
,r ïa- Äf;f m F,
Dulse, 849.
Dumb cane, 990.
Dunkers, Christian sect, 1007.
Duranta Mum ieri, 9S7.
Durien, 816.
Durio tibethimus, 816.
Dutcli, 930, 932, 934, 943, 94S, 952,
961, 9Ó5, 970, 981, 1049.
West India Company, 939.
Duties on imports, 61S, Ó30, 992,
Dwara Samudra, capital of Dowlatabad,
Dwarf cornel, or pigeon-berry, 937.
Dycotyles, peccary, S59.
Dykes, 820, 952.
E ag le , 33.
Earth, the, 20, 65, 369, 3S9,391, 7S7.
Earth-gall, 290, 449-
Earthen ware, art of making, 47.
Earthquakes, 472, 520, 550, 5Ó9, 584,
789, 866, 951, 961, 97Ó, 982, 990,
1007-8, loio, 1015, 1019, 1022,
1024, 1032, 103S, 1049, 1070.
Easter, 533, 609, 759.
East India Company, of England,
920, 981, 1003, 1020, 1026, 10Ó9.
of lYance, 953, 1020.
of Holland, 919, 1048.
East India Marine Society, of
Salem, Mass., 1027.
East Indies, 919-20, 945.
East Indian tribes, 215.
Eatonia obtusata, see striata.
Pennsylvanica, 1060.
striata, loió.
Ebony, 91, 12S, 331, 348, 591, 917.
Ecastaphyllum Broionei, 988.
Ecbatana, city in Media, 221.
Ecclesiastical Councils, 528, 554,
565, 56Ó, 5S4, 612, 623, 640, 687,
703. 715, 720, 736, 755, 773, S02,
S13, S6i, 885, 896.
Echaltium piscidium, 735.
Echineis, 853.
Echinocloa crus-galli, 750.
crus-corvi, y^o.
Echizrocystis lobata, 1044.
Echinopaziax horridum, S30.
Echinophoz'a spinosa, 294.
tenuifolia, 348.
Echinops Graecus, 360.
ritro, 508.
sfhoerocephalus, 433.
spinosus, 211.
strigosus, 898.
Echiziosperzziuzzi dejlexiizn, 1058.
lappula, 509.
■zziiniznnni, 1034.
spizio.arpos, 509.
Echites asperugiziis, 986.
biflora, 98.'.
■ziacrophylla, 594.
suberecta, gì ?.
umbellata, 982,
Echiuzn fruticosum, 993.
gigaziteum, 467.
lialicuzzt, 404.
fziariti/nu/n, 994.
Orientale, 996.
plantagineuzzi, 960.
rubrum, or setosmzi, 108
violaceimi, 907.
vulgare, 368.
Eclipses, 2Ö, 85, 192, 20S, 215, 218,
222, 226-2S, 231, 236, 241, 245,
251, 252, 256, 263, 282, 291. 298,
302, 319, 326, 346, 39S, 397, 399,
403, 466, 483, 526, 549, 560, 562,
566, 368-69, S9L 656, 675, 733,
S55. 917, 939. 971. 1060.
the Babylonian series, 215, 228,
250, 254, 25S.
Edipia erecta, 700.
procuizibens, 1040.
prostrata, see E. erecta.
Ecliptic, 164, 241.
Edessa, 705.
Edfu, 391.
Edgeivorthiapapyrifera, 601.
Edict of Nantes, 919, 9S1.
Editors, 239.
Edom, or Idumea, 149, 194, 199.
Eel, 154.
Fgg-pkud, 602, 656, 831.
Egret, 124.
Egypt, 457, 541. 599, 603, 646, 656,
740, 843, 854, goo, loot, 102S,
1050, 1058, 1066, 1071.
Egyptian Chronicle, 319.
Egyptian, or Coptic, Language, 13,
74, 119, 534.
soldiers in Mexico, T071.
Ehrarta paziicea, 1044.
Ehretia buxifolia, 74Ó.
cozyznbosa, 381.
serrata, 702.
iitiifolia, 9S2.
Eider duck, 154.
Eileithya, or EI Kab, Egyptian
walled city, 103.
Elceagzius angustifolia, 191.
argentea, 1054.
conferta, 84.
latifolia, 970.
Orientalis, 410.
Elceocarpus gaziitrus, 616.
obloztgus, 712.
sp., 240.
than-lwen, 240.
Elaeococca cordata, 622.
