Dodart, D io n j 'S . , French botanist, 973.
D o d e c h in u s , c h r o n o g r a p h e r , 71S.
Dodoens, or Dodonreus, R., botanist, 897, 905.
Dodwell, Henry, chronographer and critic, 997.
Dolab ella, L. Cornelius, Roman general, 434.
Dombey, Jos., botanist in Peru, 1037.
Domenichino, Italian painter, 948.
Dominicus a Soto, last scholastic theologian, S58.
Domitianus, L. D., claimant of the Roman empire, 542.
Domitianus, Roman emperor, 516.
Domitilla, Fla via , of Rome, early Christian, 51S.
Domitius Afer, Roman orator, 477
Domnus, or Donus, thirteenth Roman archbishop, f in .
Domnus II,, seventieth Roman archbishop, 656.
Domnus, si.xteenth bishop of Antio ch, 542-
Don, David, English botanist, 1064.
Don, George, English botanist, 1066.
Don John of A u str ia , admiral, 900.
Donati, Anton., Italian botanist, 921.
Dona ti, Vitalian, botanist in Eg ypt, 1026.
Dona tus, founder of the Christian sect of Donatists,
Donatus, Roman rhetor, 548.
Donchio, Corean priest, 591.
Dondis, Jacobus de, Italian botanist, 7S9.
Dondis, Joannes de, Italian botanist, 796.
Donn, James, English botanist, 1049.
Doria, A ndreas, Genoese naval officer, 863-64.
Do ryssus, fifth A g id kin g o f Sp ar ta, 195.
Dougla s, Dav id, botanist in N o rthw es t America and
the Hawaiian Islands, io 56.
Dougla s, Gawin, poet, 858.
Dousa, J anus, first rector of the Leyden university, 901.
Dracon, lawgiver at A thens , 228.
Drake, founder of the petroleum traffic, 1070.
D ra k e , Francis, English navigator, 900, 902-3, 909,913.
Draparnaud, J. P. R., French botanist, 1052.
Drege, botanist in A ustral A fr ica , 1067.
D ro go , son of Charlemagne, 630.
Dromo, G re ek comic poet, 312.
Druhya, Hindu prince, 99. '
Drusus, N e ro Claudius, Roman general, 463.
Dryander, Jon., English botanist, 1052.
Dryden, John, English poet, 965.
Dsito, empress or dairo o f Japan, 613.
Dubourg, B-, French botanist, 1027,
D u Cange of Amiens, lexicographer, 965.
D uca s nepos, Michael, scholastic Greek writer, 814.
D uch icala, twelfth scyri o f Quito, 765, 791.
D udley , Joseph, first president of New England, 9S1.
Dudley, T h o ., first depiity-gov. of Massachusetts, 958.
Dufour, Leo, F rench naturalist, 1052.
Duhamel du Monceau, H. L., French botanist, 1022.
Duilius, C , Roman consul and admiral, 382.
Dun, A ng lo -S axon physician, 633.
Dunal, Mich. Fel,, French botanist, 1059.
Dunbar , Sco tch poet, 859.
Duncan, kin g of Scotland, 675-76.
Dundonald, first experimenter on gas-lighting, 1042.
Duns Scotus, Joannes, 765.
Dunstan, bishop o f Wo rcester, 655.
Durandus, Gulielmus, jurist, 752.
Durandus a S. Portiano, scholastic theologian, 765.
Durer, A lbert, German engraver, 858.
Duris of Samos, Greek historian, 370.
Duroi, Io. P., botanist, 1031.
D ’U rv ille, French navigator and botanist, 1062, 1064.
Dwattaboung, king in Burmah, 233, 27S.
Dwattayan, Burmese king, 370.
Dyer, Mary, Quaker martyr in New England, 960.
Dyke , Captain, American military officer, 1070.
Dyutimah, Hindu king, i g i .
E .a d h a l d , kin g o f Kent, 599, 603.
Eadfrith, A ng lo -S ax on bishop, 613.
Eannes, Gil, Portuguese navigator, 814.
Eanswith, English abbess, 603.
Eber, 96.
Ebn abi-Osaibia, A rab writer, 724.
Ebn al D jezza r, A rab medical writer, 645.
Ebn al Talmidh, A rab wrijier, 703.
Ebn Alvam, A rab agricultural writer, 7 1 1.
Ebn Alwa rdi, A rab geographer, 750.
Ebn-Arabschah, historian, 758.
Ebn A y ya s , A rab writer,'858.
Ebn Baitar, A rab botanist, 612, 723-24.
Ebn Batrik, A rab medical writer, 645.
