Gregorius Boelicus of Spain, early Christian writer,
Gregorius Cyprius, scholastic G re ek writer, 752.
Gregorius Degha, bishop of Armenia, 716.
Gregorius Magnus, sixty-second bishop o f Rome,
591-9-. 597-
Gregorius Palamas, scholastic Greek writer, 7S2.
Gregorius I I ., twenty-fourth Roman archb. 6t6, 619.
Gregorius I I I ., twenty-fifth Roman archbishop, 619.
Gregorius IV ., thirty-seventh Roman archb. 62S, 630.
Gregorius V., seventy-sixth Roman archb., 663-64.
Gregorius V L , eighty-fourth Roman archb , 676.
Gregorius V I I . , see Hildebrand.
Gregorius V H L , seventeenth pope, 716.
Gregorius IX ., twenty-second pope, 722, 734,
Gregorius X ., twenty-eighth pope, 753, 755.
Gregorius X L , fortj-fifth pope, 791, 795.
Gregorius X I L , forty-ninth pope, S01-2.
Gregorius X I I L , seventy-second pope, 905.
Gregorius of Nazianzus the younger, bishop of C on stantinople,
Gregorius of To u rs , historian and eccles. writer, 5S9.
Grew, Nehemiali, microscopic observer, 965.
Grigorief, translator of Persian history of the Mongols,
G rija lva, Fernando de, Spanish navigator, 876.
Grija lv a, John de, Spanish navigator, S63.
Grimm, H. Nicol., botanist in the East Indies, 972.
Grimm, Io. F . C ., German botanist, 1027.
Grisebach, botanist in Roumelia, 1068.
Grislæus, Gabriel, Portuguese botanist, 960.
Grocyn, William, 847.
Gronovius, James, of Leyden, critic, 997.
Gronovius, J. F rederick, critic, 945.
Gronovius, Joh. Fr., botanist, io t6 , 1025.
Gro stest, bishop of Lincoln, 723.
Grotius, Hugo, juris t and critic, 94S.
Grubb, Mich., Swedish botanist, 1027.
Gruterus of Antwerp, archæologist, 921.
Guadama, see Buddha.
Guatemozin, see Quauhtemotzin.
Guettard, Io. Stephan., zoologist, 1012, 1025.
Guicciardini of Florence, historian, S72.
Guido Carnielita, scho la s tic th eo lo g iin , 782.
Guido Reni, Italian painter, 948.
Guido o f Siena, Italian painter, 721.
Guillaume de Normandie, poet and naturalist, 753.
Guilandinus, Melchior, botanist in Eg ypt, 892.
Guillemeau, French botanist, 1052,
Guitmundus Aversanus, scholastic theologian, 680.
Guldenstadt, Io. A nt., botanist in Caucasus, 1037.
Gulielmus Antisiodorensis, scholastic theologian, 723.
Gulielmus de Baldensel, 752.
Gulielmus Parisiensis, scholastic theologian, 723.
Gunbjorn, Scandinavian navigator, 64t, 660.
Gundebald, kin g o f the Burgundians, 571-72.
Gundicar, first kin g o f the Burgundians, 562, 566.
Gunnerus, Io. E., Norwegian botanist, 1027.
Günther, German botanist, [049.
Gussone, Giovanni, Italian botanist, 1064.
Gustavus I I . A do lp h u s , king of Sweden, 943.
Gutaka, go v. o f the Hindu colony on Java, 546, 552.
Gutama, governo r of the Hindu colony on Java, 554.
Guthlac, or Gurthlake, first Saxon anchorite, 613.
Guttenberg, John, early European printer, 815.
Gutz laff, Rev. Charles, missionary, 1067.
G uy de Chauliac, medical writer, 782.
Guyot of Provence, poet, 6S7.
Guzman, A lonzo Enriquez de, trav eller in Pern, 875.
Guzman, N n n h od e , traveller in Northw. Mexico, S71.
Gyges, king of L yd ia , 217, 222.
H a b a k k u k , Jewish prophet, 227.
Habkar, joint ruler o f Oman, 600.
Hablizl, C. L., botanist in the Tauro-caspian countries,
H a cqu e t, Balthasar, German botanist, 103S.
Hadad, kin g o f Edom, 127,
Hadad II ., or Hadar, king o f Edom, 150.
Hadad, kin g o f Syria, 179.
Hadamarius Fuldensis, theologian, 650.
H ad ji Saleh, Memluk sultan of Eg ypt, 795.
Hadrianus, or Adrian, Roman emperor, 525-27.
Hadrianus, theologian, 601.
Hadrianus, thirty-first Roman archbishop, 622, 624.
Hadrianus II., forty-second Roman archb., 639-40.
