
A ugus tuliis, see Romulus Augus tus .
Augustus, or Octavius, Roman emperor, 456, 467, 471.
A u la iv O ’Hiv air, Irish chief, 631.
A umaric, or Almaric, theologian, 719.
A urelianus, Ca elius, Roman medical writer, 558.
Aurelianus, Roman general and emperor, 539, 541, 542.
A u re liu s Ambrosius, British king, 569.
A u re liu s Claudius, see Claudius.
A ure lius , M., see Antoninus.
Aureolus , Roman general in Illyricum, 540.
Aurungzebe, emperor o f Northern Hindustan,960,1001.
Ausonius , Roman poet, 553
A utes ion , Cadmean chief, 179.
A iito crate s , G reek comic poet, 299.
A utomenes, king o f Corinth, 212.
Auxentius, bishop o f Milan, 553.
A v e iro , A lonso, Portuguese navigator, S44.
Aventiniis, Johannes, Bohemian annalist, 814.
A ven zo ar , or Ibn Zuhr, A rab medical writer, 725.
A v e r rh o e s , or Ibn Roshd, A rab medical writer, 71S.
Avic en n a, or Ibn Sina, Arab medical writer, 612, 669.
A v ila , lY an cis co de, on Peruvian legends, 927.
A v ila , Pedrarias de, founder o f Panama, 864
A v itu s , Roman emperor o f the West, 567.
A v itu s of Vienna, ecclesiastical writer, 571.
A v iy a r , Tamul female philosopher, 633.
A x a ja c a tl, six th Mexican emperor, 829, 842.
A xion icu s, G reek comic poet, 320.
A y llo n , L. V a zq u e z de, Spanish navigator, 864.
A-y, king o f the L o o Choo Islands, 788.
A yu , Hindu king, 93.
A zara , F e lix de, Paraguayan naturalist, 1037.
Azariah, see Uzziah.
A zim Khan, governor o f Orissa, &c., 948.
A z iz , Fatimite sultan o f Eg ypt, 656, 664.
A zop h i, A rab astronomer, 650. *
A zu ra ra , Portuguese writer on Guinea, 821.
B a a l -h a n a n , k in g o f Edom or Petra, 146, 150.
Baasha, kin g of Israel, 191.
Babington, Char les C ., English botanist, 1067, 1069.
Babius, second king o f Assyria, 91.
Babylas, twelfth bishop of Antio ch , 539.
Bacchylides, G reek ly r ic poet, 268.
Ba cchylus , bishop of Corinth, 533.
B a d e , botanist in Senegal and Buenos A yres, 1062.
Bacon, Francis, restorer o f learning in Britain, 921.
Bacon, Roger, English physicist, 756.
Bacone, Joannes de, scho la s tic theologian, 782.
Badezor, Phoenician king, 194.
Bseringda, Burmese king, 479.
Baffin, William, British navigator, 932-33.
Bahader Shah, emperor of No rthern Hindustan, rooi,
Bajazet, fourth T u rk ish sultan, 796-98, 800.
Ba jazet IL , tenth T u rk ish sultan, 843, 854, 857, 862.
Balaam, 149.
Bala-deva, 686.
Balaeus, Assyrian emperor, 105.
Balas, or Palash, Sasanid king of Persia, 569.
Balatores, A ssyrian emperor, 131.
Balbillus, Roman prefect in Eg ypt, 482.
Balbinus, D. Ca elius , colleague of Pupienus Maximus,
Balboa, M. C ., on the ancient Peruvians, 898.
Baldaya, A ffonso Gonsalves, Portuguese navigator,
Baldwin, Godfrey, leader of the first Crusade, 684,686.
Baldwin, Henri, Frankish king of Constantinople, 719.
Baldwin, William, American botanist, 1059, 1061.
Baleazar, Phoenician king, 185.
Balhara, Hindu kin g of Guzerat, 658.
Balsamon, scho la s tic Greek writer, 718.
Balzac, who first wrote French prose with elegance,
Banister, Io., botatiist in V irginia, 961.
Banks, Joseph, British voyager and naturalist, 1039.
Baptista T rovamala, theologian, 831.
Barak, 155.
Barakah Khan, Memluk sultan o f Eg ypt, 756.
Bararuchi, Sanscrit writer, 6S1.
Barbaro, Josafa, Italian traveller, 815, 834.
Barbas, Arian bishop o f Constantinople, 565.
Barbosa, Duarte, Portuguese voya ger on Indian Ocean,
S62, 863.
Ba rchu-A rte-T ieghin, chie f o f the Ouigours, 719.
Barcia, botanist, Ioo6.
Barckhausen, T heoph., botanist, 1027.
