Brischke, C. G. A. und Zaddach, Gust.
*1. Beobachtungen über die Arten der Blatt- und
Holzwespen (SGK 8 4 6 16 1862-1875 [1876]) cf. Bzo II
2457. [In 16, 23-89, Tfl. III: Nematus-(Pontania-)
* 2 . --------2. Abteilung (SGD, (2) 5, Heft 4, 1883,
201-328, 8 Tfln.).
* 3 mitgeteilt von B r i s c h k e aus Zadd
a c l i s Manuskripten (.SGK 28 1882 [1883], 127-200,
1 Tfl., 24 1883 [1884], 121-174, 1 Tfl.). R: BLE '83
188, ’84 163.
Brisout de Barnville, Henri, t 1887.
*1. Monographie du genre Gymnetron (ASE (4) 2
1862, 625-668). R: BLE ’62 420.
*2. Monographie des espèces européennes et algériennes
du genre Baridius (ibid. (4) 10 1870, 31-66 und
Brizi, U.
1. Intorno alle cause della malsania del nocciuolo
nell’ Avellinese . . . (Bullettino di Notizie agrarie, Roma
19 1897, Sem. II, 313-317). R: BJ ’97x 48, ?982 319.
*2. Sulle cause della cosidetta malsania del Corylus
Avellana (CBk2 4 1898, 147-151). R: B J ’982 456.
Brongniart, Alexandre, t 1847.
*1. Gonflements considérables causés par des
piqûres d’insects (Cynips?) sur les branches de saule
(ASE (2) 8 1845, Bull. 52)|||[Wahrscheinlich die Pilzgalle
cf. VBVB 29 1887, XXIX.].; •'
Brugnatelli, Gasparre, t 1852.
1. Confronto di varie galle di Cecidomie e del vario
modo di uscirne di questi ed altri insetti (Memorie dell’
Istit. Lombardo, 4°, Milano, 8 1852, 125-134, 1 Tfl.).
Nach Be 1 96 n 4.
2. Nota sul Gymnetron campanulae Schönh.
Costumi, (ibid. 3 1852, 411-414). Nach Be 1 96.
Bscherer, Daniel
*1. De gallis quercuum larvatis (Miscellanea...
Acad. Caes. L. G. Nat. Curios. Decuria 2, 8.1689, 73-74).
Buchenau, Franz, t 1906.
*1. Kleinere Beiträge zur Naturgeschichte der
Juncaceen (AVBr 2 1870, 365-404, 1 Tfl.). [S. 390 f.
Livia juncorum Latr.].
Buckton, G. B., | 1905.
1. Monograph of the British Aphides, edited by
the Ray Society. 4 Bde. London 1879-1883, viele Tafeln.
R: ZJ ’79 534, ’812 256, 286-289, ’832 401, 425, 428;
BJ ’79x 194, ’812 736, ’832 458; WEZ 2 311.
*2. Notes on the migration of Aphides (EMM 20
1883,110-112). R : WEZ 2 311 ; BJ ’832 460; Z J ’832 400.
*3. Notes on the occurrence in Britain of some undescribed
Aphides (TES 1886, 323-328, 4 Tfln.). R:
BC 31 79; BLE ’86 118. [Angebliche Chermes-Gallen
an Taxus S. 327 f., Tfl. 7.]
*4. Remarks on the alternation of the aerial habits
of certain gallforming Aphides (EMM (2) 2 |^ 2 7 ] 1891,
268-271). R: BLE ’91 83; BJ ’912 180.
*1. Beiträge zur Biologie einheimischer Käferarten
I (JVNN 37 1884, 70-106). R: BLE ’84 177; BJ ’842 506.
[S. 79 Ceuthorrhynchus arator an Hesperis].
Bugnion, E.
*1. Lès oeufs pédiculés du Cynips Tozae Bose. (ArG
111 = (4) 21 1906, 536-539).
V et du Synergus Reinhardi (Bull. Soc.
Vaudoise des sciences nat., Lausanne 42 n. 156 1906,
185-196, 8 Abb.). R : I 5 B . n 232; BJ ’06s 299.
