0« % %
1432 A D. (see T. Wright), near Damascus, Brocquière fell in with a “ Moor who h £ ridden a
camel from Cairo in eight days,” bringing an order for the arrest of all £
Damascus and throughout Syria ; a ship having been captured by the prince of rarentum.
close of the year, returning through Asia Minor, - Brocquière found the Byzantine ®£'
fined to Constantinople, a castle three leagues North, and a small city m Greree called Saltona, he
emperor paying tribute to the Turks, and under obligations to return fugitive slaves. While the
Turkish sultan drew from Greece “ thirty Housand men ” annually ; being “ two fifths, or according
to other estimates “ three fourths ” of his whole army. • • 1 1
“ 1433 A D.” (Brocq , and T. Wright), through a stratagem, Albania regained by Scanderbe,,.
_ Who for several years maintained himself, defeating the Turkish anmes sent against him.
“ August” (Galvan.), John succeeded by his son Duarte or Edward now king OT PoitugH.
“ 143?. A. D.” (Blair), Cosmo de Medici duke of Florence, recalled from banishment. The
beginning of the rise of the Medici family.
One hundred and seventy-second generation. May ist, 1434, onwarel mostly be^nd y?OTh l e
Greek writers, Michael Ducas nepos d. 1462, Gemistus d. about 144L Georgius Codinus, Gennadius
Georgius Scholarius d. 1459: Q^ntus Aemilianus, Flavius Blondus, Johannes
Valla Laurentius Justinianus patriarcha Venetum, Leonard Aretin ; Poggio ; Antonio Cermisone,
Bernhardus Senensis, Alphonsus Tonstatus, Antoninus Florentinus ; Anton. Guamerius (Spieng.)^
the scholastic theologians, Joannes de Capistrano, Joannes Bassolius, Joannes de TurrMrenmta, and
nU hus !e Cusa: the totanist, Ortolfns de Bavaria Heydenberger : the painters. Fra. Giovanni
rnlled Ano-elico d. 1445, Masaccio d. 1443- . „
“ The“ same year ” (Galvan., Churchill coll., and Major pr. H. 69), under instructions from £ince
Henry of Portugal to disregard the statements of seamen who “ have no knowledge of the needle or
the saltiug chart," Gil Eannes doubled Cape Bojador ; and landing beyond, found no sigre £ . 'Habitants,
but brought back “ some plants that he had gathered, which were such as were called in
tu»al St Mary's roses" (Rosmarinus officinalis). , „
” “ 1435 A. D.” (Galvan., and Major pr. H. 69), Gil Eannes again seifrout m his breque,
to»ether with Affonso Gonsalves Baldaya in a “ varinel, or vessel with oars : OTty leagres beyoto
cèpe Bojador they entered a bay which they called “ Angra do Ruivos bay of gurnards, fiom the
numbers of those fish ; and on landing, found “ traces of men and camels.” - On reporting o prince
Henry Baldaya was sent back, taking two horses in his varinel, and “ a hundred and twenty leagues
beyond Cape Bojador entered an estuary (afterwards called “ Rio d Ouro ) : two lads of tooOT
se/enteen” were sent along the shore on the horses, and after “ seven leagues came £0n a group
of nineteen men ” armed only with azagays, who retired to a heap of stones, and fought till eveni, g,
warned the” lads to return to the vessel; in the morning, Baldaya £Sited the spOT, b« /® ""lives
“ had decamped, leaving the greater portion OT their poor property behind ; seal were seen to the
number of some “ five thousand,” and the vessel was loaded with their skins. Continuing fifty
leagues ” farther to a rocky galley-like headland, Baldaya was unable to capture a native, bnt procured
soffie fishing-nets “ made of the bark of a tree of such a texture ” that “ it could be woven excellently
i E f l h o E î E A. D. (= “ 1360 an. jav.,” Raffles x), arrival at Majapahit of ambassadors from
Panjar Masin. In return, the king of Java sent one of his sons Chakra Nagara to be chief, accompanied
by many vessels carrying followers and troops. Besides Burnì (Breneo), OTher conqueOTs
by the Javan admiral Ratu Peng’ging are enumerated, as Makasar, G o a B a n d a , Sembawa, Endé,
Timor, Ternaté, Sulu, Siram (Ceram), and Manila. He was now sent to subdue Palembang.
In the Avadana Purana mention is made of the city of Surparaka (“ Sippara of I tolemy or Sipeler
on one of the mouths of the Krichna) precious stones of the Deccan (Golconda), silks, Budhist assemblies,
diligence in reading, and Kasyapa is named as having lived in old times.
Santalum . . . . fe. of the Malayan archipelago. Ihe “ Gosircha tchandana, the grove
in the name of king Tchakravartin and reached by a sea-voyage, - is regarded £ BurnoOT as fessibly
from Sandalwood Island: santal of “ Mekasiry” (Macassar) is mentioned by Abul Fazl (Gladw.
aveen akbery i. 92, and Burnouf introd. 255 to 619).
' “ In the years siouan-te and king-thai (= 142610 1435,” Remus. 111. 9 7 ) . ambassadors sent
China from Cambodia, — but afterwards they did not come regularly. , r
1436 A D., the Javan admiral having subdued Palembang in Sumatra, Ana Damai son ° »
An»ka Wijaya sent there as chief as early possibly as this date. He ivas recompamed £ the Chines?
princess ; — and here in Palembang, her two sons Raden Patah and his half-brother Kaden
Husen were born. . ttt
“ The -same year = ‘ tchingrloung,’ ist year of Yng-tsoung-joui-ti or Yng-tsoung III., ot
M i n » ” or Twenty-third dynasty (Chinese chron. table, and Pauth).
