in O-mi-ti-fo (erster Buddha), Sakia (Religionsstifter) und Mi-
lo-fo (der Buddha der Zukunft) verehren die Foisten die jung-
Ganges declare him for the son of the Indus (the Theban Bacchus being his disciple
and imitator, born from Meros, a mountain near Nyssa). Von Here wird
Herakles erklärt und ¡¡gcos ist (nach Curtius) verwandt mit viras (sanscrit) und
vir (lat.). Viraj (Brahma’s Sohn) ist Fürst der nördlichen Madri und Kuru, für
welche die verwandten Pandu (mit gynäkratischer Polyandrie) Kriege führten.
Apollonius from Tyana, affecting a yellowish colour in his dress, clad himself in
the Byssus of the Indians. Bound the shrine of the temple (outside the walls
of Taxila) were hung (according to Damian, who accompanied Apollonius) pictures
on copper tablets, representing the feats of Alexander and Porus. The elephants,
horses, soldiers and armour were portrayed in mosaik and the correctness of
drawing, vivacity of expression and truthfulness of perspective reminded one of the
productions of Zeuxis, Polygnotus and Euphranor (s. Philostratus) Apollonius remarked,
that colour was not necessary to a painting, and that an Indian drawn
in chalk would he known as an Indian, and black of colour, by his some what
flat nose, his crisp hair, his large jaws and wild eyes. According to Phraotes
(king of Taxila) the Brahmans especially love those, who know and speak Greek,
as akin to them in mind and disposition. Alexander’s Sophoi were the Oxy-
dracae, a free and warlike people (rather dabblers in philosophly than philosophers),
bu t the Brahman country lay between the Hyphasis and Ganges, where
invaders (as the Egyptian Hercules and Bacchus) were driven back by the
pious men with lightning and tempests. Nearing the stronghold of the Sophoi,
the cameldriver ordered the camel to kneel and leapt down. Abhimanyu
(king of Cashmir) sent for Brahmins (I cent. p. d.) to teach the Mahabhashya
(of Patangali or Pingala) in his kingdoms. Nach Strabo ward J io v va o s (Kudra,
Soma, Qiva) auf den Bergen, Hgaxlrjs (Indra, Vishnu) in der Ebene verehrt (Weber).
Megasthenes unterscheidet zwei Gattungen von Philosophen, als die 3 g a /fia va i
und die S a g fia v a i (Samanabrahamana im Siamesischen). Megasthenes rechnet die
vXoßtoi (Brahmarärin und Vansaprastha) zu den Sag/tavai. Strabo erwähnt die
I lg a /iv a i als streitsüchtige Dialektiker, während die Bgax/iavai sich besonders
mit Physiologie und Astronomie beschäftigten. Lassen erklärt die Ilg a fiv a i als
pTamana (Secte der Paramat in Birma), d. h. als Solche, die sich auf pramanam,
den logischen Beweis (nicht auf die Offenbarung) stützen. Namque vita mitio-
ribus populis Indorum multipartita degitur. Quintum genus celebratae illic et prope
in religionem versae sapientiae deditum, voluntaria semper morte vitam, accenso
prius rogo, finit (Plinius). Multarumque gentium cognomen Brachmanae quorum
Maccocalingae; flumlna Pumas et Cainas (quod in Gangem influit) ambo navega-
bilia (Plinius). Nach Ferishta pflegten in der ältesten Zeit Hindu-Pilger nach
Mekka und Aegypten zu kommen, um die dortigen Götzenbilder zu verehren
(wie die Sepoys). There were impressions of beard and faces on the hills of the
Sophoi (served by boys, consulted by the king) whose mind was by egyptian
travellers ill disposed against the Greek). The Sophoi, who wear long hair and
frauliche Göttin des Erbarmens (Kouan-yin), Tamo (den Apostel
Chinas), Ti-tsang (den Höllengott) und die Louo-han oder 18
Hauptschüler (s. de Courcy).*) Buddha wird Suvarthasiddha
a white mitre worship fire (obtained from the sun’s rays) in their stronghold
(the navel of India) and walk the air (s. Philostrat.). According to Bar-
desanes the newly elected Samanaeans were shaved. Jarchas was former y
Ganges, king of the Indian people, of whom the Ethiopians, then Indians, formed
a part. After having murdered him, the Ethiopians were driven out to settle in
Afrika (s. Philostratus). The sages of the Sophoi nodded from their seats to
receive the king, who entered with outstretched hands. According to the Sop 01,
the world was composed of five elements. Those, who are very quick of ear
heard sometimes the swans, singing themselves to death. Jarchas prophesied,
that Apollonius would even during his life attain the honours of divinity. The In dian
ambassador to Augustus, who burned himself (at the leight of his prosperity)
in Athens, had written Zarmanos Chegan (Qarmana Karja or teacher of the
Qramans) of Bargosa on his tomb (s. Nicolaus Damascenus). According to Dio
Chrysost., the grief of Priam, the wailing of Hecuba and Andromeda and the
courage of Achill and Hector were known in India. Die Kirche bei Kish so
vom Apostel Thomas (Tamassa) oder Foma (bei den Tscherkessen) gebaut sein
(s. Kolenati).
*) Vajradhara (Adhibuddha) is called he, who has the soul of a diamond
(Vajrasattva). Each Buddha when preaching the law to men, manifests himself
at the same time in the three worlds. In the world of desires, be appears in human
shape, in world of forms, he manifests himself in the sublime form of Dhyaui
Buddha. In the highest world (of the in corporeal beings) he has neither shape
nor name. The Dhyani Buddhas create from themselves by Dhyaua (abstract meditation)
an equally celestial son (Dhyani Bodhisattwa), who after the death of a
Manushi Buddha is charged with the continuance of the work undertaken by the
departed Buddha, till the next epoch of religion begins, when again a subsequent
Manuschi Buddha appears. The Dhyani Buddha of Sakiamuni is Amitabba (Od-
pa«-med in Tibet), his Dhyaui Bodhisattwa is Avalokitesvara or Padmapam (Chen-
resi in Tibetan). Unt'er den fahrenden Schülern (im XV. Jahrhdt.) waren die
Bacchanten die Gesellen (Gehülfen des Rectors oder Schulmeisters), von denen
jeder einen oder einige Schützen (Lehrjungen) hatte, die er auf seinen Wanderungen
vor sich her trieb (s. Heppe). Of the unlimited number, the five Buddha, of
the actual period (four of whom have already appeared) are particularly worshipped.
To the Dhyani Buddhens of these five Manushi Buddhas is added as
a nexth (and highest in rank) Vajrasattwa. Manjusri (Jamjang in Tibetan), whose
Sakti is Sarawati (Ngagi Shasno) is called the ruler of the year, the first day
being consecrated to him. Padma Sambhava conquered (by magical powers) the
demon, who opposed his entrance into Tibet. The first monastery of Buddhists was