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Young-tching, three hundred and second Chinese
emperor, 1006-7.
You-riak, twenty-second dairo of Japan, 568-69.
Ypsilanti, Alexander, Greek revolutionist, 1062.
Y-tsonng, of the Thang, Chinese emperor, 634.
Yu, of the Hia, Chinese emperor, S3.
Yukino Murazi, Corean traveller, 607.
Yupanqui, tenth inca of Peru, 79S-99, Soi, 811, 815.
Y-wang, of the Tcheou, Chinese emperor, 191.
Z .\ -A d g a b a , A b y s s in ia n k in g , 4S3, 499.
Za-Agba, Abyssinian king, 499.
Za-Awtet, Abyssinian king, 519.
Za-Bæsi, Tsawesa, Abyssinian king, 542.
Za-Bæsiserk, Abyssinian king, 531.
Za-Bazen, Abyssinian king, 464, 469.
Za-Demahe, A b y s s in ia n k in g , 517-19.
Za-Denghel, Abyssinian king, 923.
Za-Elasguaga, Abyssinian king, 531, 539.
Za-Elawda, Abyssinian king, 526.
Za-Gafale, Abyssinian king, 530-31.
Za-Les, Abyssinian king, 477, 481.
Za-Malis, Abyssinian king, 499, 503.
Za-Maseuh, Abyssinian king, 481.
Za-Senatu, Abyssinian king, 4Ó9, 477.
Za-Sutuwa, Abyssinian king, 481, 483.
Za-Zigen, Abyssinian king, 526, 530.
Zabdas, thirty-eighth bishop of Jerusalem, 544.
Zachariah, king of Israel, 210.
Zacharias, twenty-sixth archbishop of Rome, 619-20.
Zacharias Chrysopolitanus, theologian, 684.
Zacuto ben Samuel, prof. of Astron. at Saragossa, 831.
Zafe-Casimanbou, Arab, 821.
Zai-to, king of the Loo-Choo Islands, 788.
Zainalabdin, first Muslim king of Ternate, 855.
Zaleucus, Greek lawgiver, 225.
Zalikoglous, author of modern Greek lexicon, 1052.
Zaluzanius, Adamus, Bohemian botanist, 915.
Zannichellius, Io. Hieron., botanist, 1009.
Zanoni, Jac., Italian botanist, 972.
Zarah, son of Judah, 120.
Zarco, John Gonzales, Portuguese navigator, 803, 810.
Zebinus, or Zebennus, eleventh bp. of Antioch, 536.
Zechariah, Jewish prophet, 204.
Zechariah the younger, Jewish prophet, 251.
Zedekiah, or Mattaniah, governor of Jerusalem, 232.
Zeimoto, Francis, Portuguese navigator, S82.
Zelophehad, 136.
Zemarchus (Zemarkh), 5S6.
Zeno, Caterino, traveller in Persia, 833.
Zeno, Nicolo, voyager to the Faroe Islands and Greenland,
Zeno, sixth Byzantine emperor, 569-70.
Zenobia, queen of Palmyra, 541-42.
Zenodotus of Ephesus, Greek grammarian, 370, 382.
Zenon, Epicurean philosopher, 433.
Zenon of Citium, Stoic philosopher, 377.
Zenon of Elea, philosopher and inventor of Logic, 269.
Zenon of Rhodes, Greek historian, 396.
Zenon of Tarsus, Greek philosopher, 389.
Zenus, Demetrius, translator into modern Greek, 858.
Zephaniah, Jewish prophet, 227.
Zephyrinus, fourteenth bishop of Rome, 534.
Zerah, grandson of Esau, 120.
Zerah, see Osorkon.
Zet, king of Egypt, 207.
Zethus, colleague of Amphion in ruling Boeotian
Thebes, 154.
Zeuxis of Heraclea, Greek painter, 299.
Zeyathura, king of Toungoo in Burmah, 844.
Zeyher, botanist, 1052.
Zeyneddin, Memluk sultan of Egypt, 787.
Zibeon, 106.
Zillah, wife of Lamech, 3.
Zirari, king of Israel, 192.
Zin-qua, twenty-ninth dairo of Japan, 576, 580.
Zinn, Io. Gottfr., German botanist, 1023, 1025.
Zio-mei, thirty-fifth dairo of Japan, 600, 603.
Zohair, Arab poet, 597.
Zoilus, Greek grammarian, 325.
Zonaras, Joannes, Greek historian, 684.
Zopyrus, Greek poet, 239.
Zopyrus, Greek medical writer, 434.
Zoroaster, king of Bactria, 84, 95.
Zoroaster of Proconnesus, or Zaravast, prophet of the
Persians, 252.
