attingit. Peristoma angustum, concolor, fuscum, subincrassatum, vix nisi ad columellam
breviter expansiusculum, marginibus sat remofis,. extero parte supera subsinuato.“
„Long. 1.5, lat. 0.8, alt. apert. ca. 0.5 mm.“
„Hab. — Molokai (Baldwin); Kaupakalua, Maul (Baldwin).“
„Var. centralis.“
„Paulo minor et minus cylindrica, anfractus 5, caeterum typo haud dissimilis.“
„Hab. — Olaa, Hawaii (Thaanum).“
F am ilie : Helicteridae.
Genus: Tornatellina, Beek.
Tornatellina peponum, Gould, 1847.
Pupa peponum, Gould, Proc. Boston Soc., Nat. Hist., Vol. II, 1847, pag. 197.
U. St. Explor. Exped. Mollusca. 1852, Atlas 1856, PI. VII, Fig. 104 u. 104a—e.
Tornatellina peponum, Sykes, Fauna Moll. Hawaiiensis, 1900, pag. 382, No. 11.
Gould, Proc. Boston Soc. 1. c .: „Pupa peponum,.“ „Testa minuta, variabilis,
ovata, plus minusve elongata, tenuis; - lucida, nitida, fulvo-cornea, perforata; spira anfr. 6
convexis leviter striatis; apertura ovato-rotundata, postice lamellam volventem gerens; labro
simplici, ad columellam plerumque late revoluto; columella vel nuda vel lamellis transversis
i—3 instructa.“
„Long. VikSv; lat. poll."
„Hab. Sandwich Islands!; very abundant on pumpkin vinijt^|jl|. unten.
„This intcresting0 ittle shell is of somewhat doubtful genus?- It may prove tpijjbe; of
the genus ,Tornatellina or Islasmatina.H-ts very variable characters, render a decision difficult.
But it belongs to the 'old genus Pupa, where J at present place it “
Gould: Otio|§onchologi|| Boston,¡jpgi!, pag. 244: „Pupa (Tornatellina s g Leptn
naria) peponum."
S y k e s , Fauna Moll. pag. .38% Nro. 11 : i^feould has undoubtedly confused three
species under this name; which is therefore becomes nec^'sary to restrict to one of .his
forms. J propo® that it should be used for theTshell figured by him 8 Fig. 104 and
Fig. io4d; namely the islend^.ispecltt with a parietal lamina and no columellar tooth; of
this J have Hawaiian specimens,. .
The next form, that figured as Fijpg io 4 a - f | has no parietal lamina, and equally no
teeth on the columella; this has been foundcby- Mr. Perkins on Kauai, and is here named
T. eonfusa.
The third form, figured as Fig. 1041; (enlargement of mouth only) is a shell nearly
related to T . euryomphala Ancey; it is; not, J think, T. newcombi."
„Hab. Hawaii, Hilo, also Oahu (Gould).“
Baldwin, Katalog, pag. 13: „A ll the Islands;.-";-
Bem. dip-Verf.: y; Martens; gibt bei. der Neübeschreibung der Tornatellina gigax
von der Karolinen-Insel „Ruck“ in *|;Conch. liitteil., Bd. I, i 8 8 t ; pag. 9 1 9 3 auf pag. 9 ’2
bei der Zusammenstellung'der Verbreitung der Törnatellinen auch das Vorkommen auf den
Sandwich-Inseln an.
Pumpkin vinesye? Ranken der Cucurbita pepo, L. Näti-ves name „Ipu nui“ .
Familid'l; Stenogyridae.
Genus: Stenogyra, Shuttle worth.
Sub genus: Opeas, Albers.
Opeas (Bulimus) junceus, .Gould, 1847.
Bulimus junceus, Gould, Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., Vol. II, 1847, pag. 191.
„ „ „ U. St. Explor. Exped. Moll. 1852, Atlas 1856, PI. VII, Fig. 87.
Opeas junceus, Sykes, Fauna Moll. Hawaiiensis, 1900, pag. 383, No. 1.
Opeas junceus, Sykes, Proc. malac. Soc., London, 1904, pag. 112, Textfigur No. 1.
Gould, Proc. Boston Soc. 1. c .: „Bulimus junceus.1118 „Testa parva, elongato-conica,
tenuis, translúcida, dilute virens, concinne striata, vix perforata; spira ad apicem obtusa;
anfr. y, convexiuseulis, superne con-tabulatis; apertura elongato-ovata; labro simplici, ad
columellam vix reflexo.“
„Long. 8/10, lat. i/io poll.“
„Hab. Society and Sandwich Islands.“
„A delicate,^Slender shell, varying a good deal in size, and closely allied to, if not
the same as B. clavula, Quoy, B. bacterionides, D’Orb., and B. octonoides, Adams, from
the West Indies. Perhaps it is a species attached to the plantain, cocoa-nut, or some other
wide-spread tropical plant.“
Verbreitung: Hawaiian Islands (Gould), a ll the Islands (Baldwin), Katalog, pag. 17,
Oahu, Waianae Mts. (Sykes), p. 383.
Man vergleiche: Spiraxis Sandwichensis, Pfr., pag. 135—137.
Familie: Succineidae.
Genus: Succinea, Draparnaud.
Succinea caduca, Mighels, 1845.
Succinea caduca, Mighels, Proc. Boston .'Soc. Nat. Hist., Vol. II, 1845, pag. 21.
„ „ Gould, U. St. Explor. Exped. Moll. 1852, Atlas 1856, PI. II, Fig. 30.
„ „ Sykes, Fauna Moll. Hawaiiensis, 1900, pag. 385, No. 4.
M igh els , Proc. Boston Soc., 1. c .: „Succinea caduca.“ — „Shell subovate, very thin
and fragile, horn color; whorls about two and a half, the last very large; spire rather prominent;
aperture elongated-oval; lipp thin.“
„Length V 2 0 inch, breadth, V s inch.“
„Hab. Oahu.“
„Succinea caduca“ ^ ,,Testa subovata, pertenuis et fragilis; cornea; anfr. circa 2 V 2 ;
ultimus permagnus; spira subprominula; apertura elongato-ovalis; labrum tenue.“
S yk e s , Fauna Moll., 1. c .: Hab. Oahu, Waianae Mts. (Baldwin). — Molokai Mts.
(Perkins).gigLanai Mts. (Perkins). —
Zoologica. Heft 18. 20