südwestlichen Keichen König Karna die Lehre gestützt batte,
wurde sié, als Magadha von den Turuschka erobert war, durch
Dschnanakaragupta und die Uebrigen verbreitet.*) Zur Zeit
Bouddha le destructeur du sacrifice, Yadjnahana. Les Saces ou Çakas, poussés
par les Youe chi (165 a. d.) entrèrent (sous le roi Azès) l’Inde (après la mort,
du roi Svami Koudrasinha, fils de Raudradaman, qui s’était opposé) et la conquirent
(68 a. d.), mais ils furent défaits par Viçramiditjà, roi du Malvà
(56 a. d.). A l’invasion des Ÿouetchi, les rois indigènes furent remplacés par
des princés scythes, le roi Koueichouang ou Kadphises (de la religion bouddhiste)
fondant son empire (3 p. d.). [Das Geschlecht der Çâkya durch Verwandte besiegt.]
*) Jina, Sarvajnya and Bhagavat ocours in the dictionary of Amara, as a
term for a Jin a or Buddha. Vicramaditja, after ait austere tàpasyâ, cut off his
head and thTèw it before the feet Of Ka'li-devi, when she, the head being replaced
by the familiar spirit hr Vetala, granted undisturbed sway over all the
world for 1000 years, after which a divine child, born of a virgin and the son
of the great Tacshaca,- carpenter or artist, would deprive him both of his kingdom
and his life (according to the Vacrâma-charitra). Two of the Vicramaditja
obtained the empire through the great Vetala devil. Vicramaditja punished the
Vetala-deva (king of devils) and made him his slave, when he related stories to
him. Samudra pala (wafted over the ocean) preached regeneration to the (90 years)
old Vicramaditja and having sent his soul in that Of a young man, occupied
the body of the king for 55 years more (giving 145 years, as the difference of
the Eras). The Sakas or Indo-scythians were masters of Pattalene, subsequent
to the Greek princes of Bactria (Körös). The records of the inhabitants in
Telingana (Anctra) mention Vicrama and Salivahana amongst the earliest mo-
narcbs. The Chola Rajahs, who followed, Were succeeded (515 p. d.) by a race
of Yavans (458—953) till the, beginning of a family of Sanapati-rajas (when the
country, after wars with the Mahomedans fell to the mahomedan kingdom of
Golconda). A dynasty of Yavans reigned (8th and 9th century) at Anagundi on the
Tumbadra. — The reign of Vicramaditja and Salivahana in Orissa were followed
by invasions of Yavans from Delhi, Babul (Persia) Cashmir and Sind 6th cen.
tury a. d (4th century p. d.). The last invasion was from the sea and in
it the Yavans were succeSsfull and kept possession of Orissa (for 140 years) till
expelled by Yayati Kesari (473 p. d.). After a reign of 35 Rajas of the Ke-
sari family (650—1131) their capital, was taken by a prince of the house of
Sanga Vansa (till to the Mahomedan conquest). Bengal and Dekhan were conquered
by a Telinga chief 1550. Maharashtra was invaded by the Musulmans
from Delhi (1294). Après la mort (60 p. d.) du roi Oer (successeur de Balan
des Indoscythes) Çâlivâhana (fils d’un Brahman dans le Dekhân) vainquit les
étrangers au delà du Sutledj (78 p. d.). En combattant les royaumes brahmaniques
du Dekhan, Çâlivâhana (qui était Buddhiste) perdit la vie dans une exdes
Königs Devapala und des Qrimant Dharmapala lebte im
Lande Varendra der geschickte Künstler Dhiman und sein Sohn
Bitpalo, die gemeisselte und gemalte Werkenden Naga-Werken
gleich, schufen (s. Täränatha). Von dem Verbleib de» Sohnes
in Bangala wurden die Gusswerke östliche Götter genannt. In
der Malerei wurden die Nachfolger des Vaters östliche Malerei,
die Nachfolger des Sohnes, weil sie vorzüglich in Magadha verbreitet
waren, Anhänger der Madhjade^a-Malerei genannt. Auch
in Nepal waren die früheren Kunstschulen*) ähnlich dem Westen,
püdition contre un roi de la cote de Coromandel. Nach dem Tode des Viijra-
maditja wurde sein Heer v o n . Qalivahana nach Ujjein verfolgt1, wo bei dem
Ueberschreiten der Narmada die thönernen Soldaten in Staub zerfielen und (Jali-
vahanä verschied.
*) According to Fahian, a merchant (Sinhala) having escaped (with his merchants)
from the Iron-town of the demon-island (by the help of a wonderful
horse), warned the king before the beautiful Ogress, who came to complain. But
being admitted notwithstanding« in the* palace, the ministers found it "the next
day closed and deserted, and shown the bones by Sinhala made him king.
Conquering the female demons, he destroyed the Iron city and founded the
kingdom called - Sinhala. According to the Mahawanso, Vijaja was attacked by
demonesses. According to th e Nipal book „Karunda Vyuha“ (construction of
the „basket of qualities“*) Sinhala (being Buddha in former existence) was saved
from the female demons by the horse, called Avalokiteswara. According to the
Mahabharata snakes (Nagas) were worshipped in Nordwest of India. The buddhist
priests (in Tibet) are not allowed seal-rings or stamps of gold, bu t stamps of
a baser metal they might have, provided the designs were „a circle with two
deefs on opposite sides and below the name of the Vihara. A deer (or Theva)
led Vyaya-to the There. A^oka received a leaf informing him of the sickness
of his father. King Siwichay founded Nakhon Vat 200 p. d. The town in the
present lake of Cambodia was drowned after the curse of the teacher, whose flies
had been eaten by the spiders of the king. Like Ajata6atra, three succeeding kings
of Magadha obtained the throne by murdering their fathers, till the people rebelling,
made the minister Susanaga (son of the courtezan of the Vriji in Vesali)
king. His son Nalasaha, .who removed the capital from Rajagriha to Pushpa-
pura (Palatiputra) held, under the Sthavira Ravata (who had been urged on by
Yasas) the second council (at Vesali) to condemn the „ten indulgences“ (443 a. d.).
He was followed by the nine Nandas, the last of whom was deposed by Chan-
dragupta (with Chanakya), whose son Bindusara was presented with A$oka (whose
rough skin had been washed smooth by the priests) instead of his eldest son
(Susima) for his heir. During his governship of Oojein Aqoka had the children
Mahendra and Sanghamitta with the daughter of a Setthi, and after becoming