Burdon, E. R.
1. The pineapple gall of the spruce [Picea excelsa],
a note of the early stages of its development (Proc. of the
Philosophical Soc., Cambridge 13 1905, 12-19; *RBAs 74
1905, 822-823). R: BJ ’053 333.
von Burgsdorff, F. A. L., t 1802.
*1. Physikal.-ökonomische Abhandlung von den
verschiedenen Knoppern, als ein Beitrag zur Naturgeschichte
der Eichen und Insekten. (SchNF 4 1783,
1-12, 2 Tfln.). »Auszug von Römer in Füessly’s Neues
Magazin f. d. Liebh. d. Entomologie, Zürich 2 1785, 89-90.
Burmeister, Herrn. Carl Conrad, f 1892.
1. Handbuch der Entomologie, Berlin. 1832-1855;
cf. Be 1 106.
Buscalioni, Luigi e Pollacci. Gino
*1. Le Antocianine e il loro significato biologico nelle
piante (Atti dell’ Istituto botan. dell’ Università di Pavia
I (2) 8 19Ö4, 135-511, 9 Tfln.). R: M 2 B. n 126; BJ ’032
412-414, 422.
Biisgen, M.
*1. Der Honigtau. Biologische Studien an Pflanzen
und Pflanzenläusen (Jenaische Zèitschr. f. Naturwissenschaft
25 1891, 339-428, 2 Tfln. »Auszug in BiC 111891,
193-200). R: NR 6 130; ZPk 1 159-161; BBC 3 23-27;
BJ ’9 1 /2 3 1 ; BLE ’91 76.
*2. Zur Biologie der Galle von Hormomyia fagi Htg.
(FnZ 4 1895, 9-18, 5 Abb.). R: BC 63 26; BJ ’95x 114;
I JF ’95 62,
*3. Noch einmal der Honigtau (Imkerschule, Leipzig
6 1896, 120-122). [Gegen B o n n i e / s. d.]
*4. Die Honigtaufrage betr. (ibid. 6 1896, 186 ; 7
1897, 14).
*5. Zur Honigtaufrage (ibid. 7 1897, 107-108).
*6. Die Lebensweise des Kiefernharzgailspinners
(Tortrix resinella L.) (AFJ 74 1898, 380-383). *Abdr. in I
NW 14 1899, 39-41. R: BJ ’982 431; JF ’98 79.
Biitschli, O.
*1. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der freilebenden Nematoden
(NALC 36 No. 5 1873,144 S., 11 Tfln.). [S. 31 ff.
Tylenchus; S. 39-41 : Tyl. Askenasyi Bütschli von ,
Hypnum cupressif., Taf. 2. Fig. 8 a-g].
du Buysson, Robert
*1. [Nanophyes. . . dans les tiges du Sedum tele-
phium] (BLE 1898, 2 5 4 )H sieh e B e d e l 1900].
Calabrese-Milani, Anna
1. Contributo alla cecidiologia della flora avellinese
(Bullettino della Soc. di Naturalisti in Napoli 16 1902,
28-82, 4 Tfln.). R: M 2 B. n 67; BC 95 155; BJ ’022 517,
’032 454; BLE ’02 299.
Galloni, S.
*1. Larve di Cécidomyia sulla Viola odorata, con
regolare fillodia dei fiori primaverile ed estivo (RIL (2) 19
1886, 220-240). R: BJ ’862 358; BLE W 89. [Der Titel,
so wie hier an 3 Stellen des Originals, S. 187, 220 u. 883,
sollte am Schlüsse wohl richtiger „primavérili ed estivi“
Camerarius, J. R., t 1721.
*1. Oratio de Quercuüm Gallis . . . (Misceli. . . .
Acad. Caes. L. C. Nat. Cur., Appendix ad Decur. 3, . 2
1695, 37-44).
Cameron, Peter
1. Note on leaf galls (ScN 1 1871-72, 266).- Nach
Bzo II 1331.
*2. Memoirs on Scottish Tenthredinidae. No. I.
Nematus gallicela (ScN 2 1873-74, 11-15, 1 Tfl.).
