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Sorbona, Rob., founder of the college Sorbonne, 751.
Soris, king of Egypt, 67.
Sosares, Assyrian emperor, 145.
Sosarmus, Assyrian emperor, 155.
Sosibius of Laconia, Greek grammarian, 3S2.
Sosicrates of Rhodes, Greek historian, 400.
Sosigenes, Greek astronomer, 455.
Sosilus, Greek historian, 396.
Sosiphanes, Greek tragic poet, 370.
Sosippus, Greek comic poet, 325.
Sositheus, Greek tragic poet, 370.
Sossius, C., Roman general, 456.
Sostratus ot Cnidus, Greek architect, 3S2.
Sotades, Greek comic poet, 312,
Sotades the younger, Greek dramatic poet, 370.
Soter, eleventh bishop of Rome, 529.
Sotion, Greek philosopher, 396.
Sotion the Peripatetic, Greek writer. 526.
Sotion the younger, Greek philosopher, 467.
Soui-ko, female dairo of Japan, 591, 600.
Soui set', second dairo of Japan, 235.
Soujef, traveller in Siberia, 7S1, 1031, 1033.
Soun-ten-o, king of the Loo-Choo Islands, 711, 716.
Sous, second Proclid king of Sparta, 191.
Sousa, Gonzalo de, Portuguese navigator, 847.
Sousa, Jao de, author ot Vestig. Arab. (Lisbon, 1789),
Sou-tsoung, ot the Thang, Chinese emperor, 620.
Sowerby, James, artist and botanist, 1045.
Soyouti, Arab zoologist, 85S.
Sozomenus, Greek ecclesiastical historian, 565.
Sparaethus, Assyrian emperor, 120.
Sparmann, And', naturalist in Austral Africa, 1032.
Spelman, Henry, English archæologist, 948.
Spenser, Edmund, English poet, 897.
Sperlingius, Otho, German botanist, 94S.
Speusippus, Greek philosopher, 320, 322.
Sphaerus, Assyrian emperor, 117.
Spigelius, Adrian, Belgian botanist, 926.
Spinosa, Benedict de, 965.
Spotswood, Alexander, lient.-gov. ot Va., 1004.
Sprengel, C., German botanist, 1064.
Spurina, L. Tarimtius, Roman mathematician, 446.
Sqnanto, aboriginal American, 939.
Sreznefski, Russian historian, 1066.
Sri Boja, Plindu king, 702.
Sridharasena, Hindu king of Guzerat, 5S3.
Sridharasena It., Hindu king of Guzerat, 6ot.
Sridharasena III., Hindu king.of Guzerat, 601.
Sri-Pulimaua, king at Paitan, 527.
Sse-ma-kouang, Chinese historian, 6S0.
Sse-ma-thsien, Chinese historian, 431.
Stackhouse, John, cryptogamic botanist, 1027.
Stadius, Joannes, Portuguese voyager to Brazil, 887.
Standish, Miles, Puritan colonist, 939.
Starchii, J. L., Swedish botanist, 939.
Stasinus of Cyprus, Greek poet, 210.
Statiu.s, Roman poet, 49S.
Statius Ursulus, Roman rhetor, 477.
Staunton, S. G., traveller in China, 1047.
Stavrovates, emperor of Northern Hindustan, 95.
Steele, Richard, English critic, 997. '
Stefani, Tommaso de, Italian painter, 753.
Stefano, il Fiorentino, Italian painter, 782.
Stefanone, Italian painter, 682, 791.
Steinschneider, Jewish bibliographer, 1066.
Steller, Georg. Gul., nat. in Kamtchatka, lOoS, 10:7.
Steno, or Stenson, Nicolaus, Danish geologist, 9G5.
Stephano, Hieronymo da Santa, voyager to Pegu, 856.
Stephanus, Carolus, botanist, S76.
Stephanus, Greek comic poet, 325.
Stephanus, king of Plungary, 664.
Stephanus, Robertus, 897.
Stephanus, twenty-first bishop of Rome, 539.
Stephanus II .twenty-seventh Roman archbishop,620. '
Stephanus HE, twenty-eighth Roman archbp., 620-21.
Stephanus IV., thirtieth Roman archbishop, 621-22.
Stephanus V., thirty-third Roman archbishop, 626.
Stephanus VI., forty-sixth Roman archbishop, 643-44.
Stephanus VIE. forty-ninth Roman archbishop, 645.
Stephanus VIII., sixtieth Roman archbishop, 650.
Stephanus IX., sixty-third Roman archbishop, 65:.
Stephanus X., eighty-ninth Roman archbishop, 67S.
Stephanus Asolnichius, Armenian chronicler, 663.
Stephanus mathematicus, 601.
