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IN D E X TO N AM E S O F P E R SO N S . 10 9 1
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Bin-dats, thirty-first dairo o f Japan, 5S8, 590.
Binothris, or Biophis, k in g of Eg ypt, 65.
Bion, G reek pastoral poet, 382.
Birch, Samuel, English archæologist, 1066.
Bisura Champaca, king o f Java, 623.
Bitchourin, Hyacinth, Russian missionary, 1052.
Bivona Bernardi, A nton., Sicilian botanist, 1056.
Bjarnius, Scandinavian navigator, 662, 664.
Black, a founder o f Pneumatic Chemistry, 1027.
Blackstone, Io., botanist, 1012.
Blackw ell, Elizabeth, English botanist, 1015.
Blair, John, English chronographer, 1028.
Blair, Patrick, English botanist, 997.
Blanco, Manuel, botanist in the Philippines, 106S.
Blasius, Ermengaud, o f M ontpelier,medical writer, 765.
Blastaris, Matthaeus, scho la s tic G reek writer, 7S2.
Blume, botanist in the E a s t Indies, 1065.
Bnon, second H yk so s kin g o f Eg ypt, 96.
Boaz, 156.
Bobadilla, Francesco de, Spanish navigator, 85S.
Bobart, English botanist, 957.
Bo cca ccio, Italian poet, 7S7, 791.
Boccalini o f Rome, humorist and satirist, 921.
Boccanegra, Spanish admiral, 792.
Bocchoris, or Bonhoris, kin g of Eg ypt, 69.
Bocchoris I I ., kin g of Eg ypt, 211.
Boccone, Italian botanist, 972, 993.
Bochart of Rouen, critic, 948.
Bodinus, John, o f Angiers, jurist, 897.
Boeckh, archæologist, 1066.
Boeo, Greek poetess, 154.
Boerebistas, kin g of the Dacians, 449.
Boerhaave, Plerman, botanist and medical writer, 1003,
Boethius, the “ last Roman,” 573.
Boethos, kin g of Eg)^pt, 64.
Boethus o f Sidon, G reek philosopher, 4c;6.
Boeti us, Hector , 858.
Bogra Khan, T a r ta r general, 663.
Bogus, king of Mauritania, 441.
Boha-eddin, 718.
Böhmer, G. R., German botanist, ro20.
Bohorizh o f Laibach, author o f a Vinclish grammar, 897.
Boileau, Despreaux, French poet, 997.
Boileau, Stephen, first regulator of the Paris police, 753.
Boissier, Edmond, botani.st in Spain, 106S.
Bojei", botanist in Mauritius, 1067.
Boleyn, Ann, wife of Henry V I I I . o f England, 876.
B o liva r, S. American general and statesman, 1061-62,
Bolton, James, cryptogamic botanist, 1027.
Bonaparte, Joseph, brother of Napoleon, 1057.
Bonaparte, Napoleon, F rench conqueror, 1048, 1050-
51, 1053, 1055-57, 1059-60.
Bonaventura of Tuscany, scholastic theologian, 753.
Bond, American astronomer, 960.
Bonferrus, missionary in Pegu, 891.
Bonfiglioli, Joseph, Sicilian botanist, 948.
Bonifacius, fortieth bishop o f Rome, 564.
Bonifacius, fifty-third bishop o f Rome, 576.
Bonifacius I IL , first Roman archbishop, 597.
Bonifacius IV , second Roman archbishop, 597, 59S.
Bonifacius V., fourth Roman archbishop, 599, 600.
Bonifacius V I ., forty-eighth Roman archbishop, 645.
Bonifacius V I I I . , thirty-seventh pope, 762, 764-65.
Bonifacius IX ., forty-seventh pope, 797, 801.
Bonifacius of Mayence, theologian, 613.
Bonnet, Carolus, fr e n c h naturalist, 1027.
Bonneuil, Estienne de, French architect, 759.
Bonpland, Amand., botanist in S. A . 1051, 1054, 1061.
Bontier, trav e lle r in the Cana ry Islands, 800.
Bontius, J., botanist in the Ea s t Indies, 952.
Boone, Daniel, first se ttler in Ken tucky , T033.
Borckhausen, Mor Balth., German botanist, 1047.
Borri, Christopher, Jesuit missionary in Cochinchina,
Bory de St. Vinc ent, trav eller and botanist, 1053,1064.
Borzevog, duke of Bohemia, 630.
Bos, abbe du, critic, 1012.
Bose, L. A . G., botanist in North America, 1050.
Bosmann, traveller in Guinea, 999.
Bossu, traveller in Louisiana, 1021.
Bossuet of Burgundy, 965.
