0’ 4 4 - ]!
. r , t | # j j
Iftftgjt p H and m hal^bkad, -andtane'iiuch feW-eighthsnhick^ I Wk
oT a T<x»th?n©fcltercer, fixedRt* the dpindle «bopitU^e inches
frbih^s the u&dfcr'bridkfHthia |piralTTofah/ for IForcer,;there,
is a round hol#| g g § i | like' a ferfeV,| dnvem^ght-qn the fp^fcandMixed:
thhr^6%ieh M W
of tfiV Tooth; olJo re e r ,'is a-imall M i l dfcle,' handingla little,
oblique to the Ipindle, and paffi'ng’freely through 4t f * interftic*ittP t?he aljcew
t^fethSif-'^he rafck? ftlrtinfe'it foi^ard^hedengtK x>f- i®ne:tooth-ofi-ftRotoc^St
eVe^y^e^fehLtifenhgf' the-winch (E. . ■ - j • ■ -‘ li ■** ll!* ' J' J‘
T - A Wooden Levers one, foot long, two inches' andean ha^bsoady.
and t ^ in c l lJ thick, faftened^-to »the, rail b f j the fence-boa'id D, with ran
if6n',<pin/&’e y r and 'waflier-p onjith^ undeh) edgqflofro this;.d/evef, *j (atHut
tMB 4H&6fc'and -three- quartern tfroniltihemmaer"end) f€he^e{e|a'a.thin opiate
of' iro^fofcprevent the fhorb-arm.-X frofo-rwearing^hbftin^tceidgeuof the:
ikvfep/lL o tp j
■ tfflWir -AJRffll, Or-Grofs Brace, bhe.Ibotifevjen!'tii£wte§4'-lQhg,i three quartern
of,ah dfelhthieM, aridIfivqincHe&fhrQad;ifaftened xbt. theifencenhoardh
Wi'W', I ' ’Bole's^' with' whiGhfo-then 'maehinedibbouvseyed fro'mbsone
p^ce^fo Sribther:'-»1 ‘ 8 - c $ 4 ; J '* a ; 5‘ '
there- IroipArmV dr Rdferp tw.a ?nchesban'd.a’n ^adf,j|p%, half.au
inch1 broad? and a-quarter o f ah inchrthiekff this-Arm is fattened-to the fpindle(
iff thfe' famePiriariner asthefoker,, or fpiEalitooth^ h j
Y, An Iron Rack, fattened witTffcr'ews to fchpWdcr edge -off stlic Aiding:
fliaft; this Rack'is'nine indaeedlong,-two broad, aud*onejquarter ofAan irfch
thick,' with thirty-three oblique teeth onit&ottffi&e edge. g
- y?f An Iron Plate, fattened to> the'-wooded cleat on'tKbafMejof the*
tfoiigfrr-the’ fpindkC paffes through andturns-'in this Bfetey-andds'daftened-
thereto with hii iron key and wafher.
S F . I G U R E I I .. .
A , A Steel Pläte, or Knife, of a fpiral form, fet forth more particularly
in the explanation o f Fig. i. ' - • , a H
B}V . A Block, of.Wood* formed. nearly of the fame lhape as the knpe.
See the explanation Fig* i*
C, An Iron, Spindle, or ^xis, two feet two inches long, and fe^ein-
eigh.ths in diameter. . Sese Fig* f*
D, A circular Fence-board, referred to Fig. t.
. A- Winch,•with which the machine is worked; its .kdmsis twelve
inehe&and an half.
[ 45 3
F A 3 ,'rough * wherejn the^ chaff is laid to .be cut. See Fig. i .
G I W iÄ Ä .a n d « , half long. three mche. and an
d i f B a . a n d p f e i ^ W al||half H | wdghttg abont t h , ^
■ H h I ■ . « MHifli Mg upper futface-an non ftaple, by which it
m m m m m m m n H «*«-- f
w, . iS S l(an.r ddhdfelf'an inch'diameter. Fhofe pm* tra I M M H mi ^ H | i
I H ■ w W W I I H B R H f f i y 0 1
H H H H prcflid whdfi, knife | cnttmg .
1 B — l H n | B M M M M
i l W B M B I M the
? ■ HroWmBii ;,v
,yLt4lina 1 „ . m 1 M ohnl S io n feOfis^fpirp^,cutter feems
I '-I"ComTn^teV'tliat S e mvehtor is
G H Ä P .