E * ; :3t
The, modelk'of fhi'ps, brought in,for;’ the !yearu 7 6 2, bemgmferiqr tó^ d fe
df-tiïeïarjper years, jnehtysj of the candidates were intitl-ea tovthe premiums
offered. -
e H A -. p. .
' A Jhqff ~>Accêunt ° f P umP s> JPr ^ r te r fijt
A' Ë ■’
T5? qopfefq£pqet ©f tiK Sögi^-’s preraii^ms qffet'ed- £or Pwnip, óf
f0^:egtra<Sing’ water out of ffüpsj faqr ipodgl-s, qf ;paffii$ès £qi'
that purpose ^eEeipftMloced to thB Spfjety.; hut, ^ ^e^lfjj^aj^s had'Jfen^:
models, inftéadof Pumps, or,; Engines in their.; f^h rn^gnithde,.,' ngttjaer ~qf
them could hg admitted candidates. w
^ gg^.;trip,d9: qp- bqarft tfip
japg and the Surprize mep. of war, Êra *#9, th ey all proved ia-1
ferior to. the Chain Pump,' the candidates were pop intitJ^d ,tp the pre-
-iniam. 7
i f裏, r.^-,.'trjat wag made ©f Mr. jB^wdep’a Pufnp, »gengil the
rfiommon ^iaip pump, on board tfie Egmon-t, ifi Gepenland Dock. The
{plain pump, four inch böre, and tweqty-threeif^tieleY^.incliies', deep, w^s
:Wf}rked b y fixm eq , - who dp, fifteen minutes, barrel§>and
three gallons of watef,
Mr; Bowden’s Pump was\thirteep ipchesiht^e top. the ,hagr^lsj ’the fi^iem
Tipe.lhtimcï^^'fOih'ÊWeStyrt^hrhf deep 5 <fix men wofk-êd
this Pump misntfgi,r a<ad raifqd fig$jji^^kbmels ^d^twefitsy wight
Another trial was made on hoard the Egrpopt,, Augpft.21. , Mr. 9 qWAp(i’»’
Pump was worked,^'when the imp was heeled nineteen degrees,"five minutes.-;
when fix men, iq ©ine minutes and. five feeonds, raifed thirty-fix barrels ’.and
gallons of water with the very faqie Pump, | as. in the former trial
againft the ©bain pump.
. . ' The- Committee; came to a resolution that Mr.sBogden’^ ^ m^^afstprefer-.
' ablpSib the ghain pump, or apy other pump, or machine,- now known, of in
ufg; ■ at .fga;.and; that -Mr- '• Bowden was^. intitled to the premium o f , one
. hundredpppunds for the heft pump, . or machine, for extradting water o u t. of
. To which the Society agreed, Oftober aq, 1766..
of .May ft# 767.:: Trial .was - made- of,-thenfour -following -Pumps*-,hr Ma
cchmes,r whielx were, .examined 1 and I tried bn,b,oard.:.the ,-fhip -Peggy,: off Gtm
wndtor y«w «..•• p . - . S5®
w hbhmdrfi3Mfi7Clatk<|5s{r §4---- a. JMrhBSraithiait’s-,' ,1
“ 3ro '3 - J
l H H H i w D E H l being much inferihf’tb'
y as performed by Mr. Bowden’s, and the chain pump, „either of the candi-
„»dates rffiFSf'jfntitled-.tn 1-hp p r ^ ; „ nis, affefedi ,
; j l p f e d%i3M .^^^Pool».Pftmp mas f tried 6fa*board the Hulk ""at
M M B recommended by Mr
B G i g B B s S B i S I 'rai%dW t V * i t y ) Squired by the Society’s
advertilement. ^v ;,: y»,
Mr.; W w f S'iAP P A ;R A T \hMs-
^PP^ ^ '^ a -s- a "IhipwMght, whp/^ig freoijgptly
empioyed as a pdofi-ito condudt» fhips iiita'jfdads; Slid, harbours • **ahd^had
;A «M g f iM H e d -h a n f e l^ h i?^ a ^ ^ a ^ ^ n: favingitfi J Hyej § £ |
effedts in flups caft away on a lee fbore. , Thijs:'eniploymentvfexdt?6'd5®he' iuKeoi?
M B B H m and -iberchan-
h & ^ f c n m f f a ^ d ;as^bs^
-thamcouldiBefcdone.h^ ampmtdaiae -yfi'fi difi^r^^M^dmJ^'^e,>2byrwldte
' PPP^cation and:repeated experiments,. comjileted an Apparatus which he had
.'Contrived for that purpofe'; and after fcveral fucccfs-ful trials.of it.on fliips in-
diftrefs’ he exhibited a model of his Apparatus in the Sociefy’s-.jjreat room,
where a Committee was appointed to. examine it, and where the inventor was
veryparticufaivin explaining the- manner of:its-6pbration, which proved' to the
Tatiffadtioii pf-the ^Committee,! who [was, of opinion, vtbat the:invention was
ingenious, Ample, and feemed calculated to anfwer the end propofed; they
tlierefore refolved to recommend to the-Society, to. give Mr/Winn the Silver
iMedal of the»Society, for his ingenious method of faying the lives of failors,
' :;&c. -To.which die Soefety-agreed; March 11,: 1767,
fi N .B . Some time before Mr. Winn’s deceafe,/ he tried feveral experiments
nn the Strand, and'other piiblic ftreets, to fliew the utility of-.his Apparatus;
in efcapirtg froin houfes on.-fire. ■
m b - in