Kouo-tching, Cambodian ambassador, 791.
Kouotei, dairo of Japan, 945.
Koutchouk, Memluk sultan of Eg>'pt, 7S5-S6.
Kou-yng-ti, Chinese historian, 94S.
Kovanko, astronomer, 1065.
Koxinga, or Tching-tching-koung, Chinese pirate-
chief, 961.
Kramer, Io. G. Henr., I-Tiingarian botanist, 1025.
Krascheninnikovius, botanist in Siberia, lO iS , 1025.
Kretos, early king of Crete, 113.
Krieg, David, botanist, 961.
Krunglau, king of Martaban in Burmah, 766.
Krusenstern, Russian navigator, 1055.
Krylof Ivan, Russian fabulist, 1066.
Kuhn, C. F., botanist, 1013.
Kulesekara Pandya, king of Orissa, 667.
Kundal Kesari, king of Orissa, 626.
Kunkel, alchemist, 981.
Kunth, C. S., German botanist, 1059.
Kurma Kesari, king of Orissa, 675.
Kotaiba ben Muslim, Muslim general, 615.
Kutb Shah, fourth Muslim king of Guzerat, 822, S25.
Kutb-u-din Eibak, first suUan of Delhi, 716-17, 719.
Kutrub, Arab grammarian, 624.
Kuyuk Khan chief of the Tartars, 733.
Kwo-gok, dairo empress of Japan, 603-5,
Kyllingius, botanist, 972.
Kylwarbi, Robertus, old English writer, 753.
L a a d .\n , 127.
Laban, 116-17.
Labat, Io. Bapt., botanist in Africa and the West
Indies, 1009.
Labazarris, Guido de, Spanish governor of the Philippines,
Labdacus, grandson of Cadmus, 152.
Laberius, Decimus, Roman writer, 446.
Labillardiere, Jacq. Jul., French botanist, 1028.
Laborde, Leon de, traveller in Arabia Petraea, 1065.
Laborosoarchod, king of Babylon, 240.
Labotas, fourth Agid king of Sparta, 193.
Lachares, Greek rhetor, 565.
Lachenal, W., Swiss botanist, 1027.
Lacius, leader of a Greek colony, 220.
Lacshana Pala, prime minister at Delhi, 711.
Lactantius. early Christian writer, 544.
Lacydes, Greek philosopher, 382
Ladislaus, king of Hungary, S18.
Laertius, Diogenes, Greek biographer, 534.
La Fayette, French general and statesman, 1037.
Lagasca, Mar., botanist, 1055.
Lagerstroem, botanist, 1025.
Lahontan, French explorer in North America, 980.
Laius, king of Boeotian Thebes, 152, 163.
Lalande, traveller in Arabia, 1002.
Lamarck, J. B. M., French nat,, 1036, 1045-46, 1049.
Lambert, A. B., English botanist, 1050, 1052-53.
Lambertus Schafnaburgensis, chronographer, 681.
Lamech, 3, 65, 73.
Lamotte, French botanist, T070.
Lamouroux, French botanist, 1055.
Lampare.s, Assyrian emperor, 148.
Lamprides, Assyrian emperor, 136.
Lan9arote, Portuguese navigator, S19.
Landa, Francisco de, Spanish pilot, 918.
Lando, fifty-seventh Roman archbishop, 647.
Landulphus Carthusianus, commentator on the book
of Psalms, 7S2.
Lane, Rafe, governor of Roanoak colony, 90S.
Lanfranc, archbishop of Canterbury and earliest
scholastic theologian, 676, 6S0.
Lanfranc, medical writer, 752.
Langius, Paulus, chronographer, 862.
Langsdorff, G., botanist and voyager, T055.
Languliva Narsinh, king of Orissa, 725.
Lannoy, Guillebert cle, traveller in the East, 802,811.
Laodamas, king of Boeotian Thebes, 164, 167.
Laodice, mother of Apis and Niobe, 110.
Laomedon, king of Troy, 152, 156.
Laonicus Chalcondyles, Greek historian, 828.
Laosthenes, Assyrian emperor,. 193.
Lao tseu, Chinese philosopher, 231.
Laperouse, French navigator, 1042, 1046.
Lapeyrouse, P. Picot, French botanist, 1048.
Lapilave, French botanist in Newfoundland, 1065.
Lartius, Roman dictator, 254.
La Salle, M. de la, French explorer in N. America, 978.
Lascaris, Constantinus, scholastic Greek writer, 831.
Lascaris, John, of Constantinople, 842.
Lassell, English astronomer, 960, 1069.
