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A lp h on so IV ., king of Portugal, 785.
A lph on so V., king o f Portugal, S24-25, 830-31, 842.
A lphon sus Tonsta tus, theologian, S14.
A lp inu s , botanist in E g ypt, 615, 903. 905, 930.
A lpteg in , founder of Ghazni, 655, 657.
Alraz i, Muhammed ben Zakarya, A rab traveller, 743.
A ls ted , J. H., chronographer, 943.
A ls ton , Car., botanist, 1013.
Alstrcemer, botanist, 1025.
Altad a s , Assyrian Emperor, 107.
Altamsch, sultan of Delhi, 717, 719, 721-22, 724.
A l Tiflisi, K a ra ite Jewish writer, 629.
A lv a ra do , L. Moscoso de, companion of De Soto, 88i.
A lv a ra do , Pedro de, Spanish general, 866, S76.
A lv a ro Martens Homem, Portuguese navigator, 829.
A ly a t te s , king of Lydia, 22S, 237.
Amadas , Philip, English navigator, 90S.
Ama lar ius , liturgical wr iter, 629.
Ama lek, grandson o f Esau, 120.
Amasis, see Aahmes.
Amatus Lusitanus, Jewish medical writer, 878, 886.
A -ma-van, regent of the Chinese empire, 956, 958.
Amaziah, king of Judah, 199, 203.
Ambaharanasala, king of Ceylon, 577.
Ambiorix, leader of the Gauls, 454.
Ambron, leader of a G reek colony, 207.
Ambrosinius, Bartholomaeus, Italian botanist, 948.
Ambrosinius, Hyacinthus, Italian botanist, 964.
Ambros ius of Alexandria, early Christian writer, 552.
Ambrosius, bishop of Milan, 553, 555.
Ambros ius Ansber tus, theologian, 639.
Ambrosius Camaldulensis, theologian, 831.
Amegalarus, king o f Babylon, 78. %
Amelesagoras, Gi’eek historian, 244.
Amelius o f T uscan y , Neo-platonist, 539.
Amemphsinus, k in g of Babylon, 8 i.
Amenatep, Aminadab, or Amenophis, k in g o f Eg ypt,
Amenatep I I ., kin g o f Egypt, 117.
Amenatep I I L , king of Eg ypt, 118, 120.
Amenatep IV ., kin g o f Eg ypt, 120.
Amenemha, or Ammeneme, king of Eg ypt, 83.
Amenemha I I . , kin g of Eg ypt, 85.
Amenemha I I I . , Moeris, king o f Eg ypt, 90.
Amenemha IV ., Timaus, 91.
Amenophis, Egyptian prophet, 130.
Amenophis, see Amenatep.
Amenophthis, queen of Eg ypt, loS.
Amen©phthis IL , queen of Eg ypt, 179-80.
Ame ra Sinha, Hindu lexicographer, 681.
Americus V e spucius, early voyager along the Am e r ican
coast, 857.
Aminocles, Greek ship-builder, 219.
Amman, lo ., Russian botanist, 981, 1017.
Ammenon, king of Babylon, 76.
Ammeris, see Amnerith.
Ammianus Marcellinus, Roman historian, 550.
Ammihud, 130.
Amminadab, 130, 140.
Ammonius, Greek poet, 565.
Ammonius, inventor of lithotrity, 471.
Ammonius of Alexandria, G reek grammarian, 400.
Ammonius of Lamprae, G re ek ])hilosopher, 498.
Ammoniijs Sacas, Greek philosopher, 534.
Ammonius the younger, Greek grammarian, 555.
Amnerith, or Ammeris, queen of Eg ypt, 221.
Amometus, G re ek writer, 370.
Amon, eighteenth king of Judah, 226.
Amphiaraius, father of I'iburtus, 164, 174.
Amphictyon, fourth A t t ic king, 137.
Ampliilochius, bishop of Iconium, 553-54-
Amphion, G reek poet-musician, 154.
Amphis, G reek comic poet, 312.
Amphitryon, son of A lca eus , 163-64.
Amram, father of Moses, 129.
Amramithes, A ssy rian emperor, 100.
Amran, Ishak ben, A rab writer, 612.
Amriolkais, see Imra-el-Keys.
Amrou, Muslim general, 602-3.
Amru, A rab poet,/597.
Amulius, Roman painter, 477.
Amunmessu, king of Eg ypt, 131.
Amurath, see Murad.
Amurtaeus, king of Eg ypt, 291-92.
Amyntas, Assyrian emperor, 125.
Amyntas, ninth king of Macedonia, 252, 256.
Amyntas IL , king of Macedonia, 306.
Amyntianus, Greek historian, 529.