Barclay, John, English critic, 921.
Bardas, Byzantine general, 656.
Bardesanes the Syrian, early heretical Christian, 531.
Bardjdis, king of the Illyrians, 318.
Barents, Willem, Dutch navigator, g i6 , 918.
Barkook, Memluk sultan o f Eg ypt, 795-96, 798.
Barlaam of Calab ria, 782.
Barlow, Arthur, British navigator, 90S.
Barnabas, companion o f Paul, 478, 4S0.
Barnard, Rev . Dr., 1034.
Baronius, Cæsar, ecclesiastical historian, 931.
Barrelier, Iac., botanist, 971.
Barrere, Petrus, botanist in Guiana, 1017.
Barrow, Isaac, English theologian and mathematician,
Barsebay el A sch raf, M emluk sultan of E g yp t ,8 i 1,815.
Barthelemi de Salignac, 858.
Barthius, Caspar , critic, 948.
Bartholin, Thomas, Danish cr itic and physician, 965.
Bartholomew, the apostle, 482.
Barton, B. S., N. American naturalist, 1054, 1057.
Barton, W . P. C ,, N . American botanist, 1060.
Bartram, John, N. American naturalist, 1009, 1020.
Bartram, William, N . American naturalist, 1033.
Barzouyeh, Persian translator of Sanscrit, 576.
Bashemath, wife of Esau, 115.
Basileides, gnostic Christian, 525-26.
b a s ilis c u s , claimant of the Byzantine empire, 569.
Basilius, bishop of Ancyra , 548-49.
Basilius, bishop o f Cæsa rea in Capp ado cia , 552.
Basilius, Fl., last Roman consul, 580.
Basilius Macedo, thirty-fourth llyzantine emperor,
639-40, 643.
Basilius of Ciiicia, ecclesiastical writer, 571.
Basilius I I ., associate Byzantine emperor, 656.
Basrawi, Shems-eddin, A rab writer, 897.
Bassi, F., Italian botanist, 1027.
Bassolius, Joannes, scho la s tic theologian, 814.
Bassus, Cassianus, compiler o f the Geoponica, 652.
Batard, F., French botanist, 1057.
Bathon, Greek comic poet, 370.
Bathurst, Rad., one of the discoverers of oxygen gas,
IN D E X TO N AM E S OF P E R SO N S . 1089
Bathyllus, Roman actor, 457,
Batou-khan, T a r ta r general, 725, 733.
Batsch, .a. J. G. C., cryptogamic botanist, 1027.
Battara, A nt., botanist, 1027.
Battu.s, leader o f a G re ek colony, 226.
Baudin, French navigator, 1053.
Bauer, F erd,, artist and botanist, 1040.
Bauhin, Caspar, botanist, 91S, 937, 940-41
Bauhin, John, botanist, 892, 919, 930.
Baumgarten, J. C. G., German botanist, 1060,
Baumgarten, Martin A ., trav eller in Egypt, 326, 860.
Bausch, Io. Laur., founder of the A cademia Cu r io so rum
in Germany, 958.
Bavius, Roman poet, 446.
Beauvois, Palisot de, F rench botanist, 1054-55, 1059.
Bechaji, Hebrew poet, 684.
Becket, Thomas, archbishop o f Canterbury, 710, 714.
Beda, historian and ecclesiastical writer, 619,
Beechey, British navigator, 1050, 1064.
Behaim, Martin, of Nuremberg, 843.
Behram, six th sultan of Delhi, 6S7, 708.
Bela, king of Edom or Petra, 120, 124.
Beladsor, A rab historian, 639,
Belalcazar, Sebastian, S74.
Belanger, trav eller and botanist, 1064.
Belbay, Memluk sultan o f Eg ypt, 831.
Belesis, in alliance with Arb ac es , 203.
Belibus, or Elibus, king of Babylon, 219
Belidor, Bernard de, F rencii engineer, io i2 .
Belisarius, Byzantine general, 576, 577, 579, 3S0, 583.
Bellarminus, Robertus, chronographer, 930.
Bellerophon, A eo lic chief, 156.
B e lle v al, Petr. Richerio de, founder o f the Montpelier
garden, 919.
Bellus, Honorius, botanist in Crete, 916.
Belochus, A ssyrian emperor, 102-3.
Belochus IL , A ssyrian emperor, 128.
Belon, P., naturalist in Egypt, 886.
Belus, first kin g o f the Assyrians, 91.
Bembo, secretary to Pope Leo X ., 872.
Benedict o f Poland, trav e lle r in T a rta ry , 736,
Benedictus, opposition pope, 798, 801-2.
