Naga die Pfauen, die den Sohn des Brahmanen*) Sanku gegen
Schlangen schützen sollten, und als sie einen Wirbelwind entsandten,
verkrochen sich die Saila genannten Thiere in Schlupflöcher
(Taranatha). Indem er Maitreja’s Gewand am Zipfel
fasste, gelangte Arjasanga in den Tuschita-Himmel**) (wie die
*) Buddha became (in the Brahminical schools on the hill near Gaya) a
pupil of Arada Kalama and afterwards of Rudraka, but seeing that upanishads
and aphorisms (whether of Kapila or Kanada etc.) were insufficient, he went off.
Madura was the eapital of the kingdom of Pandya. King Pandion sent (according
to Strabo) an ambassador to Augustus. When Buddha, as child, was brought
to the temple to pay homage, the god Lha (according to the Tibetans) descended
and worshipped, him. Two sophists are described by Aristobulus, one young
and one old both Brahmans, whom he met at Taxila. The elder was shaved,
the younger wore his hair, and both were followed by disciples. As they passed
through the streets, they were received with reverence, people pouring oil of
sesamum upon th em , and offering them cakes of sesamum and honey. Coming
to Alexander’s table, the elder one laid down, exposed to the sun and rain and
the younger one stood all day leaning on a staff. He, who knows the 25 principles
(of Kapila, as the knowledge, which destroys pain) whatever order of
life he may have entered, and whether he wear braided hair, a top knot only
or be shaven, he is liberated, of this there is no doubt (according to the Sankhya
Karika). After the conquest of the Kabul valley, Mophis of Taxila (Taxiles)
became an ally and led Alexander’s army against Porus (as guide to the general).
On Alexanders descent of the Indus the king of Patala (Potala) sent in his submission,
and after having made a long halt at Patala, the Macedonian army
separated there from the fleet. Before their emigration to Kapilawastu (in Rohil-
cund) the Sakyas lived at Potala (on the Indus).
**) According to the Zartusht-Namah (Life of Zoroaster) every thing was
magic in the days of Zoroaster and nothing was done without the magic art.
Even Purshasp, Zoroaster’s father, walked in their ways. When visiting God in
heaven (who showed the face of Ahriman in hell) Zoroaster received the book of
the Zand-Avasta, on the reading of which the Devas were put to flight. Of the
Amshaspand, Bahman (entrusted by god with the sheep) delivers the care of
cattle to Zoroaster, that men may not kill them, Ardebehisht the care of fire,
Sharavar the care of arms, Aspandarmad the care of the surface of the earth,
Khurdad the care of water (not to be dirtied), Amardad the care of trees, giving
subtility to the Mobed. Irawana-Belligola is the principal residence of the Jain-
Gurus. The Jains put a mark with sandal powder on the middle of their forehead
(s. Cavelly Boria). In former times, the Jains being without a Guru, to
guide them, Vrishabhanatha Tirthacar was incarnate in the terrestrial world and
reformed their errors by laws (flve sects existing, as Sanchya, Sangata, Charvaca,
Yoga and Mimansa). After the Guru had placed his son (Bhavata Chakravarti)
Rabbinen durch Moses). Als Arjasanga den ihm erschienenen
Maitreya auf den Schultern in die Stadt trug, konnte Niemand
etwas sehen. Nur eine Weinverkäuferin sah ihn einen jungen
Hund*) tragen und es erwuchs ihr daraus eine Quelle unerschöpflicher
Reichthümer. Ein Lastträger, der die Fussspitzen
gesehen, erlangte die Samadhi und gewöhnlichen Siddhi (Taranatha).
Zum Beweise der Wiedergeburt**) erhielt sich bei den
as sovereign ru ler, he appointed his disciple Ajita to instruct the people in
religion. In the succession of the pontiffs the last (24»k) was Vardhamana, at
whose time the Mandaladhisa, called Srenica Maharay in Rajagrihapur) protected
the people of the Jain-sect, as also the succeeding kings in Galyana (Boria).
*) Dans la capitale des Baetriens l’on nourrit des chiens (les enterreurs),
qui sont chargés de devorer tous ceux, qui commencent à s’affaiblir par l’âge ou
la maladie (vid. Strabo). Die Hyrcanier nährten Hunde (nach Cicero), um von
ihnen nach dem Tode gefressen zu werden. Die Inguschen schwören am heiligen
Fels beim Hundedreck, mit Knochen gemischt. Sepultura vulgo aut avium aut
canum laniatus est. Nuda demum ossa terrae obruunt, (Justin) von den Parthern.
Touchi-Khan (fils de Tschingiskhan) subjugea les peuples turcs. Au delà du
Khorasan est le Kandahar, où régnent les Afghans. Leur roi s’appelle Gaman-
chât (s. Potocki), d’après les Arméniens, les Afghans sont un peuple arménien
et sorti des plaines de Mouckkour. Les Hindous (de Mouitan) à Astrahhan
adorent Vishnu sous la figure de Salagrama (Potocki). Quand le Bogdo-lama
et son clergé commencèrent à conférer ses dignités ecclesiastiques à des femmes
il s’y forma un schism violent qui occasionna des guerres sanglantes, et finit par
la nomination du Dalai-Lama a Hlassa (s. Potocki). Les habitants turcmans de
Somkethi sont nomades. No man is allowed to marry a woman of the same
surname with himself (according to the laws of Jyeyas) in Japan.
**) According to the Nyaya-system the distinet sorts of body are ungenerated
(as gods or demigods) uterine or viviparous, oviparous, engendered in filth, (as
worms, maggots etc.) vegetative or germinating. By the beings in the four
arupa-worlds no merit can be acquired, as they cannot see Buddha nor hear his
discourses. Magha-manawaka, who (on having kept the obligations) could not
(being falsely accused) be killed by the king (who then rewarded him), was afterwards
born as Sekra. The word sila is the same as sisan the head, because
sila is the head or principal method, by which merit is to be obtained. People
with a black tongue cannot be harmed by snakes (according to the Siamese).
According to the Wisudhi-margya-samé it is better to have a red hot piece of
iron run through the eye, than to allow it to wander. Neither the Asurs nor
the dwellers in the Wasawartti-dewa-loka can enter the paths. Atque haec est
ilia vox (Nirwana), quam etsi extinctionem significet, melius utique reddas in
uuum coalescere, quam ad nihilum redigi (unificatio, non annihilatio u t barbare