Zosimus, thirty-ninth bishop of Rome, 562, 564.
Zosimus Panopolitanus, 566.
Zoskales, or Zahekale, Abyssinian king, 503, 517.
Zuccagni, Attil., botanist, 1052.
Zuheyr, Arab poet, 571.
Zunz, German hebraist, 1066.
Zwingger, Theod., botanist, 897.
Zwinglius, earliest Orthodox theologian, 863.
f i
A a r o n ’ s r o d , 303.
Ababdeh, Ethiopian tribe, 1068.
Abbassid family, in Egypt, 747.
Abenaquis,abor. N. Am. tribe,ioo7.
Ab/es alba, 875, 920.
alkokiana, 621.
balsamea, 875, 920, 935, 940,
942, 965.
bifida, 621.
Canadeiisis, hemlock, 809, 874-
75. 928.
Douglassii, 830.
excelsa, 134, 367, 451.
Fraseri, 1039.
Menziesii, 582.
Mertensiana, 582
nigra, 809, 866, S74-75,
929. 935> 940-
picea, 123, 451.
thuga, 621.
Veitchii, 621.
yesoensis, 418.
Abildgaardia mojiostachya, 982.
Aboriginal Americans, 70S, 767,803,926,944,953,-956, 970, 972,
Aborigines, a people of Italy, of
Greek origin, 132, 154, 157.
Abronia arenaria, 582.
umbellata, 1043.
Abrus pj-ecatorius, 373.
Absinth, 99.
Abu Simbel, in Egypt, 129, 131.
Abutiton Americanum, 987.
angulosum, 383.
Avicenncc, 670.
crispum, 987.
Indicum, 647.
polyandrum, 725.
Abu Zelimah, harbour in the Sinai
peninsula, 74.
Abydos, city in Upper Egypt, 126.
Abyssinia, 1S5, 322, 407, 439, 469,
576. 599. 747. 843. 947-
Abyssinian Race of man, 115.
Acacia, 4.
atnai'a, 727.
catechu, 412.
Acacia cineraria, 1000.
concinna, 740.
elata, 245.
Farnesiaiia, 660.
ferruginea, 412.
filicina, 1012.
fistula, 322.
glauca, 1005.
gummifera, 203.
heterocarpa, 602.
hor rida, 431.
kuk-ko, 240.
iiitsia, 974.
laiisiliqua, &c. 9S7.
leucophloea, 523.
lofigifolia, 1050.
mollissima, 1055.
neviu, and julibidssin, see A lbizzia.
Nilotica, 48, 72.
niopo, 7S3.
odoratissima, 578.
pcduncidata, 1007.
pennata, 970.
Portoricensis, 915.
reticulata, 1000.
rugata, 423.
seyal, 270.
sp., 37S.
sp., 731.
( S ta c h y c h r y s u m ) , p te r o sp e rm a ,
Stephaniana, 275.
stipidata, 737.
sb-icta, 1050.
sundra, 744.
tamariscina, 1000.
tortilis, 648.
Academies of Sciences, 923, 956,
964,1049. .
Acadia, or Nova Scotia, colonized
by Europeans, 923, 930, 947, 965.
Acaena argentea, 1002.
Acalypha betidina, 966.
Caroliniana, 1039.
cuspidata, 915.
frtdicosa, 737.
Acalypha Indica, 461.
mappa, 966.
sp., 732.
Virginica, 982.
Acanthus Dioscoj-idis, 900.
edulis, see Blepharis.
illicifolius, see Dilivaria.
mollis, 302.
spinosus, 302.
Acarus scabiei, itch insect, 725.
Acer bai'batiim, 1040.
campestre, 353.
circinatum, 580.
Creticum, 271.
dasycarpum, 1003.
fusini, 418.
macrophyllum, 5S0.
Monspessidanum, 912.
negundo, 640.
nigrum, 1038.
opalus, 456.
pictum, 905.
platanoides, 354.
polyznoiphum, 622.
rubrum, 803, 925, 942.
saccharitium, 925, 940, 942.
sp., 418, 451, 632.
spicatum, 1031.
striatum, 1020.
Tartariaun, 7S0.
Acei'as alpinuin, 937.
anthropophoi'a, 890.
anthrop07uorpha, 961.
Acerates co7inivens, 1059.
vii'idifioi'a, 1056.
Acetosa acetosa, 969.
acetosella, 969, 1031.
pratensis, 953.
Achaean League, or Republick,
377» 397. 402.
Achania ■/7ioliis, 915.
Achillea Aegjptiaca, 890.
ageratuni, 669.
Clave7inae, 907.
Cretica, 905.
filicfolia, 1008, 1013.
Gei'bei'i, 1013.
herba I'ota, 931.