G e o r g e R .
H E R E A S OurTrufty and-well beloved 1 WilUmInnys_and o f Our City o f London, Book dlers have by th
P e t i t io n reprefented unto U s , that they have at great Charge
and Expense printed a new and eorreft Edition of a Book in*
tituled, Philofophice Natufalis Principa
Vaaco NewtonoEq, Aur. Edit;'o terM .auSa & e™ett^ ‘' l ; ^
the Term o f fourteen Years from the Date hereof, ftriiUy formatting ail uur
Subieds within Our Kingdoms and Dominions to reprint the fame, either in
the like Or in any other Volume Or Volumes whatfoever, qr to Import, Buy,
Vend Utter or Diftribute any Copies thereof reprinted beyond the Seas,
during the aforefaid term I fourteen Years, Without the Cpnfent or Ap-
W B H o f the faid William Innys and John Innys, their Heirs, Executors,
and Afiigns under their Hands and Seals firft had and obtained, as they
B anfwer ¿he contrary at their Peril: Whereof Our Comm.ffioners and
Other Officers of Our Cuftoms, the Matter Wardens ^nd Company o f Stationers
are to take Notice that due Obedience'be rendered thereunto. Given
at Our Court at St. James’ s the twenty fifth Day of March, 1726. m the
twelfth Year o f Our Reign.
By his Majefty's Command,