ITadrianiis I I I., forty-fifth Roman archbishop, 643.
Hadrianus IV ., thirteenth pope, 708-9.
Hadrianus V ., thirtieth pope, 755.
Hadrianus V I ., sixty-fourth pope, 865.
H aenke, Thaddeus, German botanist, 1046.
Hafiz , Persian poet, 796.
Haggai, Jewish prophet, 251.
Hagisa, kin g o f Babylon, 219.
H aïg , first kin g of Armenia, 87.
Hajaj-ibn-Yusuf, Muslim general, 612.
H aji Purwa, Javan convert to Mohammedanism, 741.
H ajja j, governor of Irak, 612.
Hak e, Theodore, founder of the London Society,
Academy of A rts and Sciences, 956.
Hakem, Fatimite sultan of Egypt, and founder of the
sect o f Druses, 664-65, 667.
Hakor, or A ch o ris , king of Egypt, 29S, 303.
Halberstadt, Conrad de, naturalist, 753.
Flale, Horatio, American ethnologist, 705, 1068.
Hales, Stephen, chronographer, 1012.
Halevi, Jewish writer, 650.
Flalitgarius, Cameracensis, theologian, 624.
Flaller, Albertus, botanist, 1016-17, 1020, 1025, 1028.
Haller, Emmanuel, botanist, 1020.
Hailey, Edmund, English astronomer, 926, 975, 1012.
H a ly Abbas , A rab medical writer, 59g, 602, 653.
Hamid K h an Lodi, Muslim ruler of Multan and
Laghman, 658.
Hamilcar, Carthaginian prince, 265.
Hamilton, A lexan der, first secretary of treasury of
the United States, 1043.
Hamilton, T e r r ick , orientalist, T052,
Hammond, Dr. Henry, commentator, 94S.
Hampden, John, English statesman, 951.
Handell, G. Frederick, io i2 .
Hannibal, Carthaginian general, 279.
Flannibal the younger, Carthaginian general, 391, 395.
Hannibalianus, Roman viceroy, 548.
Hanno, Carthaginian prince and navigator, 265, 267.
Han-tson, early Chinese usurper, 88.
Hapenmat, mother of the Egyptian kin g Senefru, 66.
Haran, brother of Abraham, 103.
Flarb, brought A rabic wr iting to Mecca, 583.
Hardicanute, kin g of Denmark and England, 675.
Harding, astronomer, 1052.
IN D E X TO N AM E S OF PE R SO N S . I 1 0 5
Hardouin, scep tic in regard to ancient clas s ic wr itings,
Hareth, A rab poet, 597.
Harib, A rab writer, 655.
Hariot, T h o ., ear ly tra v e lle r in N . America, 90S, 928.
Harir, king o f Cashmere, 677.
Harith-Erraich, first tobba o f Yemen, 407.
Harivansa, Sanscrit poet, 702.
Harold, prince o f Denmark, 627. .
Harold, seventeenth kin g of England, 675.
Haro ld II., twentieth king of England, 679.
Harpal, Mahratta chief, 774.
Harsha, king of Cashmere, 686, 688.
Hartmann, Pet. Iminan., German botanist, 1020.
Hartmann, K a r l Job., Swedish botanist, 1062.
H artoghs, D irck , Dutch navigator, 933.
H artweg, botanist in Mexico, 1067.
Harun el Rashid, fifth Abas.sid khalif, 623-24, 626.
Harv ard, John, patron of Ha rv a rd U n ive r sity at
Cambridge, New England, 951.
Plarvey, William, discoverer o f the circulation o f the
blood, 936.
Hasan ben Musa, A rab writer on Hindustan, 646.
Hasan Gangu, P>ahmani kin g o f the D eccan, 787.
Hasdruba l, Carthaginian general, 394.
Hassan, fifth khalif, 607.
Hassan, Memluk sultan of Eg ypt, 787, 790.
Hassan Beg, or Uzan Hassan, kin g o f Persia, 822,
Plasselquist, bot. in Palestine ancl Eg ypt, 1020, 1025.
Platafi, Persian poet, 845.
Haterius , Q , Roman rhetor, 467.
Plattiraza, king of Pegu, 823.
Havishman, Hindu king, 234.
Plawkins, Richard, British trader, 915.
Hawor th, A . H., English, botanist, 104S.
Playmo of Canterbury, theologian, 675.
Hayne, Fr. G o tti., German botanist, 1049.
Hazael, S}Tian king, 195.
Heath, Captain, English navigator, 9S1.
PTeath, Robert, attorney-general to K in g Char les, 947.
Hebenstreit, To. Ern., botanist at T r ipo li, 1012-
Hebert, English Canadian colonist, 943.
Plecale, G re ek woman, 165.