Lasus of Hermione, Greek poet, 244.
Latourette, A. L , French botanist, 1027.
Latro, Porcius, Roman rhetor, 457.
Laiidonniere, leader of a French colony, 896-97.
Lauremberg, Gul, German botanist, 921.
Laurentius Justinianus, 814.
Laurentius, see Koster.
Lavoisier, French chemist, 1034.
Lawarre, Lord Thomas cle, governor of Virginia,
Lay and Collie, botanists on Beechey’s yoyage, 1064.
Laxmann, Adam, Russian navigator, 1046.
Laxmann, Ericus, botanist in Siberia, 1029.
Lebid, Arab poet, 597.
Leblond, botanist in Guayana, 1047.
Leche, Johan., Swedish botanist, 1018.
Lechford, early writer on New England, 952.
Le Conte, John, N. American naturalist, 1057, 1060.
Lecoq, French botanist, 1070.
Ledebour, C. Fr., botanist in Siberia, 1064.
Ledyard, John, American voyager, 1043.
Leers, Io. Dan., botanist, 1035.
Lee, Arthur, American envoy at Paris, 1036.
Leeuwenhoek, A. van, microscopic observer, 997.
Legazpi,- M. L de, conq. of the Philippines, 896, 900.
Lehmann, I. F , German botanist, 1058.
Lehmann, J. G. Chr., German botanist, 1062.
Leibnitz, mathematician and philosopher, 997.
Leidrade, archbishop of Lyons, 624.
Leif, Scandinavian navigator, 664.
Leinker, Io. S., botanist, 1027.
Leland, archaeologist to Henry VIII,, 872.
Lelex, first king of Laconia, 127.
Le Maier, Isaac, Dutch navigator, 933.
Le Monnier, G., French botanist, 1019, 1025,
Le Moyne, J., French colonist in Florida, 896.
Lenaeus, Roman grammarian, 447.
Lenfant, James, historian ancl critic, 997.
Lentulus, Cn. Cornelius, Roman consul, 467.
Leo, fourth Byzantine emperor, 568.
Leo IL, fifth Byzaniine emperor, 569.
Leo III. Isaurus, twenty-third Byzantine emperor,
616, 61S-19.
Leo IV., twenty-fifth Byzantine emperor, 622—23.
Leo V. Armenius, thirtieth Byzantine emperor, 626-27.
Leo VI,, Sapiens, thirty-fifth Byzantine emperor, 643.
Leo II., fifteenth Roman archbishop, 612.
Leo III., thirty-second Roman archbishop, 624, Ó2Ó.
Leo IV., thirty-ninth Roman archbishop, 631-32.
Leo V., fifty-third Roman archbishop, 647.
Leo VI., fifty-ninth Roman archbishop, 650.
Leo VIL, sixty-second Roman archbishop, 6 50 -5 1 .
I.eo VIIL, sixty-seventh Roman archbishop, 655.
Leo IX., eighty-seventh Roman archbishop, 676-77.
Leo X., sixty-third pope, S6r, 864.
l/CO Africanus, Arab writer, 868.
Leo diaconus, Greek writer, 655.
Leo grammaticus, 664.
Leo Hostiensis, historian, 682.
Leo Magnus, forty-third bishop of Rome, 566, 5ÓS.
Leo of Byzantium, Greek historian, 325.
Leo of Thessalonica, see Leo philosophus.
Leo philosophus et medicus, 629.
Leocrates, Athenian archon, 217.
Leodamas, Greek orator, 312.
Leon, Cieza cle, traveller, 877, S87.
Leonicenus, Nicolaus, botanist, 846.
Leonidas, king of vSparta, 265
Leonidas of Tarentum, Greek writer, 370.
Leontius, jurist at Constantinople, 613.
Leontius Pi!., restorer of Greek learning in Italy, 7S2.
Leopold 11., forty-second emperor of Germany and
Italy, 1047.
Lepechin, Iwan., Russian botanist, 1029.
Lepidus, M. Aemilius, Roman triumvir, 456, 464.
Lepsius of Berlin, archaeologist in Egypt, 106S.
Lerche, Io. Iac., bot. in Persia and at Astrachan, T012
Lerius, J., early traveller in Brazil, 891.
I.ery, Baron de, 863.
Leschenault, bot. in the Malayan archipelago, 1053.
Lesches of Mytilene, Greek poet, 227.
Leucon, Greek comic poet, 281.
Leuvigild, Gothic king of Spain, 5S6, 590.
Leverrier, astronomer, 1069.
Levi, Jacob, of Mayence, reputed founder of German
synagogue music, 799.
