Die Communicationen Chinas mit den westlichen*) Reichen
wurden häufiger seit der Zeit des Kaisers Wuti. Früher belief
dem Tage nicht gefegten) Ort der (gemessenen) Leiche (bei den Albanesen) setzt
sich dreimal ein Angehöriger (s. Hahn). Als die Gemahlin des Lusan-Chan
starb (1669), musste er (nach der Landessitte) sein Hoflager wechseln (s. Gret-
schanin). In der Felshöhle von Kemtschik (mit Steinsculpturen) fanden sich
Schriftrollen (Messerschmidt). La ressemblance du mot Gaesatae (mercenaire,
portant le gais [Lanzeuknechte]) avec le mot grec (ou plutôt persan) Gaza (trésor),
donna lien chez les Grecs à une etymologic, transformant Gaesatae en Gazitae
et Gazetae, qu’ils traduisaient par Chrysophori, qui portent ou emportentwl’or
(s. Thierry). In Brasilien hängt die Wittwe ihre Hängematte fiber das Grab des
Bestatteten, um über ihn zu wachen (Schultz). Man is from men to lead, because
man leads and governs all other animals (Becan). Gleich der Merminne
(merfrouwe or merwip) gab es eine waltminne oder lamia in wildaz wip oder
menni zu man homo oder zu den altn man (virgo) gehörig (s. Grimm). Den
Namen Semljanoi-strug hat der Kurgan bei Kasimof (an der Oka) von seiner
Aehnlichkeit mit einem Kahn (strug), auf ein gescheitertes Räuberboot von der
Sage bezogen (Weljaininol). Die Malstätte des Spiess (bei Kappel) lag am Kreu-
zungspnnkt mehrerer Strassen (s, Landau). Die Merowinger sind die aus der
Merwe oder Maassgegend stamnftnden Könige. I Saraceni sotto i dne Museti in
nessun modo poterqno influire nelle instituzioni, nei costumi, nella leggi, nella
religione e favella dei Sardi (Martini) Wie die Baukunst stammen die Worte
Schindel oder Ziegel, Fenster, Kammer, Küche (tegula, scindula, fenestra, camera,
coquina) von den Römern (schon VIII Jahrhdt. p. d.).
*) In the 6th century the sect of Lao Tsen or the doctors of Reason,
were numerous in the regions to the West and South-West of China, as far as
India. At the time of Sakya’s advent, Ai (a Lao-Tsen or doctor of Rqason)
resided in the woods near Rajagriha. The Lao-Tseu are followers of the mystic
cross, which is met with, initial and terminal, in many descriptions of the Buddhist
caves of India and on many coins of the Buddhists. The first Buddhist Missionary
Chelifang came from India, accompanied by fellow-labourers, to spread his
principles in China. He arrived at Chensi, which had been the seat of government
of the first kings of China and from which civilization was propagated
through China. Two centuries later many Buddhists were on the frontiers of China.
In 676 p. d., Mingti, Emperor of China, sent Embassados to India for drawings
of temples and images. The Tantse, when gaining ground under the Song-
dynasty, introduced the multitude of spirits, till then unknown (in China), whom
they worshipped as deities, independent of the Supreme Being and honoured
with the name of Shang-ti. They even deified some of the ancient kings and
prayed to them. The emperor Whey-tsong (of the Song-dynasty) carried the
superstition so far, as to give the name of Shang-ti or Supreme Lord, to a doctor
of this sect, called Shang-i, who had required a great reputation under the dynasty
sich die Zahl der Fürstenthümer auf 36, aber später vergrösserte
of the Han. Fo (Fwe) lived in the kingdoms west of China, where he was at
the same time king and head of his religion. He had queens of great beanty,
of whom he made goddesses. His country was ric h , but his people weak and
unable to resist his warlike neighbours. He therefore abandoned his kingdom
and embraced a solitary life, exhorting to virtue and frightening his enemies with
the metempsychosis, as they would be changed in beasts, when attacking his
kingdom. With the assistance of his disciples he reascended the throne, addicted
to pleasures. Lautse in his old age foresaw the approaching downfal of the Chew-
dynasty. He got on the back of a black cow and bending his course westward
arrived at the entrance of a dismal valley. (This passage was guarded by an
officer named I and surnamed Hi.) - The book Ta.utse was composed by him in
the City of Chew-she. After dying, his tomb is to be seen at U. A woman in
the city of Yentse (under the Ming) finding a magical book under a rock falling
down (when going to the tomb of her son with food) practised such miracles
and prophecies, on to be called the mother of Fo. When dreadful calamities, as
a famine are at hand or a great mortality, the five elements are in confusion
and produce monsfres, but by reforming in practising virtue, these bad omens have
no effect. That which constitutes the merit of man during his life, is the Ki (the soul
or spiritual air). The Hindn-images (in stone) of a person in high ornamented
headdress and el'ephant-headed figures (at Jambi in Sumatra) are called chessmen
(buah chatoor) by the inhabitants. The young boys of the Virginians were forcibly
taken away from their parents at a festival, when the Okeus (demon) sucked
the blood from the left breast of one of them, who died, the others remaining
with their guardians iff the wood for nine months, without seeing their relations
(s. Stracbey). The Lolo-Lords are absolute masters of their subjects and have
a right to punish even with death, without waiting for the answer of the Viceroy
(of Yunnan), much less that of the court. Any one thinks his fortune made,
if he is admitted to serve in the Palace, which buildings are always Kept in
good conditions (s. du Halde). The Lords of the Myautse have not only their
officers, but have also petty Lords under them (du Halde). The Myautse of the
province of Ouangsi are originally Chinese, their ancestors having followed the
conquerors of .these countries and Toug king. The General May wen, having
marched (under the Emperor Quangoutij against the rebels in the south and the
Tongquinese, erected after their subjection, on the boundary mountain a pillar
with inscription to destroy the Tongquinese, if they should pass beyond, and the
Tongquinese therefore try to keep this pillar in constant repair, as assuring their
kingdom. According to du Halde the Bonzes in China said, that the Missionaries
tried to make converts, because there was a scarcity of people in Europe, in
order to cause after death the soul pass over to their country by the power of
charms. Fo was born from Moye, his mother (his father being In fan vang) in
that part of the Indies, which the Chinese call Shung-tyen-Sho (Chnng-tyen-cho)
His sect was introduced (65 p. d.)' by the Emperor Mingti (s. du Halde) Fo in