fükrung des Buddhismus in Japan hatte die Abdankung*) der
Mikado nach kurzer Regierung zur Folge, unter Ernennung des
to Ferishta one of its Rajahs was assisted by Afrasiab against Kaikhnsru or
Cyrus. According to Isidorus Characenus, it belonged to the Sacae or Scythians.
The name of the city of Sagala occours in the western cave inscriptions (s. Bird).
Nagardjuna’s a Buddha hierarch 43 a. d. principal disciples, according to the
Tibetans, were Arya Deva and Buddha Palita (s. Bird). According to the Tibetans
Nagasena is the author of the Madhyamika-school of Buddhism, founded on
the Prajna-Paramita (s. Hardy). According t o . the Bstau-hgynr, the Prajna Pa-
ramita was taught by Shakya and the Madhyamika-system by Nagarjuna (Nagasena),
who lived 400 years after the death of Shakya, according to his prophecy
that he would then explain his higher principles laid down in the Prajna Para-
mita. The Madhyamika system takes a middle curse between the two extremes,
either teaching a perpetual duration or a total annihilation of the soul (s. oma-
koeroesi). The Huns (Oonnoi) are called Hounk by Moses of Chorone (Yonika or
Yons). In the South of India, Nagarjuna is the author of works on alchemical
medicine and in the introduction to the almanacks of Benares he is commonly
mentioned es the institutor of a Saka or era, yet to come, the last of the Kali-age
(s. Wilson). In the Svetasvatara-Upanishad, delusion or Maga is called the
principle and the Great Lord himself, the deluded. There are five antardhauas,
declensions or disappearances, in the couise of which all knowledge of the religion
of Buddha (to last for 5000 years) will cease to exist. The first epoch (prati-
wedha) extends to the period, when the attaiment of the paths (snargga) to
nirwana will no longer be possible. The second epoch (pratipatti) extends to
the period, when the observances of the precepts by the priesthood will cease.
The third epoch (pariyapti) extends to the period, when the understanding of
Pali (the language of the Bana) will cease. The fourth epoch (linga) extends
to the period, when the reception of the priesthood will cease. The fifth epoch
(dhat extends -to the entire disappearance of the relics of Buddha.
*) According to the Chin-i-tian, the Taoszu, who greeted prince Sakya
(when fie was about assuming the religious habit), bad attained the five supernatural
faculties and completed the four contemplations (as a step towards the
holiness of Arham), but Sakya told them, that they (notwithstanding their knowledge)
had yet to learn the supreme reason. According to Klaproth the doctrine
of the Taosse (doctors of reason) was the ancient religion of Tibet, until the
introduction of orthodox Buddhism (IX. century). The monastery near the tower,
where Sakya’s body was b u rn t, contained the thrones of the four proceeding
Buddhas (according to Fahian). Of the relics, when Sakya had been burnt at
Kusinagaia (town of Kusi grass), the Brahmans of the kingdom of Phineou got
one of the eight shares. Fahian says, that it was at Yaisali (Allahabad) that a
begging priest (100 years after the death of Buddha) reduced his doctrine to
writing. They were examined the 700 ecclesiastics (dschans and other priests)
Nachfolgers (Dickson). Die Feste (in Japan) werden von den
Tempeln*) des Sineto geleitet, wogegen die Buddhisten die
Ceremonien des Todtencultus versehen. Der Titel des Taikun
(Sei Dai Shiogun) wurde als Bezähmer der Barbaren**) gegeben,
in der gegen die Ainos errichteten Markgrafschaft. Der
Erdbebengott Compera (Kapira oder Kapila) ***) schützt (in
and people afterwards built a tower on commemoration. The language of Sind
(uearer to the Moslims) is different from that of India. The inhabitants of
Mankir, the capital of the Balhara, speak the Kiriya language (from the place
Kira). On the coast (in Saimur, Subara, Tana and other towns) a language
called Lariya (Lata) is spoken, which has its name from the Larawi-sea (Masud.).
The idol of Multan (placed under a copula) has a human shape and is seated
with his legs bent in a quadrangular posture on a throne made of brick and
mortar, its hands resting upon its knees, with the. fingers closed, so that only
four can be counted (Abu Ishak) 951. The king of the country (of Mansura)
is one of the tribe of Kuraish and is -said to be a descendant of Hubad, son of
Aswad (Ibn Haukal). Kandabil is the chief city of Buddha. On the north (of
Hind) lies Kashmir, the country of th e Turks, and the mountain of Meru, which
is extremely high and stends opposite to the southern pole (Raschi dud-din).
• ) The obvenciones are one of the modes of obtaining money, which is
practised under the Roman religion. They include benedictions, masses, festivities
of Christ, of the Virgin and the Saints, processions, marriages, funerals and
souls iu purgatory,, sagt Pazos (bei Crosby) in sèinen Letters on the United
Provinces ^of South America. To retain every thing obtained by theft or fraud,
ist der Sinn der Bula de composición nach Pazos (bei Crosby) iu Siid-Amerika.
**) Les habitants de la Karélie russe descendent pour la plupart moins des
Lapons et des Finnois que des débris des anciens Biarmiens, désignés sous le
nom de Tschoudés au delà du Volga, (dans la chronique russe). Les Permiaks
s’appellent eux-mêmes (comme les Zyrianes) Komi. S’il survient quelque malheur,
les Votiaks (Oudmourte ou Ôugh-mourte) tuent une oie, un canard ou uu
veau. Us le cuisent dans nn chaudron, eù chaque assistant puisse quelques
cuillerées de bouillon, qu’il jette au feu, après quoi on consomme la viande
(s. Pauly). Le nom de Savakotes (Savako ou le singulier) provient (comme
Savolax) de Savo (en Finnois), Le nom d’Ingrie (Ingermanlande ou Ijora) provient
d’Inghegherd, fille d’Oloff Shaekkonoung, roi de Suède, qui fut mariée (1019)
an grand-duc Yaroslaw. Ausser Guandi (dem chinesichen General des IU. Jahrhdt.)
werden die auch von dem Lamaisten angebeteten Schigemuni und Bodhisattwo
als Ongone verehrt (s. Boeler).
***) Pour chasser le diable des fièvres intermittentes, le Lama docteur (dans
la Vallée des Eaux-Noirs) faisait un manneqnin, qu’il brûlait, en lisant (au son
de la musique) les livres des exorcismes et faisant tous les gens courir (avec de