Levi ben Gerson, Jewish astronomer, 782.
Lewellyn, Welsh prince, 757.
Lewis ancl Clark, travellers across N. America, 1054.
Leysser, F. G. á, German botanist, 1024-25.
L ’Heritier, C. L., French botanist, 1039, 1043.
Libanius, Greek rhetor, 552.
Liberalis, M. Antonius, Roman rhetor, 4S2.
Liberatus, ecclesiastical writer, 576.
Liberius, thirty-fourth bishop of Rome, yielded to
Arianism, 550, 552.
Libon, Greek architect, 2S1.
Libussa, traditional princess and prophetess of Bohemia,
Licinius, colleague of Constantine, 546.
Licinius, see Crassus.
Licinius Cab, C., Roman tribune and consul, 306,319.
Liebmann, botanist in Mexico, ro68.
Lieou-yu, Chinese historian, 680.
Lie-tseu, Chinese philosopher, 231.
Lie-wang, of the Tcheou, Chinese emperor, 306.
Lightfoot, John, English botanist, 1036.
Linant, geographer and archæologist in Egypt, 1068
Lincoln, Abraham, American president, 1070-71.
Lincoln, Benjamin, American general, 1042.
Lindenau, Gotske, voyager to Greenland, 924.
Lindern, F. B., German botanist, 1009.
Linderus, Johannes, Swedish botanist, 1004.
Lindley, John, English botanist, 1065, 1068.
Ling-li, of the Han, Chinese emperor, 529.
Ling-wang, of the Tcheou, Chinese emperor, 237.
Link, A. F., botanist in Portugal, 1050.
Link, H. F., German botanist, 1067.
Linnæus, Swedish naturalist, 941, lo ii, 1014-15, 1018-
24, 1027, 1031.
Linnæus fib, Swedish botanist, 1025-26, 1028, 1037.
Linocierus, Gaufridus, French botanist, 908.
Linschoten, voyager to the East Indies and China, 902.
Lin-sin, of the Chang, Chinese emperor, 147.
Linturius, Johannes, chronographer, 862.
Linus, first bishop of Rome, 49S. 1/inus, Greek poet-musician, 154.
Linus, sou of Psamathe, 136.
Lipmann of Mülhausen, Jewish writer, 799.
Lippershey, Hans, maker of telescopes, 928.
Lippi, Augustin, botanist in Egypt and Abyssinia, 997.
Lipsius, Justus, critic, 921.
Lister, Martin, Engli.sh naturalist, 975.
Li-tai-pe, Chinese poet, 619.
Li-tchhing-Kouei, a révolter under Tchhang and
Yao, 79£
Li-tseu-tching, claimant of the Chinese empire, 956-
Li-tsoung, of the Soung, Chinese emperor, 722-23, 751.
Little, Henry, American botanist, 1063.
Liu-chi, of the Han, Chinese empress, 397.
Liu-koung-tchu, Chinese philosopher, 682.
Liu-va, Gothic king of Spain, 586.
Livius, Roman historian, 457.
Livius Andronicus, earliest writer of Latin, 388.
Li-wang, of the Tcheou, Chinese emperor, 195.
Li-wang II., 221.
Li-yan-tcheou, Chinese historian, 597.
Lloque Yupanqui, third inca of Peru, 683, 638.
Lloyd, William, chronographer, 997.
Loayza, Geronimo, archbishop of Lima, 887.
Lobel, Matthias, Belgian botanist, 898, 901, 903, 933.
Locke, John, English metaphysician, 965.
Locrus, grandson of Amphictyon, 148.
Loddiges, Conr., English botanist, 1061, 1068.
Loefling, Peter, bot. in Spain ancl Cumana, 1022,1025.
Loesel, loan., German botanist, 959.
Logan, Iac., English botanist, 1012.
Lollianus, Greek rhetor, 519.
Lomonosof, Mich., of Archangel, Russian writer, 1012.
Longinus, Greek philosopher, 538, 540.
Lonicer, Adam, German botanist, 8S7.
Loomis, H. American botanist, 1066.
Lopez, Francisco, resident on the Canaries, 795.
Lorraine, French botanist, 1031.
Lot, 103.
Lotharius IL, ninth emp. of Germany and Italy, 690.
Louis, king of Ilungary, 866, S69.
Louis, or Ludovicus Pius, emperor of France and
Germany, 626-27, Ö29.
Louis I I , king of France, 641-42.
Louis III., king of France, 642.
Louis V-, king of France, 663,
Louis VI., king of France, 687.
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