Amythaon, father of Melampus, 150, 152.
Ana , see Sisires.
Anacharsis, ancient Scythian philosopher, 234.
Anacreon, G re ek poet, 250.
Anah, 110.
Anan ben Dav id, founder of Ka raite literature, 620.
Ananda, pupil of Buddha, 238, 241.
A nan g Bhim Deo, kin g of Orissa, 714.
A nang-pal, or Mahendra-pala, tributary Hindu king,
665, 667.
Ananias, G reek writer, 242.
Ananta, king of Cashmere, 677, 6S4.
A nastasius, biographer, 629.
Anastasius, forty-eighth bishop o f Rome, 570.
Anastasius, Greek patriarch, 618.
Anastasius of Nice, theologian, 609.
Anastasius, seventh Byzantine emperor, 570-72.
Anastasius Sinaites, G reek writer, 597.
Anastasius, thirty-seventh bishop of Rome, 560.
Ana sta sius IT , twenty-first Byzantine emperor, 615-16.
Ana sta sius I II., fifty-sixth Roman archbishop, 647.
Anastasius IV ., twelfth pope, 708.
Anatolius, bishop of Constantinople, 566, 568.
Anatoliu s, bishop of Laodicea, 543.
Ana xa goras, G reek philosopher, 268-69.
Ana xa rchus, Greek philosopher, 325.
A na xilaus , Greek comic poet, 312.
A na xilaus of Larissa, Greek philosopher, 458.
Anaximander, Greek philosopher, 241.
Anaximander the younger, Greek historian, 299.
Anaximenes,“ G reek philosopher, 237.
Anaximenes o f Lampsacus, Greek historian, 325.
Ana xipp us , Greek comic poet, 325.
A ncus Marcius, fourth king o f Rome, 227.
Anderson, G., English botanist, 1060.
Ando cides, Greek orator, 281.
Andrade, Fernán Perez de, Portuguese navigator, 863.
Andreas, Greek medical writer, 391.
A ndreas, last bisho]) o f Greenland, 8or.
A ndreas of Crete, G reek writer, 613.
A ndreas T ro ilu s, modern G re ek versifier, 948.
Andrew, Greenland bishop, 8or.
A ndrew, John A ., governor of Massachusetts, 1071.
Andrews, Henry, English botanist, 1050.
IN D E X TO N AM E S OF P E R SO N S . 1085
Andromachus, Greek medical writer, 482.
Andromachus o f Syria, G reek rhetor, 537.
Andromachus the younger, G reek medical writer, 498.
A ndron, G re ek medical writer, 446.
Andronicus, fifty-fifth Byzantine emperor, 715.
Andronicus of Rhodes, Greek philosopher, 446.
Andronicus I I ., Palaeologus, sixty-second Byzantine
emperor, 757, 7S4, 779.
Andronicus I I I., s ixty-third Byzantine emperor, 779,
Andronicus IV ., sixty-fifth Byzantine emperor, 796.
Andros, Edmund, governor of N ew England, g8i-S->
A ndrosthenes, Greek navigator, 334.
Androtion, G reek orator, 312.
Anebus, third king of Assyria, 92.
Aneg kle tus, second bishop of Rome, 518.
Angelis, P. Hieronymus de. Ca tholic missionary in
Japan, 935^37.
Ang elo , Michael, Italian painter and sculptor, 858,860.
Angelomus o f France, theologian, 629.
Ang e lus Clavasius, theologian, 831.
A ngiras, Sanscrit writer, 370.
A n g ’gling Derma, king o f Java, 623.
A n g k a Wija ya, kin g o f Java, 79S, 815.
Ango, Jean, 860. »
Anguillara, Italian botanist, 888, 890, S92.
Anha ya, Peter de, 860.
A nicetu s, tenth bishop o f Rome, 528-29. .
An-kan, twenty-eighth dairo of Japan, 576.
A n-k o, twenty-first dairo of Japan, 567.
Anna, or Onna, kin g of the Ea s t A ng les , 6io.
A nn a Comnena, Greek historian, 703.
Annaniah, or Annianus, first bishop at Babylon in
E g yp i. 483.
Anne, British queen, 997, 1004.
Ann e, Russian empress, lo io .
Annianus, G reek chronographer, 560.
Annius of, Viterbo, or Giovanni Nanni, forger of
ancient writings, 831.
Anouscha van, Armenian prince, 96
Anselm, archbishop o f Canterbury and scho la s tic
theologian, 680, 683.
Anselm of Lugo, theologian, 6S0.
A nsgarius Corbeiensis, theologian, 624.
Antago ra s of Rhodes, Greek poet, 370.
Antalcida s , Spartan general, 303.
