
Claudius, bishop of T urin, 626.
Claudius, Roman emperor, 479-80.
Claudius II ., or A u re liu s Claudius, Roman emperor,
Claudius, Servius, Roman grammarian, 434.
Claudius Caecus, see App ius Claudius.
Claudius lo laus , see lo lau s .
Claudius Scotus, theologian, 624.
C la vijo, ambassador from Spain to Timour, 800.
Cla vius, C., author o f the Gregorian “ New S ty le ,” 905.
Clayton, John, American botanist, 1016.
Cleancler, G reek architect, 532.
Cleanthes, Greek philosopher, 3S2.
Clearchus of Soli, G reek philosopher and educational
writer, 325, 345.
C lea ver , Isaac, American botanist, 1061.
Cleemporus, Greek medical writer, 256.
Cleitarchus, Greek historian, 325.
Cleitomachus, Greek philosopher, 407.
Cieitophon, G reek historian and geographer, 400.
Cleitor, sixth kin g o f A rcadia, 151.
Clemangis, Nicolaus, religious reformer, S03.
Clemens Alexandrinus, early Christian writer, 533.
Clemens Antisiodorensis, theologian, 619.
Clemens- Romanus, early Christian writer, 518.
Clemens I I , eighty-fifth Roman archbishop, 676.
Clemens I I I . , claimant in opposition to Hildebrand,
Clemens I I I ., eighteenth pope, 716.
Clemens IV ., twenty-seventh pope, 751, 753.
Clemens V ., thirty-ninth pope, 765, 767.
Clemens V I ., forty-second pope, 786, 789.
C lem en s 'V I I ., s ix ty-fifth pope, 867, 869-70.
C leobuline, Greek poetess, 255.
C leobulus, one of the “ seveii sages o f Greece, 233.
Cleodaeus, Heraclid chief, 17S.
Cleomachus, G reek tragic poet, 26S.
Cleomenes, G reek sculptor, 442.
Cleomenes I IL , last A g id kin g of Sparta, 391.
Cleopatra, daughter of Ptolemy V ., 398, 402,
Cleopatra, daughter o f Ptolemy V L , 402, 417.
Cleopatra, queen of Eg ypt, 443, 454, 457.
Cleop atra, wife of Ptolemy V ., 397.
Cleophon, Greek tragic poet, 299.
Cleo s tratus o f Tenedos, G re ek astronomer, 268.
C le r c, John le, critic, 997.
Clessides, Greek painter, 382.
Cleues, leader o f a Greek colony, 179.
Cleyer, botanist in Japan, 976.
Clidemus, Greek historian, 298.
Clidicus, A thenian archon, 213.
Clifford, botanist, 1025.
Clinton, H. F., British chronographer, 1066.
Clitonymus, G reek writer, 322.
Clive , British general in Plindustan, 1020, 1026.
Clodius, P., Roman aedile and tribune, 454.
Clo taire, see Chlothaire.
Clo v is , or Chlodo vechus, first Christian kin g of
France, 569, 572.
Cluni, Eudes de, 650.
Clus ius , botanist, 901, 907, 921, 924, 927.
C lu tiu s Augerius , botanist in Morocco, 926.
Clymenus, k in g of Orchomenus, 160.
C ly tu s o f Miletus, G reek historian, 325.
Cobo, Barnabas, botanist in America, 918.
Cochebas, leader of a Jewish revolt, 526.
Codinus, Georgius, scho la s tic G reek writer, S14.
Codrus, kin g o f A thens, 186.
Coelestius, ecclesiastical writer, 560.
Cohen, Bongodas, Jewish medical writer, 782.
Cohen, Tobias, Jewish encyclopedic writer, loor.
Colaeus of Samos, G reek navigator, 226.
Colarbas, heretical Christian, 528.
Golden, Cadwallader, American botanist, lo iS , 1025.
Colebrooke, H. F., botanist in Hindustan, 1052.
Coleman, Peter, builder of London bridge, 714.
C o let, John, clean of St. P a u l’s in London, 861.
Collenutius, Pandolphus, botanist, 859.
C o llie, botanist, on Beechey’s voyage, 1064.
Collins, Zaccheus, American botanist, 1060, 1062.
Collinson, botanist in N. America, 1025.
Colmaster, botanist in Labrador, 1059.
Co lo tes , G re ek philosopher, 370.
Columbanus, ecclesiastic, 59S.
Columbus, Christopher, discoverer of America, 841,
843.852,854-55,857, S59.
