, or Alexander, Trojan prince, 167.
Parker, Dr., missionary, 1067.
Parkinson, John, English botanist, 945, 951.
Parmenides, lawgiver in Italy and philosopher, 255.
Parmigiano, Italian painter, S72.
Parrhasius of Ephesus, Greek painter, 2S1.
Parrot, Friedrich, botanist on Ararat, 1066.
Parthenius, Greek writer, 457.
Pascal, Blaise, mathematician and essayist, 948.
Paschalis, thirty-fourth Roman archbishop, 626-27.
Paschalis IL, fourth pope, 684, 687.
Paschasius, Ratbertus, theologian, 624.
Pasiphilus, Roman praefect, 550.
Pasoscanki, translator into Aymara, 665.
Paspati, A. G., Greek writer on Gypsies, 1066.
Pasquier, Stephen, archæologist and jurist, 921.
Passienus, Roman rhetor, 457.
Patera, Roman rhetor, 547.
Paterculus, Velleius, Roman historian, 468.
Patricius, or St. Patrick, 566.
Patrocles. Greek geographer, 370.
Paul, Russian emperor, 1040, 1053.
Paul the apostle, 148, 378, 477-78, 480-82, 498.
Paula, early Christian traveller in Palestine, 555.
Paulinus Aquileiensis, theologian, 621.
Paullu, 667.
Paulus, bishop of Constantinople, 548.
Paulus, bishop of Narbonne, 539.
Paulus, Greek rhetor, 537.
Paulus, Sim., Danish botanist, 948.
Paulus, twenty-ninth Roman archbishop, 621.
Paulus II., fifty-seventh pope, 829, 833.
Paulus IIL, sixty-sixth pope, 877, 880, 885.
Paulus Aegineta, Greek medical writer, 607.
Paulus Æmlliu.s, 85 .
Pauhis Bergensis, Greek writer, 799.
Paulus Diaconus, historian and theologian, 622.
Paulus Jovius, 872.
Paulus of Antioch, ecclesiastical writer, 571.
Paulus of Samosata, heretical Christ, writer, 540, 542.
Paulus of Thebes, Christian and earliest hermit, 539.
Paulus the Novatian, 565.
Pausanias, Greek archæologist, 529, 531.
Pausanias, king of Macedonia, 306.
Pausanias, Spartan general, 265.
Pausias, Greek painter, 370.
Pauson, Greek painter, 2S1.
Raiuhier, G., orientalist, 1067.
Pavon, Spanish botanist in Peru, 1037.
Pechi, king of Eg)ipt, 195.
Pedro Vadillo, traveller and explorer, 877.
r tp lo t ti, F. Balducci, writer on commerce, 782.
lehor Siamun, king of Egypt, 169.
Peine, Elias, German botanist, 965.
Pei rasus, son of Argus, 121.
rtu-esc, Fabri de, liistorian, and patron of learning, 948.
I eixoto, Antony, Portuguese navigator, 882.
Pekah, king of Israel, 211.
Pekahiah, king of Israel, 211.
Pelagius, bishop of Laodicea, 554.
£lagms, fifty-eighth bishop of Kome, 584-85
# agius, sixty-first bishop of Rome, 589, 591
Pelagius Alvarus, scholastic theologian 782
Pelasgus, first king of Arcadia, 126.
Pelasgus, leader of a Greek colony, 120.
Peleg, sou of Eber, 96.
Pellew, British navigator, 1057.
Pelops, king of Argos, 153.
Pelsart, Francis, Dutch navigator, 944.
Penco de la Vega, writer on the morality of the Stock
exchange, 965.
Penn, British admiral, 959.
£nn, Wm founder of the city of Philadelphia. 978
Pennems, Thomas, English botanist, 897
Penthilus, leader of a Greek colony, 170
rtpi, or Apappus, or Phiops, king of Egypt, 74.
Pepin, king of France, Ó20-21.
rtrcy. Sir George, acting governor of Virginia, 930
Perdiccas, kingof Macedonia, 221. ®
rtrdiccas II eleventh king of Macedonia, 288,291,318.
Peidiccas, Macedonian general, 337.
Peregrine, Petrus, physicist, 75^.
Peregrinus, Greek philosopher, 529.
Perez, Juan, Spanish navigator, 1034.
rtrez, Laurentius, Spanish botanist, goi.
leriander, king of Corinth, 2„8 »35
Pericles of Athens. Gr statesmèn and orator, 26S, 2S2.
