sitzend dargestellt. Während der rechte Augenzahn*) Buddha’s
m Indra’s Himmel verehrt wurde, wurde der linke, (den die
iahn in die Stadt Yid-da-hongva (die köstliche Stadt). Der dritte Augenzahn
Buddhas wurde durch die Priester Khêma nach Dhantapura (Dschaggernath in
Onssa) gebracht und von dort (als der raubende Pandu-König ihn von Patali-
putra wo d,e Brahmanen vergeblich die Zerstörung versuchten, zurückschickte)
durch dm Tochter des Königs GuhaÇiva (IV. Jahrhdt. p. d.) nach Ceylon. Der
erste Augenzahn Buddha’s kam in den Himmel Indra’s , der vierte zu den
Schlangengöttern (Nagara). Vartagämani ( 8 9 - 7 7 a. d.) legte einen Zahn Buddha’s
m einer Stupa nieder. Die Kopferhöhung Buddha’s wird in einem Kloster bei
Fu-tscheu-fu (in verschiedener Farbe) gezeigt. Ok roemen de Louwers, dat hun
Godt grooter dan die van Siam en Cambodia is , en zy achten hunne Priesters
byna as halve Goden, gelyk zy her ook rykelyk van alles versorgen. Ook is het
aammerkens waardig, dat dese Priesters jeder mar eene vrouw hebben, hoewel zy
omsic tig en rem met de zelve moeten leven, daar dit nochtans den Cambodische
Priesters ougeoorloft is vrouwen te hebben (s. Valentyn). Während Feriduu
(dessen Mutter vor dem Araber Zohak, dem Besieger des Dschemsid, entflohen) in
Schelab die Bergstämme um sich sammelte, erhob sich in Irak (zu Isfahan) der
c mied Kawe. Afrasiab suchte durch einen falschen Brief die Karinkawe, Feldherrn
des Menudschehr’s, zu verdächtigen. Nach der Geburt Ki-yeu’s hatte sein
Vater, Fürst Hoan von Lu, hinsichtlich dieses Sprösslings die Sehildkrötenschaale
brennen lassen, und als Ergebniss erhalten, dass dieser Knabe sich zwischen den
beiden Aufstellungen der Landesgötter (von Tscheu und Po) befinde (Pflzmaier).
) After the Manla-kiugs had enshrined the relics of Gautama, the king of
Magadha (Azalathah), the Weiksa kings of Waythalee, the Shagawen-imgs of
Kappelawuot, the Bala-kings of Anlakappa, the princes of Yama-village, the Pong-
uas of Wathadeba and the Manla-kings of Pawa sent, to ask for a part of them.
When war was threatening the proposition of the Pongua (Dauna) for a distribution
was accepted. Dauna made 8 parts and secretly hid the right-eye-tooth
in his turban, from where the Thegya-king (foreseeing, that he would not duly
worship it) took it away and carried it to Tawadeingtha that country, enshrining
it m the Snlamanee-pagoda. Dauna received so only the golden vessel, in which
be had measured the relics. When all tbe relics had been distributed, the Man-
riyakings sent a message, bu t could only get the coals (left at the burning), over
which they built a pagoda and reverently worshipped them (according to tbe
Malalengara). Dauna built a pagoda over the golden vessel. Quand il ne pleut
pas les habitants (de Denka) lancent des flèches contre le ciel (Godard). L ’Àsr
est l’heure, à laquelle l’ombre projetée par un corps à midi a ensuite atteint la
longueur meme de ce corps abstraction faite de ce qu’était la portée de cette
ombre au moment où elle était le moins allongée c’est-à-dire au midi vrai (bei
den Mohamedanern). After Kathaba (fearing that evil might happen them) had
recollected tbe relics (except them in Yama village, which, being guarded by
Tibeter nach der köstlichen Stadt Yid - du - hongva gelangen
lassen) durch den Presbyter Khema nach Dhantapura gebracht und
Nagas, were safe until their transfer to Ceylon), king Azalathat enshrined them
(with precious stones and golden images) in a subterranean chamber (filled with
ever-burning lamps and never fading flowers), in which Kathaba wrote with gold
letters: „In after times the son of a king named Pyadatha will he created king,
Thauka will he his name. He will cause these relics to be spread over the face
of the South Island.“ The Wethagyon Nat (ordered by the Thegya king to place
a guard around) created a machine on which revolved the figures of most frightful
beasts, he also created images holding swords, which were in appearance like
glass, these he placed upon the machine and the swords turned with the swiftness
of the wind; he then enclosed them with stones, placed a large slab on the
top and erected a stone pagoda over them. When in after times Dama-Thauka
sought for the relics (hid by a former king) and had in vain pulled down all
pagodas (which he afterwards built up again) he at last, was led by an old priest
to the place where once a stone pagoda stood and on opening the earth found
the enclosure of the machines and saw them whirling round. After having made
offerings to the guardian Nats, Wethagyon (on the Thegya-king’s command) assumed
the appearance of a little boy with five knots of hair upon his head and,
holding a bow and arrow, went to the k in g , promising to remove the images.
Taking an arrow, he shot between the points of the images and seathered them in
all directions. Having taken away the ruby (to be offered to the relics) sealing
the doer, the king took away the relics (except a few which the left for future
worship) and reerrected the stone pagoda, distributing the relics in the monasteries
built by him (according to the Malalengara). In the Arabic Bisaleh (by Khalid
Ibn Zeid El Jufy) Amr or Word is the absolute deity (s. Salisbury). Stirbt der
Grosskönig unter den rebellischen Königen Ceylons, so wird sein Körper zertheilt
und die Frau verbrennt sich mit ihm (nach Kazwini). Sana wird aus den Dünsten
des Berges Sibam (zu dessen Thor der König den Schlüssel bewahrt) bewässert.
Nach der Nacht, in der das Leuchten des Berges Sekran erblickt wird, erscheint
ein Pfau auf demselben. When Buddha seated himself on a stump of a tree (in
Magadha), he was presented by his brother-in-law Ananda with fruit to eat, as
haritaki (according to the Bali) or (according to the Siamese) lak sama (myra-
bolanum phyllanthus emblica). In the courtyard ofNundha the mark ofCrishna’s
foot is seen and such marks at the hill Chandragurus near the Jain statue Gomuta
Iswara. Eaghu erected pillars of conquest in. each of the durpas. The Siamese
aknowledge flve genuine Prabat or Pancha Pra Patha (Ha Phra Bat). According
to the Milinda, Indra (while yet a holy personnage on earth) was called Maghawa
(his name Sokko relates to his benign disposition), his four consorts (on earth)
were Sucheda (encouraging horticulture), Sanantha (digging wells), Suthamma
(building caravansaries) and Suchada (immortal by piety and virtue). The Milinda
mentions Tuttila Khant happo, Sathenna Raja, Nemi Kaja, Manthatu Raja as