Zeichen allgemeiner Weltherrschaft von Brahma angebotene Goldrad,
wurde von Buddha zurückgewiesen, dessen raddrehende
and entirely free from all that is ' nnclean, Bodhisat was born. The guardian
Dewas of the four quarters received the child from the hands of Maha Brahma,
and from the Dewas he was received by the nobles, but at once Bodhisat descended
from their hands to the ground and on the spot first touched by his foot,
there arose a lotus. Kaladewala (the chief counsellor of Siughahanu), a recluse,
came to worship the child Buddha, putting his foot en his head, instead being
worshipped by him (as the father Sudhodana would it) for were a Buddha to
bow to any other being whatever, the head of-that being would instantly cleave
into seven pieces. On examination he found the signs of supreme Buddha on
his person. Some of these signs, such as the te e th , were not then visible in
the ordinary manner, but he saw them by anticipation, through the aid of his
divine eyes. The Brahman’s, collected in the festival of Buddha’s name giving’s
said : „This prince will afterwards be a blessing to the world (sidhatta), to himself
also will be great prosperity,“ in consequence of which he was called
Sidhartta. On the festival, at which the king was accustomed to hold the
plough, the Bodhisat, left alone, arose from his couch and ascended into the air
(by the power of anapana-smerti-bhawana), wo sein Vater ihn sitzend fand and
he perceived, that the shadows caused by the sun’s rays were not slanting, as
they ought to have been from the early hour of the morning, but directly perpendicular,
as if the sun were then in the zenith, by which means the spot was
shaded, in which the prince was placed. At the dawn of thè day (of the night,
in which Bodhisat obtained, in order, the privileges of the. four paths and their
fruition) every remain of evil desire being destroyed, the beings in the endless
and infinite worlds, who had not before possessed this privilege, saw a supreme
Buddha and as they manifested great satisfaction, the six coloured rays from his
body were extended to them. These rays, without staying for so short a period
as the snapping of the finger and thumb, passed onwards from sakwala to sak-
wàla, resembling as they proceed (for they yet continue to spread, rejoicing the
beings, th at see them, in their beaufy) a blue cloud, the rock rose, a white robe
a red garland and a pillar of light. Those, who see the rays, exclaim: „See what
beautiful colours“ and from their satisfaction merit is produced, from which they
obtain birth in this favoured world and having the oportunity óf seeing a
Buddha, they are released from the repetition of existence. Dem Tode nahe,
trug Buddha dem Ananda auf, so zu dem Schmied zu sprechen: „Chunda, as
Buddha, from having eaten of the pork you presented to him, will attain nir-
wana, you will receive on this account an immense reward.“ I t was, to teach
the misery of existence to the beings in the word, that Buddha said: „Ananda
I am faint, I am thirsty, I wish to drink, I wish to lie down.“ Als auf seine
Frage, nach etwaigen Zweifeln über die Lehre, die Schüler schwiegen, sagte
Buddha: „Are there no doubts, that you wish to have removed? Then I depart
Statuen (als Tathagata) in Benares standen, wo die Mehrzahl
der Bewohner den selbstexistirenden Isvara verehrte. Der in
den transscendentalen-metaphysischen Lehren des Buddhismus
wohlbewanderte Brabmane trug am meisten dazu bei, Buddha’s
Lehre zur Zeit Agoka's zu verbreiten, nach Fahian, der die Lehrmeister
der Brahmanenkinder (inPatna) Manjusri nennt. Abhi-
manja unterdrückte die Buddha und stellte die Lehren der Nila-
purana wieder her (in Kashmir). Unter Nerk in Kashmir zerstörten
die Brahmanen die buddhistischen Tempel. Da die von
Parasu-Rama aus verschiedenen Gegenden gebrachten Brahmanen
nicht dablieben, sondern stets nach der Heimath zurückkehrten,
holte er aus Uttara Bhumi den Arya-Brahmanen. Durch die
Unbeständigkeit der Wolke bekehrt, zog sich Agoka (Vater des
Yaso dharen) zu Tapas in den Wald zurück. In Narhoara (der
Hauptstadt Guzerats) wurde (XI. Jahrhdt.) Buddha verehrt (nach
Edrisi). Summono Codom war Sohn des Königs von Ceylon
(nach Pedro de Saa). Nach Marco Polo bestand unter den
Fürsten der Tagik die Sage einer Abstammung von Alexander M.
Die Könige der Maurja in den südwestlichen Provinzen waren
Nachfolger des Kunala, der in Sandbara und Taxasila Statthalter
gewesen. Pushpamitra, Stifter der Dynastie der Sunga,
verfolgte (obwohl das erste Mal durch Löwengebrüll*) zurückgeschreckt)
die buddhistischen Arhat, als Munihata (Tödter der
Einsiedler). Janmeja, Enkel Pandü’s, wurde (als König von
Delhi) durch die Rasse Tacshac Anunta’s getödtet. The worship
of Bal-nath (Bai or the sun) and Buddha were coeval (s. Tod).
Kanuja (Krischna) vernichtete Kali-Nag. In Scandinavien umwindet
Yormungandr (Yamandaga) die Erde. Der Barde Chand
ruft Heri (Bhan-Nath) an im Himmel Heripur (Heliopolis), der
to nirvana, I leave with yon my ordinances, the elements of the omniscient will
pass away, the three gems will still remain.“ Thus having spoken, he ceased,
to exist. Die Könige bauten Dagobas über die Reliquien.
*.) According to the Raga Tarang the true Çakari (enemy of the Çaka). is
the real overcomer of the Çaka, by whom Matrigupta (who seigned l 16—123 p. d.)
was placed on the throne of Cashmir. Kandragupta, king of TTggajini, is mentioned
by the Chinese as king of Kapila, under the name of Juegai (protected
by the moon).