Stephen, first Christian martyr, 477.
Stephen, twenty-fourth king of England, 703.
Stephens, Henry, P'rench printer and critic, S97.
Stephens, Robert, French printer, 872.
Stephenson, Mannaduke, Quaker martyr in New
England, 960.
Stephinates, king of Egypt, 221.
Sterbeek, Franc., Belgian botanist, 965.
Sternberg, Caspar, botanist, 1052.
Stesichorus, Greek poet, 231.
Stesimbrotus of Thasos, Greek historian, 281.
Steudel, Ernest, German botanist, 1062.
Stevam Affonso, Portuguese navigator. 820.
Steven, Christ., botanist, 1058.
Stewart, Capt., officer of the first American ship seen
in Japan, 1049.
Sthenelas, Greek tragic poet, 281.
Sthenelas, king ot Argos, 136.
Sthenelas IE, king of .'krgos, 163.
Stieff, Io. Ern., botanist, 1027.
Stilicho, Roman general, 55S, 560-61.
Stillingfleet, Edward, controversial theologian, 965.
Stilpo, Greek philosopher, 325.
Strabo, Greek geographer, 464.
Strabus, Walafridns, theologian, 630.
Strabus Fuldensis, disciple of Rabanus Maurus, 629.
Strachey, Wm., author of Travaile into Virginia, 929.
Strada, Famianus, historian and critic, 948.
Stratodes, Greek orator, 325.
Straton, Aristotelian philosopher, 377.
Straton, Greek comic poet, 325.
Strattis, Greek comic poet, 292.
Stremonius, first bishop of Arvernis in Gani, 539.
Strobelberger, Io. Stephan., botanist, 921.
Strom, Io., Norwegian botanist, 1027.
Sturm, Jac., German botanist, 1051.
Stuyvesant, Dutch colonial governor, 957, 959, 963,
Suantana, chief ot the Hindu colony on Java, 570.
Subala, Plindu king, 403.
Suchi, Plindu king, 644.
Snckow, Geo. Adol., botanist, 1052.
Sucra, Plindu king, 647.
Sucriti, Hindu king, 240.
Sucshetra, llindu king, 228.
Sudharma, Plindu king, 438.
Sudraka, or Aditya, Plindu king, 532.
Suen-ouang, see Siouan-wang.
IN D E X TO N AM E S OF P E R SO N S . ” 33
Sueno II., king of Denmark, 667.
Suero de Costa, Ponuguese navigator, 825.
Suetonius Paulinus, Roman general in Britain, 483.
Suetonius Tranquillus, Roman historian, 519.
Suidas, Greek historian, 655.
Suinin, see Synin.
Suinthila, Gothic king of Spain, 600.
Sujan Kesari, king of Orissa, 684.
Sujin, dairo of Japan, 436, 457.
Suleiman, Oman chief, 612.
Suliman, fifth Turkish sultan, 800-1.
SulimAn II., twelfth Turkish sultan, S64, 866, 869,
S70-71, 882, 897.
Suliman IIL, twenty-first Turkish sultan, 9S2, 989.
Sulla, L. Cornelius, Roman dictator, 439, 441, 444.
Sullivant, American botanist, 1068.
Suipicius, see Severus.
Sultan Aly, Persian medical writer, 782.
Sultan Seif, imam of Muscat, 994.
Sultan Shujar, governor of Behar, &c., 952.
Sumers, George, admiral of Virginia, 928-29.
Suphis, king of Egypt, 66.
Suphis II., or Cheops, king of Egypt, 67.
Suphis III., king of Egypt, 67.
Surajah Dowla, Hindu nabob, 1023.
Surakawa, dairo of Japan, 680, 682.
Susanaga, Hindu king, 267, 270.
Susrutas, Hindu medical writer, 612,690-91.
Sutapa, Hindu king, 547.
Suter, J. R., botanist, 1053.
Sutherland, Jacob, English botanist, 980.
Suvarna Kesari, king of Orissa, 702.
Suyasas, Plindu king, 391, 395.
Suyudana, ruler of the Hindu colony on Java, 572, 586.
Swartz, Olaus, bot. in the W. Indies, 1038, 1043,
Sweertius Emanuel, Dutch botanist, 930.
Swift, Jonathan, English humorist, ioi2.
Swithhelm, king of Esse.x, 607.
Sydenham, Thomas, English physician, 965.
Sylburg, Frederic, 897.
Sylvaticus, Matthaeus, Italian medical writer, 774.
Sylvester, bishop of Perejaslavl, Russian annalist, 684.
Sylvester, thirty-first bishop of Rome, 546.
Sylvester IP, or Gerbert, orientalist and seventy-
seventh Roman archbishop, 664-65.