Benedictus, s ixtieth bishop o f Rome, 589,
Benedictus IP , s ixteenth Roman archbishop, 612.
Benedictus H I ., fortieth Roman archbishop, 633.
Benedictus IV ., fifty-second Roman archbishop, 647.
Benedictus V ., sixty-eighth Roman archbishop, 655.
Benedictus V I ., seventy-first Roman archbishop, 656.
Benedictus V I I , seventy-second Roman archbishop,
656, 662.
Benedictus V H L . eighty-first Roman archbishop, 667,
Benedictus IX ., eighty-third Roman archbishop, 675-
Benedictus X ., thirty-eighth pope, 765.
Benedictus X I , forty-first pope, 7S2, 7S6.
Benjamin ben Jehuda of Kome, Jewish writer, 765.
Benjamin ben Serach, Jewish liturgical poet, 675.
Benjamin of T u d e la. Jewish traveller, 688, 711.
Ben Masah, Isa, see Ebn Masah.
Ben Masawia, lahia, A rab doctor, 628.
Bentivoglio of Ferrara, historian, 948.
Bentley, Richard, o f England, critic, 997.
Benzoni, Girolamo, early trav eller in America, 882.
Bercta, wife of the kin g of Kent, 592.
Berenger o f Angiers, theologian, 676.
Berengosius, theologian, 684.
Berenice, wife o f Ptolemy Soter, 348.
Berenice, wife o f Ptolemy I I I , 391.
Bergen, C. A ., botanist, 1018.
Bergius, P. J , Swedish botanist, 1027, 1036.
Bering, Russian navigator, 1008.
Berkeley, colonial governor o f Virginia, 951, 961.
Berkhey, F . Van, botanist, 1027.
Bermudez, John, navigator, 866.
Bernard, British colonial governor, 1028.
Bernard Cluniacensis, theologian and satirist, 684.
Bernard de Gordon, medical rvriter, 7Ó5.
Bernard of Bretagne, traveller, 639.
Bernard of C la irv au x , theologian, 705.
Bernard, P. F., Swiss botanist, 1063.
Bernays, German writer, ro66.
Bernhardus Senensis, S14.
Berno A ugiensis, theologian, 664.
Berosus, Babylonian historian, 373.
Bertero, botanist in Chili and on Taheiti, 1066.
Bertholdus Constantiensis, chronographer, 684.
Bertoloni, Italian botanist, 1053.
Bertonio, L ude v ico P. Aymaran, grammarian, 665.
Bertramus, theologian, 629.
Bertrandus, Petrus, writer on e c cles ia s tical jurisdic-
tion, 782.
Beryllus, bishop o f Bostra in A rabia, 536.
Besler, Basil, German botanist, 932.
Bessarion, reviver of Platonic philosophy in I ta ly 8„i
Betalabhatta, Sanscrit writer, 681. "
Bethencourt, John, conqueror of the Canary Islands
764, Soo.
Beth-Ucham, Paulus, Ja cobite patriarch o f Antioch
Bethuel, io6.
Beybars, Memluk sultan o f Eg ypt, 688, 751, 736.
Beydarah, Memluk sultan o f Eg ypt, 760.
Beza, Theodore, scholar and succ es sor o f Calvin at
Geneva, S97.
Bezaleel, Jewish artisan, 136.
Bharadwaja, Hindu king, 107.
Bhaskara, 686.
Bhatia-tissa, king o f Ceylon, 527, 529.
Bhattiya, Hindu king, 236.
Bhavabhuti, Sanscrit dramatist, 598, 616.
Bhoja, Hindu king, 703.
Bhrigu, grandfather o f the Hindu princess Devayani,
99, 592, 616.
Bhupala, Hindu king, 669.
Bhuren-Narapadi, king o f A v a , SiS, 822.
Bhurisena, Hindu king, 226.
Bhutagetu, Hindu king, iSo.
Bianco, Andrea, g eo g rap h ir , S15.
Biard, Pierre, first Jesuit missionary in N. Am., 930.
Bias, one o f the “ Seven sages ” of Greece, 233.
Bibaculus, Furius, Roman satirist, 446.
Bicheres, king o f Eg ypt, 69.
Bieber.stein, botanist in the Caucasian countries, 1049.
Biel, Gabriel, sch o la s tic theologian, S31.
Biela, astronomer, 1061.
Bielke, S. C., botanist, 1025.
Bieneches, kin g o f Eg ypt, 64.
Bigelow, Jacob, N. American botanist, 1063.
Biliardiere, J. J. La , botanist among Pa cific ish, 1046.
Bimbisara, Hindu king, 236.
Bimsara, Hindu king, 231.
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