Frederic William, king of Prussia, 1017.
Fred e ric William I I ., king o f Prussia, 1042, 1049.
Frederic William I IP , king of Prussia, 1049.
Fredericus Barbarossa, eleventh emperor of Germany
and Italy, 708, 710.
Fredericus I f ., fourteenth emperor of Germany and
Italy, 720, 722, 734, 736, 740.
Fredericus I I I., twenty-seventh emperor o f Germany
and Italy, Sat.
Freycinet, French navigator, lo S t .
Frezier, Amad., voyager, 668, 1003.
Friend, John, physician, 997.
Fries, E . F r., botanist, 1062.
Frodoard, 650.
Froelich, Jo. A lo y s., German botanist, 1049.
F roes, A lo ysius, Ca th olic mi.ssionary in Japan, S97.
F roissart, Flemish historian, 791.
Frontinus, Julius, Roman governor in Britain, 515.
Frontinus, Roman writer, 498.
Fronto, Cornelius, Roman rhetor, 528.
Frumentius, missionary in Abyssinia, 547-4S.
F uca , Juan de, G reek navigator, 914.
Fuchsius, L ., botanist, 882.
Fuiren, Georg, Danish botanist, 943.
Fulber tus , 664.
Fulgentius, Roman ecclesiastical writer, 56S.
Fulton, Robert, American engineer, 1057.
F ulv ius Nobilior, Roman historian, 396-97.
Funccius, Joannes, chronologist, 888.
Furniiis, Roman orator, 446.
F urnival, Richard de, naturalist, 753.
Fusimi, dairo of Japan, 759, 764.
Fusimi I I ., dairo of Japan, 764-65.
Fus s . Russian astronomer and physicist, 1065.
G.v b in ia n u s , R om a n rh e to r , 503.
Gabinius, king of the Quadi, 553. .
Gabinius, Roman proconsul in Syria, 453.
Gad, Jewish p rophet, 179.
Gcertner, German botanist, 1043.
Gaetano, navigator, 882.
Gage, Thomas, British general in N . America, 1034.
Gaiga-dchargoutsi, Chinese instructor o f the Mandchous,
Gai-ti, see Ngai-ti.
Gakenholz, Ale.\. Chr., botanist, 997.
G alav a, plindu king, 130.
Galba, Roman emperor, 498.
Galen, G reek medical writer, 529.
Galeotti, botanist in Mexico, 1067.
Galerius, colleague o f the emperor Diocletian, 544.
Galfridus of Lynn, author o f Promptorium parvu-
lorum, 718, S16.
Gali, Franciso, Spanish navigator, 905.
G alileo , Italian astronomer, 928-29.
Galland, French orientalist, 997.
Galle, astronomer, 1069.
Gallesio, G., botanist, 1052.
Gallienus, Roman emperor, 540-41.
Gallio , Junms, Roman rhetor, 467.
Gallus, A elius , Roman prefect over Eg ypt, 461, 464.
Gallus, Asinius, Roman orator, 467.
Gallus , Cestius, Roman general, 49S.
Gallus, Cornelius, Roman poet and p refect over
E g ypt, 457, 461.
G allus , Suipicius, earliest Roman astronomer, 399.
Gallus, Trebonianus, thirtieth Roman emperor, 539.
Gallus Caesar, Roman viceroy, 549.
Galvani of Bologna, discoverer of ga lv anic electricity,
Galvano, Antonio, governor o f Ternate, 876.
Galvez , Spanish governor of Louisiana, 1037.
Gama, V a s co de, Portuguese navigator, S56-57, 859,
Gambhira, llin d u king, 626.
Gangeswar, kin g of Orissa, 708.
Garces, Henrique, 897.
Garcia I I I ., king of Spain, 664.
Garcias, botanist in the Ea s t Indies, 888.
Gardar, Scandinavian navigator, 638.
Garden, botanist in Carolina, J024.
Garga, Hindu astronomer, 17%
Garidel, Joseph, French botanist, 1004.
Gariopontus, medical writer, 862.
Gassendi, Peter, French astronomer, 940.
Gaston Phoebus, naturalist, 791.
Gates, Thomas, second governor of Virginia, 928, 930,
Gathlas, Armenian chief, 87.
Gatianus, first bishop of T ours , 539.
Gaubil, Ca th olic missionary in China, 1030.
Gaudama, see Buddha.
Gaudapada, commentator on the Vedas , 647, 651.
Gaudichaud, Charles, botanist in F re y c in e t’s Vo yage,
io 6 i, 1064.
Gaudin, J. F. G. Philip, Swiss botanist, 1058.
