
teli John, twenty-seventh kin g of England, 719.
John Baliol, king of Scotland, 762.
John de Santarem, Portuguese navigator, S33.
John Descouar, Portuguese navigator, S33.
John of Halifax , mathematician, 723.
John of Montecorvino, Franciscan missionary, 762.
John tlie Baptist, Jewish prophet, 476.
John the Eld e r , 531.
John the Evangelist, 4S1, 517-1S.
Johnson, Edward, historian of N ew England, 958.
Johnson, Thomas, English botanist, 947.
Johrenius, Mart. Dan., botanist, 997.
Joinville, John de, historian, 752.
Joktan, son o f Eb er, 96.
Jonas, Angrimus, Icelandic writer, 747.
Jonas Aurelianensis, theologian, 624.
Jonas Hybernfis, theologian, 597.
Joncquet, Dionysius, botanist, 948.
Jones, Iiiigo, English architect, 94S.
Jones, Margaret, first victim of the witchcraft delusion
in New England, 957.
Jonson, Ben, English dramatist, 921.
Joram, see Jehoram.
Jordanus, missionary in Sumatra, 775.
Jordanus de Rivalto, writer, 756.
Jori-sje, second cubo o f Japan, 71S.
Joritomo, see Yori-tomo.
Joritzne, cubo of Japan, 725.
Jorius, earliest bishop o f Mt. Sinai, 576.
Jornandes o f Ravenna, historian and bishop o f the
Goths, 584.
Josei, dairo o f Japan, 641, 643.
Josei I I , o f Go-Josei, dairo of Japan, 930.
Joseph, Benjamin, British navigator, 932.
Joseph, G re ek hymnographer, 639.
Joseph, son of Jacob, n 6 , 121.
Joseph ben D av id Jewani, Jewish lexicographer, 7S2.
Joseph Ibn Santas, Jewish writer, 655.
Joseph Studites, G reek writer, 624.
Josephine, wife o f Napoleon, 1057.
Josephus, F la v iu s , Jewish historian, 49S.
Josephus de Arom., Italian botanist, 921.
Joshua, Jewish chief, 145.
Josiah, nineteenth king o f Judah, 226.
Josijmassa, cubo o f Japan, 81S, 846.
Josijsimmi, cubo o f Japan, S54.
Josijtira, cubo of Japan, 897, 905.
Josisaki, cubo of Japan, 790.
Jositanno, cubo o f Japan, 860.
Jositir, cubo o f Japan, 869.
Josselyn, John, botanist in New England, 951, 961,
Jotham, king o f Judah, 212-13.
Joui-tsoung, of the Thang, Chinese emperor, 615.
Jovianus, fo rty-sixth Roman emperor, 552.
Ju b a II ., historian, and king of Mauritania, 467.
Juba l, son o f Lamech, 3.
Judas, early Christian chronographer, 534.
Judas, fifteenth bishop o f Jerusalem, 527.
Judith, or Goudit, Abyssinian queen, 680.
Judith, wife o f Esau, 115.
Jugaeus, kin g of Babylon, 214.
Jugurtha, king of Numidia, 424.
Julanda, Cahtan A rab, 600.
Julanda-bin-Mas’iK# first imam o f Oman, 620.
Julianus, ecclesiastical writer, 560.
Julianus, forty-fifth Roman emperor, 5^19-52.
Julianus, G reek rhetor, 544.
Julianus, tenth bishop of Alexandria, 532.
Julianus o f To ledo , theologian, 609.
Julius, thirty-third bishop of Rome, 548.
Julius I I ., sixty-second pope, 859, 861.
Julius of Britain, Christian martyr, 545.
Jungermann, Joachim, botanist, 914.
Jungermann, Liid., German botanist, 933.
Jungius, lo ach ., German botanist, 948.
Jussieu, Anton. Laur., French bot., 1012, 1043, ^^57»
Jussieu, Bernard, French botanist, 1025, 1034.
Jussieu, Joseph, botanist in bouth America, 1019.
Justinianus, bishop of Spain, 576.
Justinianus, ninth Byzantine emperor, 574-75.
Justinianus I I ., nineteenth Byzant. emperor, 613, 615.
Justinus, eighth Byzantine emperor, 572, 574.
Justinus I I , tenth Byzantine emperor, 585-86, 5S9.
Justinus Martyr, early Christian writer, 526.
Justus, bishop, 576.
Justus of I'ib eria s , Jewish writer and chronogr., 498.
Juv enalis, Roman poet, 519.
Juvenatiensis, A ng . P a l l , botanist, S85.
Juvencus o f Spain, ear ly Christian poet, 544,
K.adu, v oya ger from the Caroline coral-archipel., 1061.
K æ h le r , botanist, 1025.
Ka empfer, E., naturalist in Japan, 981, 989.
K a fu r the eunuch, governo r o f Eg ypt, 652, 656.
Kaher, nineteenth Abbas s id khalif, 650.
Ka ie ch o s , kin g o f E g ypt, 64.
Kaim, Austrian chemist, lo iy .