- Botetourt, colonial governor, 1029.
Botta, archæologist, 1068.
Boudicea, queen of South Britain, 483.
Bougainville, L. A n t , French navigator, 1026, 102$.
Boughton, Gabriel, English surgeon in Hindustan,
Bouguer, Pierre, trav eller in Equatorial America, 1015.
Bouhours, Dominique, o f Paris, critic, 965.
Bouka-khan, chie f of the Ouigour 'Partars, 538.
Bou-rets, twenty-sixth dairo of Japan, 571-72.
Boxhorn, Marc. Zuer., on the W elsh language, 942.-
Boyle, Robert, English physicist, 965.
Boylston, Zabdiel, physician of Boston, 1006.
Boym, Michael, botanist in China, 949.
Braad, botanist, 1025.
Bracciolini, Poggio, papal secretary, 81S.
Bradbury, John, 1057.
Braddock, British general in N . America, 1022.
Bradford, William, governor of Plymouth colony, 960.
Bradhna, Hindu king, 629.
Bradley, James, 1012.
Bradley, Ricardus, botanist, 1004.
Brahe T y ch o , 905.
Brahma Gupta, llin d u astronomer, 575.
Bramante, Italian architect ancl painter, S58, 860.
Brandt, Swedish chemist, 1012.
Brassavolus, Antonius Musa, of Venice, botanist, 876.
Bray, John, English botanist, 791,
Brenning, 921.
Brennus, leader of the Gauls, 303.
Bretigny, M. French colonizer, 948.
Breynius, Jacob, D u tch botanist, 975, 977.
Breynius, Jo. Phil., Dutch botanist, 977, 1012.
Brian O ’Neill, Irish chief, 631.
Br ick ell, John, American botanist; 1015, 1052.
Brigita, or St. Brigit, abbess in Ireland, 573.
Brithric, British admiral, 656.
Brocardi, Pellegrino, 872.
Brocquière, Bertrandon de la, trav eller in the East,
610, 756, 812, 814.
Brogan, Irish ecclesiastical poet, 573.
Bromelius, Olaus, Swedish botani.st, 991.
Brorsen, astronomer, 1061.
Broteas, brother o f Niobe, 153.
Brotero, F . A v e ll., Portuguese botanist, 1054.
Browal, Io., botanist, 1013.
Brower, or Brauer, Flemish painter, 948.
Brown, Robert, English botanist, 1058.
Brown, Thomas, English botanist, 948.
Browne, Patrick, botanist in Jamaica, 1023.
Browne, W . G., trav eller in Darfoor, 965, 1048.
Bruce, James, trav eller in Abyssinia, 1029.
Bniern, earl o f Northumberland, 639.
Brun, Charles le, French painter, 965
Brunetto Latini, of Florence, astronomer, 753.
Brunfels, Otho, German botanist, 870.
Bruno, archbishop of T re v e s , 684.
Bruno de Lungobardo, medical writer, 723.
Bruno, founder o f the Carthusian Order of monks, 681.
Brunyer, A b e l, .French botanist, 959.
Brutus, D . Juiiius, founder o f gladiatorial exhibitions,
Brutus, Marcus, Roman general, 45Ö.
Bruyere, author o f Characteres du Terns, 965.
Bryennius, scholastic Greek writer, 703.
Bucca-raya, Hindu king, 791.
Bucca-raya IL , Hindu king, 801.
Bucer of A lsac e , Protestant reformer, 872.
Buchanan, George, English poet and historian, 897.
Buchanan-Hamilton, botanist in Hindustan, 1050.
B u c ’hoz, P. lo s , French botanist, 1031..
Buddha, or Guadama, founder of Buddhism, 234, 2 3 7 ,
241, 588, 630, 735, 767.
Buddhadasa, king o f Ceylon, 548,'552.
Buddhaghosha, Buddhist missionary, 559, 676.
Budeus o f Paris, ju r is t and critic, 872.
Bukki, Jewish high-priest, 136.
Bulbun, Gheias-u-din, ninth sultan of Helhi, 751, 758.
Bumaldi, Io. A nt., Italian botanist, 948.
Bunge, A . v., botaiiist in Eastern T a r ta ry and China,
1064, 1066.
Burchardus of Worms, theologian, 664.
Burchell, naturalist in A u stral A fr ica , 1052.
Burgoyne, British general in N. America, 1036.
Burkhard, Io. Henr., botanist, 997.
Burmann, lo an ., Dutch botanist, 1013, 1023
Burmann, Nic. Laur., Dutch botanist, 1029.
Burnet, Gilbert, historian, 997.
