The chief surviving relatives of the reigning
Sovereigns of Siam.
Younger Brothers.
Krfim Looting t’ew'fit wSch’arin,
Krfim Lfio&ng wfingsa t’Irat-sSnit,
Krfim Mu’n t’awawn-wfir&yfit,
Krfim Mu’n Alfingkfit-kichS-preech’a,
Krfim Mu’n wfirasakda-p’isan,
Krfim Mu’n p’ooban-bfirirak,
Krfim Mu’n wfiraehSk t ’aranfifi-p’ap,
SiSmdet P’rS chow nong-yat’o’ Chfiw Fa mSha-mala.
Krfim Mu’n amaren bawdin,
Krfim Mu’n p’oomin-t’Sra-p’Skdee,
Krfim Mu’n ratch’Ssee wikrom,
Krfim Mu’n adfifin ISksSna-sfimbat,
Krfim Mu’n fifidfim ratana-rasee,
Krfim Mu’n p’oobawdee ratch’Shu’rii’-t’ei,
Krfim Mu’n p’oowSnei-nSrS-ben,
Krfim Mu’n bawSra-wich’ei-ch’an.
Krfim K’fifin nSra-nfifich’it,
Krfim Mu’n Smfira-mfintree, .
Krfim Mu’n krSsSt-sri-sSrSdet,
Krfim Mii’n mfintree rSksa, descended from the own sister of P ’rS
P ’fifit’i-ySwt-fa.
The father of the present tin g of Siam, at his decease left fifty-three surviving sons and
daughters, including his present Majesty.
List of children of the first king.
Given, and arranged by their royal father. The autography is also wholly the king’s,
agreeing as he thinks with the latest and most approved system of Romanizing Pali words. An
asterisk [*] affixed, denotes the death of the person.
1st Prince, N o b h aw o n g s e ...................................................... born March 23d, 1823.
Krfim Mvi’n mâhë-soôan-sïvSvïlàs,
2nd. Prin c e, Supratith, . . . . . born May 19th, 1824.
Krfim Mû’n Visiinunarth Nibhadhorn, deceased December 4 th. 1862.*
3rd. Princess Ying-Yawlacks, Child o fth e 2ndmother, born Jan u a ry 21st, 1852.
4th. Prince Dack Sinwatr, of 3d born Ju ly 11th, 1852.
oth. Prince Chau-Fa Somanass of 4th born August 22nd, 1852.*
6th. Princess Dacksinga, of 5th born September 18th, 1852.
7 th. Princess Somawati, of 6th born November 20th, 1852.
8 th. P rin c e s s ------— of 7 th born March 25th, 1853.*
9th. Prince Somdetch Choufa-Chulalenorn, of 8th born September 21st, 1853.
10th. Princess Sri-Bhaddhna, of 9th born Jan u a ry 29th, 1854.
11th. Prince Swetrwaraiabh, of 6th born May 6th, 1854.*
12th. Princess Prabhassorn, of 10th born May 11th, 1854.
13th. Princess Bhactra-Bimolbarn, of 2nd born October 25th, 1854.
14th. Princess Mania-Bhadhorn, of 5 th born November 22th, 1854.
15th. Prince Deeng, of U th born March 21 th, 1855.*
16th. Princess Somdetch Chaufa Chandrmondol, of 8th born April 25th, 1855.
17th Prince Krita-Bhiniharn, of 12 th born May 8th, 1855.
18th. Prince Chhalomlacks, of 13th born Ju n e 30th, 1855.*
19th. Princess Sri-Nag Sawasti, of 6th born Ju ly 16th, 1855.
20th. Prince Gagnnang Yugol, of 3d born Oct. 29th, 1855.
21st. Princess Karnikakeeu, of 14th born Dec. l l t h , 1855.
22nd. Princess -— JgHI of 15th still-born Feb. 7th, 1856.
23rd. Prince- Sukhswaste, of 5th born March 15th, 1856.
24th. Prince Dwithwuliulabh of 7 th born. March 16th, 1856.
25th. Prince Thong-Kong-Kon-Yai, of 16 th born April 26th, 1856.
26th. Prince Ksemsant Sobhugy of 2nd born August 19th, 1856.
27th. Prince Kamulam Losarn, of 6th born Nov. 3d, 1856.
28th. Prince Chaufa Chaturont-Rasmi, of 8th born Jan u a ry 14th, 1857.
29th. Prince Unnakarn, of 17th born Feb ru a ry 23d, 1857.
30th. Prince Kasem-Sri-Subhayag, of 5th born August 18th, 1857.
31st. Princess (died after 3 days,) of l l t h born Aug. 22nd, 1857.*
32nd. Princess Smor-Smay, of 15th born October 2nd, 1857.
33rd. Prince Sri-Siddhi Dhongjay, of 13th born Oct. 17th, 1857.
34th. Prince Taong-Theemthwalia-Wongse, of 16th born Oct. 18th, 1857.
35th. Princess Anong-Nobugun, of 18th born Nov. 19th, 1857.
36th. Princess Kranock-Warn-Lekha, of 9th born Dec. 23d, 1857.
37th. Prince Choombol-Samboge of 3d born Dec. 31st, 1857.
38tli. Princess Arunwati, of 19th born Jan u a ry 18th, 1858.
39th. Princess Wani-Ratane-Kania, of 20th born Jan u a ry 28th, 1858.
40th. Princess Mondarobratn, of 21th born May 5th, 1858.*
41st. Prince Kabkranockratn, of 7 th born May 10th, 1858.
42nd. Prince Devan-Uday-Wongse, of 17 th born Nov. 30th, 1858.
43rd. Princess Oraday-Debia-Kania, of 13th born Sept. 19th, 1859.
44th. Princess (died after 7 days), of 6th December 1st, 1859.*
45th. Prince ChaufaBhanurangsiSwang-Wongse, of 8th born Jan u a ry 13th, 1860.