[ ‘ für © I J
P L 'A 'T * I III. ' 1 F I
^'p^^ciwevtew ojffle
‘ jF,'F,F, ' TOe^thtee RatVnet-whfielsy a la i pinions b^teF. See Fig. i.
and 3. ',
I, I, I ,- / "Three Cjiuagt-frames, &c/ otówhich A e itades .aréllaid te^e
fas#cl. ;;
V, v ; & x i^ S h rö t Pöïfs", morfr|li irii^eac-n^-pf die^fluter^alfa.oï the
twe outfi.de rar,riade-£rpnes.iB ~An iron GraWjaaïïes oc^fio-Mlly tntóugh^tue
noms fid the polls,1 to.fteafiy, and fix t | ë % W to tfie-.p^rriage-fr-ames, as| |&t
fm n in the defection oï V,lTig. ^
"W, W , W ,’ Three Ir,on R.acks, -ipierteclïnt-p thé' end, rails qf the car-
riage'-ff'amesj and raftened thereto, with • uouikeys jaim^Boits^jDafling. through
'apertures in the middle of thé Racks. .
X, X,, dtc.' A fet of Fri&ibft-roHers^, over mhich^ierioiddle cEtfriage-frame
isifirawn. :
[ Y, Y, &c^ , A fet of Wooden Studsi orMmons -fefiened to the fioqr,(pnd
pre|ê6ting tfjquarter^sf ’ &n inch above^tZ^^facer „tbeir ufqis^ tp ,,guidp
thé middle carri^re-frame^. in the,under .p ar ts ', which .are two .gfap’sxs,^?®^
channels, which paflmgJi>ofely%yerïhe bfefe^-m^^feftïed Studs, are thereby
cofiveyed, in a ftraightj direction,- from end fiS^end.
. T- 9| J r g É ^ f ^ E S ' \ G'- 5*
2l: Geometrical^ Plan 4>f ïBè Pl^ï^^^t^Gar^M^e-framei.'' Match et-mhep.U.J^^r,. - *
**$[, \ W"Erter-whoel. r .
f , F,J?«;: , .The Ratchet-’wheels, t^deflriBM' and .repreftntqd^in ,-Fig. 1,3*
aqa o.
I, I, I, Three carr^SpK®ameSj on Which'the -flocks are laid*, and fafbsn-
ed^with'iron crows aha weagësV^é be|ore?nïenti®.ned in th©»fidefgfiption o f
"Mg. 1, &c.'
' 'K, K, • Two Winchf^ |pith whicn the c^Siges are drdwnhack. ‘
V, V, &c. The fhort Polls, with nine holes in each, as fet forth, in the
defeription of Fig.v 1. add g: P~
W, W, &c. The-Iron-Racfes. ;YSee the defeription of Fig. 7, &c.
X, X, &c. Fri&ion-rqïïéfs. - See the defeription of Fig. 5, and 6.
• ' Y, Y, &c, The Studs. See Fig. 3.V-
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