° Apr. 13th, Friday” (Blair), Paris re-captured by the French from English possession.
“ In this year” (Humb. cosm. ii. and v.), map by Andrea Bianco, on which the magnetic variation
is noted.
“ The same year” (Clavig., and Humb. atl. pict.), Itzcoatl succeeded by Motezuma-IIhuicamina
or Montezuma, fifth Mexican emperor.
1437 A. D. = “ 1362 an. jav.” (Raffles ix.), date of an inscription on a deghop among the ruins at
Suku on Java.
“ In this year” (Markham p. liii), Ulugh Beg, sultan of Samarcand, writing his Astronomical
Tables. Among other instruments in his observatory was a quadrant whose radius equalled “ the
height of the dome of St. Sophia.”
“ 1438, Jan. loth ” (Nicol.), a synod at Ferrara. In concert with the Council of Basle, which
continued in session. Preliminary action was taken, For the re-union of the Greek and Latin churches
(see Alst).
“ During Lent” (Nicol.), by the electors assembled at Frankfort, Albert II. of Austria chosen
“ king of the Romans ; ” succeeding Sigismund as emperor of Germany and Italy.
“ July 7th” (Nicol.), in a numerous assembly or synod at Bourges, Pragmatic sanction composed.
A celebrated rule, Making the authority of the general Councils “ superior to that of the
“ The same year” (art de verif.), Barsebay El-Aschraf succeeded by Djemaleddin Yusuf; and
before the close of the year, by Djakmak, thirtieth Memluk sultan of Egypt.
“ In this year” (Stanley edit. Barb. 9 and 23), Josafa Barbaro at Tana on the river Tana (Don)
witnessing the passage Westward of a horde or army of Tartars, led by Naurus and Chezimameth
or Little Mahomet against Vlumahumeth Can or the Great Mahomet, at this time “ in the champaignes
towards Russia.” On another occasion, Barbaro received a present of “ eight sklaves of the nation
Laserpitium trilobum of the Uralian plains. Called on the Lower Volga “ gladich” (Pall.) ; and
the “ baltracan” described by Barbaro 102 as having the smell of rather musty oranges, its stem
single hollow thicker than one’s finger and more than a “ braccio” high, leaf like rape, seed like
fennel but larger, pungent but pleasant taste and when in season broken as far as the soft part, can
be eaten without salt, the water also in which the leaves are boiled drank as wine and very refreshing,
the plant met with also between Albania and Croatia and at Terrarsa in Padovana, — may be compared
: L. trilobum was observed by Pallas trav. i. 276 frequent on the Lower Volga, the young stems
eaten crude; was observed also by Baumgarten in Transylvania, by Waldstein and Kitaibel in Hungary,
and is termed “ 1. carniolicum ” by Bernhardi (Steud.). From transported specimens, is described
by Plukenet phyt. 223, and Linnæus (Pers.).
“ The same year” (Rosse), the art of printing, though practised in China for srme centuries,
independently invented in Europe by Laurence Koster; who issued a printed tract entitled “ Speculum
humanæ salvationis.” — Six years afterwards, the improvement of movable types was effected by
Guttenberg and Faust. And after eight years more, a further improvement was made by Schceffer,
in the casting of types in metal.
The same year = “ 1363 an. jav.” (Raffles ix.), date of an inscription “ in characters which appear
to have some connection with the modern Javan,” discovered at Kwali on Java.
“ 1439 A. D.” (Garc. de la Vega), Yttupanqui succeeded by his son Tupac Yupanqui, now
eleventh Inca of Peru. He continued the great fortress at Cuzco, commenced by his father.
Tupac Yupanqui did not believe that the sun lives and “ is the maker of all things,” for “ many
things are made when the Sun is absent : ” it “ is like a tethered beast that always makes the same
round,” yet notwithstanding so many revolutions “ is never tired ; ” whereas were it living and free,
it “ would visit other parts of the Heaven ”— (Bias Valera, and G. de la Vega viii. 8).
He also said. That “ ambition and avarice prevent a man from knowing how to moderate either
his own actions or those of others.”
Tlie same year, Aria Damar having resided “ about three years ” at Palembang, arrival there of
Raden Rachmat, son of an Arab priest and the elder sister of the princess of Champa. After “ two
months ” stay, Rachmat proceeded on his voyage to Java, and on reaching Majapahit was kindly
received by his relative the princess, and was permitted by king Angka Wijaya to form an establishment
at Ampel with the free exercise of his religion.
“ Feb. 29th ” (Nicob), a general synod or council convened at Florence ; being a continuation of
the synod of Ferrara. The re-union of the Greek and Latin churches consummated; the patriarch
of Constantinople dying immediately after signing it. — But at the end of two years (Alst.), the Greeks
returned to their religious dogmas and ceremonies.
“ Nov. 17th ” (Alst., and Nicol.), by the Council of Basle, continuing in session, pope Eugenius
IV. declared deposed, and Felix elected his successor, Felix, being excluded from Rome, made
Lausanne his residence.