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3 8 0 CH R O N O LO G IC A L A R R A N G EM E N T
“ 269 B. C.” (Plin., Blair, and Clint.), Fabius Pictor and Q. Ogulnius Gallus consuls, silver first
coined at Rome.
As early at least as this date, navigation practised on the Indian Ocean and along the African
coast as far as the Equator.
Guaitena lucida of Equatorial East Africa. A shrub growing along the seashore on Mombas
island. — Carried in 1824 to the Mauritius Islands, and cultivated there (Boj.).
Itiedleia capitata of Equatorial East Africa. Growing on Zanzibar. — Carried to the Mauritius
Islands, and cultivated there (Boj.).
Corchorus procumbens of Equatorial East Africa. An annual growing in moist openings on
Zanzibar. Carried to tiie Mauritius Islands, and cultivated in kitchen-gardens (Boj.).
Triumfetta tomentosa of Equatorial East Africa. Suffruticose, growing on Mombas Island. —
Carried to the Mauritius Islands, and cultivated tiiere (Boj.).
Grewia ulmifolia of Equatorial East Africa. A bush growing on Zanzibar. — Carried to the
Mauritius Islands, and cultivated there (Boj.).
Grewia cuneifolia of Madagascar and Equatorial East Africa. A bush, — carried to the Mauritius
Islands, and cultivated there (Juss. pl. 49, and Boj.).
Cissus fragaricefolia of Equatorial East Africa. Perennial, growing on 'the outskirts of the
forest on the mainland and on Zanzibar. — Carried to the Mauritius Islands, and cultivated
there (Boj.).
Omphalobium? scandens of Equatorial East Africa. A climbing shrub, growing on the islands
of Zanzibar and Pemba. — Carried to the Mauritius Islands, and cultivated there (Boj.).
Crotalaria strigosa of Equatorial East Africa. Biennial, growing on Zanzibar. — Carried to the
Mauritius Islands, and cultivated there (Boj.).
Cytisus glomeratus of Madagascar and Equatorial East Africa. Biennial, growing on Zanzibar,
the Comoro Islands, and Madagascar. — Carried to the Mauritius Islands, and cultivated
there (Boj.).
Indigofera kirta of Madagascar and Equatorial East Africa. Perennial, growing on Zanzibar,
the Comoro Islands, and Madagascar. — Carried to the Mauritius Islands, and cultivated
there (Boj.).
Tephrosia noctifora of Equatorial East Africa. Perennial, growing on Zanzibar and the Comoro
Islands. — Carried to the Mauritius Islands, and cultivated there (Boj.).
Tephrosia hirta of Equatorial East Africa. Perennial, growing on Mombas island. — Carried to
the Mauritius Islands, and cultivated there (Boj.).
Desmodium spectabile and D. lactescens of Equatorial East Africa. Shrubs growing on Zanzibar.—
Carried to the Mauritius Islands, and cultivated there (Boj.).
Rhynchosia vialacophylla of Equatorial East Africa. Perennial, twining, growing on Mombas
island. — Carried to the Mauritius Islands, and cultivated there (Boj.).
Rhynchosia i n f ata of Madagascar and Equatorial East Africa. Perennial, twining, growing on
Zanzibar, the Comoro Islands, and the West side of Madagascar.— Carried to the Mauritius Islands,
and cultivated there (Boj.).
Cassia (ChamcEcrista) pulchella of Equatorial East Africa. Suffruticose, growing on Zanzibar.—
Carried to the Mauritius Islands, and almost naturalized tliere (Boj.).
Phyllolobium? Zaiizibarense of Equatorial East Africa. Perennial, twining, growing on Zanzib
a r.— Carried to the Mauritius Islands, and cultivated there (Boj.).
Telfairia pedata of Equatorial East Africa. A perennial Cucurbitaceous vine called “ konemé,”
— cultivated at Mombas, Zanzibar, and Mozambique. Carried by captain Joliff to the Mauritius
Islands in 1807; re-introduced in 1824, and continuing generally cultivated (Boj.).
Hedyotis densifora of Equatorial East Africa. Annual, growing on Zanzibar, — Carried to the
Mauritius Islands, and cultivated there (Boj.).
Mimusops fruLicosa of Equatorial East Africa. Growing on Mombas island and Pemba. — Carried
to the Mauritius Islands, and cultivated there (Boj.).
Vahea Comorensis of the Comoro Islands. A twining shrub, with fruit of llie form and colour
of an orange, — growing on the mountains around Musamodo, the chief town on Johanna or Anjouan.
— Carried to the Mauritius Islands, and cultivated there (Boj.).
Bignonia [Spathodea) tenuifolia of Equatorial East Africa. A twining shrub, growing on the
mainland and on Zanzibar, — Carried to the Mauritius Islands, and cultivated tliere (Boj.).
Bignonia (Arthrophyllum') Comorense of the Comoro Islands. A shrub, growing in ravines
along streams on Johanna or Anjouan (Boj.).
Tanscium pinnatum of Equatorial East Africa. A tree, growing on Zanzibar, and Pemba,
and in Mozambique. — Carried to the Mauritius Islands, and cultivated there (Jacq, coll. iii. pl. 18,
and Boj.).