Gay, C . L ., botanist in Chili, 1069.
Gay , Jacques, French botanist, 1069.
Gayabahoo, kin g o f Ceylon, 521, 527.
Gaza, Theodorus, translator of Greek, 841.
Gazali, or Ghazali, A rab writer, 684.
G eber, A rab astronomer and alchemist, 646.
Gelanor, kin g of Argos , 137.
Gelasius, bishop of Ca esa rea in Palestine, 554.
Gelasius, forty-seventh bishop of Rome, 570.
Gelasius of Cyzicus , ecclesiastical writer, 568.
Gelasius IL , fifth pope, 6S7.
Gelimer, last king of the Vandals in A fr ica , 576.
Gelon, Greek kin g of Syracuse, 261, 266.
Geminianus, early Christian writer, 536.
Geminus, C . Fufius, or Rufius, Roman consul, 476.
Geminus, G reek astronomer, 433.
Geminus, L. Rubellius, Roman consul, 476.
Gemistus, Georgius, a sch o la s tic G re ek writer,
Genebrardus, Gilbertus, chronographer, 897.
Genesius, J., restorer o f learning in Spain, S97.
Gennadius, bishop of Constantinople, 568.
Gennadius, Roman orator, 547.
Gennadius of .Massilia, ecclesiastical writer, 570.
Genonei, empress, or dairo, of Jajtan, 614, 616.
Genseric, king o f the Vandals, 566-67, 569.
Gensioo, empress, or dairo, o f Japan, 616, 618.
Gentius, king of the Illyrians, 399.
Geoffrey of Monmouth, translator of W e lsh , 703.
Geoffroy, Claud Joseph, French botanist, io t2 .
Geoffroy, Steph. Franc., French botanist, 997.
Geoffry, bishop of Rouen, 687.
George, British king, 1004, 1007.
George H., British king, 1007, 1023.
George H I ., British king, 1023, 1058.
IN D E X TO N AM E S OF PE R SO N S . ■I 1 0 3
Georgi, Io. Theoph., botanist in E a s t Siberia, 1031-33.
Georgilas, Emmanuel, modern Greek versifier, 831.
Georgius, Arian bishop of Alexandria, 550-51.
Georgius monachus, Greek writer, 650.
Georgius Phraiitzes, 831.
Georgius Protosiucellus, Greek writer, 831.
Georgius Trapeziintinus, translator o f Greek, 831.
Gerard, L., French botanist, 1024-25.
Gerarde, John, English botanist, 918, 947.
Gerardus Cremonensis, orientalist, 680.
Gerber, Trang., Russian botanist, 1012.
Gerbert, see Sy lv e s te r II.
Gerbillon, P , Jesuit missionary in China, gSg.
Gerhardus, 740.
Germanicus Caesar, son o f Drusus, 470, 475.
Germanus Antisiodorensis, legate from the bishop of
Rome, 565.
Germanus, Greek patriarch, 6i8.
Germanus o f Constantinople, scho la s tic G re ek writer,
Gerson ben Solomon, Jewish cosmographer, 752.
Gerson, Joannes, o f Paris, scholastic theologian, 799.
Gervase of Canterbury, historian, 718.
Gesenius, orientalist, 650.
Gesner, Io , botanist, 882, 884, 8S7-88, 891-92, S94, 897,
1021, 1025, 1027.
Geta, brother of the emperor Ca racalla, 534-35.
Ghatacarpura, Sanscrit writer, 6S1.
Ghazali, see Gazali.
Gheias-u-din Ghori, suit, of Ghor and Ghazni, 709, 718.
Ghen-so, twenty-fourth dairo o f Japan, 569.
Ghiesbreght, botanist in Mexico, 1067.
Ghi-fon, king of the Lo o -Choo Islands, 741.
Ghota-abaya, or iMaga-warna-Abaya, kin g of Ceylon,
539. 541-
Gideon, or Jerubbaal, Jewish warrior, 157.
Giganof, author o f a T a r ta r dictionary, 1052.
Gilbert, Humph., leader o f an English colony, 905, 936.
Gilbert, Raleigh, leader o f an English colony, 926-27.
Gilbert o f Poitiers, theologian, 705.
Gildas, earliest British historian, 585.
Gildo, claimant of the Roman empire, 559.
Gilead, 127.
Gillam, British navigator, 965.
Ginnani, Jos., botanist, 1013.
Giorgione, Italian painter, 85S.
Giotto, Italian painter, 765.
Giraldi of Ferrara, critic, 872.
C is co , Carthaginian prince, 265.
