machen (teritnr lignnm ligno). Der Aufstand des Rebellen
Kaou-laou-woo wurde (11818) durch den Sieg der Chinesen am
Lingan-Flusse *) unterdrückt. Als 1817 ein Verwandter des
Kaisers mit einer geheimen Gesellschaft für revolutionäre Agitation
verknüpft gefunden war, wurden in der Untersuchung
verschiedene Namen solcher Orden**) aufgeführt, wie die grosse
grenzenden Völker, diese wieder die weiterhin gelegenen Staaten, die danu
ihrerseits über die anstossepden Stämme Macht hatten (v. Herodot), als ein in
weiten Zügen eines Nomadenvolkes gegründetes Reich, wie das chinesiche durch
die aus Eroberern entstandenen Dynastien. Die Hussiten zogen bei der Construction
der Wagenburg die Wagenlinien in der Form verschiedener Buchstaben
(nach Baibin).
Szechnen on the four rivers. The Polong (kept in an earth bottle with
a neck) feed upon human blood. The keeper cuts the top of his forefinger about
once a week, till blood comes ont, and he then puts it into the vessel, when
the Polong sucks his fill. If he is not fed regularly, be comes out of his hole
and sucks the whole body to such a degree, that the skin becomes all over black
and blue. I f the keeper has a grudge against any one, he lets loose the Polong
agaiust him. The- physician (taking hold of the end of the thumb) tries to detect
the spirit, feeling the body (of the possessed one) all over, for he lurks
between skin and flesh. Sometimes he finds him in au arm, sometimes behind
the ear, by the touch (among the Malays). The China Shay-shin, the god of
the land, is always represented by a rude stone. Die Penggalan genannte
Heye (bei den Malayan) trennt sich mit dem Kopf u n d Eingeweiden ab. The
Pih (anima) or animal soul is female, the Hwan (animus) or intellectual soul is
male (among the Chinese). Jones identiflcirt Rama (den Ghatriya) mit Raamah,
dem Sohn Cush’s. Adondai, Sohn des Chola, Königs von Tanjore, brachte die
bronzenen Thore des Jaina-Tempels im eroberten Porel nach dem Tempel Swa’s
Die Esthern raubten die silbernen (ehernen) Kirchenpforten Sigtuna’s (nach Nowgorod
gebracht) 1187. Mohamed Gazni führte die Tempelthüren nach Afghanistan,
die die Engländer zurückbraehten. Der Frosch ist Wappen der Batrachus, die
Eidechse der Scaurus, der Elephant Caesar’s, u. s. w. Der Pythagoräer Andocides
probirt die Flamme mit einem Schwert zu schlagen. Als (zur Zeit Heinrich III.)
das Grab des Riesen Pallas eröffnet wurde (in Rom), brannte die Lampe darin
noch (nach Montfancon). The principal deity of the Aneiteumese was Nugerain,
a personage held in such veneration that his name must not be prononced except
by official characters of the highest degree of sacredness (s. Murray). Auf
Aneiteum erdrosseln sich die Frauen an den Leichen ihrer Gatten. Als den
Makololo unterworfen werden Bahloekwa (Knopfnasen), Banyai und Makalaka als
Machole (Sclaven) bezeichnet (s. Manch).
**) According to the Tsing-cha-mun-keaon or the pure tea-sec t (making offe-
Gesellschaft des Aufganges, die Gesellschaft des Glanzes und der
Pracht, die Vereinigung der drei Mächte, die weissen Jacken,
die Rothbärte, die Kurzschwerte, die weissen Wasserlilien u. s. w.
Weil Kieutai (Nachkomme des Königs Tung-ming von Fu-yii),
der die Tochter des Kung-sün-to (Han-Statthalter von Liaotung)
, *
rings of fine tea), the first progenitor of the Clan of Wang resides in heaven.
The world is governed by 3 Fulis in succession. The reign of Yentangfuh
(Omatofuh) is past, Shehkeafuh now reigns and Mclihfuh is yet to come, descending
on earth and carrying all that enter the sect into the regions of the west
(persecuted in Peking 1816). The western nations, who accord with Fuh, consider
Shih-kea as the most honorable of all. We in China, who follow the sacred
sages, look upon Yanu and Shun, as the most honorable of all (Wang-yang-
ming) 1520. „The god Ometo rests on the top of the heads of those, who repeat
the Chinese prayer (for the use of those who are travelling to life). When
a person has repeated it 200,000 times, then the intelligence of Poo-ta begins
to bud within, when he has repeated it 300,000 times over, he is at no distance
from personal vision of the face of the gad Ometo.“ The wife of a wealthy
individual at Kanton, who by severe beating had occasioned the death of two
slave girls, became insane and in her ravings, personated the two slaves whose
spirits possessed her and employed her mouth to declare her own guilt and her
resentment (1811). When Adam was yet in heaven, the seventh story of which
is called Firdaus or Paradise (with palaces or Maligei) the Lord forbade him the
tree Gandom (wheat),, for it will cause a violdnt purging ad flow of urine. If
the person deceased were of some distinction, his bdnes after burial for some
months were cleaned by the women (of th eC a rib s) and carefully preserved in
their houses (s. Brett).; This custom was practised by several of the tribes of
Guiana, some of which immersed the body in water, until the bones had been
picked clean by the pirai and other fish, when they were carfully dried, tinged
with red and suspended in the roof of their habitation (nach Stedmapn). Sa-
randip (at the foot of the Judi-mountain) is called (in the language of Hind) Sam-
kada-dip (Sinhaladip) or the sleeping place of the lion, because its appearance is
ike a lion in repose (Raschiduddin). The men are all Buddhists, worshipping images
(s. Elliot). Die Menschenfleisch essenden Bacas in den Bergen Sumatras vergoldeten
ihre Zähne (nach Galvano). An der Grenze Tibets ist die Luft (nach
Raschiduddin) so ungesund, dass Nachmittag nichts gegessen werden darf. Daru
Samundur (dwara Samndra) ist (nach Raschiduddin) die Hauptstadt des Königreichs
Deogir. Unter den 40 Secten Indiens nennt Idrisi die Verehrer des
Schöpfers (ohne Propheten), während andere ihn läugnen. Some aknowledge the
intercssory power of graven stones and others worship holy stones, on which
butter and oil is poured. Some pay adoration to fire and cast themselves in the
flames, others adore the sun. Some worship trees. Others adore serpents and
keep them in stables, feeding them (IX centry).
B a s tia n , Reise. VI. 1 4