F o x e s:
yVapataw (der Fürst.)
Taweemin (Staclielbeere.)
Pasha - sakay.
Keewamette (der überall hin klettert.)
Appenioce (das grosse Kind.)
K aw -k a w -k e e (die Krähe) u. s. w.
8 ion x (Iledawa-Kanton.)
Wahishaw (das rothe Blatt.)
Tchataqua mani (die kleine Krähe.)
Waumunäe - tunkar (der grosse Calumet-Adler.)
Taco - coqui - pishnee (der nichts fürchtet.)
W a h - c o o - ta (der Pfeile schiesst.)
Opan - tanga (das grosse Elk.)
Chonques - kaw (das weisse Pferd.)
Tessan (die weisse Krähe.)
J ow a y s:
Wassan -nie (die Medecine-Keule.)
Mauhooskan (die weisse Wolke.)
T a h - r o h -h a (viele Hirsche.)
O to e s :
I - a f a n or Shaumanie - lassan (Prairie-Wolf.)
Mehah - him - jee (zweite Tochter.)
Kansaw - tanga (der grosse Kansa) u. s. w.
/ I
BeUage F.
Handels- und F riedens-Ve rtrag zwischen der Äme ric an-Fur-Company und dem Stamme der Blackfeet
W e send greeting to all mankind! Be it known unto all nations, that the
most ancient, most illustrious and most numerous tribes o f the red skins, lord of
the soil from the banks o f the great waters unto the tops o f the mountains, upon
which the heavens rest, have entered into solemn league and covenant, to make
preserve and cherish a firm and lasting peace, that so long as the water runs,
or grass grows, they may hail each other as brethem and smoke the calumet in
friendship and security.
On the vigil o f the feast o f St. Andrew in the year eighteen hundred and
thirty one, the powerful and distinguished nation o f Blackfeet, Piegan- andBlood-
Indians, by their ambassadors appeared at Fort
Union near the spot where the Yellow Stone-Biver unites its current with the
Missouri, and in the council-chamber o f ihe Governor Keneth Mckenzie met, the
principal chief o f all the Assiniboin-Nation, the man that holds the knife, attended
hy his chiefs o f council, le Brechu, le Borgne, the Sparrow, the Bears
A rm , la Terre qui trembe, andVEnfent de medecine oo 00 when conforming to all
ancient customs and ceremonies <-w> and observing the due mystical signs enjoined
hy the grand medecine-lodges, a ti'eaty o f peace and friendship was entered into
between the said high contracting parties, and is testified by their hands and seals
hereunto annexed, hereafter and fo r ever to live as brethern o f one large united
happy family, and may the great spirit, who whatchet over us all approve our
conduct and teach us fo love one another.
Done, executed, ratified and confirmed at Fort Union ou the day and year
first within, written in the presence o f Jas Archdale Hamilton.
H. Chardon