Columbus, P'erdinand, son of Christopher, 859.
Columella, Roman ag ricultural writer, 472.
Columna, Fabius, Italian botanist, 915, 934.
Comas, Greek patriarch, 705.
Commandin, PTederick, mathematician, 897.
Commelyn, Caspar, D u tch botanist, 99S, loor.
Commelyn, Jo., Dutch botanist, 9S0, 993.
Commerson, Philib., botanist in the Pacific, 102S.
Commodus, Roman emperor, 529, 533.
Conant, Roger, Puritan colonist, 942.
C oncylus, G reek poet, 239.
Condamine, C. M, de la, trav eller in Equatorial
America, 1015, 1018.
Confucius, see Khoung-tseu.
Conilus, Greek herbalist, 318.
Conon, eighteenth Roman archbishop, 613.
Conon, Greek grammarian, 4(56.
Conon of Athens, Greek admiral, 302.
Conon of Samos, Greek astronomer, 389.
Conos, A rab chief, 457.
Conrad o f Meygenberg, encyclopædic writer, 787, 791.
Conradus Celtes, 831.
Conradus I I . Salicus, fifth emperor of Germany and
I ta ly, 669, 675.
Conradus I I I ., tenth emperor of Germany and Ita ly,
Conradus Urspergensis, theologian, 718.
Constans, associate Roman emperor, 548-49.
Constans, seventeenth Byzant. emperor, 603, 607, 610.
Constantinus Afer, medical writer, 682.
Constantinus, British king, 580.
Constantinus, claimant of the empire, 561.
Constantinus, modern G reek writer, 831.
Constantinus, Robertus, botanist in Crete, 892.
Constantinus, Roman emperor, 545.
Constantinus the younger, associate Roman emperor, 54^-
Constantinus, twenty-third Roman archb., 615-16.
Constantinus I IP , fifteenth Byzantine emperor, 603.
Constantinus IV . Pogonatus, eighteenth Byzantine
emperor, 610-1 1, 613.
Constantinus V I . Copronymus, twenty-fourth B y zan tine
emperor, 619, 621-22.
Constantinus V IP , twenty-sixth Byzantine emperor,
Constantinus V H L , thirty-sixth Byzant. empero r,647.
IN D E X T O N A M E S O F P E R S O N S . 1095
Con.stantiniis IX ., fortieth Byzantine emperor, 656,669.
Constantinus X., Monomachus, forty-fourth Byzantine
emperor, 676-77.
Constantinus X I , Ducas, forty-eighth Byzantine
emperor, 678, 680.
Constantinus X I I ., sixty-ninth and last Byzantine
emperor, 8i8.
Constantius, Roman emperor, 544-45.
Constantius I I ., Roman emperor, 54S-50.
Constantius, Roman general in Gaul, 562.
Conti, Nicolo, traveller in the Ea s t Indies, 816, SiS.
C ook, James, British navigator, 1029, 1032, 1034.
Copernicus, Nic., astronomer, 880.
Corbiclion, naturalist, 791.
Corbulo, Roman general, 481, 483.
Cordo, Simon de, Januensis (of Genoa), botanist in
Greece, 759.
Cordova, F rancisco Flernandez de, Spanish navigator,
Cordus, Euricius, botanist, 874.
Cordus, Valerius, botanist, 884, 892.
Coriolanus, Roman general, 267.
Corippu.s, Latin writer, 576.
Cornado, Francis V. de, traveller, 880.
Cornarus, Vitzentzus, modern Greek poet, io i2 .
Corneille, Peter, French dramatist, 965.
Cornelia, V e s ta l virgin at Rome, 517.
Cornelius, nineteenth bishop of Rome, 539.
Cornelius, Roman centurion in Palestine, 47S.
Cornelius, see Lentulus.
Coi-nificius, Q., Roman orator, 446.
Cornuti, I. Ph., French botanist, 94S.
Cornwallis, Lord, British genera], 1037.
Coroebus, Olympic v ictor , 208.
Correa de Serra, Portuguese botanist, 1052.
Corregió, Antonio da, Italian painter, 85S.
£ r t e r e a l . Gasper de, Portuguese navigator, 858.
Co rtereal, John V a z Costa, Portuguese navigator,
Cortes, Ferdinand, Spanish conqueror of Mexico,
864-65, 867.
Corti, Bonavent., naturalist, 1027.
Coruncanius, T ib ., plebeian pontifex maximus, 383.
Co rvinus, see Matthias.
C o ry , Giles, a victim of the witchcraft delusion in
New England, 990.
