(aus den verschiedenen Lebensverhältnissen, wie sie gewöhnlich
in den grösseren Familien Chinas, wo erblicher Adel fehlt, durcheinanderlaufen)
zusammenfinden. Indien oder Teen-chuh (Teen-
tuh oder Sindu), durch die Expedition Changkien’s bekannt geworden
(126 a. d,), wird zuerst unter den Han (65 a. d.) erwähnt.
Als der von Ske-hwang-te wegen Lesens der von einem
Samanäer erhaltenen Bücher gefangene Le-fang mit seinem Gefährten
den Maha-prajna-paramita recitirte, füllte ein glänzendes *)
a. d.) are noticed first by the assyrian inscriptions in south western Armenia and
found by Sennacherib (VIII century) northeast of Susiana. Der Bhodier Simmias
stellt die Hyperboräer mit den Halbhunden oder Hundsköpfen zusammen. Cyrus
schickte (nach Herodot) Gesandte an die asiatischen Griechen, sie zum Abfall von
Lydien zu bewegen. Nach Cteslas starb Cambyses an einer zufälligen Verwundung,
als er sich in Babylon mit Holzschnitzen unterhielt. The name Umman (found
in many royal Sussanian names towards the close of the Assyrian empire) or
Imanish (Imanes) was adopted by the Persian Martes (in revolt against Darius),
Ochus verkaufte die Ruinen von Sidon (wo die Belagerten sich in den Häusern
verbrannten) für das Gold und Silber der Aschen. Feridun oder Afridun, Sohn
des Apiten oder Alkian (Sohn des Dschemschid) theilte (nachdem er Zohak besiegt)
seinem Sohne Salm die Länder in Westen bis Afrika (und des Maghreb)
zu (nach dem Tarikh Cozideh), dem Tur die orientalische Türkei (bis zu Fagfur
Chinas) und Irakam Iran (Vater des Manugeher). Ben Schohnah identificirt
Feridan mit dem älteren Dhulcarnaim oder Escander [HysoS in Ammon oder
Ammoniter mit Asken und Osken], der die Mauer gegen Gog und Magog baute
[Avaris gegen die Assyrer], Die Ruinen Babylons, heissen Eski Nimrod (das alte
Nembrod). Die Solimane residirten in der vor-adamitischen Stadt Fanoun.
¿tvya {Aoyrj) oxoreiva. Die Kalmücken theilen sich in die Torgoden und Torgo-
uten (Riesen, die Tschingishkan’s Leibwache bildeten), Dorbeten (auf dem rechten
Flügel), Dsungaren (auf dem linken Flügel), Choschoten oder die Muthigen. Homer’s
Ethiopier sind fehlerlos (afiv/ioveg).
*) At the conclusion of Gautamas preaching one of the Zats, his father
attained the state of an Anagan. After having caused him to attain the first
three states of Areeyo, he called his priests and set out for Yazagro. The young
Gautama, reproached by his relatives, as only enjoying himself and knowing
nothing about the war, called two famous archers and went through their exercises
with them. After Yahaula (son ofYataudaja) has followed his father Gautama, the
forbade the priests (by pain of excommunicats) to receive any without paternal
permit. When the people of Yazagro’ heard, that Gautama had given permission
to the priests (praising them, or having been content till then with poor sack
cloth) to receive cloths, they were exceedingly jo y fu l, as having now on opportunity
to get some merit. When the rich man of Yazagro set up his rice-pot
Licht das Gefangniss. Der Gelehrte Tsin-king empfing (2 a. d.)
Bttcher Buddha's oder (nach Changkien) Fow-too (s. Thornton).
on a bamboopole for the Yahanda, who would come through the air to take it, Nata-
poke, the teacher of the heretics (Sathattara) made a show, as if intending to
fly u p , but his disciples had order to keep him back pretending that a wooden
rice-pot was not worth flying for it. Maukalan, hearing of i t , took a great rock
between his toes and stood with it for seven flays in the air over the place and
then splitting it (frightening the people) took the rice-pot. On his re tu rn to the
monastery, Gautama broke the pot a n d 's a id „Be careful you do not make any
more display of your power.“ The heretics hearing of this defence, called it a
cunning devise, and boasted now all over the country of their miraculous powers.
On the kings wish, to have their mouth stopped, Gautama was ready to perform
the wonders (althougt forbidden to his disciples) himself and did so in Thawuthee-
country (having a building of mango-trees, opposite to the shed of the heTetus,
erected with posts of the Sha-tree), walking along the sky (half fire, half water),
and (because nobody could ask him questions) causing the appearance of a former
Boodh to converse with. When he asked questions, the apparent Boodh would
answer. When the appearance walked, Gautama laid down and the reverse after
that, Gautama spent his lent in Tawadeingta-Nat-country, from where he was
brought back by Maukalan, who (having pierced the earth) ascended to the Nat-
country and conducted him to the multitude in Thaawuthee, wich would not des-
perse, until, having worshipped the Boodh. The Poiiah of king Azalathat in
Magadha, being received by the WeikSa-king (in Waythalee) at his pretensions of
being unjustly banished, sowed discord amongst them and then sent secretly
for the army of his master. In the crowd of people at Tharepoketara’s death,
his (by him converted) mother Yawadee, who was not seen, was thrown down and
trodden to death, but was immediately seen in Tawadeingta-Nat-country in a
golden palace. Gautama extolling the virtues of Tharepoketara (the disciple, who
had asked permission to go and die) caused a pagoda to be built to his memory,
exclusing his relics. Sitting down at Zapala, Gautama said to (the shikooing)
Ananda: „Ananda, Waythalee country is a place for much enjoyment. The
Odayna-Nat resides in a pleasant place. The pagoda, where a Nat named Gautama
resides is a pleasant place. Zapala pagoda, where the Zapala Nat resides
is a pleasant place. A priest ought to increase in the four laws of Eikdeikbat
and persevere in practising them over and over again. It is suistable to be
very diligent in it. If a priest had such a mind and desired, he might live a
hundred years or an innumerable number of ages. I have persevered and have
practised over and-over again these four laws and if I pleased could remain as
long as I wished.“ This he repeated three times. Though Gautama in this
manner gave Ananda the hint, he being blended by pride, did not think to ask
Gautama to remain for the benefit of mankind, b u t remained silently shekooing.
Having sent Ananda away for a short tim e , the Boodh (left alone), assailed by