Symeon magister, Greek writer, 655.
Symeon Sethus, 675.
Symes, Mich., ambassador to Ava, 1050.
Symmachus, forty-ninth bishop of Rome, 570-72.
Symmachus, Q. Aurelius, Roman orator, 552, 555.
Symon Januensis, see Cordo.
Symphorianus Campegius of Lyons, botanist, S77.
Syncellus, Georgius, Greek chronographer, 624,
Synesius, early Christian ambassador, 559.
Synin, or Suinin, eleventh dairo of Japan, 457.
Synmu, or Jinmu, first emperor or d.iiro of Japan, 235.
Syphax of Carthage, 395.
Syrianus, Greek grammarian, 564.
Syrus, Publius, Roman writer, 446.
Szkolny, John, Polish navigator, 834.
Szu-ma-thsian, Chinese writer, 398.
T a b e r n c em o n t a x u s , I a . Tm e o ., botanist, 913.
Tachos, see Teos.
Tacitus, M. C., thirty-sixth Roman emperor, 542.
P’acitus, Roman historian, 519.
P'aspah, king in Burmah, 423, 438, 448.
Taffi, Andrea, Italian painter, 753.
Tahan, 125.
Tai-kang of the Hia, Chinese emperor, 85.
Tai-keng, of the Chang, Chinese emperor, loo-i.
Tai-kia, of the Chang, Chinese emperor, 99.
Tai-pe, ancestor ofthe emperors of Japan, 146.
Tai-soquan, Japanese sculptor, 615.
Tai-ting, of the Chang, Chinese emperor, 150.
Tai-ting IL, of the Youan, Chinese emperor, 776, 779.
Tai-tsou, Chinese general and emperor, 647.
Tai-tsou, II., of the later Tcheou, Chinese emp., 653.
Tai-tsou IIL, of the Soung, Chinese emperor, 655.
Tai-tsou IV., of the Ming, Chin, emp., 791-92, 79S, 920.
Tai-tsou, Tartar chief of the Kin, 686, 789.
Tai-tsoung, of the Thang, Chinese emperor, 600, 601.
Tai-tsoung IL, of the Thang, Chinese emperor, 621.
Tai-tsoung IIL, of the Soung, Chinese emp.,657, 663.
Tai-tsoung, of the Kin, ruler of Northern China, 687.
Tai-wou, of the Chang, Chinese emperor, 102-3.
Takakura, dairo of Japan, 712, 715.
Takaudsi, cubo of Japan, 781, 789, 790.
Takelet or Tiglath, king of Egypt, 191.
Takelet II., king of Egypt, 192.
Talvi, historian of Slavonic literature, 1066.
Tamamar, or Tamoura-maro, Japanese general, 623.
Tamerlane, see Timur.
Tame-tomo, founder of a new dynasty on the Loo-Choo
Islands, 711.
-Tan, king of Corea, 797-9S.
Tanaus, Scythian king, 88.
Tancheres, king of Egypt, 71.
Tangiia, leader of a Polynesian colony, 6S0.
Tantalus, father of Pelops, 151.
Tao-kouang, three hundred and fifth Chinese Emperor,
1062, 1066-67.
Tapaswi, Hindu king, 545.
Tapomurti, Hindu king, 251.
Tapovati, Hindu king, 551.
Tarafa, Arab poet, 597. 7'arasius, Greek writer, 621.
Targioni Tozetti, Antonio, Italian botanist, 1066.
Targioni-Tozetti, Giov., Italian botanist, 1028.
Targioni-Tozetti, Ottav , Italian botanist, 1048.
Targitaus, the first Scythian, 116.
Tarquinius Priscus, fifth king of Rome, 228, 236.
Tarquinius II., Superbus, seventh king of Rome, 244,
Tasesurt, wife of king Siptah, 132.
Tasman, Abel Jansen, navigator, 953.
Tasso, Italian poet, 897.
Tatianus, founder of the sect of Encratites, 531.
Tatkara-ma, king of Egypt, 76.
Taulerus, Joannes, theologian, 791.
Taurus Berytius, Greek philosopher, ^526.
'Fchang-kiao, Chinese traveller, 40S.
Tchang-ti, of the Han, Chinese emperor, 503.
Tchang-tsoung, of the Kin, ruler of Nor. China, 716.
Tchao-heou, Chinese prince, 212.
Tchao-hiouan-ti, of the Thang, Chinese emperor, 646.
Tchao-lie-ti, nominal Chinese emperor, 536
Tchao-tsoung, of the Thang, Chinese emp., 644-46.
Tchao-wang, of the Tcheou, Chinese emperor, 178.
Tcheou-koung, Chinese astronomer, 164.
Tchhang, king of Corea, 791, 797.
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