Burrough, Stephen, British navigator, 891.
Burserus, botanist, 941
Busb ecke, botanist at Constantinople, 891.
Butes, priest o f Neptune at Athens, 152.
Butler, Benjamin F , American general, lawyer, and
statesman, 1071.
Butler, Samuel, author o f Hudibras, 963.
Buttner, botanist, 1027.
Button, 1 homas, British navigator, 930.
Buwana, Sri T u r i, leader of a Malay colony, 709.
Buxbaum, J. C., botanist in A s ia Minor, ioo6„7, 1009.
Bylot, Robert, British navigator, 933.
Byron, British navigator, 1027.
C abeza de V a c a , cap tiv e among the aboriginals of
T e x a s and Northern Mexico, 869.
Cabot, Sebastian, Venetian navigator in British employ,
837, 862, 868, 887.
Cabot, Zuan or John, Venetian navigator in British
employ, 856.
Caboudi, A rab writer, 655.
Cabral, Peter Alvnrez, I’ ortuguese navigator,S19, 85S.
Cabreira, X e ix a s de, Portuguese chie f captain in East
A fr ica , 949.
Cabrillo, John Rodriguez, Spanish navigator, 880.
Cacha, fifteenth and last scyri o f Quito, S29, 845.
Cadamosto Vic en te , v o y a g e r to Equatorial Africa , 823.
Cadmus, leader o f aP hoe n ician co lon y in to Greece, 150.
Cadmus o f Miletus, Greek historian, 237.
Caecilianus, bishop o f Carthage, 546.
Ca ecilius, G reek rhetor, 456.
Ca ecilius Epirota, Roman grammarian, 457.
Caecilius Statius, Roman comic poet, 396.
Caecina, A lbinus , Roman satirist, 552.
Caedmon, earliest English poet and monk, 612.
Caesalpinus, A ndreas, botanist, 907.
Caesar, Caius, grandson o f Augustus, 467, 468.
Caesar, Julius, Roman general and writer, 446, 448,
450. 455-
Caesarius Lirinensis, theologian, 609.
Caesius, Fridericus, founder of the Academia Lynceo-
rum, 923.
Cafur, M a lik , general o f sultan Ala-u-din, o f Delhi,
766, 773.
Cahlan, Cahtan A rab, 226.
Caille, N. Louis de la, 1012.
Cain, son of Adam, 3.
Cainan, 12.
Ca ius, ear ly Christian writer, 534.
Caius, see Caligula.
Caius, twenty-sixth bishop of Rome, 543-44.
Cajetanus, Thomas de V e jo , scho la s tic theologian, 858.
Calamis, G reek sculptor , 255
Calaso ka , Hindu king, 270, 285.
Calceolarius, Franc., o f Verona, botanist, 890.
Caleb, son o f Hezron, 125.
Ca leb, son o f Jephunneh, 136, 145, 14g.
Calidius, M., Roman orator, 446.
Ca ligula , Caius, Roman emperor, 478.
Ca lix tus II., s ix th pope, 687-SS.
Ca lix tu s H I ., fifty-fifth pope, 823, S25.
Calliades, Greek comic poet, 312.
Callias, Greek comic poet, 281, 296.
Callias of Syracuse, Greek historian, 370.
Ca llic rates , G reek comic poet, 312.
C a llic rates o f T y re , Greek historian, 541.
Callimachus, G reek sculptor and architect, 302.
Callimachus, Greek poet, 3S2.
Callinicus, G re ek historian, 537.
Ca llinicus , inventor of Greek fire, 610.
Ca llinus, G reek poet, 213.
Callisthenes, companion of Alexander, 323, 325.
Ca llis to, daughter o f Lycaon, 132.
Ca llistratus, G re ek orator, 312.
C a llis tratus , G reek grammarian, 400.
Callixenus, G reek historian, 375.
Callona, king o f Ceylon, 433.
Calpurnius, Roman poet, 541.
C a lve r t. Cec ilius , son o f Lo rd Baltimore, 947.
C a lver t, George, founder o f the State of Maryland 947.
C a lvin , John, Orthodox theologian, 877.
Ca lvinus, C. Sextius, Roman general in France, 40 9
4 n .
Calvus Macer, Roman orator and poet, 446.
Cam, Janies, see Caon.
Camaldolese, F ra Mauro, Italian geographer, 766.
Cambyses, father o f Cyrus, 236.
Cambyses, Persian emperor, 249-50.
Camden, William, archæologist and historian, 921.
Camerarius, J., botanist, 909.
Camerarius, Rud. Iac., botanist, 991.
Camerinus, C. Ces tiu s Gallus, Roman consul, 477.
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