kamen riesenhafte Weiber aus Ungarn nach Deutschland (1369),
die sich entkleideten und mit Ruthen oder scharfen Geissein
schlugen, geistliche Lieder singend.*) Die siamesischen Mönund
kann man es ancli Niemand aufrücken und zomessen. Wie die Juristen den
Hexenprocess veranlasst haben sollen, so das Institut der Leibeigenschaft (Ratjen).
„Die Juristen von Mevins und Balthaser wandten einzelne Stellen des römischen
Rechts über die Interdicte auf die Leibeigenen an , indem sie diese, als an den
Boden gefesselt, zu den unbeweglichen Sachen rechneten. Nicht minder folgerten
sie aus dem römischen Colonat auf die deutsche Leibeigenschaft“ (Vorschlag zur
Aufhebung in Schleswig und Holstein (1656). Jede der Töverschen oder Zauberinnen
(Ordell is de straffe des Vueres) in Heiligenhofen (s. Brinkmann) hatte
ihren Abgott (Bliff-dar-nicht, Caisches, Lucifer, Saturnus) 1578—1583. Im germanischen
Krieg durchbrach Tiberius die Grenzwälle (aperit limites). Die Steinwälle
der Oberlausitz sind an vielen Stellen verglast oder verschlackt (s. Schuster).
Der Gratenberg heisst (XVI. Jahrhdt.) Teut (Peucker). Qnando Saturni stella
quam Graeci 0 a iv o v ra quasi lucidam, ipsi Nv xro vp o v seu noctis custodem appellant,
in Taurum ingreditur, quod trigesimo quoque 11t anno, wird auf der
jenseits des croniscben Meeres von Britannia aus (nach den Carthagern) beschilften
Gegenerde von denen, die Hercules und neben ihm Saturn verehren, ein Fest
gefeiert (s. Plutarch). Wegen des gegenseitigen Hasses der Götzen kam es bei
den Wenden selten zum Schwur, da wer beim Schwur einen Gott anriefe, damit
einen ändern abschwöre (s. Wigger). Radigast oder Radihast wird (Mater Ver-
borum) mit Mercur verglichen (als Zuasarici). Gerowst wurde in Wolgast vereh
rt, Prowe im Oldenburger Lande (im Eichenhaine), dessen Priester mit dem
König richteten. Goderac war Gott der Kiziner (in Mecklenburg) zu Kessin.
*) In honour of Anna Perenna (Dido’s sister) who had placed herself as
Nymph under the waters of the river Mumicius, the Romans celebrated (with
indecent dances) festivals for long life (annare et perennare). Anna Purna devi
or the goddess of abundant (purna) food (anna) is represented (at Benares) with
full breasts, feeding the infant Seva with a golden ladle. Of the three Assoras,
which Soandu Comaura conquered, the eldest divided himself into two parts under
two different shapes, as the peacock, serving to ride on , and the fowl, forming
his standard. In Gerhwal (in Kumaon) the superstition of Bedh Hona (becoming
a mark to) exists, as where a new house becomes a prominent object, the
houses overtoiled are struck (bedh luga) and cause their inmates to sick and die.
In cases of fits, the devil is driven out (in Kumaon) either by flogging the possessed
with nettles or by fumigation with some horrible odour (s. Trail). According
to the Irish sneezing is caused by some of the aerial spirits attempting to
effect on entrance into the body, which, can only be prevented by pronouncing
a blessing on the person thus affected. The Scottish Water-Kelpie often takes
the form of a horse. Some of the Pretta (spirits) live (according to the Milinda)
on the outskirts of the country of Racha Khaha (Raja Gahu) #ind other in the
che*) mtissen sich messingener (statt eiserner) Rasirmesser be-
wide ocean (half under water). The third kind abide in the submarine palace
of Wimane Kapret, the fourth on an island the fifth are Devatas (or happy
spirits) while the moon is on the increase, and evil spirits on the wane, the
sixth are devils during the increase and Devatas during the wane, the seventh
are happy during the day and miserable during the night. Chalatahana conceived
by drinking the water, which was used by the holy priests Asucha Pana
or Isi Lengkha Tapana for his absolutions. A cow drinking of his urine brought
forth a monstre (resembling the Richis) with a front of horns (performing wonderful
things among mankind). According to Fuh’s instruction to the disciple Onan,
the male children turn (in the 9*h month), to the left (in the womb) and the female
children turn to the night. Airi, the ghost of a person killed in hunting, is believed
to haunt the forests (of Kumaon), in which the accident may have occurred
and is heard from time to time hallowing to its dogs (Trail). The Acheri or
fairy (the ghosts of young children) cast their spells (Chaya) to make children
sick (in Kumaon). The word brou, which in Tibet, corresponds to the Marong
of the Siamese (in the Zodiacal names of the yearly circles) siegnifles thunder,
meaning the fabulous animal, which causes the eclipses of the sun and moon by
eating parts of them.
*) When Bnddha went abroad with his attendant Ananda that he might
bless the world, he appeared like the full moon, accompanied by the planet
(Jupiter) Guru (according to the Sadharmmalankare). Buddha is called a moon
to the three worlds. Having been cursed by his father-in-law, the moon was
pardoned on the intercession of his wives. But not being able to recall his
words, he could only mitigate the sentence, saying: „Thou shalt not die, but
shalt alternately increase or decrease in perpetual rotation“ (in India). The
fixed stars are styled (in the Hindu-Shastras) Nakshatraloka, that is , a race of
celestial beings, who are supposed to come down, and be born again in human
frames, after a fixed period of their airy residence. By the breathing of Kurma
Raja (the king of tortoises) on whose back the mountain Mandara was supported
at the churning of the ocean, the water began to flow and ebb. Buddha is the
Participle of the root budh (meaning: sciens). Bauddhya (in Guna) is the noun
(sciencia). Bodhi is the adjective, joined in the word Bodhisattwa, as the being
knowing by excellence. Gautama’s golden cup, when (being thrown in the river)
struck the golden cups of the last three Buddhas, the Naga king (hearing the
noise) said: „Yesterday there was one Boodh, to-day there is another“ and
(arising from his sleeping place) repeated stanzas in graise to the Boodh (according
to the Malalengara-Woattoo). When Maha-Nat (on the Elephant Goremaygala)
with his army of warriors approached the Banyan-tree, the Naga-king disappeared
in the earth and covering his face with both hands went to sleep, the king of
Tawadeingtha (swinging his shell, in which he had blown the praises, of Buddha,