3. Note on the larva of Synergus (ibid. 62-63 und
161-162). Nach Bzo II 2457.
*4. Note on gallmaking saw-flies avoiding portions
of trees overhanging water (EMM 8 1872, 279; FES
1872, VI.).
5. Contributions to a knowledge of the Scotch Cyni-
pidae (Transact, of the Glasgow Soc. of Field-Natura-
lists 2 1873-74, 44-51). Nach Bzo II 2416. ..
*6. On some new or little known British Hymen-
optera (PNSG 2 1869-75 [1876], 304-324). [Enthält u. a.
S. 304-307: Salix herbácea-Galle, S. 321-323: Aulax
graminis n. sp.].
*7. Description of five new, or little known, species
of British Tenthredinidae (EMM 12 1875/76, 189-193).
[Gallen an Salix und Vaccin. vitis Idaea].
*8. Notes on British Tenthredinidae and Cynipidae
(ibid. 13 1876-77, 173-178 und 196-201).
' 9. Descriptions of three new British Saw-Flies (ibid.
14 1877-78, 155-157). R: BJ ’77 494.
*10. Observations on the study of the phytophagous
Hymenoptera (PNSG 3, Part. 2, 1877, 141-152). R:
BJ ’77 494.
*11. Notes on Clydesdale Hymenoptera (ibid.
202-207). R: BJ ’77 497.
12. Does alternation of generations or dimorphism
occur in European Cynipidae? (ScN 4 1877-78, 152-157.
»Übersetzung in EN 4 1878, 6-8). R: BJ ’77 496,
’78x 151.
13. The Fauna of Scotland; with special reference
to Clydesdale and the western district. Hymenoptera
»Part I, Glasgow, publ. by the Nat. Hist. Soc., 1878,
1-52. — Part II (TNSG 1 1886, 53-95). R: BJ ’78x 150,
’862 357; BLE ’85 209.
*14. On some new or little known British Hymenoptera
(TES 1879, P. I, 107-119). R: BJ ’79x 189.
[Nicht identisch mit der ebenso betitelten Arbeit in
PNSG, s. oben No. 6.]’
*15. Notes on Tenthredinidae and Cynipidae (EMM
16 1879-80, 220-224, 247-250, 265-267). R: BJ ’802 726.
*16. Description of a new species of Torymus from
Scotland, with notes on other british species of the
genus . . . (EMM 17 1880, 40-41). R: BJ ’802 727.
*17. Notes on the coloration and development of
insects (TES 1880 P. II, 69-79). R: BLE ’80 78; BJ ’802
724; ZJ ’802 294.
18. A Monograph of the Britisch Phytophagous
Hymenoptera. London, Ray Society Vol. 1 1882. R:
ZJ ’822 138 u. 301; WEZ 2 47. — Vol. 2 1885. R: BLE
’85 208; Z J ’852 345 ff.; BJ ’852 528. H Vol. 3 1890
cf. N N 12 378. — Vol. 4: Cynipidae and appendix, 1893
cf. N N 15 292. R: 7X 6 49. '
*19. Descriptions of new genera and species of
Hymenoptera (TES 1883, 187-197). [S. 193-194:
Nematus Bridgemanii n. sp. aus Salix-Gallen]. R: BLE
*20, Notes on Tenthredinidae (EMM 20, 1884,
265-267; 21, 26 und 80). R: BLE ’84 164.
*21. On the origin of the forms of galls (PNSG (2) 1
1883/86, 28-37). R: Z J ’852 345- 350; BLE ’84 26;
B J ’852 528.
*22. On the habits of Euura (olim Cryptocampus)
(ibid., 38-41). R: B J ’852 528; BLE ’84 164.
*23. Biological notes (ibid., 295-304). R: BC 30
238; BJ ’862 357, 360, ’872 343; BLE ’86 144, 222.
*24. Hymenopterological Notes. I. Notes on British
Cynipidae (EMM 26 [= (2) 1] 1890, 313-314). R: BLE
’90 238.
Camus, E. G.
*1. Note sur une monstruosité d’origine parasitaire