Eloeodendrozi azgam, see Argaztia.
izitegrifolmm, 245.
Orientale, 590.
Roxburghii, 522.
Elais Guineensts, 820.
Occidezztalis, 853.
Elaterimzi, 249.
Elatizie alsinastrum, 937,
Azziericana, 1031.
hydropiper, 504.
Elatizie triandra, 100Ó.
verticillata, 374.
Elba, Island of, 1060.
Elder, see Sambucus.
Eleatic philosophy, 250.
Elecampane, 461.
Elections, 402.
Electricity, 250, 29S, 1021.
Electrotyping, art of, 1068.
Elementarium, vocabulary, 677.
Eleocarpus izitegrlfolius, 966.
Eleochaz'is Baldwizii, 1059.
capitata, 1016.
coznpz'essa, 1068.
intez'stincia, 982.
obtusa, 1049.
palustris, 349.
quadrangulata, 1041.
Robbinsii, 1065.
tenuis, 1059.
iicbez'culosa, 1041.
Elephant, African sp., 67, So, 115.
the Indian, 95, 114, 147, 328,
37^^. 573, 775, S97.
Elephazit creeper, 712.
grass, y^o.
Elephanta cave-temples, 483, 606.
Elephazitopus angustifolius, 9S3.
Caroliniazius, 983.
scaber, 974.
spicatus, 983.
tozziezitosus, 1025.
Elephants’ teeth, traffic in, 686,
689, 762.
Elettaz'ia caz'daznozziuzn, 321.
medium, 579.
Eleusine coracazta, 276.
Izidica, 705.
stricta, 740.
virgata, 982.
Elizabeth Islands, 923.
Elizabethtown, in New Jersey, 963.
El Kab, tombs at, 103.
Elk, Cervus alces, 135, 1030.
fossil, of Ireland, 167.
Eller, 790.
Elliottia racemosa, 1058.
Ellisia ziyctelaea, 978.
Ellora, Braminical cave-temples at,
5^5. 766.
Elzn, 134, 171, 252, 366, 873.
Elodaea petiolata, 1041.
Virginica, 968.
Elsholtzia cristata, 1001.
Elyznus az'enarius, gi2, 927.
Canadezisis, 9Ó1.
criziitus, 1005.
Europaeus, 1005.
Sibericus, 1013.
striatus, 1049.
Virginicus, 666, 940.
Elyzia spicata, 1040.
Elytraz'ia crenata, 999.
vizgata, 1040.
Emancipation of slaves in U.S., 1071.
Embargo, 1056.
Embelia ribes, 413.
sp., 731.
Emblica officinalis, 408.
Emeralds, 274, 573, 870.
Emery, the mineral, 230, 1071.
Eznetic-weed, 1015.
Emigration to NewEngland stopped
by King Charles, 947, 950-51.
Emilia sonchifolia, 966.
Empetz'uzzi albuzzi, S78.
nigz'uzn, 781.
Endive, 257, 929.
Endosmia Gardnez'i, 582.
Endrachyuzzi Madagascarense, 957.
England, and the English, 719, 965,
967, 972, 9S2, 1016, loiS, 1021.
English Colonies in North America,
960, 997, 1020.
English, first arrival of the, in China,
language, 747.
trade of, in India, 948-49, 952.
Enoch, book of; 466.
Entada scandens, 775, 917.
Eziterpe sp., 715.
Entertainment, house of, first, established
in Boston, 948.
Ephedz'a altissima, 886.
distachya, 218.
Equisetuzzi limosnm, 496.
palustre, 825.
pz'atense, 1042.
scizpoides, 1044.
sylvaticuzzi, 841.
variegatnzzi, 1040.
Equus asinus, 35, 452.
caballus, 103, 452.
hemionus, the onager, iir .
Era, Assyrian, or Abrahamic, 91.
Burman, 602. ^
Chinese, 73, 76.
Christian, 574, 715, 8ri.
Cilician of Aegae, 455.
Diocletian, 574, 652.
Dionysian, 375.
kaliyug of the Hindus, 66.
Naci of the Arabs, 562, 601.
of Augustus, 45S.
of Colam, 627.
of Gaza, the First, 44S.
of Gaza, the Second, 526.
of Java, 444.
of Nabonassar, 212, 251.
of Petra ancl Bosra, 519.
of Prome, 515.
of Sinmu, Japanese, 225.
of Spain, 715.
of the Christians of Malabar,
fz-agilis, 905. 632.
zzionostachya, 5S7, 1013. of the Seleucidæ, 345.