G iseke, P. D., botanist, 1027.
Giselb ertus, theologian, 650.
Giyoki, Buddhist priest in Japan, 61S.
Glaber, Radulphus, historian and theologian, 675.
Glanville, Bartholomew, English botanist, 7S2.
Glanville, Ranulph de, jurist, 7r5.
Glaucias, early Christian G reek writer, 49S.
Glaucias, Greek medical writer, 392.
Glaucus of Chios, Greek artisan, 220.
G leditsh, Io. Th., botanist, 1013, 1025.
G lü ck o f Livonia, translator into Lettonian and R u s sian,
Gluzonius, Emmanuel, modern Greek writer, S97.
Glycas , Michael, scholastic Greek writer, 684.
Glycerins, Roman emperor over the Wes t, 56S-69.
Glycon, G reek medical rvriter, 455.
Gmelin, Io. Frid., botanist, 1025, 1033, 1043.
Gmelin, Io. George, botanist in Siberia, 1013, lo iS .
Gmelin jun., voya g e r on the Caspian, 1033.
Gmelin, Sam. Theoph., voyager on the Caspian, 1028.
Gnipho, Antonius, Roman rhetor, 446.
Gobind Bidyadhar, kin g of Orissa, 872.
Goddam, Adamus, scho la s tic theologian, 782.
Godescalcus, author o f the doctrine o f predestination,
Godfrey of Bouillon, leader of Crusaders, 683.
Godfridus Vindocinensis, theologian, 684.
Goffe, English regicide, 960.
Gofimnazo, dairo of Japan, 812, 818, 830.
Go-Ho rik aw a, see Forikawa H.
Go-jo-sei, dairo o f Japan, 913.
Gokomatz, dairo o f Japan, 796, 802.
Gollownin, Russian voyager to Japan, 1059.
Gomara, Lop ez de, 888.
Gomez, botanist in Brazil, 1059,
Gomez, Esteuan, Spanish navigator, 867.
Gomez, Fernam, S31, 833.
Gonara, dairo o f Japan, 868, 892.
Gonarda H I., king of Cashmere', 193.
Gonsalo Velio , Portuguese navigator, S13, 822.
Gonsalves, Antam, Portuguese navigator, 8 16 - 1 7 ,8 ig.
Goodenough, S., cryptogamic botanist, 1047.
Gookin, Daniel, ethnologist in N. America, 972.
Gordianus Pius, twenty-seventh Roman emperor, 538.
Gordius, kin g of Phrygia, 150.
Go-reisei, or Reisei II ., dairo o f Japan, 676, 6S0.
Gorgias, G reek orator, 281.
Gorram, Nicolaus de, scho la s tic theologian, 782.
Gorter, D . de, botanist, 1024-25.
Go-san-dsio, dairo o f Japan, 6S0.
Gosnold, Bartholomew, British navigator, 923.
Go-sijrakawa, dairo o f Japan, 709.
Go-siu-saku, dairo o f Japan, 675-76.
Gothofridus Viterbiensis, chronographer, 716.
Go -Tsuts i-Mik addo , dairo o f Japan, 830.
Gotto-mio, dairo of Japan, 953, 959.
Gouan, Ant., French botanist, 1024-25, 1033.
Gouda, dairo o f Japan, 755, 759,
Gourgues, Dominique de, Fr. colonizer in Florida, 89S.
Govardhana, Sanscrit poet, 711.
Go vindanat’ha, commentator on the Vedas, 651,655.
Gower, English poet, 798.
Graah, Danish navigator, 862.
Græviiis of Saxony, critic, 997.
Graham, John, botanist in Hindustan, 1068.
Grais, leader of a G re ek colony, 191.
Grant, U S , American general, 1071.
Gratian o f T uscan y , scho la s tic theologian, 708.
Gratianiis, forty-eighth Roman emperor, 553-54.
Gravé, Du Pont, E'rench navigator, 920.
Gra vina of Naples, jurist, 997.
Gray, Asa, N. American botanist, 1069-70.
Green, John, American trader, 1038.
Greene, Benjamin D., American botanist, 1047, 1063.
Greene, Nathaniel, American general, 1037.
Greenvil, Richard, leader o f a British colony, goS-9.
Gregentius, bishop o f Yemen, 577.
Gregorius, Arian bishop o f Alexandria, 548-49.
Gregorius, bishop of Nazianzus, 547.
Gregorius, bishop o f Nys sa, 554.
Gregorius, or Theodorus, bishop o f Neo-caesarea in
Pontus, 537.
Gregorius Ariminensis, scho la s tic theologian, 782.
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