46th. Princess Pusponkj-Borkban, Child of the 11th
47th. Prince Manusianag-Manob, of 2nd
48th. Prince Chrorn-Roong-Rasi, of 16th
49th. Prince Swasti Prawatti, 0f 22nd
50th. Princess Sunanda-Kumariratn, of 1 7 th
5 lst. Prince Chandidhat Chudadhan, of 21st
52nd. Princess Sukhiimal-Marsri, of l i t h
53rd. Princess Nariratna, 0f 23d
54th. A miscarriage after 4 months pregnancy, of
55th. Prince Jay an u jit, 0f 6th
56th. Princess Banchop-Penchama, of 2nd
57th. Prince Worawarna-Korn, of 24th
58th. Prince Tissaworkuman, of 25th
59th. Princess Nonggran Uttomdy, of 26th
60th. Prince Srisawabhang, 0f 27th
61st. Princess Swang-Waddhana, of 17th
62nd. Prince Sonapandit, 0f 28th
63rd. Prince Chitr Chrone, of 14th
64th. Prince Vaddhnanu Wongse, of 13th
65th. Princess Kanehanakor, 0f 16th
66th. Princess Buspan Buaphan of 27th
mother born March 1st, 1860.
born April 12th, 1860.
born August 21th, 1860.
born Sept. 7th, 1860.
born Nov. 10th, 1860.
born Dec. 11th, 1860.
born May 10th, 1861.
born August 17th, 18 6 1 .
17th August 25th, 186 1 .*
born August 26th, 1861.
born Nov. 5 th, 1861.
born Nov. 20th, 1861.
born June 21st, 1862.
born Ju ly 12th, 1862.
born Ju ly 18th, 1862.
born Sept. 10th, 1862.
born April 1st, 1863.
born April 28th, 1863.
bornMay 27th, 1863.
born Ju n e 8th, 1863.
born Oct. 15th, 1863.
The Family of the second King of Siam.
His Majesty the second king of Siam has now a family of about one hundred
and twenty wives and th irty children. His wives are about equally divided between
the Siamese and Laos. These statements are made on the highest authority,
and may be relied upon as being correct. The writer has not been able
to learn (as he did the last y e ar in regard to the family of the first king) how
many wives the second king ha s had from the beginning of his manhood, nor the
names and ages of all his issue. He is now in the fifty fifth y e ar of his age ha ving
had a growing family for a period of about twenty six years without any
interruption on account of the vows of celibacy required by the Buddhist priesthood,
which arrested the enlargement of the first king’s family not far from thirty
years, after the birth of his second son. In kind condescension to the request of
the writer, he has caused to be furnished for the C alendar this year, the following
list of the names of his surviving children, stating th at thirty eight of his offspring
have died, making the whole number sixty eight.
Prince KromSmu’n-bawSrSp’ee-cheiyawt born in
the y e ar of the dog aged 26
Prince ItsSrawan, y e a r 0 f the ra t, 24
Prince WSrSrSt, year of the cow, 23
Prince P ’anbSmàt, y e ar small dragon, 19
Prince Hàtsàdin, „ „ „ 19
Prince NowwSrSt, , , , , ,, 19
Prince BSn-chang, „ „ „ 19
Prince YSbk’iSiint’awn, „ of monkey, 16
Prince Krâchâng, „ „ the cock, 15
Prince T6, „ „ „ hog, 13
Prince Ch’ïlé ’mlak, „ „ „ cow, 11
Prince NSnt’âwân, „ ,, „ „ ' 11
Prince W&t’ânawong, „ „ <, tiger, 10
Prince P ’ârômmët, „ g re at dragon, 8
Prince ChSrütinrôt-ru’ângséé, „ „ „ 8
Prince Sanân, year of the small dragon, 7
Princess DooSng prSp’a,
born in the year of the dog, aged 26
Princess Sôôdasâwau, year of the ra t, 24
Princess Raséé, year of the monkey, 16
Princess WbngchSn, year of the dog, 14
Princess Ghamro’n, „ „ „ „ 14
Princess T ’anâwmrats&méé, „ „ „ „ 1 4
Princess P ’ak-k’awSdee, - - - - - - - - -
Princess Wileisong-kSnlSya
Princess Wawra p’ak,
year of „
Princess Ch’o’t ch’om,
year great dragon,
Princess P ’ImmSsawn,
Princess PrSlomlbk,
Princess Soksang,
Princess Sawang-ong,
monkey, 4
(Aus dem Bangkok-Calender 1864.)
B e m e r k u n g . Die obige Schreibart findet sich im Bangkok-Calender befolgt,
woraus diese Liste genommen ist. Dass überhaupt keine allgemeine Gleichartigkeit
in der Rechtschreibung der einheimischen Namen einzuhalten war, liegt
in der Natur der Sache; denn da die Siamesen z B. denselben Königstitel nach
anderen G rundsätzen der Orthographie schreiben, als die Birmanen, so musste man
jedem seine Eigenthiimlichkeit lassen, um nicht charakteristische Unterscheidungen
zu zerstören. Bei europäischen Schriftstellern über Hinter-Indien finden sich neue.
Modificationen zugefügt, theils aus U nkenntniss, theils durch verkehrte Theorieen
der Erklärung. In den meisten Fällen liegt die Entstellung so auf der Hand, dass
sich die richtige Reduction beim ersten Blick ergiebt. Bei anderen würden indess
längere Erörterungen nöthig gewesen sein, um nicht hypothetische Ansichten noch