Ka laoon, Memluk sultan of Eg ypt, 756-57, 760.
K a la sa , kin g of Cashmere, 684, 686.
Ka lida sa, Sanscrit poet, 7 1 1 - 12 .
Ka limera , kin g o f Ka ragû é , 730.
Ka llinatha , Hindu commentator, 823.
Ka lm, Peter, Swedish naturalist in N . Am., 1019 ,1025.
Kalonymos, Jewish translator, 765.
Kama l Kesa ri, king o f Orissa, 626.
K ama la Pulu, kin g o f Terna te, 795.
Kame-jamma, dairo of Japan, 750, 755.
Kame l, botanist at the Philippines, 990.
K an ak Sena, Ballabi king o f Guzerat, 528.
Kandiawan, king of Ja va , 648.
Kang-hi, o f the Tai-thsing, three hundred and first
Chinese emperor, 961, 999, 1004, 1006.
Kang-ti, of the Tcin, Chinese emperor, 549.
Kang-wang, o f the Tch eou, Chinese emperor, 168.
Kansu Abu-Said, Memluk sultan of Eg ypt, 857.
Kansu Djan-balat, Memluk sultan o f Eg ypt, 857-58.
Kansu El-Gour i, Mem. suit, of Egypt, 858, 860, 862.
Kantemir, Antio chus, Russian writer, 1012.
K a o , of the Hia, Chinese emperor, 96.
Kao-ti, o f the T h s i, Chinese emperor, 569.
K ao-tson g, o f the Chang, 127.
Kao-tsou, o f the Han, Chinese emperor, 395.
K a o tsou II., of the T hang , Chinese emperor, 600.
Kao-lsou I IL , of the later Tsin, Chinese emperor, 650.
Kao-tsou IV ., o f the later Plan, Chinese emperor, 652.
Kao-tsoung, o f the Thang , Chin. emp. 605, 60S, 610.
Ka o-tsou n g II., o f the Soung, Chinese emp., 689, 704.
Kao-wang, of the T ch eou , Chinese emperor, 279.
K a radshitch, V u k Stephanovitch, Servian writer, 1052.
Ka ramzin, Nicholas , Russian historian, 1052.
K a r ik a , leader of a Polynesian colony, 680.
K a ro , Joseph, Jewish writer, 872.
Karumamma, Egyptian queen, 193.
Ka semb eg, Ta r ta r author of a T iir co -T a r ta r grammar,
Ka s iaw aba ra , dairo o f Japan, 858, 860, 868.
K a suma W ich tra , king of Ja va , 620.
Ka swin i, A rab geographer and naturalist, 651,752, 755.
K a sy ap a , Buddhist priest, 241, 347, 592, 814.
K a th a , kin g of Pegu in Burmah, 591.
Ka th a ru ya Deva, king of Orissa, 872.
Kntb-u-din Eibak, Ghaznian general, 716-17, 719.
Ka x a p a , Buddhist high priest, 667.
Ka y t-B ay , Memluk sultan of Eg ypt, 831, 856.
Ka yu , or Cuiuc, Ta r ta r khan, 736.
K e i Kobad, tenth sultan of Delhi, 758, 760.
Ke'i-tai, twenty-seventh dairo o f Japan, 572;
K e lle r , F erd., discov. of pre-historic L a k e v illa ge, 1069.
Kémpis, Thomas à, theologian, 831.
Keng-ting, of the Chang, Chinese emperor, 14S.
Keng-wang, of the Tch eou, Chinese emperor, 251,266.
Kenk enes , king of Eg ypt, 63.
Kenneth II ., kin g o f Scotland, 629.
Kentmann, Io., ichthyologist and botanist, 8S7.
Keou-tsien, prince of Y o u e in China, 266.
K ep le r , John, German astronomer, 936.
Kerner , Joh. Sim. de, German botanist, 1042.
Kerp heres , king o f Eg ypt, 67.
K e r tk , Dav id, French Protestant in Canada, 944.
K ha led, Muslim general, 601.
K h a led ben Y e z id , 609.
K h a lil Dhaheri, A rab writer, 799.
K h a ly l, Memluk sultan of Eg ypt, 760.
Khang-hi, o f the Ta'i-thsing, Chinese emperor, 961,
964, 967, 980, 989, 990, 1006.
Kh an iko f, Russian writer on the K irg ise s , 1066.
Khanloung , Burmese king, 391, 398.
Khi-tsu, king o f Corea, 159.
Khiiumhotep, Eg yptian priest, 70.
Khondemir, Persian historian, S45.
Khoubilai-khan, T a r ta r ruler of No rthern China,
750-SB 753. 756-57. 759. 762.
Khoung-tseu, or Confucius, Chinese philosopher, 240,
260, 266, 325, 407, 543, 639, 649, 999.
Khnsra ii, of Delhi, 752.
Khus ru, A bulhajan , Hindustanee poet, 751.
Kh u s ru , first sultan o f Lahore, 70S-9.
K h u s ru , Hindu convert to Mohammedanism, 774-75.