OF A C C OM P A N Y IN G A N IM A L S A N D P L A N T S . 3 8 1
Dicerocaryum sinuatum of Equatorial East Africa. Perennial, growing in the sands of the
seashore of Zanzibar.— Carried to the Mauritius Islands, and cultivated there (Boj.).
Convolvulus (Calonyction) Comorensis oi the Comoro Islands. Perennial, twining, growing in the
bushy forests along streams on Johanna. — Carried to the Mauritius Islands, and cultivated there (Boj.).
Convolvulus {Calonyction') comosperma of the Comoro Islands and Madagascar. Perennial,
twining, growing on the Comoro Islands, Seychelles, Galéga, and the West side of Madagascar.—
Carried to the Mauritius Islands, and cultivated there (Boj.).
Ipomaea arachnoidea of Equatorial East Africa. Perennial, twining, growing on Zanzibar. —
Carried to the Mauritius Islands, and cultivated there (Boj.).
Ipomaea ligulata of Madagascar and Equatorial East Africa. Annua], growing on Zanzibar,
the Comoro Islands, and around Boyana Bay on the West side of Madagascar. — Carried to the
Mauritius Islands, and cultivated there (Boj.).
Ipomaea macropoda of Equatorial East Africa. An annual vine, growing on Zanzibar and the
Comoro Islands. — Carried to the Mauritius Islands, and cultivated there (Boj.).
Convolvulus (Jacquemontid) umbellata of the Comoro Islands. Annual, growing in grassy
places on the mountains on Johanna. — Carried to the Mauritius Islands, and cultivated there (Boj.).
Convolvulus ipjacquemontia) hastigera of the Comoro Islands. A perennial vine, growing in
ravines along streams on Johanna and Mohila. — Carried to the Mauritius Islands, and cultivated
there (Boj.).
Convolvulus (Elythrostamnd) convolvulácea of the Comoro Islands and Madagascar. Annual,
growing even in cultivated ground on Johanna. — Canned to the Mauritius Islands, and cultivated
there (Boj.).
Calystegia ochroleuca of Equatorial East Africa. A perennial vine, growing on Zanzibar. — Carried
to the Mauritius Islands, and cultivated there (Boj.).
Ehrelia corymbosa of the Comoro Islands. A shrub, — carried to Mauritius and Bourbon, and
almost naturalized there.
Solanum suaveolens of Madagascar and Equatorial East Africa. Suffruticose, growing on Zanzibar
and Madagascar. — Carried to the Mauritius Islands, and cultivated there (Boj.).
Solanum nodiforum of Equatorial Africa, Madagascar, and the neighbouring islands. Annual.
— Carried to the Mauritius Islands, almost naturalized there, and besides cultivated abundantly in
kitchen gardens (Jacq. rar. ii. pl. 326, and Boj ).
Solanum heterocanthum of Madagascar and Equatorial Africa. Suffruticose. — Carried to the
Mauritius Islands, and growing spontaneously there in various localities (Boj.).
Solanum anghivi oi the Comoro Islands and Madagascar. A shrub. — Carried to the Mauritius
Islands, and growing there spontaneously in various localities (Lam., and Boj.).
Solanum Balbisii oi the Comoro Islands and Madagascar. Suffruticose. — Carried to the Mauritius
Islands, and cultivated there (Roth, bot. mag. pl. 2828, and Boj.).
Campitleia coccínea of Madagascar and the Comoro Islands. Perennial, growing on mountains
on Johanna. — Carried to the Mauritius Islands, where it has become naturalized and a troublesome
weed (Pet. Th., Hook. exot. pl. 203, and Boj.).
Moscliosma polystachya of Equatorial East Africa. Annual, growing on the mainland and on
Zanzibar and the Comoro Islands.— Carried to the Mauritius Islands, and growing there spontaneously
in one locality (Linn., Jacq., and Boj.).
Ocymum cinnamomeum of Equatorial East Africa. Annual, growing on the mainland and on
Zanzibar. — Carried to the Mauritius Islands, and cultivated there (Boj,).
Thunbergia alata of Equatorial East Africa. A perennial vine, growing on the mainland and
on Zanzibar. — Carried to the Mauritius Islands, cultivated there and growing spontaneously (Hook,
exot. pl. 177, and Boj.).
Polygonum Owenii of Equatorial East Africa. Called at Mombas “ m’bilivilli,” — and observed
there by Bojer, growing in savannas and among rubbish. Cultivated in gardens as a medicinal
I'luggea Comorensis of the Comoro Islands. Suffruticose, growing in valleys and on mountains
on Johanna. — Carried to the Mauritius I.slands, and cultivated there (Boj.).
Phyllanthus atrapurpureus of the Comoro Islands, A shrub, growing in valleys at the margin
of forests on Johanna. — Carried to the Mauritius I.slands, and cultivated there (Boj.).
Tragia fu r ia lis of the Comoro Islands. Annual, growing along streams on Johanna. — Carried
to the Mauritius Islands, and cultivated there (Boj.).
Euphorbia obcotiica of Equatorial East Africa. Suffruticose, growing on Mombas island and
Pemba. — Carried to the Mauritius Islands, and cultivated tliere (Boj.).
Casuaritia lateriflora of Madagascar and Equatorial East Africa. A tree. — Carried to the
Mauritius Islands, cultivated there, and called “ filao ” (Lam., and Boj.).