half fquare-, outride, arid is[ fixed with a fquare uonhoOpand fcrews agalnft
end of the Barrel X.
0 • The Rod," whlbh actuates the' Cóndu&or, isifik ‘ mchès dótag,. and; ifialf
an .inch thick, and flatted at each hrid,- with a shölfe through the/erids for the
óetftte' piris* tö pais thfough, on which it moves.
d, The Lever, by which the Lifting-rod( of the Coridriêtör h aittuated, isf
fiiöë inches long, and fialflM inch thick, flatted' at ekch e^d, hrid in Tme middle:
its back end is fattened tö the urider part of the Bartel X With ’an iron'piri; thd
middle part is joined to"the Roabf ihe 'CöriduCTor,' arid its rdfé end'to the Rod ëf
e, The Rod, that joips the Lever to the .Crank f, is nine inches long*/ and
half aninch thick.
f, "r, The-Crank, by which the Lever oL the Condhtfof fe e^nft’èö%d tri'tlfe
Bob' : its Arms are rout ïiiëhés lohg, rind half ari inch tmCKj ’ ariq ard let at tight
angles with each other, turning on a center pin fcreWed iötö'khë' pdftio’H of thtr
Rail g, thé under énd Of which’ is fattened to the fide of a trough, that Oraivtys^
the water into the éhahnéï': the upper end of ifis faftetied totheRaif K,
g, Thé Rad, agairift which the Crank, that "cóinmünicafes With'fhe Levér
and Drift, is fixed, is two feet eleteti’ inches fóng,! '!twó irfcftèS broad,
and ap inch thick, and is fcréwêd againft thé fide of the trough, andrigafrifl tHè1
infidc of the Rail K.
h, A l f Artóf, fliat joiris flie Cfamcctö tneTfoli^ one end of it turning on a
centre pin in the upper end of the Crank, the -e t f t
Staple I. See Fig.
i, The Staple, whofe fide arms are foUt inches long • : fhëiruppêrpnds arp1
bent over the axis of the Bob, and turn^fcbfelV'thefeon: fbe fifö of mis' -Stajpê'ïsL
tö fupport the outer end of the Arm h.
k, The Axis of the Bob, •“ One ’ foot eleveri -inches long from the ffeduk?
der óf its pivötS, and thrèé fourths óf an mch Öjükre, èXceptthtöe fchrths of an
inch in length each fide the Bob, Which is filed round, ‘iecrii.'
l, The ópperend óf the Bdb, fix inches and a half long, arid threè* fqriffbs*.
of an inch fquare,: having a lead weight of about half a pound fixed drifts upper
end, with a' fcréw arid not. 1
'' m,' m,' ■ The under end 'of the Bob confifts of. two Arms, three inblies
long, and half an inch Iquare, forming an acute angle.
y n,' - '^he'Plug^fmme,'or Coufitet^balknce, by Which -“the Bób i^dlternafely..
lifted, by mëans -ëf two Arms fixed on-the axis 'öf thé Bdb, fill it paries its
center: the Fteg-fisariae1 i i diw ïbófc feveft inches lóhgj ririd:-dn: fnëïiaridl
three fourths fquare, having a number of fmall holes thrótëgh' thë’-fitted öf ity ter
receive the two pins that lift the- Bob. ■
O, O, The two curved Arms, by which the Bob is lifted : theirextrema
length is five inches,- thew extréme breadth att inch, and half an inch?'thick.,
’ 'p, . The pifton Rod Of thefaffing water, four /feët; féven inches and a
half lSrigj rind half aft ihcii fipaaréi
The pifton Rod -bf; the attending water, fix feet ïêven inches long,,
and half an inch fquare.
* rj A'-portioh of theShut, that conveys the water from'the rivulet into 'the
•upper trough.