Ephesus, Greek city in Asia Minor, of Yazdegird, of the Pe
192, 400. 60 [.
Ephori, of Greece, 211. Saca, of India, 453.
Epicaz-puz'ifs asper, 697. Salivahana, 515.
Epidendi‘um amabile, 966. ■ Ez-agrostis capillaris, Sio.
bifidum, 915. ciliaris, 992.
coccineum, &c, 987. cozifez'ta, 1061.
conopseum, 1043. cynosuz'oides, 23S.
ensifolium, 976. ziitida, 1061.
nocturnum, 1005. pectiziacea, 1040.
scriptum, 966. pilosa, 1005.
Epigaea z-epens, 962. pooeoides, S52.
Epilobium alpestre, 993. Puz'shii, 1055.
alpinuzzi, 995. reptans, 1044.
coloratuzzi, 1059. rigida, 97S.
hirsutum, 872. tenella, 999.
luteuzn, 1058. tenuis, 810.
zziontazinzzi, 906. ? uziijloz-a, 1060.
palustre, 892. Eranthis hyezzialis, 906.
parviflorum, 913. Eras, Jewish, 63, 345.
roseum, 882. of Calicut and Kaulam,
tctragoziuzn, 87 2. Eriazithus alopecuroides, 9S2.
Epizziedium alpinuzzi, 4S5. brevibarbe, 1041.
Epipactis ensifolia, 1037. Japotiicus, 812.
grazuiijlora, see Sez-apias. saccliaz'oides, ioi6.
latifolia, 884. strictus, 1059.
niduravis, S48. Ei'ica abietizia, ic.09.
Epiphagus Virginiazius, 962. apsynthioides, 999.
Epistles, or letters, the earliest, 136. arborea, 379.
Equinox, observations on, 400-1, Austz’alis, 902.
407, 5:*7, 571, 642. baccazis, 1014.
Equisetum azveztse, 297. bz-uziiades, 999.
ephedrioides, 297. bryazitha, 1013
fluviatile, 436. calycizia, 1014.
hyeznale, 825. capitata, 1014.
Erica cerinthoides, 975.
ciliaz'is, 902.
cinerea, 902.
corifolia, 997.
curvijloz'a, 1014.
glutinosa, 1004.
gnaphalodes, 999.
herbácea, 258.
Mediterz'aziea, 902.
iziultijloz'a, 258.
nigrita, 1014.
planifolia, 999.
Plukenetii, 999.
purpurascens, gz\.
Sabana, 1014.
scoparia, 902.
Stclleriazia, 1013.
tenuifolia, 1014.
umbellata, 902.
urceolaris, 1014.
[Callund) vulgazds, ôzy.
Ez'icaceoe not found in Egypt, 4.
Ez'igenia bulbosa, 1044.
Ez'igeron acz-e, 525.
alpinum, 895.
[Phalacz'oloma) anziuum, 935.
bellidifoliuzzi, 96S.
Bonariense, lo ii.
[Coeziotus] Caztadeztsc, 902.
Garolinianum, i ü 11.
? cozziposiinzzi, 1055.
glutiziosuzn, 912.
gz'aminenzn, 1013.
Jazziaiccnse, 9S3.
? longifolium, 1050.
Philadelphicum, 1019.
[Phalacz'oloma) sirigosuzzi, 935.
nnijloi-niii, 919,
vernum, i o t 6 .
Erinaceus auritii.s, 24.
Europæus, 136, 452.
Ez'inus Afz’icazius, 101Ó.
alpinus, g\2.
fz-agrazis, 1016.
Eriobotiya Japonica, 652.
Ez'iocalea zninor, 985.
Eriocanlozi decangulare, looi.
[Papalanthus) faxddus, 1041.
gziaphalodes, 1016.
quinquangtdare, 999.
septazigulazr, 1026.
setaceum, 973.
triazigulaz'c, 975.
[Lachnocaulon) villosuzzi, 1039.
Ez'iocephalus Afdcazizts, 1014.
Eriochloezia htxva-nie, 240.
Eriogozintn pxiuciJloi-um, 1057.
sericeum, 1057.
tozneniosum, 1041.
Ez-iophoruzn alpinuzzi, 911.
gracile, roo6.
polystachyuzzi, 513.
Scheuchzeri, 1005.
vaginatum, 5 58.
Virgiziicuzn, 809, 929, 940.