Kh u s ru Malik, second and last sultan o f Lahore,
_ 709, 716.
K i, of the Hia, Cliinese emperor, 84.
Kia -king, three hundred and fourth Chinese emperor,
1048, 1062
Kian, king of Corea, 652.
Kian-wen-ti, o f the Tcin, Chinese emperor, 552.
Kian-wen-ti I f ., of the Liang, Chinese emperor, 5S3.
Kian-wen-ti HI., of the Ming, Chinese emperor, 798.
Kia-tan, Chinese geographer, 626.
Klblno Daisi, Japanese writer, 616.
Kicab -Tanub, fouiteenth kin g of Gnatamala, 866.
K ie ft, William, Dutch gov. o f New Netherland, 951.
K ie-k ouei, of the I lia , Chinese emperor, 96, 98.
Kie -li-tie , Hindu king, 603.
Kien-loung, of the Tai'-lhsing, three hundred and third
_ Chin, emp., 1015, 1019, 1028, 1030, 1035, 1037, 1048.
Kien-wang, of the Tch eou, Chinese emperor, 235.
Kiertissry-magawarna, k in g o f Ceylon, 545, 547.
Kilianus, theologian, 609.
Kim, André, trav eller in Mandshuria, 1069.
Kimchi, David, o f Provence, Jewish grammarian, 723.
Kimchi, Joseph, Jewish writer, 711.
Kin, o f the Hia, Chinese emperor, 93.
King-ti, of the Han, Chinese emperor, 401-2.
Kin g-ti II., o f the Liang, Chinese emperor, 584.
King-ti, regent, or acting Chinese emperor, 822.
King-tsoung, o f the T hang , Chinese emperor, 627.
Kmg-tsomig II., of the Soung, Chinese emperor, 688.
Kin-me'i, thirtieth dairo o f Japan, 580, 588.
King-wang, of the Tch eou, Chinese emperor, 22S, 241.
Kinsen, dairo of Japan, 963-64, 981.
Kinsen I I ., dairo o f Japan, gSi.
Kioung, o f the Hia, Chinese emperor, 92.
Kitaibel, Paul, botanist, 1053.
Ki-tsun, kin g o f Corea, 390.
Kiu -youen, Chinese poet, 37t.
Klap ro th, J., philologist, 1032, 1056.
K le in , botanist, 1049.
Kleinhoff, botanist, 1025.
Knapp , J. L., English botanist, 1052.
K n aut, Christian, botanist, 997.
Knauth, Christophorus, German botanist, 9S2.
Kn e lle r , Godfrey, German painter, 997.
Kniphof, Io. H . botanist, 1012.
K n o r r , G. W ., German naturalist, 1033.
K n o x , John, 897.
K o a , Polynesian chief, 705
Ko an , s ix th dairo o f Japan, 302, 373.
Kob ad, or Cabades, Sasanid kin g of Persia, 56g.
K o b e ll, Francis Von, mineralogist, 1066.
Kobou-daisi, Japanese convert to Buddhism, 625.
K o ch, G., German botanist, 1052.
Ko-cheou-king, Chinese astronomer, 752.
K o k e r , CEgid. de, Dutch botanist, 997.
K o lp in , A . B., botanist, 1027.
Kö lreuter, lo s . Theoph , botanist, 1027.
König, Io. G., trav eller in Iceland and the East
Indies, 1026, 1033, 1056-
Konjei, seventy-si.xth dairo o f Japan, 704, 708-9.
K o o k en , empress or dairo o f Japan, 6 ig, 621.
K o o k o , dairo of Japan, 643-44.
Koonin, fortj.-ninth dairo o f Japan, 621, 623.
Ko p ita r , B , Slavon ic scholar, 1052.
Ko rah, 136.
Ko schkadam, Memluk sultan of Eg ypt, 825, 851-
K o s te r , Laurence, o f Haerlem, earliest European
printer, 815.
Ko s th a ben L u c a , A rab writer, 639.
K o -to k , thirty-seventh dairo o f Japan, 604-5.
K o to z , Memluk sidtan o f Eg ypt, 750—51.
Ko tzebue, Russian navigator, 1061.
Kouan-mu, fiftieth dairo o f Japan, 623, 625.
Kouang-tsoung, o f the Soung, Chinese emperor, 716.
Kouang -tsoung I I ., o fth e Ming, Chinese emperor, 936.
Kouang-wang, o f the Tcheou, Chinese emperor, 228.
Kouang-wou-ti, o f the H.an, Chin emperor, 476, 482.
Koung-kia , of the Hia, Chinese emperor, 93, 95.
Koiing-tcheng, descendant of Thsao-thsao, 53g.
Koung-ti, of the Tcin, Chinese emperor, 564.
Koung-ti 11., o f the Soui, Chinese emperor, 599.
Koung-wang, of the Tch eou, Chinese emperor, 191.
Kouo-gien, acting dairo of Japan, .781-82.
Kouo-gen II., dairo of Jap.an, 789-90, 792.
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