ITecataeus, G reek historian and geographer, 254.
I le c a ta eu s o f A bd e ra, Greek historian, 325.
Heca te, wife o f Aeetes, king of Colchis, 160.
H eca ton the Stoic, G re ek philosopher, 407.
Pledessi, Jehuda h a-A bel, K a ra ite Jew. w riter, 688,703.
Pledwig, loan., cryptogamic botanist, 1027, 1049.
Plegelochus, Greek actor, 292.
PTegemon, G re ek orator, 325.
Plegemon, inventor o f parody, 291.
Plegesander, G reek writer, 399.
Plegesianax of Alexandria, G reek poet, 3S9.
PTegesinus, Greek philoso])her, 395.
Hegesinus, Greek poet, 213.
H egesippus, early Christian writer, 526.
Hegesippus, Greek comic poet, 370.
Hegesippus, Greek orator, 312.
Hegumen, Daniel, Russian trav eller in Palestine, 684.
Pleinzelmann, botanist on the Ural, 1012-13.
Pleisterus, Laur., botanist, 1012.
Helena, F la v ia Julia, mother of Constantine, 547.
ITelena, w ife 'o f the emperor Julian, 550.
Pleliodorus, G reek rhetor, 534.
Helladius Besantinus, G re ek grammarian, 544.
Helladius, G reek grammarian, 555, 564.
Hellanicus, Greek historian, 270.
Hellen, ruler at PHthiotis in Greece, 132.
Hellwing, botanist, 997.
H elv icus , Christopher, chronographer, 921.
Heman, 179.
Ilemina, Cassius, Roman historian, 400.
Plencke, astronomer, 1069.
Heniochus, Greek comic poet, 312.
Hennepin, C a th olic missionary in N. America, 977.
Henri, king of F rance, 672.
Henri II ., king of France, 887.
Henri H I ., kin g o f F rance, 901, 914.
Plenri lY . , kin g of F rance, 914, 919.
Plenricus A ucep s, kin g of Germany, 650. ■
PlenricLis II. Clau d u s , emperor of Germany and Italy,
664, 669.
Henricus I I I . N ig e r , emperor of Germany and Italy,
Ó75, 678.
Henricus lY . , seventh emperor o f Germany and Italy,
678, 6S0-82, 684.
Henricus V ., eighth emperor of Germany and Ita ly,
6S4, 686-87.
Henricus Y L , twelfth emp. Germany and Ita ly , 716.
Henricus Y I L , twentieth emp. Germany and Ita ly, 767.
Henricus a Gandavo, sch o la s tic theologian, 752.
Plenricus de Hassia, sch o la s tic theologian, 791.
Henricus o f Ghent, sch o la s tic theologian, 752.
Henry, bishop of Garde, 797.
Henry, Greenland bishop, 801.
Henry, prince of Portugal, 803, 813, 816-17, 819, 821,
Henry, twenty-third kin g o f England, 684, 686-87.
Henry I I ., tw enty fifth kin g of England, 708, 7 13 -14.
Hen ry I I I ., twenty-eighth kin g o f Eng., 720, 747, 751.
Henry lY , , thirty-third king of England, 801.
Henry Y ., thir ty-fourth k in g of England, 803.
Hen ry V I . , thirty-fifth kin g o f England, 813, 823.
Henry V I I ., thirty-ninth kin g o f England, 843. 856-57.
Hen ry V I I I . , fortieth k in g o f England, 861-62, SÓ5,
869, 87 2.
Henry o f Blois, bishop o f Win che s te r , 703.
Henshaw, Nathan, one of the discoverers of oxygen
gas, 959.
Heou-tcheou, nominal Chinese emperor, 536.
Hephaestion, G re ek grammai'ian, 526.
Plepher, 131.
Heracla s , twelfth bishop o f Alexandria, 536, 538.
Heracleonas, s ixteenth Byzantine emperor, 603.
Heracles, son of A lexan der, 346.
Pleraclides, G reek comic poet, 312.
Pleraclides, G re ek rhetor, 529.
Pleraclides Cre ticus , Greek e thnologer and satirist, 388.
Heraclides o f Oxyrhinchis, G re ek historian, 400.
Pleraclides o f Pontus, the younger, G re ek gramm. 477.
Pleraclides of Pontus, G re ek writer, 325.
Herac lide s Ta rentinus, G re ek medical writer, 393.-
Heraclitus, ear ly Christian writer, 529.
Herac litus , G reek philosopher, 255.
Heraclitus o f Halicarnassus, G re e k poet, 382.
Heraclius, fourteenth Byzantine emperor, 597-603.
Plerbertus de Jager, botanist, 965.
Hercules , see Samson.
Heredia, Pedro de, 871.
Heresbach, Conrade, 872.
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