M y'., 3.
[ *3 ]
F I G U R E VIII; 3 «
A, The Bridle Iron,. «ith its fhankâ aftdkeys. W
G ^ R E-fv. IX,
A . À jkeprefentatiqn of the .Angular, form o f , the Coulter.
I P | i -Gi HP R E X.
i | e ^ i ° n of the çur^èdjLever N, Standards M, M, Tongue L, upper End
anaunder BeamR, S. ,
„ J fe? 1 V£ec* upwar)ds( of fix years by the inventor
^mjmgdrm, n jfrgAt&faldt trho broifght a model and defcription of
his in North America, but before
I WaS « M W » as W M it, before the
tJ*em ,tp 'H e, a ciB7' o f^ i s ^ e r , , and a model of the
. |he, .Society ^ Executed by Mr William
I Ü i M E I m M W fëm m m m of Apiculture, fGr the
^ e^ S?4 ^ r b ^ ^ r | r Î H c h Mr. Gee had the thanks pf the Society
, .,,-1 8 B ‘ \ r x wm
jj| A L^Crf0 iqrt e f :^dr^{©,upS-pTifolHhree furroyr P L O U G H.
Fip.J^i. ASpe$j>p3i ,
% /T 'H E < B eamr h e igh t three inches long, from the fore end. of
A1: ^ t^ie ^eaPL i | § fti^nl4^r,.°f the tenon inferted into ;the left
,at »e^ta^eisd is four iochgt dP p j j f a ^ ' j {tro inehes
11 The left Handle mfixfeet.and SI inches long,, four inches broad,
m \ m m k m the point,
W » Thej'ight Handle, is,fix. ftet ind t#o inches long, and of the fame
% y p M P P f a are ft>pr inohes diftance
fix,-inches.ag.their Uppdr
A , A i .n T k ef t T m 4}es,; twd of them 3re inferted into the handles
i ^ t h e beam;, and ther§ther,at the bqttqm, .fix inches diftant from, theft
umipr ends. K
È E, A Wedge