A ntar, A rab warrior and poet, 597, 599.
A ntero s , seventeenth bishop of Rome, 537.
Anthelmus o f Scotland, theologian, 613.
Anthemius, architect, 576.
Anthemius, Roman emperor over the Wes t, 56S, 5S4.
A ntias, Valerius , Roman historian, 434.
Anticlides of Athens, G reek historian, 370.
Antidotus, Greek comic poet, 312.
A ntidotus, G reek painter, 389.
Antigonus Dosou, king of Macedonia, 389.
Antigonus Gonatas, king of Macedonia, 378.
Antigonus, Greek historian, 328.
Antigonus, Macedonian general, 340, 348.
Antigonus of Ca rystus, Greek biographer, 3S9.
Antimachus o f Claros, G reek poet, 2S1.
Antimachus o f Teo s , Greek poet, 210.
Antimenidas, Greek traveller, 234.
^Antiochus, Heraclid chief, 175.
"Antiochus of A egae, Greek rhetor, 534.
Antio chus o f Syracuse, G reek historian, 281.
Antio chus Eusebes, son o f Antiochus V I I . , 438, 444.
Antio chus Sidetes, regent over Syria, 403, 407.
Antiochus Soter, G reek kin g of Syria, 377, 382.
Antiochus II. Theus , Greek kin g of Syria, 382, 386.
Antiochus I I I. Magnus, Greek k in g of Syria, 390-91,
394, 396, 397-
Antiochus IV . Epiphanes, G re ek kin g o f Syria, 399.
Antiochus V. Eiipator, G reek king o f Syria, 40Ó.
Antiochus V I . Grypus, G reek kin g o f Syria, 408,
4Z4, 438-
Antiochus V I I . Cyzicenus, G reek kin g o f Syr ia, 424,
Antio chus V I I I . A siaticus , last Greek, or Seleucid
king o f Syria, 444, 446.
Antiopa, daughter of Ny c teus , 152.
A ntip ater , Coelius, Roman historian, 407.
Antipater , Greek medical writer, 463.
Antipater , Macedonian general, 337.
Amip a te r of Hierapolis, G re ek rhetor, 534.
Antip ater of Sidon, G reek poet, 400, 434.
Antip ater o f Ta rsu s , Greek philosopher, 400.
A ntip ate r of T y re , G reek philosopher, 446.
Antiphon, G reek orator and statesman, 291.
Antiphon, G reek tragic poet, 281.
Antisteus Labeo , Roman painter, 477.
Antisthenes, G reek philosopher, 301.
A nto ku , dairo of Japan, 715.
Anton Giiainerius, 814.
Antoninus, Marcus A u re liu s , Roman emperor, 529,531,
Antoninus Florentinus, theologian, 814
Antoninus Pius, Roman emperor, 527, 529.
Antonio, Cermisone, medical writer, 814.
Antonius, M., Roman orator, 407, 434.
Antonius, M., Roman triumvir, 455, 457.
Antonius Andrem, scholastic theologian, 765.
Antonius Melissa, theologian, 6ig.
Antonius of Cos, Greek medical writer, 503.
Antonius o f Egypt, ear ly Christian hermit, 544.
Antonius of Padua, theologian, 718.
Antonius Rhetor, 629.
Antonins Rosellus, jurist, S31.
A n ty llu s , G reek medical writer, 535.
Anu, Hindu prince, 99.
Anurudde, Hindu king, 254.
A iiy te o f Tegea , G re ek poetess, 370.
Apachnas, or Apahnas, Hykso s kin g of Eg ypt, 97.
A p e lle s o f Cos, G reek painter, 325.
A pe llicon o f Teo s , Greek co llector of books, 442.
Aphareus, Greek tragic poet, 312.
A phophis, Hykso s kin g o f Eg ypt, 103.
Apic ius , Roman culinary writer, 520.
Apion, early Christian writer, 534.
Apion o f Alexandria, grammarian, 47S.
A pis , kin g of Argos , 113, 117.
Apollinaris, A ure lius , G reek poet, 541.
Apollinaris, bishop of ITierapolis, 529,
Apollinaris, bishop of Laodicea in Syria, 552.
Apo llodo rus , follower o f Democritus, 303.
Apo llodo rus , Greek medical writer, 339,
A po llodo rus , G re ek painter, 29g.
A p o llodo rus of Artemita, Greek historian, 411, 433.
A p o llodo rus of Ca rystus, Greek comic poet, 3S2.
A po llodorus o f Damascus, G reek architect, 519.
A p o llodo rus of Gela, Greek comic poet, 325.
A p o llodo rus of Pergamus, G re ek rhetor, 446.