Cosmas Indicopleustes, Greek traveller, 527, 564, 573.
Cosmas of Jerusalem, Greek theologian, 619.
Cosroes, see Chosroes.
Cossay, Coraysh chief, 566.
Cossutius, Roman architect, 526.
Costæus, Io., Italian botanist. 859,
Cotiso, king of the Daci.ans, 456.
Cotta, Roman poet, 467.
Cotton, Rob ert, archæologist, 921.
Covilham, Pedro de, Portuguese traveller, 845.
Cranach, l,uc,as, painter, 858.
Cranaus, second kin g of Athens, 137.
Cranmer, Thomas, archlrishop of Canterbury, S72.
Crantor, G reek philosopher, 325.
Crantz, H. I. N , German botanist, 1025.
Cranz, Davides, botanist in Greenland. 1030.
Crassus, !.. Licinius, Roman orator, 424.
Crassus, M. Licinius, Roman general and triumvir 43L 44S, 454-
Crates of Mallus, Greek grammarian, 401,
Crates of Ta rsus, G reek philosopher, 325.
Crates the Cynic, G re ek philosopher, 325.
Cratevas, G reek botanist, 432.
Cratinus, Greek comic poet, 271, 286.
Cratinus the younger, G re ek comic poet, 312.
Cratippus, G reek historian, 281.
Cratippus, Greek philosopher, 446.
Cremutius Cordus, Roman historian, 476.
Creon, A thenian archon, 221.
Creophylus, Greek poet, 210.
Crescens the Cynic, 526.
Crescenzio, Pier, Italian botanist, 756.
Cresphontes, Herac lid chief, i8o.
Cretus, see K re to s.
Criasus, kin g o f A rgo s , 121, 124.
Cripa, Hindu king, 150.
Crispus, son o f Constantine, 546.
Critolaus, G reek philosopher, 401.
Croesus, kin g of Lydia, 237.
Cromwell, Oliver , ruler o f Britain, 951, 957, 959-60.
Cromwell, Richard, son of Oliver, 960.
Cronstedt, Swedish chemist, 1022.
Croom, IT. B., American botanist, 1066.
Crotopus, kin g of A rgos, 132, 136.
Cshapanaca, Sanscrit writer, 681.
Ctesias, Greek trav eller and historian, 304.
Ctesibius, G reek historian, 370.
Ctesibius o f Alexandria, mechanician, 386.
Ctesilochus, G reek painter, 370.
Cube, Io. van, botanist, 822.
Cudananga, king of Ceylon, 532.
Cudworth, Ra lph, English metaphysician, 965.
Cuitlahuatzin, tenth Mexican emperor, 864.
Cuja s, James, o f T oulouse , jurist, 897.
Cunningham, botanist in A ustralia, 1065.
Cunningham, Jacob, botanist in China, 994.
Ciipani, R. P. Franc., Sicilian botanist, 992, 1003.
Curio, C. Scribonius, Roman general and orator, 446.
Curius Dentatus, Roman general, 378.
Cursor, L. Papirius, Roman consul, 372.
Curtis, William, English botanist, 1036, 1042, 1046.
Curtius, Quintus, Roman historian, 529.
Curtius Nicia, Roman grammarian, 446.
Cushman, Mary, Puritan colonist, 994.
Cushman, Robert, Puritan colonist, 939.
Cutler, Manasseh, American botanist, 1038.
Cuttub Shaw, or Kutb-u-din E ib u k , suit, o f Delhi, 719.
Cuysmancu, ruler in Western Peru, 789.
Cyaxares, king o f Media, 227, 230.
Cydias, Greek orator, 312.
Cydias, G reek painter, 3S9.
Cylien, builder of a temple to Mercury, 151.
Cynifrid, or Cyneferth, early British surgeon, 611.
Cyprianus, bishop of Carthage, 538.
Cypselus, kin g o f A rcadia, i8o.
Cyp selus , kin g o f Corinth, 226.
Cyril, missionary among the Slavonians, 639.
Cy ril o f K ie f, Russian theological writer, 752.
Cy rillus , bishop o f Jerusalem, 549, 534,
Cy rillus , eighteenth bishop o f Antioch, 543, 545,
Cy rillus o f Alexandria, ecclesiastical writer, 562 fo r
Cyrsilus, G reek historian, 325.
Cyrus, founder o f the Persian empire, 239, 249.
Cyrus of Panopolis, Greek poet, 565.
Cyrus the younger, Persian general, 293, 299.
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