Ebn Batuta, A rab traveller, 688, 779, 782, 786, 789.
Ebu Damreh, A rab poet, 576.
Ebn E l-Ab ra s , A rab poet, 576.
Ebn E l-A la , A rab grammarian, 619.
Ebn Guefith, see Ebn Wafid.
Ebn H auk al, A rab geographer, 657.
Ebn Jezla, A rab medical writer, 680.
Ebn Jo ljo l, A rab writer, 659.
Ebn Jounis o f Cairo, A rab astronomer, 664.
Ebn Kamee-ah, A rab poet, 576.
Ebn Kemunat, Saad ben Manssur, A rab writer, 752.
Ebn Khaldun, A rab writer, 7S2.
Ebn Kh a llik an , A rab biographer, 752.
Ebn Khordadb ah, A rab geographer, 643.
Ebn Kotaiba, A rab writer, 639.
Ebn K u re y a , A rab poet, 576.
Ebn Masawia, A rab medical writer, 631, 669.
Ebn Muhalhil, see Musir ben Muhalhil.
Ebn Said, A rab medical writer, 650.
Ebn Samhun, A rab writer, 655.
Ebn Seiyar, El-Kh urasan e e , A rab grammarian, 621.
Ebn Shone, A rab historian, 831.
Ebn Shumeyl, A rab grammarian, 624.
Ebn Ssaid of Spain, astronomer, 6S0.
Ebn Wafid, or A b en Guefit, A rab medical writer, 612,
Ebn Wahab, A rab voyager, 629-30, 640.
Ebn Wahshiyyeh, A rab translator o f Nabathean, 645.
Echemus, Arcadian chief, 166.
Echestratus, third A gid king o f Sparta, 192.
Ecphantides, Greek comic poet, 268.
E delinck, Gerard, Flemish engraver, 997.
Edgar, Ang lo -S axon king o f England, 655-56.
Edmund, Ang lo -S axon king of England, 651-52.
Edmund II. Ironsides, A ng lo -Saxon king of England,
Edoranchus, king of Babylon, 80.
Edred, Ang lo -S axon king of England, 652-53.
Edrisi, A rab geographer, 612, 708.
Edward, A ng lo -S axon kin g of England, 645, 649.
Edward I I , Ang lo -S axon king of England, 656, 658,
Edward I I I. Confessor, nineteenth king of England,
I 676, 679.
IN D E X TO N AM E S O F P E R S O N S . 1099
Edward, kin g of Portugal, 814.
Edward, twenty-ninth king of England, 755, 760, 762,
Edward II., thirtieth kin g of England, 774, 779.
E dward I I L , thirty-first kin g o f England, 779, 787, 791,
Edward IV ., thirty-sixth kin g of England, 829.
Edward V L , fortieth kin g o f England, SS8.
Edward, the B la ck prince, 789.
Edwy, or Edwyn, A ng lo -S axon kin g of England, 653,
Egbert, first king o f England, 628-29.
Egede, Plans, resident in Greenland, lo io .
Eginhardus, historian, 623.
Eglon, kin g of Moab, 153.
Ehrhart, F red., German botanist, 1042.
Ekbertu s Treverensis, reforming abbot, 703.
Ek eberg, C . G., voyager to China, 1027.
Elagabalus, Roman emperor, 535-36.
E lah , kin g of Israel, 192.
E l A kb a r , A rab poet, 576.
El-Amin, six th Abbas s id khalif, 626.
E l-Am r , Fatimite sultan o f Eg ypt, 684, 690.
E l-A tth a r , A bul Menni ben Abi Na ssa r ben Hafidh,
Jewish pharmacologist, 723.
E l-A zd e e , A ra b poet, 571.
Eldad Hadani, Jewish traveller, 645.
El-Demiri of Cairo, A rab zoologist, 791.
Eleazar, Jewish high-priest, 149.
Electra, mother of Dardanus, 136.
Electryon, kin g of A rgos , 163.
E lesbas, or Caleb, k in g of the Ethiopians or A b y s sinians,
Eleutherus, twelfth bishop of Rome, 530-31.
El-F ar ra , A rab grammarian, 624.
El-Hadi, fourth A b b as s id khalif, 623.
El-Ha fez, Fatimite sultan of Eg ypt, 690, 707.
Elhafits, A . A ., A rab writer, 703.
El-PIerka, Abyssinian king, 539, 542.
E li, Jewish high-priest, 170.
E lia Bashiatshi, Jewish writer, 831.
E lia L e v ita, Jewish grammarian, 872.
E ligius o f Noyon, theologian, 6or.
E lihu, 236.