Peiiclymenus, Aeolian chief, 160, 16»
rtrnetty, voyager to the Falkland Islands, lofo
i erring, archæologist in Egypt, 1066.
Perron, Jaques Davy du, 921.
Perseus, Greek painter, 370.
Perseus, king of Argos, 155, 163.
Perseus, last king of Macedonia, 398-99
Persms, Roman poet, 477.
rtrthes, Boucher de, French archæologist, 1069.
Pertinax, eighteenth Roman emperor, 533
Perugina, Pietro, Italian painter, 858.
Petachja of Regensburg, Jewish traveller, 711
rttav.us of Orleans, chronograplier. 94S.
rttei HP, king of Aragon and Naples, 757.
Peter IIP, Russian emperor, 1024.
Peter de Cintra, Portuguese navigator, 82c
I eter de Vignes, 723.
Peter the disciple, 478-79, 4S1, 40S.
rtter the Great, Russian emperor, 981, 999, 1007
£ ei the hermit, originator of the Crusades, 6S3.
1 e lit,^ h ra n c ., h r e n c h b o ta n is t , 997.
Petit Uiouars, French botanist, low.
rttitnicoHs, French missionary in Corea, 1071.
Petivei, Jacob, English botanist, 990, 997, 1004.
I I 2 3
Petrarch, Italian poet, 791.
Petronius, C., Roman satirist, 483.
rttronius. Cams, Roman prefect over Egypt, 461, 463.
Petronius, Roman ecclesiastical writer, 560.
Petronius Sabinus, early Roman scribe, 244
Petrus, Cornelius, of Leyden, botanist, 871.
I etrus, physician to Theoderic, 570.
rttrus, sixteenth bishop of Alexandria, 544, 546.
rttrus, twentieth bishop of Alexandria, 552-53.
Petrus ab Alliaco, encyclopædic writer, 801.
Petrus Antiochenus, Greek writer, 675.
Petrus Apianus, 872.
Petrus Aureolus, scholastic theologian 765
Petrus Canisius, 897.
Petrus Cantor, see Cantor.
Petrus Cluniacensis, scholastic theologian, 684.
Petrus Comestor, scholastic theologian, 711.
Petrus Damiani, ecclesiastical reformer, 678.
Petrus Lombardus, scholastic theologian, 703.
Petrus Patricius, Greek historian, 576
Petubastes, king of Egypt, 203. 208-9.
Peucetius, leader of a Greek colony, 132.
rtyssonel, zoologist in the West Indies, 1012.
rtzagno of Genoa. Portuguese admiral, 774,
Pfeifer, Loins, German botanist, 1069.
Phaethon, 133.
Phalanthus, leader of a Greek colony, 218.
Phalaris, king of Agrigentum in Sicily, 237 241
Phanias of Eresus, 34S.
Pharamond, first king of the French, 564
Pharez, 120.
Pliarnabazus, Persian general, 302 311
Pharnaces, uncle of Cyrus, 236.
Pharnaces IL, king of Pontus, 447, 454-rr.
Pheles, Phoenician king, 192.
Phemius, Greek poet, 175.
Phemonoe, Greek poetess, 132.
Pherecles, Athenian archon, 198.
Pherecrates, Greek comic poet, 280.
Pherecydes of .\thens, Greek historian, 26S
£erecydes of Syros, Greek philosopher, 237.
Phidias, Greek sculptor, 2S1.
Phidon, king of Argos, 212.
Philager, Greek rhetor, 526.
Philagrius, Greek medical writer, 547.
Philammon, Greek poet, 162, 177.
Phile, Manuel, 765.
Philelphus, Franciscus, 831.
Philemon, Greek comic poet, 3Z5
Kiilemon the younger. Greek comic poet, 370.
Philetas of Cos, Greek poet, 370.
Philetus, tenth bishop of Antioch, 536.
Philinus, Greek orator, 325.
Philinus of Agiigentura, Greek historian, 389
Philinus of Cos, Greek physician, 376
Phihp, king of France, 6S2.
Philip II., king of France, 715-16.
Philip III., king of France, 753.
Kiiiip IV. le Bel, king of France, 759, 765.
Philip V., king of France, 774.
faiilip I I , king of Spain, 8S9, 891-92, S97 or- nin
PIMip HI., king of Spain, 9Í9.
Philip, see Metacom.
Philip the disciple, 477.
Philippicus, twentieth Byzantine emperor, 615.
Philippides, Greek comic poet, 323.
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