i ■ D 3 -
the bottom of the.frame, it is much l'Ss Habib to. vibrate than any eOmifion
K K, Two Cleats, 0£ Pieces^f Wb6d>^a’cK);tPfefi§'ot ldngj .tjfeo in'mes
and an hatfbtoad, afld,Jt%o^mcKes>and a quarter thick, with an apgteto;e, ‘or
long mortife/ through' wKicntHe’ tthder ehd's''b’fxTOe^bhtt:i&H^f^wa:s are. in-
' ferted, and fet'to a proper degree of
.or fulcrum, which is occaffonalfy fhifted 'from'one* hole to the other,-' -inShe
cleats and fwords ofrthe batjten. See ,K,f Eig. y.
L, The under Rail, in the front or the loomj^isT tfvtto fg&'rane ‘krehes
long,> from-ftould^r to ,(fheshldeiyof!^tggtj^(^^foprji'nehes br$ad/ andjjwo
inches! thick. The fare-lpgs> of;th$ chairfeatr-;^^, Sec. dr-p fattened to the
uppert qdge of this Rail, as before-mentioned, *.
■ M, | r The;Cloth-beam* op-Rolles, dis. t^go, Higher rl@®g, Jignd three
- inches >and an half itt;diamet§r4. S -.-.
: .H, The Breaft-beam, is three feet four inql^s^ljortg, ^u^^qh^g -bfpad,
two inches and an^half pn the. back edge,- :and t\$q;/implies.|$®j the Jor§ escjgfe,
with'an aperture in-its front, through -which the clothris-jcpgKeyecJjctpi.th?
beam or cloth roller M.
O, The Hand-rail,, or Cap of the Batten, , is threcfcet {fq,ur inches Ijjng,
one’ inch and an ./half broad,'. and nine. iftgh.es laqrl«. apq)uar,t^rj)ithick,j -''ftitlj- ta
groiove -pn-its under, fide to receive the fkfjv; or reed,'nan4 aj^mgrtifej at each
end of it,- properly fitted to. thc.upper fquds^^of-the; h^ttenj-dwprds.
P, The Ilarnefs,; with its upper Stav.fi, IScc.y^
- Q, The Tug. lines, properly fitted't-o the pullies and. hamefs Haves. ££
R, R, Two Wooden Pullies and Pinss’wfiiq^qajry the tug1 dines of &the
harnefs,"&c.' Thefe Pullies are let into a notched^ piece 6f,WQpd, .fufipended
to an iron framp. ;;;
S, The-Iron Frame, to which, the ^o^chfdrMfec&r.p^i^.od,, with; the'
puhips :ard fufpended. The perpendipqlar, emd ,!curved{-arm^>pf the Iron
Frame;ar§jhaif an incit.fquar©,, and jthedr lender ends are, driveq, like, tejjons,
into, -the mortifes in the fide, rails of the loom. See; Fig. 3.;; j, The dimenfions
of their under ends* are one inch and a quarter broad, and three-eighths, of an .
inch thick, ‘with ; final! flioulders projecting.; over their edges, .;$tcy ■ • See
Plate III.
T, A Bobbin, or Spull, .;with j.yarng.to mend the broken threaids of the
m m m
| . A grooved • Wheel,: feven| inches in diameter,- and .one ;iinch .and ,an
half .broad on its ‘periphery ; this Wheel is fattened /fa rthe efid of ,the cloth-
beam, haying two circumvolutions of. coycL round its periphery ; <oiie end. of
^hf-jCq^is faftettedj|n*the under/gsul ..L^in the fronfcof the loouajj ^apd atitfie
other-end;,is fufpended the deadweight-Z. This -weight feryqf'tQi draw forward