E lijah, Jewish prophet, 178, 194.
E lio t, John, missionary in N ew England, 956, 960,
E liph a z , son o f Esau, 119.
Elisaeus, Armenian historian, 566.
Elishama, 136.
Elizabeth, queen o f England, S89, 892, 901, 908, 923.
Elizabeth o f Germany, theologian, 703.
Elkanah, son of Korah, 146.
E l-K h a le e l, A rab grammarian, 621.
E l-K in d i, A rab medical writer, 624.
E l-K irk is san i el Bassir, Joseph ben Jacob, Ka ra ite
Jewish writer, 645.
El-Kisa-ee, A rab grammarian, 621.
Ellio t, Stephen, N. American botanist, 1058, 1061.
Ellis , John, English naturalist, 1025, 1030.
Ellowena, kin g of Ceylon, 520.
El-Mahadi, third Abbassid khalif, 622-23.
El-Mamun, seventh Abbassid khalif, 626, 62S-29.
El-Mansur, second Abbas s id khalif, 620-22.
E l-Muhelhil, A rab poet, 576.
Elnabati, see A b u ’l Abbas Nebati.
Elphinstone, Mountstuart, h istorian in Plindustan, 676.
E l-Schebi, A rab zoologist, 799.
Elsholtz, Io. Siegm , German botanist, 963.
Eltamini, see Temini.
Pll-Yezeedee, A rab grammarian, 624.
El-Zaharawi, see Abulkasem el Zahrawi.
Emadeddin, Memluk sultan of Eg ypt, 7S6.
Emmanuel, or Immanuel, of Rome, Plebrew poet, 782.
Emanuel ben Jacob, Jewish astronomer, 782.
Emanuel Comnena, fifty-third Byzantine emperor,
704, 712, 715.
Em p ed o c le s ,p h ilo sop h e ran d in v en to ro f rhetoric, 269.
Encke, astronomer, 1061.
Endicott, John, first go v. o f Massachusetts, 943,958.
Engelmann, botanist in N o r th America, io68.
Ennius, Roman poet, 388, 397.
Ennodius, ecclesiastical writer, 571.
Enoch, 64, 65.
Enoch, son of Cain, 3.
Enos, 3.
Enslen, A lo ysius, botanist in N . America, 1056.
Eormenburh, princess and abbess, 610.
Eormenred, kin g o f Kent, 610.
Epaminondas, Boeotian general, 312, 318.
Ephialtes o f Athens, G re ek orator, 323.
Ephippus, G re ek historian, 325.
Ephraem of Edessa, Syr iac Christian writer, 547.
Ephraemius, .scholastic G re ek writer, 752.
Ephraim, son o f Joseph, 121.
Ephraimius o f Antio ch, e ccles ia s tical writer, 576.
Epicharmus, Greek poet, 261.
Epicrates, Greek comic poet, 312.
E p ic te tus , G reek philosopher, 519.
Epicurus, G re ek philosopher, and founder o f a new
sect, 377.
Epigenes, G reek comic poet, 312.
Ep ily cus , G reek poet, 268.
Ep ily cus , Greek comic poet, 298.
Epimetheus, brother o f Prometheus, 127.
Epinicus, G reek comic poet, 389.
Epiphanius o f Constantinople, ecclesiast. writer, 571.
Epiphanius o f Cyprus, e ccles ia s tical writer, 554, 561.
Epiphanius of Petra, G reek rhetor, 547.
Epopeus, fourteenth king o f Sicyon, 152.
Eraric, seventh Go thic king o f Ita ly, 580.
Erasistratus, G re ek medical writer, 372.
Erasmus of Rotterdam, 85S.
Eratosthenes, Greek geographer and chronographer,
Erdeni-baksi, Chin, instructor o f the Mandchous, 920.
Erechtheus, sixth kin g o f A thens , 152-53, 159.
Ergamenes, Nubian or Ethiopian king, 376.
Erginus, kin g of Orchomenus, 160, 164.
Er ic, bishop in Greenland, 687.
Er ic, k in g of Denmark, 747.
Erichthonius, father of T ro s , 146.
Erichthonius, fourth kin g o f A thens, 139, 150.
Ericsson, John, inventor and engineer, 1071.
E r ikus Rufus, Scandinavian n avigator, 660, 662.
Erinna, G re ek poetess, 231.
Erinna the younger, G reek poetess, 312.
Er iphus, G re ek comic poet, 312.
Ermeias, G re ek philosopher, 576.
Erndtel, C . H., botanist, 997.
Erysichthon, founder o f th e temple at Delphi, 118.
Eryxias, Athenian archon, 220.